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Posts posted by adashingrainbow

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    I did not

    How old are you?:

    14 (15 in July)

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Central time and United states of America.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I like to think that I do, so far I haven't seen many complaints from my English teacher.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    Short, brown hair brown eyes, freckles on my face and I constantly wear about a baker's dozen bracelets on both wrists. I have a fun and (most of the time) kind personality, I value justice and honesty a great deal.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Quiet a bit. Usually I could play for, at the VERY least, 8 hours a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.: I know a good deal about forum Roleplaying, I was an avid forum Roleplayer for a while but I got out of it for reasons I'm not exactly sure of myself... As far as minecraft roleplaying goes I am a begginer, but I aim to learn. To me Roleplaying is a thing that I do to kick back and have fun, to escape the drama of my silly world and delve into the wonder of a new one.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Horrible. Annoying. Rude. Dishonest. Those are the words that describe Meta and Powergaming.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    Fun! Interesting, and adventerous. I hope to meet many new people and have awesome adventures.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have not played on any other servers.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes I have!

    How did you hear about us?:

    A friend of mine told me about it.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    Yes! I was vote #407.


    Character Name:

    Flora Laetesvirens

    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Hello. My name is Flora Laetesvirens, I have medium length brown hair that falls straight across my shoulders and my eyes are a light violet color. My skin is very fair, especially for a forest elf who hunts as much as I. I am, as a human would see, 19 years of age. I grew up as the eldest daughter of Archus and Silva Laetesvirens. Throughout my life I have been described as: independent, headstrong, stubborn, kind, and loving. My father, Archus, was a fantastic hunter. He made sure that my Mother and my 2 younger siblings (a brother and sister, twins named Actius and Papilio, in the language of the humans, Moth and Butterfly) were always well taken care of. As I grew older he started to teach me the ways of hunters, my Mother would've preffered he not but I hated being stuck at home. I longed for adventure and excitement and out in the forest hunting with my Father was the best I could get. I learned quickly, by the time I was (what humans say would be 10) I could already hit a chicken with an arrow more than twice as far as any other child my age. Then, just two years later, a horrible thing happened. A disastrous civil war broke out within my kingdom, and every eligible male was asked to join the resistance. My father, being one of them. For a while we could handle him being gone, I would hunt for us and the other families lacking Fathers and husbands would together to get through it. But alas, my caring for my family would last much longer than I would've wanted or expected, because just 6 months after he had left, my father would be killed. Captured and murdered viciously by enemy warriors. A funeral was held a few days later, only a casket was buried. His body never to be found. The one thing he had left me was his bow, and I treasured it always. I used it every day, practicing the tricks he taught me when I would go out hunting with him. Eventually, I became the best huntress in my town I was praised for my skill. Even with praise from the town, I longed to explore and see the world, fall in love and have a beautiful family of my own. So, when I reached adulthood (18 for the humans) I set out on my own, Actius and Papilio were only 3 years younger than I, so they were old enough, with the neighbors' help, to provide for my mother and themselves. I made sure of that. I traveled for nearly a year before I came to be where I am now and that is, of course, in the astounding land of Aegis, where I hope to find love, adventure, and so much more.

    Your characters ambitions:

    To find something, love and adventure are my (her) two main goals in life.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    "Hello there!" Flora shouts, catching the attention of the bandits and the Elf. "Looks like you could use a little bit of assistance." She calls, looking at her elven brother with a sympathetic glance. She reaches behind her and grabs an arrow from the leather quiver that hangs on her back. The other Elf scrambles away from the distracted bandits as Flora sets the arrow in her bow. "You can't hit both of us with one arrow" Says one of the bandits with a wicked smile. "No, I can't" and with that Flora grabs a second arrow out of the quiver, sets it into the bow, and shoots. The arrows hit their targets with a resounding "thunk", and the bandits fall over, dead. As Flora walks away the now rescued Elf calls a somewhat confused and somewhat frightened thank you.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    “Good morning sir, what a lovely shop! What have you to offer me this beautiful morn?”

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information:

    I hope to have many fun times with everyone :grin: .

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