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Posts posted by Bism

  1. drama music:



    Everyone it was fun and all, but sadly due to the distance problems - too far away civilization. Vinr becomes an abondoned village and those who have remained til the end left it. Just a fiew, but still an optimistic company, starts traveling in an unknown direction.

    For those who will wander near the remains, here is a description:

    Breaking through the cold Northern Forests you stumble across an overgrown road. Interested about its destination you begin to march forward with it, while peeking on your left on the red light of sunset.

    After short smooth walk you come into the wooden village lit with lenient light of a young moon. You shout, but no one replies. You enter the huts but all of them are long abandoned. "The village is deserted" someone says, you turn to the voice but its only big magpie screaming from the roof. Your mind must be playing tricks on you.


    Maybe it is time to leave those left alone, you think, and starts to draw back toward the road. Magpie watches you with its bird eye, and screams last time as for a goodbye.

  2. *A friend turns to you as you both passionately drink cider gazing over the village palisade*

    Did you know? Tonight in chief's house will be held gathering of all the village folks. I've heard it is about raids... Well we will see about it anyway.

    ((All of ya people be sure that you will be present today at 20 GMT.))

  3. Good day guys, Since teh Raphael(or should I say Cormac) is back from his vacation, we finally have a families of Vinr tree.

    Our village is regioned so nobody will steal from us anymore, huzzaah!

    (everybody is added, nobodys left)


    Also tomorrow at 19 GMT we will be doing short maneuvers to train in Uamignatix formations. Try your best to be there then.

  4. I've followed the boingy's opinion, and finished the map so it won't look cheap with some half-assed burning on the edges. Also added some artwork, and a cheap empyreal, made sea to be actually seen, and... well.

    Behold! The map of Asulon:

    ...Actually just a preview - 2000x2000 little one ain't it? - THE ORIGINAL 8000x8000 IS RIGHT UNDER IT.


    The original size. For those that aren't afraid of some petty lags.


    Version with nation Borders:


  5. May I ask you how it was made? Did you draw the mountains and icons yourself? Because I really like them, reminds me of the Middle-Earth map.

    The map was drawn by hand and then scanned, so aside the names everything is handmade and then stitched together in gimp. The borders almost made me lose my mind.

    Well Native did write that the map have to be big enough for players to navigate roads. It can always be resized.

  6. Aye! As always volodai speaks with reason. It is also my decision to wait. *Chief Koriakix turns to his brother.*

    Even if we rode to war, to whose side we should come as mercenaries? All of us heard about the attack on Arethor, yet we can not say if the next attack shall follow the same pattern... Maybe it was just a deception to lure all the armies to Oren while enemy attacks other nations.

    We must be patient and ready.

    As for this *Chief gestured at the village center* Within next fiew days we shall hold a feast! See that you will be ready.

    ((The Feast will be at 6pm GMT on Wednesday, everyone be sure to show up))

  7. click me for mood

    ((following event happened in game))

    With the air cutting sound heavy timber portcullises were rised in the gatehouse. Step by step lone figure of chief Koriakix passed through the drawbridge into the village. Weary, with slightly burnt clothing he stopped before the volodai and gestured in triumph:

    "Long have I hunted the manlike-demons. Many have I slayed! But just before the daybreak my wish came true and the unclean summoned the greater demon! He summoned it for me to defeat!"

    Wit looked at Koriakix. For chief was there to witness how old volodai arrows took one of these white demons from the sky. Meantime around the two of them gathered a small crowd of Celtavs.

    "The white abomination, "Koriakix continued. "soaring through the sky threw fireballs dawn trying to injure me. Puny attempts! Yet my skills with the bow were not enough to hurt the demon... Angered at the coward who flied away and away from me, I grabbed my bow and sent its next fireball directly at it! And the demon exploded, while screaming in agony."

    Koriakix looked around proudly.

    "As for you young Celtavs warriors!" He adressed the crowd. "It is time for you also to prove your worth as a men! Hunt them and strike them down! Naleei gave you in her generosity a worthy prey!" Almost finished, he turned to his house. "And remember to prepare for the soon to be feast! The time is high for it."

    He slowly started to walk towards the center of village.

  8. I would say you could be responsible for the wood in the village. Everyone gathers the wood in slavic and celts culture, yet we need someone to see that there will be always enough. You could have a freedom to choose a family then. :mrgreen:

  9. There you all are, walking around the village and minding your own business. Dawn has just ended and morning comes. As you finish feedig the chickens, running around you in disorder, you begin to hear barely audible noises from outside the palisade. Someone is coming!

    And... ohgods..! He is singing cheerfully! And that singing is just...You can't believe you thought the other day that daws are the worst to listen...

    As the noise seems to grow lauder, you recognize the popular celtavs song:

    " and... In the farest mountain caves!

    In the tunnels, vaults and dens.

    Below deepest underlakes.

    Gold and diamond Tresurer makes!"

    You rush with a fiew other celtavs to the gate. And there he is, coming out of the forest! The chief! The chief has finally returned.

    You hear the chains moving, and see the gates starting to move. Above your head Uamignatix leans out of the towergate looking down.

    "Fame to the Gods!" Someone is shouting your people's traditional greeting.

    Chief notices the welcoming party. Smile widens on his face as he returns the greeting:

    "Fame to the gods, friends!

    With the relief of someone who has returned home, Koriakix steps on the bascule bridge walking towards everyone.

  10. Bism, the artistry and detail in that map is absolutely.. eye watering

    Truly incredible work!

    as mentioned before however - we will be extending this map-making to 8/20/2012

    If this is too much, or not enough time - please let me know!

    Great work so far, cartographers

    First map has been updated, I don't need more time cause I'm done. Sorry for confusion, both pictures were made in the same time. The updating lag happened because of me unplanned nap :-P.


    Thanks for good feedback guys!

  11. Damnation! Files were too big. I am late half hour with that map of mine...

    Regardless: Me map that caused dozen of sleepless nights.

    First is without borders - second with.

    I have altered the map, so there is no need for these to block view.

    See: Page 5th

    Map of Asulon without nations borders.

    Burned Map without borda

    Map of Asulon with nations borders.

    Burned Map with borda


    The final stitching was done with Gimp 2.8.0, the fonts I used: Aniron, Elven Common Speak, Viking, Fanjofey, FairyDust. Drawing with help of Pentel Pen, Staedtler perm.lum. and ecco pigment (the basic ones). The leviathan eating da boat is from the old british map- just couldn't help myself... If the city is not listed on da map it doesn't mean author did it on purpose :? (only that there was nobody present at it- repeatedly).

  12. I was also staying quiet for some time... But on my defence I can say I was busy drawing the freakin map, which cost me fiew days, fiew nights, who would count? Yet do not feel sad as your chief is comin back!

    (btw. within fiew hours I will post my map on the contest thread)

    Now as for the village- and as you've noticed. Chief wasn't present for fiew quite some time traveling from one corner of the world to another. Gathering information he needed.

    I will rp the return of the chief from his long journey tomorrow, any news anybody?

  13. A list comes to Anore:

    "Greetings Ser,

    I am a celtav from north and my name is Koriakix. I am currently working on the map of Asulon for the contest organised by monk Talmb. I have seen your awesome work on the Holy Oren Empire borders, and thus would like to ask respectfully for your permission to use them on tha map I am creating.


    Chief of Vinr"

    ((of course I would make proper adnotations on the map))

  14. "Here liest the bravest story ever began,

    of most headstrong folks amongst asulon kind.

    Are they not best of Tera lasses and Yarih sons?

    Aye, we say! As land is far and ocean wide!"

    ((Hello lads, We will be using this thread for village social life. No more spamming the charter forum <_< ...

    I have to remind all of you that its fisrt purpose is to clarify our proffesions. Also we will be rebuilding village center (nobody likes me houses :unsure:) well they WERE temporary. So no hard feelings.

    Right now we have:

    Uamignatix as village Blacksmith

    Judoc as Baker/'sort of farmer'

    Wit as Cichol priest

    and me Koriakix as Chief/our very first boar hunter (I'm planning making that a tradition)

    Finn as ?

    Raphaelv2 as ?

    Elizabeth as ?

    ..and as we see there are some blank spaces, lets fill them up.))

    Something to ease up


  15. Accepted!

    I love the amount of effort put into this charter, it's really quite marvelously detailed! When I get online tomorrow, I will help you set up your charter.


    Sorry for the massive delay in doing this. The person previously handling our charters kinda went AWOL. No worries though, hopefully. If you still want to do this, then I will be more than happy to oblige.

    Thanks and lets get to it. It will be one tough work.

    - And guys I don't quite hear you and your ideas about new houses> :mellow: There is also a still alive problem with lack of grass if we want dirt roads...

  16. Looks coolio.


    Welcome aboard Elizabeth, send me your ic name and any questions you have. :smile:


    As for the most important thing: Sorry guys for my long absence in village life, have to say last fiew weeks with exams and stuff were rough and took too much of my life, never again :evil: ... Still, now I have all the free time i want and I will be definitely spending it more on the game and our little village.


    It's great to see that you guys kept thread alive, especially Grogos, gj.

    frankenstein.jpg Me today


    And for the accomodation. Here are the screenshots of the houses, make sure to pick the right one for you. Also I would like to see some rp ideas for who will live with whom (or maybe single) and your proffesions.

    Remember that it will depend only on you how the inside of your house will look (as long as it is historical that is,). :grin:





    ...now I will take my first full-time sleep for quite some time (can't remember when was a last time) see ya :mellow:


    (Ah and also check out our regular battle equipment:


    The basic element -> Chainmail, with/ or without iron helmet. And of course some sword, axe and bow.

  17. Grogos have a point. I would love to build more variety of buildings, but we are still not big enough.

    Longhouse would be really usefull. Yet I say its a thing of the viking-like village. Each and every poor nord looking village have one. Having long house would definitly make our village less original.

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