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Posts posted by Weeberlore(Seardrick)

  1. Seardrick Dieghmont, one of the present Adunians, rubs the back of his head. He had been knocked unconscious by rubble thrown as one of the great tentacles smashed into a wall during the attack. He shudders at the thought of the gargantuan creature and thinks to himself, "I've got to help defeat it."

    Seardrick, being an engineer, feels that through the careful construction of machines designed for the soul purpose of exterminating the beast, it could be defeated. He immediately begins formulating designs in his head, sketching anything he thinks may be of use. 

  2. ((Origianl lore by ~©wl~))



    During the First Ildonian Age of the Adunia, Lord Braen Elendil came to the decision that the people of the Adunia needed a new military system, once that had to be effective and structured. Braen called upon his older brother Cirimas, and asked him to do exactly this. Cirimas gathered several of his most trusted Adunian warriors, and whilst most of their identities have been lost to ages, it is known that one man was Ahrium Owl another was a member of the Loyola Clan. The men created a tradition that would last throughout the Adunia for ages to come; the Adunian Rangers of Al’Ildic. The Adunian Rangers spent centuries guarding the Province of Al’Ildic, serving under many different Ranger Captains and Adunian Lords. They served as the most elite Adunian warriors in the Great War, and continued to fight for their people until Ildon fell in the Undead Siege. The Adunian Rangers lived in Fort Arendor, which was a castle built into the base of the hill upon which the Adunian Palace stood. In recent years the Adunian Rangers have merged old members of the Phoenix Rangers and the Rangers of the Forest into their ranks. The sigil of the Adunian Rangers is a grey cloak with two swords crossed over it. The group is now known either as the Adunian Rangers or the Rangers of Al’Ildic. Few choose to call them the Adunian Rangers of Al’Ildic due to the fact that is is a mouthful to say.

    Current Day:

    The Rangers now under control of a new Adunian, Terrick Donnan, are completely reformed.

    They exist under new customs and organization, this not being hard to achieve as all of the previous Rangers under Caln McHarnish were exiled.  


    The Rangers are organized such as most militaries.

    Ranger Captain

    The Ranger Captain is the head or the organization. He is assigned by the High King and takes orders from none other than him. His rank is symbolized by a gold stripe on both his shoulders.

    Ranger Lieutenant

    The second in command of the Rangers. He manages the squads of the rangers. He reports directly to the Captain but can move up to the position in the captain’s absence. His rank is symbolized by a silver stripe on his shoulder


    The drillmaster trains the initiates that come into the rangers. He only takes direct commands from the captain unless told otherwise. His rank is symbolized by a red stripe on his shoulders. There are only four drillmasters at one time.

    Squad Captain

    The squad captain is in charge of a group of 4 men including himself. He is directly responsible for the actions of his squad. He answers to the Lieutenant and in rare cases the Captain directly. The organization within the squad is up to it’s captain. His rank is symbolized by a blue stripe down his shoulders and an added stripe to show the squad.

    Squad Member

    A squad member is under the direct control of the squad's captain. He can have a rank within the squad determined by the Captain of the squad. His rank is shown with the color of the squad as a stripe on his shoulder along with a black stripes on the inside of the others.


    The initiate is a prospect member of the Rangers. He falls under the command of the Drillmasters. His rank is symbolized by brown stripes on his shoulders.

    Special Assignments

    Any soldier, excluding initiates, can be selected to be on special assignment by the Captain. This rank is situation specific and, depending on the situation, may remove the current rank until the task is completed.


    The dress is relaxed for the rangers. Each member is  able to wear what they desire as long as the stripes signifying rank are always visible.


    ((Roster http://bit.ly/10wX0cv ))

  3. The snow crunches underfoot of a silhouetted figure, the sun setting to his back as he travels North East. He takes a deep breath then exhales, the frigid air making his breath visible as it billows from his nostrils. The gargantuan Northern border soon comes into view. As he grows ever closer to the towering wall of ice and stone he says to himself. "What have you gotten yourself into this time Terrick?" 


    The night now upon him, Terrick stops and builds himself a fire. He removes a tinderbox from his bag and collects a few small twigs. A spark is seen as he strikes the fire starters together. After a few more attempts a spark lands in the fine tinder and ignites a weak flame. Terrick quickly and carefully blows on the flame, adding the earlier collected twigs. Soon he has a sufficient fire that casts dancing shadows on the surrounding trees. Tired from his travels Terrick falls asleep next to the fire, waking often enough to feed it.


    When he wakes in the morning the fire had burned out. He gets up and looks about his camp sight. He notices a strange marking in the dirt. He moves over to it and crouches down, seeing a "T" with three slashes next to it. This was the sign Talen had said he would leave. After a moment he stands and erases the sign with a quick pass of his boot. He looks up at the massive wall and sees scars in the ice where picks had been used to climb. Terrick removes a rope from his bag along with his bow and an arrow. "I won't let you have all the fun friend."   


         Rodney kicks a pebble and watches as it skitters across the pathway. He hears a rustle in the bushes behind him and turns, smiling. The smile turns to a frown as a small rabbit hops out into view.He continues walking, head hanging, the quiet breeze rustling his hair. He moves to the lighthouse, climbing to the top slowly.As he reaches the top he looks across the flowing fields and sighs. All he sees is grown halflings going about their business not a child, a friend, in sight.   

  5. NAME:Clint


    Ship name:The Liandra

    FILE LINK:Furled Sails:Here

    Unfurled Sails:Here

    Description: She is a fine 3-deck Galleon with the main purpose of cargo transport. She can accommodate 120 crew (64 bunks, two shifts), 8 officers and the captain for a total of 129 crew when she's fully maned. The captain's cabin is very luxurious including; a king sized bed, a desk, a captains log and several other creature comforts. She comes with a locked armory that only the captain and officers have keys to. She boasts three masts with six perpendicular sails along with three sails to aid in maneuvering. When the crew finds themselves hungry they can stop in at the galley for some food and ale from the casks stored away on the ship. In the head surgeons office, crew can be patched up from battles or mishaps. Her cargo capacity is 750 tonnes, cargo going on the lowest deck. The brig houses three cells for the occasional mutinous sailor or any other people needing to be locked up tight where they won't cause any damage. Finally, she carries two anchors one on the port side the other on the starboard.

  6. I was looking at the beginning of LOTR (The Book Of Course) and I noticed, Burrows seem to have names. For example, Bilbo's burrow is called Bag's End. I don't know of any other burrow names in the book but I though it would be cool to have our burrows be called unique names. Personally it would be more fun to say "Why don' you come on over teh Brook's Descent" than "Come teh me burrow".

    Just some food for thought and something that isn't VITAL but could add some more to the RP of the Halflings.

  7. MC Name: Weeberlore

    Duty you'd like to apply for: Teraforming and Natural dungeons.

    Concepts: No drawings.

    I recently discovered I'm fairly decent at building ships.

    Halfling burrows

    Serene areas

    Large/giant Trees

    Other works:



    A temple I quickly built



    Probably the work I am most proud of.

    (Only sails are left to finish)



    Some more ships. SuperSodapops helped build the larger of the two.



    An arena me and SuperSodaPops made. The tower is 100% my work.

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.) Yes, I do.

  8. It would be hard to code but, I think the level cap should go up as a character ages. This could be possible by using player cards and the time one has existed.

    Another thing that would go along with this is, the more skills you know the less xp you get for the rest of the skills you try learning. This would go with real life as it is harder to learn new things as you age and are use to certain things.

  9. -CreatedChaos' Lord of the Craft Application-

    Out of character.

    Minecraft account name:

    That is confidential information. No, just kidding, it is Weeberlore.

    How old are you?:

    Currently I am fifteen and the driving license days come along in December.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    I live in the United States ,and I belong to the Mountain Standard Time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/ good grammar?:

    I’d hope so, I mean I’m in an Honors English Class.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I’m currently in my freshmen year. I enjoy creating things and used to build some pretty fun creations with legos back in the day. I received an Xbox for Christmas when I was about seven years old and have loved video games ever since.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I can be on more than 20 hours a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Roleplaying is being someone else. When you roleplay you take the reigns of a character’s life, and go through their triumphs and defeats; you basically take on a new person’s life, making the choices that they would make and doing the actions that they would do.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I haven’t ever role-played on Minecraft before. Sometimes me and my friend roleplay over texting, which is pretty great. I have played single player RPGs such as Fallout and Mass Effect and I can’t get enough of them.

    In your own Words, define what the act of meta-Gaming is:

    Meta gaming is taking information from outside of the world or realm you are playing in (Real-life), and implementing it into the realm or world you are roleplaying in (Asulon). Reading on the forums about a battle that is going to happen, and then going and participating in that battle is an example of meta-gaming.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is:

    Power gaming is when you or another player does an action that doesn’t give the player that the action is being done to a chance to counter or reply. A prime example of this would be a player saying, “Faer sneaks up behind the Inn Keeper, cuts his purse, takes all of his coins, and silently slips away.” Power gaming is no fun for anyone that isn’t the power-gamer and in my opinion, should be frowned upon.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect this server to be another world to interact in. Not just some run of the mill “cut down some trees and build a house” type of world, but a world where you can get lost in your imagination having fun building a kingdom or slaying a wild beast. I expect this server to have superb play-ability and immense opportunities for creativity.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    This will actually be my first time playing a Minecraft RPG, aside from just playing survival with a couple of my friends.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I have read the rules and I agree fully with them in every aspect.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    Where is the Bible, because I promise!

    How did you hear about us?:

    A good friend of mine (SuperSodaPops) that owns Minecraft told me about the server and even showed me this site.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Wich vote number where you?:

    My vote number was 1,809. on Minestatus.net. I also voted for Lord of the Craft on Planetminecraft.com. I gave a diamond and favorited on PMC.

    In Character

    Character Name:

    Khale Mortain

    What Race are you?:

    Human (the appearance of a Breton from Skyrim).

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):


    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    ~The following is a historical document from the hands of Khale Mortain, of House Mortain.~

    I was too young to remember the migration to Asulon. My parents told me that the Undead attacked the realm of Aegis, which left our family in ruins. Me, my father, my mother, and my unborn brother were the only individuals left alive in the Mortain lineage. After the migration to Asulon, we moved to the nation of Salvus under the rule of the Pereas.

    When I was two years old, my brother was born and given the name Galyn. (RP-ed by user SuperSodaPops) My father, being a wealthy merchant, sent us both to go for schooling when the time arrived; the age of ten years old. Galyn was eight years old at the time. I took up the practice of archery, while Galyn focused on swordplay. Honing my skill, I became one of the top marksmen of my class, being proficient with the bow and arrow. I was also somewhat capable in the hand to hand category, due to constant sparring and wrestling with Galyn. When I was 16 years old, I graduated at the top of my class with outstanding marks.

    Afterwards, I proceeded with my life, moving away from my parents and my brother. I continued practicing archery daily, not letting my skill lessen. Years passed and I lived doing odd jobs.

    Soon after my twenty-fifth birthday, the queen of Salvus, Queen Dawn Pereas, was assassinated. I returned to my family and mourned the loss of our leader, for my parents were strong supporters of her leadership. The story will continue from here, following the adventures of me and Galyn on our quest to bring honor to our family.

    Many tell me I have a “killer smile”. In reality this is somewhat true, because I smile when I am about to release one of my nocked arrows. I enjoy a good challenge, but am afraid of being outdone by another. I am protective of my younger sibling, Galyn, but that has never stopped me from having a good ol’ fist fight with him. I come across to some as arrogant, but mainly people don’t mind my company.

    My eyes, according to my mother, are “as blue as the ocean.” My reddish-brown hair is short cut, not passing my ears. I stand at five feet eleven inches and weigh in at 150 pounds. My parents tried to get me to eat more when I was young but were unsuccessful, resulting in my thinness. I have strong arms due to my skill with a bow and am quick on my feet, learning that being caught by a heavier opponent could result badly.


    I want to bring honor to my family and make an name for my self and brother, Gayln. I also want to become one of the best archers in the realm.

    Additional information:

    Galyn is currently being roleplayed by SuperSodaPops. ((If there is any confusion about this account already possibly being whitlelisted please contact me.))




    (Note: I changed the order of the open response questions so I could link them in a unique way.)

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    I ventured forth from the cloud temple when I happened upon some warriors and a halfling. I would have continued onward had the armed men not raised their voices at the little man. I slowed and listened, hearing “Alright, shrimp, we’ll leave you alone if you give us all of your minas!” I then stopped and turned towards the three men saying, “Is there a problem here?”. The warriors then peered up and one said, “Move along peasant this is none of your business.” To this I replied, “I don’t believe it is your business either, harassing this gentleman here.”

    The warriors, then seeming to forget about the halfling, started approaching me. I put my hand behind my back and grasped my bow. As the men were about to reach me one laughed and said, “Haha! It’s good to see someone who cares these days.” He then stuck out his hand. I then released my bow, confused, and shook his hand. “We are looking for men to join our league of justice and you seem to fit the bill.” Stunned I said I would consider it and asked where I could meet them in a week. Afterwards I continued on my way.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?

    Laughing at my good fortune and at the possibility of my death from the encounter with the men and halfling, I walked out towards the wilds. I followed a path for several hours when I realized how late it was. I stopped and began setting up camp when I saw a small nearly indiscernible footpath. Curious I stood up and followed the overgrown path for a short time.

    About to turn around thinking there was nothing ahead I noticed an old run down hut. Wondering what could be inside I closed in towards it. As I approached I saw the door laying on the ground. Attached to the door with a small dagger and very weathered note that read “To any travelers who happen upon my home, I have most likely died.” I peered inside and saw a skeleton covered in dust laying on a collapsed bed. I continued reading “ In my chest are are the only possessions I had left. Some iron ingots, which I planned on trading for food, and a golden sword given to me by my brother who was a blacksmith. They are yours now. Take them and do with them whatever you please.” I turned my gaze to the other side of the hut and saw a chest. Looking inside I find what the note listed, three iron bars and a golden sword.

    I take the items after digging a grave for the skeleton and burying it. I returned to my camp and settled in for the night.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    After my finding the hut I continued on my journey. Getting lost and wandering for days my supplies began to run low and my stomach grumbled. I was about to collapse when a laugh rang out to my right. I stumbled in the direction the laugh came from and saw shadows dancing on the tree tops indicating a fire. Another laugh sounded and I broke through the underbrush, squinting as the bright fire blazed in front of me. The laughing stopped and when my eyes adjusted I saw several men staring at me. “How are ye’?” A man to my left said. I collapsed to one knee and barely uttered “food” before I blacked out.

    I awoke to the chill of water being splashed on my face and a gruff saying “come on lad, come too.” I quickly sat up and almost instantly regretted the action, becoming lightheaded. I bent over and threw up what very little content there was in my stomach. “Here ye are.” The gruff voice said as a hand pushed a loaf of bread into my mine. I ate not saying anything. After I finished the bread I felt much more myself. I then said “Thank you, if you wouldn’t mind I would like to stay here for the night.” All the men agreed I could. I then rolled out my bed and fell asleep.

    When I awoke in the morning the men were packing and appeared ready to leave. I retrieved the iron bars and golden sword from my pack and gave them to the men as payment for their help. I then left them following the path to Alras.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    After leaving the traders I came to Alras. Wandering the city I found the marketplace. As I browse the shops and their various wares I come to a stand and a man says “Ello there, what can I do for you today?” I responded saying, “I have no minas to buy any of your strange items with.” Suddenly a hand slaps me on the back and a familiar voice says, “Hehay! How is my friend from the cloud temple?”

    I turn and see one of the warriors that was pretending to harass the halfling. I reply happily saying, “I’m fairly well although I almost died on my way here.” I then gave a brief summary to my friend of the happenings between the Cloud temple and here. “Well I’m glad ye made it.” He said as I finished my tale. “See anything you like?” He asked as we browsed the curiosities of the merchants stall. I picked up a glistening golden apple and asked how much it cost. The merchant said it was 100 minas and I began to set it down in it’s original place.”No no!” Said my friend who then paid for the apple. I was about to object when he said it was no trouble. He then began talking about an encampment of bandits.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    “These bandits have been harassing this town for some time now.” Said my friend. “The town guard is asking for volunteers and we have decided this would be a perfect initiation for you to be in our league. So what do you say?” I weigh the pros and cons in my head for a moment and then agree to help.”Great! Lets go get you signed up.” I follow him to the town square where there is a short line of men. I join the line and soon I am at the front. A short man asks for my name and I give it to him saying “Khale Mortain.” He then asks what form of combat I will use and I tell him archery.

    As I leave the line I see my friend who has joined with the other warrior and the halfling from the Cloud temple. I approach them and say “I’m signed up and ready to go.” They all give me a pat on the back and we find an inn with four vacant rooms. We board for the night and in the morning gear up for the action.

  10. Direct quote from Slothking Danny "I give permission for reposting after 3 hours."

    Lord of the Craft Application

    Out of character.

    Minecraft account name: That is confidential information. No just kidding it is Weeberlore.

    How old are you?: Currently I am fifteen and the driving license days come along in Decembe

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: I live in the United States and am on Mountain Standard Time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/ good grammar?: I’d hope so, I mean I’m in an Honors English Class.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I’m currently in my freshmen year. I enjoy creating things and used to build some pretty epic things with legos back in the day. I received an Xbox for Christmas when I was about seven and have loved video games ever since.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I can be on more than 20 hours a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: Roleplaying is being someone else. When you roleplay you take the reins of someone else’s life and go through triumphs and defeats as them

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I haven’t really roll played on minecraft before. I have played single player RPGs such as Fallout and Mass Effect and I couldn’t get enough.

    In your own Words, define what the act of meta-Gaming is: Meta gaming is taking information from outside of the world you are playing in and implementing it in. Reading on the forum about a battle that is going to happen and then going and participating in that battle is an example of meta-gaming.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Power gaming is when you or another player does an action that doesn’t give the player that the action is being done to a chance to counter or reply. A prime example of this would be a player saying “Faer sneaks up behind the Inn Keeper cuts his purse, taking all of his coin, and silently slips away”. Power gaming is no fun for anyone that isn’t the power-gamer and in my opinion should be frowned upon.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be another world. Not just some run of the mill cut down some trees and build a house type of world, but a world where you can get lost in your imagination having fun and building a kingdom. I expect this server to have superb playability and immense creativity.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: This will actually be my first minecraft RPG aside from just playing survival with a couple of my friends.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have read the rules and I agree fully with them in every aspect.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Where is the Bible, because I promise.

    How did you hear about us?: A good friend of mine that has minecrat told me about the server and even showed me this site.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Wich vote number where you?: I have voted but I couldn’t tell what my vote number was.

    In Character

    Character Name: Kioln Farnwing

    What Race are you?: The answer to that sir or ma’m would be Elf

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): Well I’m a Dark Elf.

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    I was in the fields helping my father harvest the season’s crop of wheat. As we were loading the last bundle a band of mercenaries rode by on horseback heading towards the town. We thought nothing of it and finished up the work that was left. By the time we got home it was nearly dusk and we decided to turn in for the night. After a nice dinner, cooked by my mother, I climbed into my bed and began to drift away. All of a sudden a heart wrenching scream rang out in the distance. I jumped out of bed grabbing my sword. As I exited the house I saw my dad rushing for the town at full speed. As I chased after him I noticed a red glow and smelt burning hay. When I reached the town it was absolute chaos. Houses were on fire and the mercenaries were executing men. I said” Malin help us!”, and began to run away from the town when a sack was placed over my head. I struggled and screamed“Let me go!”, all I got as a response was a gruff and evil laugh. My hands were bound by an un-seen person and then I was thrown into what seemed to be a cart of some sort.

    As the cart began to creek away I heard a horse ride up and a deep voice say “Did you pick up a young elf boy with short black hair?” Someone responded saying” Ha, yes and he was so feisty I almost threw him in with the men!” There was a round of laughs and then someone grabbed me taking the sack off of my head. As I looked up I saw a dirty man holding open the door to the cage cart. He said “It be your lucky day, I be guessin that yar the brat of the man that made this lil’ raid possible!” He then grabbed me and tossed me out onto the ground. I then heard my father speak” Hey! Be careful!” As I looked up my father approached with my mother close behind.

    I spoke saying, “What does he mean you made this possible?” My father responded, “Son I had the town guard sent off on a rumor of bandits making a camp not far down the road. These mercenaries here made-up evidence that this was true and most of the guard went off leaving the town open to the raid. Son I did this for us, they paid me one-thousand minas!” I looked up at my dad, or at least the elf that used to be, and said “What kind of monster are you?” I got up and turned my back on my father. My mother began to cry. I heard one of the mercenaries draw a sword but my father said “Leave him.” With that I ran, I ran till my feet were covered in blisters. After I could run no longer I walked, burning on the inside with the hurt of my father’s betrayal and with the newfound distrust towards mercenaries of any kind.

    I eventually came to a town. I stumbled down a street, dirty and tired from wandering. I heard footsteps and I looked up. In front of me was a burly elf that said” You look dead tired there young one. Why don’t you come to my place to clean up and have a nice meal?” Too weak to object I followed the elf to a building. Looking around I saw an anvil and a furnace. I managed to mumble “Blacksmith?” and the elf responded, “Oh yes, been in the trade for nearly ten years now.” We entered what must have been his house and I sat down. A pretty elfess set down a bowl of stew in front of me and I ate. As I was eating the elf said” I have a proposition for ye!”, not waiting for a response he continues,” I’ve been looking for an apprentice to possibly help me with my work. What do ya say?” I nodded my head knowing this was probably my best hope of surviving without my parents.

    Additional information: Kioln is a 24 year old (human years) Dark Elf. He has green eyes with short black hair. He is a semi-skilled blacksmith that learned from a kind elf who took him in and made Kioln his apprentice.


    Skin 23uygia.png All of the rights to this skin go to cheese6235 on planetminecraft.com


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    As Kioln travels to the Cloud Temple he notices two armed warriors harassing a small Halfling. He approaches the warriors and says, “Hey! What’s your business with this halfling? The warriors turn and one responds, “None yeh, move along! Kioln ignores the order and continues, “Now will I have to report you for misuse of authority?” Both of the warriors look at each other and laugh, one says “Now why would ye do that? He’s jus’ a little hafling!” Kioln shakes his head saying “Alright have at it.” Kioln later finds the warrior’s commanding officer and reports the men’s misconduct.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?

    Dreary from his long quest Kioln began to look for a place to set up camp. After searching for a few minutes, looking for a clearing, he came across a small hut. He approached the hut cautiously and knocked on the door. There was no response. After waiting a while Kioln pushed open the door and entered the hut. Surveying his surroundings he saw nothing on the dirt floor except a weathered chest. Curious Kioln opened the chest and peeked inside. The contents of the chest were a few iron bars and a golden sword. Not feeling the need to disturb this somewhat secret stash Kioln grabbed his bedroll and placed it on the ground, spreading it out. After a small meal of slated beef he went to sleep.

    Waking up the next morning Kioln grabbed his gear and headed out of the hut. He made a mental note of the location and its surroundings in case he ever needed to stop for the night again in this area.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Kioln stumbles into a camp. He is greeted in the common tongue by traders. “Well ‘ow you be thar elf?” Kioln replies “I could use some grub and a good bit o shut eye but other’n that I’m fine. How’r you fellows?” The group chuckles is response and one says “Well business been better roun’ these parts, but we manage.” Kioln decides to trade for some food and says “How bout I give some oh my things for a bit oh that stew you be cooking?” The traders agree and Kioln gives up a bear pelt and some mushrooms for some stew and bread. “I best be on my way then” says Kioln, getting up and grabbing his gear. “Hope to see yeh soon” says one of the traders as Kioln disappears into the thick of the brush.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Kioln, curious, wanders into Alras to see what there is to see. As he delves further into the city on his escapade he hears someone say “ ’Ello.” Kioln turns and sees a merchant standing behind a small stall. The merchant continued and said “what can I do you for today?” Kioln not having anything else to do approaches the stall and sees various wares, some he had never seen the likes of.

    “Some interesting things ye got here”, said Kioln, “how’d you get all of this?” The merchant began to smile and said” I adventure into ancient ruins and crypts looking for anything rare that might catch someone like you’s eye.” “What is this?” said Kioln raising a small vial of liquid. “Ha well that thar sonny is a potion! It gives a man…. Well in your case an elf great speed!” Kioln responded suspiciously “are you allowed to be selling such altering liquids?” The smile on the merchants face quickly disappeared and he said” well would you look at that! Time to close.” After he had spoken the merchant began putting all of his wares in a chest which he then locked. Immediately after he had put everything away the merchant hurried off down the street.

    Concerned about the man’s behavior Kioln found the nearest guard and reported the strange conduct. Later that week Kioln heard a rumor that one of Alras’s biggest thiefs had been caught due to a report he was selling illegal potions.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    As Kioln walked through the town he had boarded in he noticed a commotion in the city square. As he approached there was a lot of mumbling. One man yelled and silenced the crowd saying “ we have evidence of a group of bandits occupying the road outside of this town! We are looking for able men to help us eliminate this group. Any volunteers will be rewarded!” The crowd broke out with questions making it impossible to hear if anything else was said.

    Kioln pushed his way to the front of the crowd were there were scribes taking down names of volunteers. Getting in line Kioln thought about how he could use the reward money. When he got to the front of the line he was asked by a scribe “What is your name and what weapon will you use?” Responding Kioln said” I am Kioln Farnwing and I use a bow.” After the scribe scribbled down the given information he said, pointing “please step over there and wait with the rest of the volunteers, the party will be leaving within the hour.” Kioln stepped over to where the scribe directed him and waited for the action to begin.

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