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Bat Druid

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Posts posted by Bat Druid

  1. I'd be in the market for a new skin, if you're willing.


    I'd want a long, green or brown druidic coat or cloak with darker shades offering a pattern along the edges of the outfit. I ain't awfully annoyed by the composition of colours of patterns, so long as the coat appears at least vaguely druidic, though I would request having a pair of gloves on the skin.

  2. MC name: Alonne


    Character's name and age: Oropher Deathsbane, age unknown.


    Character’s Race: Dark Elf


    What magic/s did you learn? Druidic Communion, Control and Blight Healing


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: After being attuned by Isabella Deathsbane, Oropher learnt his magic mainly from Isabella and meticulous practicing. He was introduced to blight healing by the Frost Druid, Dain.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: The character is attuned to the power of the Aspects and is granted the ability to channel their magic. Using this power, you can control plants and you may make them grow, move or otherwise act in accordance with your wishes


    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype: Majority of Druids from Anthos or the Fringe


    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


  3. Why am I asking you this question?


    Answer to life?


    Dear lord, or Deer Lord?


    If you had to join a cult, would you join Satan's, or Dread Cthulhu's?


    Should I spam these questions to all the other AMAs?

  4. Hello, LotC I am Arzar and I’m here today to speak the idea of wait what is the title to this thread.




    No, I refuse.


    I will not jump on this bandwagon, I will not let you ask me any question, I will not. No. No. No.


    So, goobye! Goodbye, stupid thread. I’m done. Good day, have a nice life, try not to die, and so on and so forth.


    You’re still here? Okay, fine, fine, I’ll bite. But you can’t ask me anything, no, instead you can only ask my characters questions. And I don’t care if they’re living or dead, or speak in some language that nobody else knows (damnit Acorn). Here’s a quick rundown on them.


    Oropher: A very psychopathic, hateful Druid who is literally a tortured orphan. (sorry). Or, after eating a golden apple: A very curious dark elf who is oblivious to all.


    Yhl’Kirilenko Therkul: An old, pacifistic, Kharajyr blacksmith.


    Acorn Camoryn: A little Wood Elf who speaks in a tapping language.


    Ilo: A rather angry wolf.


    If I’ve forgotten any of them, go ahead and ask. Those are the main few characters, but I’m sure I have more, so if you remember their names, chances are you can ask them a question.


  5. OOC:
    Name: -- Arzar
    Skype (optional): -- arzar3
    Any suggestions for roles or different rules? -- Medium (A magical seer who can speak with the dead in the night. Townsfolk.) 

    Character Name: -- Oropher Deathsbane
    Character Race: -- Dark Elf
    Tell me a bit about the character (description, personality, whatever you feel is relevant): -- i swer to god birdy if u dont know oropher im gonna cut u


    A man with a near permanent scowl, general dislike of everything and normally a loner. He's sarcastic, pessimistic, and sometimes even psychopathic. He's tall, white haired and has heterochromia One blue eye, and one golden eye. He generally wears a cloak.

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8waJ7W3QcJc


    In his hands, he held a ball. A ball wrapped in cloth, it would appear. He sat upon stone, surrounded by vines. A bat sat next to him, staring at him, squeaking. He was still shell shocked from what had happen. His friends, family, they had attempted...to KILL HIM! Murder. Annihilation. It was unfathomable to him. He did not understand. He could not understand! Not BROKEN


    ...merely have a different form.


    He was the Bat Druid, Oropher Deathsbane. The Druid retreated to one of the dimly lit rooms about the cavernous system, the bat trailing after him through the air. He searched through a chest, taking various utensils used for art from them. Parchment, ink, brushes and quills.



    Oropher sat down within the room, surrounded by his masterwork. Upon the walls, was an intricate drawing of madness and chaos itself. Woven together through the hands of one who knew only spite and hate, the drawing was beautiful in its disgustingness. Depictions of gore, animals, nature, those he loved, and those he despised. All of it was drawn in a schizophrenic nightmare...or was it a dream? The bat fluttered out from the corner of the room, staring at Oropher as it sat down, in front of the Druid. They began to talk, as he held the cloth in his hands.


    “Must I...must I...follow this...through?”


    "Pardon my misguided thoughts, if they are so, but you do not have to do this as the result is something you have seen before, as if you've wrote it yourself, it's clear. I don't think you should do this, no, no, no, you can be helped."


    "It is far...too...late...for that..."


    "Nothing is a must."


    "Some things are."






    Oropher looked to the ball, before shuffling into a corner as the bat followed him. He stared at the cloth, saying nothing, as if waiting for something to happen. Nothing happened. Oropher took the cloth away.


    “I accept my mortality."


    Oropher took the cloth away from the object, and bit into the golden apple, and felt a feeling of unfathomable hatred, as he swallowed the fruit. He shut his eyes, beginning to doze off, into a sleep. The bat fluttered to the husk of what once contained Oropher, but was now an empty, yet alive Ker, and sat down.


    They slept.


    TLDR: Oropher ate a golden apple.

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