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Posts posted by DiggaTrilla

  1. color="#00BFFF"]Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:

    My minecraft account name is DiggaTrilla12101.

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    No, I didn't attend minecon or sign up at the LOTC booth.

    How old are you?:

    I am 13 years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    I live in the U.S.A (Central Time Zone).

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I can speak English with ease. I also can speak Polish fluently.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I enjoy PVP, RPG, and faction servers. Lately, minecraft has been getting boring so I hope this server will fix my need. Besides minecraft, I like to play American football as well as flag football. Also, I spend my time with friends and family.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I will spend about 9-10 hours weekly on this server, 1-2 hours on school days and 2-3 on weekends.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    My definition of role-playing is when you create your own character, and you decide how that character looks, his personality, and what kind of person he is through his life. It's basically like stepping in someone's different shoes for a change. RolePlaying is almost like having a another life, only that you can make choices that normally you would never make in real-life. So if you are bored with your normal peaceful life , you can look forward to play a RPG and living that life when you are for example evil and show no mercy!

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Powergaming is when you role-play things that is impossible in a roleplaying way, leaving his/her opponent defenseless. For example, if I get into a fight, I cant just pull out a sword from my jacket, I would of had to put it in my jacket originally. Another example is that I can't just go inside my house, I would of had to travel there and open the door. Metagaming is knowing information that your character doesn't know. For example, if I meet a character, I can automatically know his name by ''looking over his head''. Another example is when I already have a character but make a new one. With my new character, I could know where a certain location is without exploring which is what a normal new character would of done.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect this server to be very adventurous. I imagine exploring unforgiving lands and meeting people who strive to be on top. I also expect polite players, and helpful staff! Overall, I have high expectations for this server, and have no doubt that they will be achieved.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I used to play on a server called FactionAction, I left because of the unhelpful mods and admins. I also used to play on FearPVP but also left because it was un-interesting and one of the admins teleported people into my base.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes, I have read ,understood, and agreed to the rules.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I was on YouTube when I saw a video from PertiRaids talking about your server and how good it was! I searched after that ''Lord of the Craft'' and saw more videos about your server, and it seemed really fun. After that, I was determined to join your server.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    I have voted, and my vote number is 3876-3877.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:

    My forum name for Lord of the Craft is DiggaTrilla.


    Character Name:

    Vladimir Starfine.

    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    My character was born deep in the woods in a run-down shack. His parents were named Alica and Mark. They were once very rich and respected, but they were accused of murder which they never committed. The man that lied to the court and blamed his parents was called John. Vladimir was fair skinned, and had light-brown hair. His eyes were a shade of brown, which closely resembled his hair. He had a calm and peaceful personality, and wanted to shape a world with fair chances, because he wasn't given one. Mark was tall with a large built, black hair, and green eyes. His mother was medium height with brown hair and green eyes also. Valdimir was very short and skinny, but remarkably fast. His parents have been on the run for 2 years. They changed Vladamir's last name to stop him for being accused of their false crime. His parents original last name was Karkhastfine. Vladimir lived a peaceful life with his parents. When Vladimir was 9 years old, the sheriffs caught his parents and they were both hanged. Vladimir was devastated, but knew that sorrow would do him no good. Vladimir worked as a personal housekeeper for the rich in a local town, but he struggled to get by. When he turned 18, things for Vladimir finally started turning his direction. He became widely respected for his hard-working efforts. In a short amount of time, Vladimir moved from his shack to a new and fancy house, thanks to his new high-payments. Despite all his accomplishments, he never knew true happiness because he wanted to clear his parents charges to at least restore their honor, and Vladimir didn't even know in which town his parents were charged from, but he was determined and never gave up hope. One day, he found the town his parents were charged for, it was called Greensvile. He went to court and told the judge his situation. The judge smirked at him and told him that he had no proof that this was true, Vladimir discovered that John was already long dead. In tears, Vladimir left and made a plan. It was to start out fresh and move to Asulon and make himself well know there. Asulon was a very popular providence, and if he had power there, he would have power all over the planet. Maybe the judge would only then accept him.....

    Your characters ambitions:

    To clear his parent's charges for their false crime.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    My character helps the elf in a fight because he knew that the elf would lose because he was outnumbered. He wants to make sure that it is a fair fight. He believes that everyone deserves a fair chance.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    My character politely replies that he is looking for work and is wondering if you need any help.

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information: This is my 3rd application, and I worked VERY hard on this. I also apologize if my last application wasn't exactly 48 hours ago, I really want to play on this server :rolleyes:

  2. color="#00BFFF"]Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Central Time Zone , America.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:


    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I enjoy PVP, RPG, and Faction servers. I have a hobby of playing American football and flag football. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I would be on the server 9-10 hours weekly.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    My definition of roleplaying is when you create your own character, and step into his/her shoes. You are the boss of that character and choose its persona etc. and what it does in it's lifetime.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Powergaming is when a character ''pulls out'' things that can be impossible to do in the situation. An example is that you can't just take out a gun from your pocket if it wasn't there originally. Metagaming is when you call or know someone's name when you never met them.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect it to be like a Role-Playing server like WOW or Runescape, only better and in minecraft style.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I used to play on factionaction, but I left because of abusing admins and mods, they were also unprofessional. I also used to play on fearpvp but I also left because of bad admins and mods, + hackers.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:


    How did you hear about us?:

    I heard about you guys over a video on YouTube. After that, I REALLY wanted to join!

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    Yes, I have but I don't know my #. :-(

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:

    Vladimir Korkastfine.

    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    My character was the son of two parents, named Alica and Mark. Mark left to make money since they were poor and could not afford a son. He said that he might have to resort to robbing people. One cold night, he tried robbing a man named Josh in his sleep but failed. He was caught. He only tried to keep his family alive. He was arrested a month after and sentenced to death. Alica, prayed to the gods that they could get enough money to raise Vladimir. After a month Vladimir was born, she found a job at the bakery and they finally could get by. Lightning struck twice with Vladimir and his mother passed away. She was killed by a league of assassins. With no other family, he was forced to live alone. He was 9 when his mother passed away. He spent most of his time in nature looking for food and training how to fight. He had a quiet and calm personality, and kept mostly to himself. He swore to himself to take down the band of assassins that killed his mother. In his search, he overheard in towns and pubs that many other people were being murdered. He believed that those were the same assassins he was searching for.

    Your characters ambitions:

    To avenge his mother on the league of assassins.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    He would help out his fellow elf friend without a moment's hesitation.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    He would say ''Yes, I would like to buy a antidote for spider venom, for I have been bitten by one''. (He would give a small tip to the man for he knew that he was poor.

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information: I hope to see you on the server! :lol: Also im very sorry if it wasn't exactly 48 hours since my last registration.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:

    My minecraft account name is DiggaTrilla12101.

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    How old are you?:

    I am 13 years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    My time zone is Central time zone and I live in America.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, and I am also fluent in Polish.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I enjoy RPG servers as well as Pvp and Faction servers. I also have a hobby of playing American football and flag football. I also enjoy spending time with my family as well as my friends.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I would be on 1 hour on schooldays and 2-3 on weekends. So that's about 9-10 hours a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:[/color

    My personal definition of role-playing is when you step out of the real word and put your feet into your character's shoes .You decide your character's physical appearance as well as his emotions and personalities, life's goals etc. You also choose what path he leads during his life.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Metagaming is when you address someones name in a RPG. For example, if I wanted someone's attention I would say ''Hey Jack!''. Powergaming is the exact opposite, so you dont really care about the other person's name, so you would say ''Hey you, come here!''.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect this server to be like WOW or Runescape, only better and in Minecraft style. :grin:

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I used to play on faction action. I left that server because of hackers and unprofessional admins and moderators. I also used to play on fearpvp but I also left because of hackers and the lazy admins.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes I have.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I saw a video on YouTube talking about your server. After that, I search Lord of the Craft and saw people saying that you have a really good server. After that, I really wanted to join because I was looking for a good server!

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    Yes! I have voted but I don't know how to check your vote number. Sorry! :-(

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:

    My forum account name is DiggaTrilla.


    Character Name:


    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    My character was born deep in the woods in a little cottage. He had tan skin, bright red hair, was tall, and was a little portly. He was very calm and never cried, even as a baby. His father had left him, and his mother died giving birth. He was shortly rescued by a cloaked stranger. He thought him about the ways of the Elf, about nature, and how to fight with weapons. He was the one who gave him his name. The strange man always reminded him that he would change destiny. When Vladimir turned 18, the strange man gave him a golden sword. He turned to leave, but Vladimir quickly asked him ''What is your name''? The man never replied but kept on walking. With tears, Vladimir looked upon the sword and found a message. It said ''Use this wisely''. After this, he believed that this was the sword he had to use to change destiny.

    Your characters ambitions:

    His ambitions are to find his father and the strange man, and defeat anything that gets in his way.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    He quickly pulls out his sword and begins to help his fellow elf, without a second thought.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    My character softly replies ''I am looking for medical supplies, for it looks that I have been poisoned with Spider Venom''. After paying, he gives the man a small tip, because he knew that the shop owner was very poor.

    A screenshot of your skin:

    Sadly, I dont know how to do that. I just have the original Steve skin.

    Other Information: Im sorry If I missed any other questions! I can't wait to meet you on the server!

  4. color="#00BFFF"]Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    How old are you?:

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    How did you hear about us?:

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:


    Character Name:

    What is your Race?:

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Your characters ambitions:

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    A screenshot of your skin:

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