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Posts posted by Hillsand

  1. So the halfling land is being taken for an event... That will likely not be for the whole server, and they want the race to move into other racial lands, knowing that this will completely kill the halfling race. I understand they are not that active, but taking their land seems over the top and unnecessary. Even if it is empty what harm is it doing sitting there?

  2. "Death to the Blackwood cowards, who violate the sovereignty of nations and kidnap folk from their homes!"

    After seeing the flyer Oxton wonders what the reject to the Blackwood Company must be thinking right now.

  3. OOC
    MC Name: Hillsand000
    Skype: hillsand13
    Do you have TS? If not, are you willing to get one? Got one

    [!] An old man, wearing the standard of the Golden Crow, looks upon you with dull eyes. Tapping the paper with the end of his quill,, he asked:

    “Name, boy?”: Oxton 

    “Hrmph, so be it. Where ye be from?”: Ah forest in teh lands oh Athera

    Clearing his throat, he then asked, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: Been in meh fair share oh battles en drunken brawls, ah also mine and farm ser.

    “Mhrmm.. what be yer reason for joining?”: Ah need warm food and ah bed, and teh thrill oh ah fight of course. 

    "Do ye have a profession, lad?”: Ah mine an farm.

    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”: Nay

    Once finished, the old man nodded and gave a wave of dismissal to you, beckoning the next in line to follow suit. [!]

  4. 4qGvyoL.png

    The Hollow Legion



    ~Hollow History~


    Driven by the desire for wealth and glory, they  provide their blades when the time comes. Those of the Hollow Legion come to arms with their brethren when blood rains thick from the skies and battles rage forthcoming to BlackHallows. The Legion arose from the heart of the forest a beaten and mangled group of men forced into the deep wilds trained in the arts of void magics, and the way of the blade. They empower eachother through their blood curling battle cries, echoing out through the silent dim flickering lights of the sun above piercing the faint darkness.

    They reside in the small town of BlackHallows located on the edge of the dark forest they call home. Their hearts beat as one, they trust no others but their brethren. Called together under their leader Tyon Deadwood, there is not much known of this man, other than his infamous history as a warrior, and ruthless combatant. Garyion Deadwood, one of Tyon’s brothers, has worked alongside him in many endeavors, and is known to be one of most loyal members to their family. Arkivemer is the third of the brothers, and known to practice magical activities.

    Loyalty, trust, and respect are honored more highly above anything else in this legion. Rather than traditional ranks showing power within the brothers, respect is earned through actions, loyalty, and proving yourself. Those within the legion are not forced to take commands from those who may seem “above” them, but rather, listen to those they respect and follow those who seem fit. All decisions made within the legion are made as a whole. No-one in the brotherhood will have their word stripped from them, as the legion fights as one. All within the legion are equal in their own right, and all will fight for each other. Betrayal is the greatest crime among these men, forever will you be tainted and hated, the curses upon not only you but descending to your children’s children forever will your persecution continue for there is no sympathy given to traitors. Traitors will be considered damned by the legion, with absolutely nothing being able to right yourself.


    ~Hollow Hierarchy~


    OMEGA: Those who are accepted as brothers within the Hollow Legion will be granted the title of Omega. Omega brothers are those who are fresh to the legion, and may not fully understand the operations of the group. Omegas may be assigned to follow under Alphas, or Sentinels. These men will be respected as equals to others, but known that they are new, and have much to learn. Omegas must prove themselves through their actions.


    VERACIUM: Veracium, or “The Trusted” are members who have proven themselves to be respectable members, and will carry out tasks with their brothers. This title is given to those who have shown their ability and determination to work as warriors, and alongside other members as a valuable team member.

    SENTINEL:  The title of Sentinel is given to those who have proven themselves time and time again. Sentinels are among the highest respected brothers of the legion. The men bestowed with this title possess the ability to not only carry out tasks, but also lead others effectively, and act as ambassadors to potential clients.


    ~Laws Of the Hollow Legion~

    Law One: Do not betray the Legion or you will face unending fury.


    Law Two: You do not kill or steal from a brother of the Legion, even if they have wronged you, any problem with a fellow brother must be taken to a Dominus.


    Law Three: Respect your brothers and respect will be given to you. All brothers are together, and none shall harass another.





    Tyon DeadWood

    Arkivemer DeadWood

    Garyion DeadWood



    Marius DeadWood

    George Windfield






    Chow Heartstone

    Arkaine Heartstone


    Odan Heartstone

    Lirik Hearstone


    ~Application Format~


    MC Name:

    IC Name:


    Past Groups:

    Do you have Teamspeak:

    Do you have Skype:

  5. I have been rather inactive lately due to school and just playing other things with friends and I always would come here to check up on my stuff but today I found something that finally put me off edge I suppose you could say. I know after this post I will most likely be banned but here it goes. Today I found that every item I have worked for on this server was deleted by the Gm husky and everyone in my crew was banned from the server except me.. They were banned fro duping. Now my crew is a 6 man crew who has been on this map from the start so you can imagine we had a lot and it took time to get all the things we had. We also had a chest full of diamond armor sets, we had obtained these by going into the village oakenvale, the village was owned by Iboaz and there we saw villagers so we traded with them. We then saw that after a few days of trading with them that many were killed, so we took a few to keep as our own. Me and my friends were banned for this in which we appealed because none of us knew trading with villagers was bannable, seeing as it is not on the rule page. We were eventually unbanned. And so we went off and made our own little secluded keep where we stored all our items, this is very recent, we did this perhaps two weeks ago. But now all my friends are banned and all my items deleted for apparently duping, although all items that were "duped" were from trading with villagers. But this was the last straw for me, this was the second time husky has banned me, or friends for something related to this. We had learned our lesson the last time and never messed with villagers again, seeing as they were also all killed. So this being banned for duping I find rather ridiculous. Especially when my friends who have never duped are targeted. Though I am angry about this I can't say it's really a big deal, the reality is, is that this is a game played for enjoyment, and I feel that by playing this I am just stressing myself out even more. I remember back when I was really young watching youtubers playing the map Ageis and I thought wow this server looked cool... Perhaps back then the server truly was as fun as it looked. I joined on the map Asulon, I was not known well but I played a dwarf and woah it was great, the teamwork the rp the war with the orcs! Now the dwarves are great friends with orcs? Things sure have changed, for the better or worse, it is a matter of perspective really. But truly in the end I think minecraft has just lost it's touch, and now it is time I do something else. So I say good bye, I know many of you don't know me, but I had fun here for a bit.


    This special section is dedicated to all my friends in Amyas and all the people I had encounters with while in Amyas:


    You guys took me in when I started getting back into this server and you guys were great! we rp'd we did a hell of a lot of building and we just had random fun like burning villages, preaching in the town square, hug stabbing people, and building a fungeon! You guys were always fun to talk to and share experiences with, and I hope some of us may stay in contact. And Altiak I think you were one of the better people on this server I truly do. Perhaps I ended things with you in not the best of ways but I feel it had to be done.


    Now for the dwarves, man you guys are cool, you guys know teamwork and rp and really I think you guys are just about having a good time. Something I wish I could have done more on this server, sadly most of our encounters were not good ones and typically ended with me being chased by both dwarves and orcs. But in the end my character made peace with you guys and played some odd game of dice.


    Now I can't finish a leaving post without adding any rp can I?


    *Tyon walks around his keep looking through each room wondering what went wrong* why had the sky gods cursed him? They took all his items,the years of building up enough to sustain himself and his brothers, just gone. But even worse they took his brothers... *He then moves his way to the balcony and stares out on the snow capped mountains around him* "Such beautiful land, that is why we came here..." *Tyon walks to his fire pit and something shiny catches his eye, his old cross of Loraine that he wore around this neck...* He picks it up and stares at it for a long moment before pocketing it. He then reignites the fire, here he would spend the last of his days, here he would grow old and die, or perhaps here he would await the return of his brothers.

  6. Tyon Deadwood sits in his new keep warming himself by the fire pit reading the last words from the book of the Creator, he takes one last look at the cover before throwing it in the fire, he then look down at the tabard he is wearing and sighs, and takes that off also throwing it in the fire. As he does this he feels as if a great weight is being lifted off his shoulder and smiles slightly. He then looks to his hand where the carved mark of the Creator lays and shakes his head... "There is no removing this mark.." He says to himself. Tyon closes his eyes and thinks back to all he has done, living his life for Amyas and the Creator always serving the Debars. Departing would not be easy but he knew it must be done, the Creator had done nothing for him except cause him troubles. Perhaps living a hard life opens up a path to a greater afterlife, he would never know. All he knew was if the Creator was real he was evil.. Perhaps the Creator is Iblees disguising as a good god, the only thing the Creator had ordered him to do was kill... What kind of god was the Creator after all? "If the Creator truly was all mighty and powerful why wouldn't he strike me down after burning that cursed book of his". Tyon then moves to his balcony and looks over the mountains, this was his home now. In this home he was his own king. Tyon thinks of Richard Debar, the man was like family to him before. He brought me in, and his son.. A good man but very young, perhaps too young. He would miss all the men in Amyas, they were great men; perhaps some would come with him. Tyon then walks down the halls unrolling all the banners, the banners of Deadhollow mountain, his new home. Yes this was his home, everyone is their own king in this place, everyone may believe any god they wish here...

  7. Tyon Deadwood would be sitting in his manor receiving the news of the fight against the Undead and thinks for a moment before calling over a courier and asking him to send a letter the a Dwarf name Fili Grandaxe, the note would read. "Me and my brothers wish to join in the fight against this Undead, I realize that we have not been on good terms but I wish to mend whatever gap he been created between us, and I hope you accept my apology for any wrongdoings I may have committed against you."


    -Tyon Deadwood

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