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Posts posted by Hammely

  1. *A poster is pinned up all around Oren as well as the Cloud Temple*


    Alras Hamleigh is searching for loyal soldiers and sailors to serve his sailing ships. If you are accepted you will be housed, fed, clothed and paid at a negotiable rate. All interested persons should contact Alras Hamleigh as previously stated here or otherwise. ((samyham))

  2. Nikephoros passes over the notes on the board with careful eyes, searching for possible recruits, seeing this note, he pins up his own scrap of paper;


    "The Brothers of Komnen, mercenary band are looking for recruits, we are a band made of exclusively cavalry, if you join you will be given work and food, if we are successful enough you may even be given armament without your expense. If you are interested contact Nikephoros Komnenos. ((In-game or over the forums, my username is samyham.))"

  3. Erik sighs as he looks at his half-brother's beaming face.

    "While I will not take part in this war, I will aid you in the best way that I can"

    Ealdræd pulls out four sketches he had drawn and shows them to Erik. Taking a liking to them, he begins to post them all around the Dwarven and Allied lands, to boost morale and aid the Dwarven cause.





    ((The Following refers to OREN, just to make sure there is no misunderstanding))





    The last of the posters is put up only around Dal Cais, and the surrounding holds.



  4. Erik Wodesome, hearing of the broken pact from one of his many informants (merchants tend to need those), was shocked at first, then thrilled. He sends a letter to all of his family telling him to ready for battle, and set a mark on their maps for the islands of Oren. The Folc is gathering, all will hear the shrieking of the Dragon.

  5. Shin gazes down at the letter his cousin handed him. His shameful lineage had been revealed to him before by Satomi, so he found the letter redundant, as a call to assemble, however he did not question it, as the humble man he was. Instead he took it as a good sign.


    "The banners are gathering..."



  6. -OOC Part-


    MC name: samyham


    Do you have Skype? If so, send it to me or post here: thelancecore


    How long have you played on LotC? I have recently played for about three weeks, but I’ve been whitelisted since Asulon.


    Can you make this character your main one?: No, Erik Wodesome will continue to be my main, it would not make sense for me to make a subordinate my main when I have a clan to run on my alt.




    Name: Shin Shimazu



    Gender: Male


    Age: 28


    Other Obligations (Guilds, Orders, Shops etc): None ((On this character))


    Previous Combat Experience: Shin has had little combat experience apart from an informal training from his half-brothers.

    I, Shin Shimazu, swear utter and complete loyalty to the House Ishikawa. I forsake oaths to other nations, and recognize the House Ishikawa, Glory to it’s name, is my master, and I am obligated to serve them until I am released, or I am dead. Should I fail to uphold this oath or severely dishonour myself, I agree to accept my shame through the act of Seppuku*, or proper punishment befitting the situation and circumstance.

  7. *a piece of blue and grey plaid is pinned to a note beside the original piece of paper, it's fastened with a bronze broach shaped like a wing*


    Clan Wodesome is looking for willing members of a Household Guard. Any persons interested must be of good martial ability, loyal without question, and working age. If you become a Huscarl, you will be fed, clothed, housed, and paid for every serving elven day at a negotiable wage. If you are interested in the offer, send a pigeon to Frumgar Erik Wodesome ((samyham)), or respond to this bulletin as it will be checked.

  8. *a piece of blue and grey plaid is pinned to a note beside the original piece of paper, it's fastened with a bronze broach shaped like a wing*


    Clan Wodesome is looking for willing members of a Household Guard. Any persons interested must be of good martial ability, loyal without question, and working age. If you become a Huscarl, you will be fed, clothed, housed, and paid for every serving elven day at a negotiable wage. If you are interested in the offer, send a pigeon to Frumgar Erik Wodesome ((samyham)), or respond to this bulletin as it will be checked.

  9. *a piece of blue and grey plaid is pinned to a note beside the original piece of paper, it's fastened with a bronze broach shaped like a wing*


    Clan Wodesome is looking for willing members of a Household Guard. Any persons interested must be of good martial ability, loyal without question, and working age. If you become a Huscarl, you will be fed, clothed, housed, and paid for every serving elven day at a negotiable wage. If you are interested in the offer, send a pigeon to Frumgar Erik Wodesome ((samyham)), or respond to this bulletin as it will be checked.

  10. *a piece of blue and grey plaid is pinned to a note beside the original piece of paper, it's fastened with a bronze broach shaped like a wing*


    Clan Wodesome is looking for willing members of a Household Guard. Any persons interested must be of good martial ability, loyal without question, and working age. If you become a Huscarl, you will be fed, clothed, housed, and paid for every serving elven day at a negotiable wage. If you are interested in the offer, send a pigeon to Frumgar Erik Wodesome ((samyham)), or respond to this bulletin as it will be checked.

  11. ((A decorated parchment hangs by a nail on a notice-board in the Dwarven Capital, it reads;))


    Iron Supplier Wanted


    Merchant Erik Wodesome is searching for a supplier for his metal trade, price is up for negotiation but all suppliers will be obligated to continue the supply of iron until the contract has been terminated. Payment will be given with each supply run of either a crate or half of one. 


    All interested persons are to send a message via bird or otherwise to Frumgar Erik Wodesome ((samyham))

  12. Erik finds the note along with the rest of the recipients and reads it slowly, a frown growing on his face like a fungus. When Erik finished, a single tear ran down his face into his beard. He does not search for the body, it would be too horrible. Erik sets down the note and wipes the stain from his face, turning away to go out the door. A foot away from the doorway, he stops.


    "He... Was so young."

  13. k1Zbeey.png

    Old Adunia

    *As you are walking through a library, a book catches your eye. It sits slightly out of order and you can faintly see leaf prints on the leather-bound cover. Intrigued, you pick up the book off the shelf. The title reads ‘The Adunian Chronicles’*


    *You thumb through the book until you land upon a chapter named ‘Old Adunia’*


    The history of Adunia is racked with pain and suffering, but no more pain is there than in the story of Old Adunia. Scholars often debate the facts surrounding the age, as not much evidence remains of the era. Many fact, however are unanimously accepted as true, and such veritable facts are those of which I will speak in this section of the Chronicles.

        One fact irrefutable is that the Adunians were in the Golden Age in Old Adunia. The Adunians controlled a marginal amount of the Human holdings and had near complete power over the populace. Adunians flourished in this period, most became rich by the ends of their lives. Alas, when King Godwyn came to the throne, the Adunians were banished, exiled. Many Adunians went into the sanctuary of other humans, hiding within the empire. These Adunians were named the Lowlanders, and were the most affected by the cultural changes of the exile. Many lowland Adunians no longer carry accents, and observer more Orener customs than other Adunians. The second group of Adunians went to exile in the mountains and secluded spaces of the land. These men were known as the Higlanders, as they more often than not were found in the mountainous or hilly areas. These Adunians were less affected by the new Orener culture, though they took on new traits that fit their rugged lifestyle. The last group of Adunian exiles is made up of Islanders, or Farlanders. Many wealthy families at the time of the exile purchased large ships to carry their families along with friends to places of distant origins, uncharted islands and hidden forests to wait out the exile. These rare specimens are the closest thing to Old Adunians that one can see in this day and age, as they were culturally isolated. These men and women bring us many of our facts that we now possess of Old Adunia.

        We will begin by analysing the differences in Old Adunian and the current Adunian language. Let’s look at the translations of the word kingdom, to begin. In Old Adunian the word is Rice, while in New Adunian it is Riocht. It hsould be noted that æ’s are much more prevalent in Old Adunian names as well words, for example, the word “hæwen” meaning blue, in Old Adunian. And interesting dilemma to the analysis of New and Old Adunians is that the accents of Higlanders and Islanders appear ot be very similar if not identical. Careful readers may note that Old Adunian has many similarities to Orener, or the common tongue. This is mainly because some words, such as “hafoc” (hawk) are taken from the Old Adunian language due to the proliferance of the speech in the Old Days.

        Another matter of fact is the one of dressing preference. Adunians of old were wont to wear capes that came over the right shoulder and had a designed border on the edge of the cloak. The most widely accepted reason for this change in High and Lowlanders is that Lowlanders would look far too conspicuous in the cape, and Highlanders most likely found it cumbersome and unwieldy in dense foliage and it gave more disadvantages than benefits. The Islanders and Farlanders, however found much use for the capes in their temporary homes, and as such have retained the fashion of a shoulder cape held generally by a bronze clasp. While, a weapon does not strictly count as clothing, the reader should note that Sæx’s were worn by males of a clan at all times as some clans still do this day. The last change of apparel was in womens’ dress, as in Old Adunia women would wear dresses of strictly the dominant color of their clan, and perhaps a trim of the secondary color, whereas now, the women of Adunia often wear the tartans of their clan in a dress.



  14. ((A decorated parchment hangs by a nail on a notice-board in the Dwarven Capital, it reads;))


    Iron Supplier Wanted


    Merchant Erik Wodesome is searching for a supplier for his metal trade, price is up for negotiation but all suppliers will be obligated to continue the supply of iron until the contract has been terminated. Payment will be given with each supply run of either a crate or half of one. 


    All interested persons are to send a message via bird or otherwise to Chief Erik Wodesome ((samyham))

  15. Clan Wodesome

    "Patience Before Profit"



    Brief History


    The Wodesome family has its roots as a large one made up of
    mostly craftsmen and traders. The family was able to start a small business
    because of its size. Many of the Wodesomes were set to manufacturing materials
    and good which the other Wodesomes would take to trade with Southron merchants.
    The oldest records of the Wodesome family point to a man named Rolo Wodesome
    who married into the Marsh family, a little known one at that time. Rolo
    married Sarah Marsh and thus began  the
    trading dynasty. Unfortunately the Wodesomes were then banished along with the
    rest of the Adunians by King Owyn Godwinson. They were fortunate, however. Due
    to their commercial roots, the Wodesomes were able to charter a ship to occupy
    prime lands while in exile. A bad stroke hit the Wodesomes then, though as
    Addawulf Wodesome and his children were stranded on an island with fewer
    resources than they had first perceived. For generations, the Wodesomes and
    several other families lived on that island biding their time, for they knew
    that the dark times could not last forever. Through the ages, the unthinkable
    happened, but the family still managed to hang onto that barren patch of rock.
    One winter, however proved particularly fatal, as the remaining two other
    families on the island died of starvation, leaving only the Wodesomes; Cenhelm
    Wodesome and his three sons, Erik, Cenric and Aed. Knowing that another winter
    could mean the end, the two older brothers set out for a homeland they had
    never seen before in the hope of finding a restored Adunian society. What they
    found was not what they had hoped for, they had expected utopia and gotten
    reality, but nonetheless, the Adunians were returning to prominence, and the
    two brothers set to finding their destiny in the service of the High King.


    Clan Symbols


    Clan Tartan



    Clan Sigil


    The wings represent our ships, as fast as hawks. The Saex is our one and most cherished heirloom, the saex of our great ancestor Rolo Wodesome. The colors of our sigil are very significant. The blue represents the sea on a fair day, or the sky on an even fairer. On the adverse, the silver represents stormy skies that can prove as much a blessing as a curse.




    One of the most prominent traditions of the Wodesome clan is it's mercantile heritage, though that is not to mistake the Wodesomes for cravens. It is one thing to pack goods onto a ship and sail it from port to port. Another thing entirely is it to protect said cargo from those who would wish to lazily reap rewards from the hard work of honest men. This upbringing, along with the spartan childhood of the Wodesome Brothers has gifted the Wodesomes with a certain steel as well as a knack for stewardship.


    It should also be noted that the Wodesomes are no enemies of insubordination, in fact it often leads them to clearer decisions. In the most dire of circumstances, any member of the Wodesome may challenge his superior to a challenge of arms if they feel their superior is not performing to adequacy. This challenge of skill is rarely thrown down, so if the challenged refuses the contest, he will face dire shame and near certain demotion. 


    The clan is also very pious, and while it is not a central focus of the family, it is vehemently opposed to not be a member of the Old Faith





    Family Members

    Erik Wodesome (Patriarch) ((samyham))

    Aed Wodesome (Brother, Second-In-Command) ((MegaEpicmoose))

    Cenric Wodesome (Third Brother) ((Glylith))

    Tara Wodesome (Erik's Adopted Daughter) ((Flareblazer5678))

    Leofric Wodesome (Erik's Cousin) ((Grim_Reaper_91))

    Tyrus Wodesome (Brother-In-Law) ((Guarrd))

    Ealdræd Wodesome (Adopted Member) ((samylam))

    Catheryn Wodesome (Sister) ((Yopplwasupxxx))

    Edward Wodesome (Cousin) ((BjornG2598))



    Matheus Alvarez ((matheu3))

    Kashe Qu ((SGTliger))

    Fark Dilii ((tl0120))



    {OOC: How to join}

    Option A: Contact Erik (samyham) or Aed (MegaEpicmoose) in Roleplay to discuss possible marriages or arrangements for you to join the clan


    Option B: Contact me through the forum if you are interested and I will work with you for a possible induction.

  16. 2nd Application for the Character Samuel Hammely

    Feel free to skip to the in-character section of this application if you read my previous one as that is the only part that marginally changed.


    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:

    13 Though I am almost half-way to 14.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    I live in the U S of A on the Eastern Coast. (GMT -5)

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I believe I do have a good grip on the English language judging by how It's my native language and since I love writing it's kind of a given.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm usually a funny guy. Both in the odd sense as well as the comical. I have been called both a clown and a walking thesaurus, but usually I know when it's proper to do something. Lastly, I enjoy reading and (obviously) playing video games; my favorite genre of book is fantasy, which probably brought me to role-playing.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    That's really dependent on what homework I have, etc. however I can usually put in a good amount of time on the weekend, and at least an hour every day. That is, if not much it going on at the moment I won't really feel inclined to get on the server and do nothing, understandably.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Role-playing to me is a very simple concept. You're just putting yourself in the shoes of someone else entirely. I have been role-playing for a while and whenever I am asked this, that is my answer. It's not really as complex as some people make it out to be.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I have been playing on a role-playing server for a year or two now, I had a great time but it just isn't growing and some people in the community somehow keep breaking RP consistently and have suffered no penalties.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Meta-Gaming is unfair to the role-player and the Meta-Gamer. Meta-Gaming is when OOC information is somehow used within role-play. It's really not plausible most of the time. For instance, if someone tells you they are going to rob you in OOC, then you have to continue to be unaware when in character. Meta-gaming is when you actually prepare for the robbery. Now this isn't fair to the poor merchant or whoever it is being robbed, since it's going to be killing them; knowing they will be robbed.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is:

    In my opinion, power-gaming is an unfair use of role-play. An example would be role-playing as a god. No rules would apply to you and that would make you invincible. This is clearly unfair to the other players as they are just mere mortals.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect it to be a good role-playing experience as well as a fun minecraft experience. Your server has a good reputation and I hope it lives up to it.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played ona few survival servers, which I got bored of, as well as another role-playing server. I had great fun there but people were consistently breaking RP and the admins just couldn't keep up with it. It's quite saddening really.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes, I have. I'm actually surprised that some of them need to be stated.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    Yes, I do agree to these rules.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I just heard of you by word of mouth really. I can't remember who told me about you.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?:

    No; minestatus doesn't seem to like me. It refuses to send me a confirmation e-mail.


    Character Name:

    Samuel Hammely

    What Race are you?:

    A proud human.

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Samuel is 1/16 High Elf on his mother's side.

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Samuel is a proud man, perhaps a bit too proud. He has red hair that shines like fire and an imperial mustache. Samuel is the ripe age of 43, though still in the prime of his life. This is due to his small amount elf blood. This elf blood is not enough to sharpen his face or point his ears, though it does lengthen his life span. He is often seen wearing his chain-mail and golden braid around (gifts from his mentor).

    Samuel does not come from Aegis. He is originally from a far off land where many an exploit was had. That is another story though, and it will be told, just not here; not now. When Samuel landed his ship in Asulon he was at a loss. By chance he had landed just in sight of Solace; the capital of Salvus. Why was he in shock? Well he had expected this island to be deserted. Instead is was a bustling metropolis. So Samuel (as well as a few members of his crew) went to investigate. He must have looked very silly walking on the beach in full chain-mail. Eventually he got to the gates of the great city. A guardsman shouted down to him. "Hail stranger! Who are you and what brings you here?" Samuel pondered this for a moment. "This is Samuel Hammely of the Igors. However I would very much like to know what 'here' is to be honest."

    What is your Character's ambitions?:

    To find a new home in Asulon and re-establish the Igorians on this new continent.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    Samuel's favorite tool was once the lance. However now that horses have gone extinct, it has become the sword, it is symbolic, and Samuel has come to favor it as of late. If there were a second favorite, it would be the hammer and chisel, as Samuel is an avid architectural designer.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Samuel is gifted with strategic brilliance, however he can also be very stubborn. This gives him a rigid confidence and determination.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your Character:

    Samuel has a great fondness for books and always makes it a priority to have a personal library.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    "Hail, fellow warriors!" I say in a friendly tone. "How about you give that little one a leave and I'll buy us a few ales for the trouble." The raucous warriors gladly agree to the offer; leaving with Samuel after smacking the halfling on the back of the head. Briefly I turn my head and wink at the little man. He smiles.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    I frown slightly before inspecting the stall's wares. "I see you have some spiced cider there. Now, I would love to buy that off of you, but don't expect me not to haggle a bit." The posh merchant returns the frown as he assesses the situation. That cider was all he had to drink at the moment, despite not having opened it yet. "Fine" The peddler says. "But only for 10 minas". I furrow my brows and reply. "8 minas."

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    I shudder. The runes on the golden sword look familiar somehow. Discarding the iron bars, I sheathe the gold sword and set off for town to get the runes looked at. As I'm leaving the hut I hear a noise in the forest. It sounded like an eerie howl. I quickly look behind me; scanning the trees. Finding nothing I continue on my way. Must have been nothing.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    I walk up to the trading post slowly. "Hello, countrymen! I am very hungry and humbly ask for your hospitality." I stumble on a rock and the man at the trading post nods before running inside. When I see the small man re-appear he is carrying a blanket and some meat on a skewer.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    "So you'll help then?" The leader of the party asks me in confirmation. "Of Course! Let's show this pillaging scum what for!" The party cheers and we begin our trip to the lair of the bandits with fear left behind and bravery in our hearts.

  17. Samuel Hammely's Lord of the Craft Application


    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:I am 13 years old, nearly half-way to fourteen though.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    I live in the United States, on the East Coast.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I believe I do have a good grip on the English language judging by how It's my native language and since I love writing it's kind of a given.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm usually a funny guy. Both in the odd sense as well as the comical. I have been called both a clown and a walking thesaurus, but usually I know when it's proper to do something. Lastly, I enjoy reading and (obviously) playing video games; my favorite genre of book is fantasy, which probably brought me to role-playing.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    That's really dependent on what homework I have, etc. however I can usually put in a good amount of time on the weekend, and at least an hour every day. That is, if not much it going on at the moment I won't really feel inclined to get on the server and do nothing, understandably.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Role-playing to me is a very simple concept. You're just putting yourself in the shoes of someone else entirely. I have been role-playing for a while and whenever I am asked this, that is my answer. It's not really as complex as some people make it out to be.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I have been playing on a role-playing server for a year or two now, I had a great time but it just isn't growing and some people in the community somehow keep breaking RP consistently and have suffered no penalties.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Meta-Gaming is unfair to the role-player and the Meta-Gamer. Meta-Gaming is when OOC information is somehow used within role-play. It's really not plausible most of the time. For instance, if someone tells you they are going to rob you in OOC, then you have to continue to be unaware when in character. Meta-gaming is when you actually prepare for the robbery. Now this isn't fair to the poor merchant or whoever it is being robbed, since it's going to be killing them; knowing they will be robbed.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is:

    In my opinion, power-gaming is an unfair use of role-play. An example would be role-playing as a god. No rules would apply to you and that would make you invincible. This is clearly unfair to the other players as they are just mere mortals.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect it to be a good role-playing experience as well as a fun minecraft experience. Your server has a good reputation and I hope it lives up to it.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played ona few survival servers, which I got bored of, as well as another role-playing server. I had great fun there but people were consistently breaking RP and the admins just couldn't keep up with it. It's quite saddening really.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes, I have. I'm actually surprised that some of them need to be stated.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    Yes, I do agree to these rules.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I just heard of you by word of mouth really. I can't remember who told me about you.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?:

    No, minestatus doesn't seem to like me. It refuses to send me a confirmation e-mail.


    Character Name:

    Samuel Hammely

    What Race are you?:


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    1/16 High Elf on his mother's side. I don't have a regional human sub-race since my character comes from the far-off land of Igoria on the continent of Sotonia.

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Samuel is a proud man, perhaps a bit too proud. He has red hair that shines like fire and an imperial mustache. Samuel is the ripe age of 43, though still in the prime of his life. This is due to his small amount elf blood. This elf blood is not enough to sharpen his face or point his ears, though it does lengthen his life span. He is often seen wearing his chain-mail and golden braid around (gifts from Igor).

    As for his story, Samuel was raised in a small household, his family owning an apple orchard. The apples and products made from them (such as cider) were often traded at the market in Igoria, the capital.

    One day the market was less jovial, though. Excitement and spice did not fill the air anymore. Wounded soldiers were being carried up to the Citadel. A few days later, Samuel was taken away from his loving family and drafted into the Igorian army. He was no good at fighting, but he worked hard.

    As time progressed, Samuel caught the eye of Igor, the king himself. He was soon lifted in rank to squire. This was an almost inconceivable show of favor, and Samuel worked harder, eventually becoming a knight of the realm. As one of Igor's favorites, Samuel was put in command of a small body of troop in a war with the dreaded Legion. This is where Samuel really showed his worth. Though he was no good at fighting himself, he was gifted with tactical genius.

    Samuel became a hero to the Igorians, and saved the country from ruin. This was not to be so, however, and later that year the Dominion took them by storm. The countryside blazed. Soon enough the Dominion was storming Igoria (the town) and Samuel was forced to flee with Igor. They sailed on to a new land, a land called Venificus.


    This is only the beginning of a long tale of exploits. Samuel went on to see Igor die, learn the architectural skills of the Venificusi, and re-establish the Igorians on another continent. Now he has been forced to leave his home again, to find a new home, in Asulon.

    (Since writing this, I have learned that making up your own world is seen as arrogant, and using the lore written for Asulon shows a better case. This saddens me, as I don't want to change my RP. My character is the same one I used on my first RP server, I have carried him on, shaping his history from what I have done on other servers. So in reality, I didn't make he universe of Samuel Hammely up. I hope that it's still acceptable; seeing as it would be a shame to just throw all those experiences away.)

    What is your Character's ambitions?:

    Samuel wants to find a new home in Asulon and reform the Igorians.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    Samuel's favorite tool was once the lance. However now that horses have gone extinct, it has become the sword, it is symbolic, and Samuel has come to favor it as of late. If there were a second favorite, it would be the hammer and chisel, as Samuel is an avid architectural designer.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    As I said before; Samuel is gifted with strategic brilliance, however he can also be very stubborn. This gives him a rigid confidence and determination.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your Character:

    Samuel has a great fondness for books and always makes it a priority to have a personal library.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    "Hail, fellow warriors!" Samuel says in a friendly tone. "How about you give that little one a leave and I'll buy us a few ales for the trouble."

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    I frown slightly before inspecting the stall's wares. "I see you have some spiced cider there. Now, I would love to buy that off of you, but don't expect me not to haggle a bit."

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    I shudder. The runes on the golden sword look familiar somehow. Discarding the iron bars, I sheathe the gold sword and set off for town to get the runes looked at.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    I walk up to the trading post slowly. "Hello, countrymen! I am very hungry and humbly ask for your hospitality." I stumble on a rock and the man at the trading post nods before running inside.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    "So you'll help then?" The leader of the party asks me in confirmation. "Of Course! Let's show this pillaging scum what for!" The party cheers and we begin our trip to the lair of the bandits with fear left behind and bravery in our hearts.

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