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ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)

Iron VIP
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Posts posted by ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)

  1. Why can't this "Badlands" area work a lot like how the King's Road did in Aegis. The bandits just chose to wait on the road for unsuspecting civilians. I remember being absolutely terrified of King's Road back then, and it wasn't even made for the reasoning of being mugged. 


    I agree. Rather than having an island where people are cursed and do villainous deeds, we should leave it up to the villains to play their own role. I simply don't like the idea of any player being allowed to do villainous acts.

  2. Ic:

    Name: Muryo

    Race: Human

    Useful skills:

    -Great swordsman

    -Great fighter


    Weapon of choice: Sword

    Where have you worked before/Previous guilds: Was a sergeant of The Wolverines

    Brief Bio (3-5 sentences): Most of my life, I've been a lone wanderer, journeying wherever I please and doing whatever I want. I enjoy having the free and careless lifestyle that I have led for the greater part of my life. On the other hand, I sometimes get involved with groups and guilds of people with a purpose, hoping to entertain myself for a while and maybe even take up a strong interest in what it is I'm doing. I'm hoping that if I feel right as a part of this group, I'll be able to help us fulfill our purpose to far ends.

    Pledge: I, Muryo, agree to stop tyranny at all costs, to defend those who need it, to not fear those who are threatening the helpless, to follow the masters of The Brotherhood, and to never give up the fight against tyranny. I will fight for peace and justice, not for power.

    And I, Muryo, understand that betraying The Brotherhood will result in a penalty based on said crime committed.

    And I, Muryo, understand that leaving The Brotherhood will not be taken lightly, unless the masters were aware and notified of the situation.


    Mc name: POTATO3

    Skype name: I'll pm this when and if I'm in.

    Va link (not required, but at least the 3 free evils are recommended): Check my signature.

    Do you use Hawk's: No.

    If no to Hawk's are you willing to at least get a minimap and the cape mod (might get a cape done sometime): No, I feel minimaps just ruin the rp for me.

  3. *Muryo sees the parchment and takes the opportunity to get rid of his least valuable slave. He leaves a note beside the original one with an offer.*

    It reads:

    "If you are interested, one of my slaves are of no longer use to me. He is a young elven farmer who is great at tending crops. I no longer have a farm and so need to dispose of him. He's tall, yet weak, and unable to talk. If you're interested, leave me a response with your offer. Preferably in either mina or diamonds.


  4. *Muryo spots the poster and quickly scribbles on a piece of parchment which he posts next to the original.*

    It reads:

    "For 800 mina, I'll trade you my scrawny male elf. He's a bit less than 7 feet and not very strong, however he can farm very well, and won't be able to give any back talk. He's not able to talk at all to be honest. I'll be waiting for your response.


  5. *scriibles down a note and posts it*

    Does this land get many travelors passing through?

    *Muryo quickly answers it the note*

    "Considering that it's not too far from the temple, it does. If privacy is something you'd like, just don't take down my sign. It scares trespassers away like a charm.


  6. *After reading the letter, Muryo attaches his own note to the messenger bird and sends it off back to the owner.*

    It reads:

    "I look forward to speaking with you. I feel we may get along well. I expect a response with a time and place where I can meet the group.


  7. ((Why did you move the end day if the auction back? It messed up my bidding!))

    ((Sorry about that, I don't think I'll be on tonight at that time so I decided to delay it for a little while. Anyway, your character wouldn't sit there and wait until the last second of an auction, please don't use the time to your advantage in the future.))

  8. [OOC]:

    1. MC Name: POTATO3

    2. Why do you want to join?: I'd like some change in scenery as well as in roleplay. I feel like this may be fun.

    3. Do you have a VA? If not, are you willing to write one?: Got one.

    4. Link to VA: 1, 2a, and 2b

    5. To break any server rules will result in a kick from the guild, is this understood?: Yup.


    1. RP Name: Muryo

    2. Quick Biography: Muryo is and has always been a skilled and overconfident fighter, using his swift and agile movements, combined with his unusual style of swordplay/martial arts style to overcome his enemies and do whatever it is he wants. Muryo enjoys nothing more than the feeling of being free.

    3. Past Experience: Muryo has been a Sergeant of the Wolverines, a Scout in the Malinor Sentinals, and was briefly involved with The Dark Brotherhood.

  9. *Posters are placed among pillars and boards around the sanctuary and major capitals.*

    They read:

    "Attention to all those who need a place of their own. I have a beautiful camp of which I no longer have any use for. The camp has it's own farm, tents, a secret tunnel system, and a huge open flatland on which anything can be built."

    *A few sketches are shown below.*




    "The land has an unbelievably comfortable and soothing atmosphere, great for any weary travelers in need of their own little safe spot."


    "The farm is more than capable of feeding a family of five."



    "The tents are very sturdy and come with everything seen here."






    "The area comes with this vast amount of unused land, the soil sturdy enough to hold several homes, yet also able to be turned into more farmland."

    "The most interesting part however, is the hand made tunnels of which there is only a single hidden lever. The location of this lever is only known by myself."










    "This extremely useful caving system could be used for multiple things, such as an underground home, workshop, hideout from authorities, and much more."

    "As you can see, this land can be useful for a great number of things and is suitable for almost anyone.

    -The farms may or may not have been used for the production of illegal substances.

    -The tunnels may or may not have been used for the illegal harboring and torturing of slaves.

    -The tents may or may not have small amounts of blood stained wool.

    For this great plot of land, I will be holding an auction. The bidding will start at 10,000 mina, and each bid must be at least 500 mina higher than the previous. The only payment aside from mina that would be accepted is diamonds, which will each be worth 300 mina for this auction. An auction must be placed in a note beneath this post. Any questions may be sent to me by bird. Birds shall be sent to the bird post near the capital of Oren and must be addressed to Muryo. The auction will end on (October 10th at 10:00 pm Eastern Standard), or whenever I see the bids have stopped.


    (Feel free to message me anytime IG or here on the forums. -POTATO3)

    *A large post covers the original*

    "Unfortunately, the land has been sold. Deal with it.


  10. (I was oocly accepted before, however was banned.

    I'm back and still interested, so I'll repost my old app.)


    MC Name: POTATO3

    Why do you want to join? I guess I'm hoping to see a change in the rp that I've been experiencing lately.

    How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? By switching up my boring usual character to this different, more active one, my rp would become more fun and I'm sure some people will enjoy crossing paths with my character.

    What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) The ability to clearly state what it is your character is doing while at the same time taking into account what every other character around yours is doing. It's also definitely important to be creative and original for the sake of fun rp.

    To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? Yerp.

    [Character Questions]

    RP name: Muryo


    Well, here I am. Another rotten soul waiting for the day when Asulon meets the same fate as Aegis had. Just another one of those scumbags that I once despised. My parents were never around to teach me better, and the only person who cared for my well being was murdered before my eyes when I was only 10 years old. I hid behind a ditch as I endured my only friend's cries for mercy. Ever since, it has been almost impossible finding people that I could trust, and have only managed to make a handful of 'friends'. I left the criminal infested village the day that my friend died, and have tried to make a living without interfering too much in other people's lives for the past 9 years or so. It was hard, and seemed impossible at times, but I used to overcome that. However these 9 years of being a pathetic rogue who begs for bread every once in a while have changed a lot about me.

    After I left my village and was completely alone for the first time, life was tough. I could not wield a sword as good as I had thought, and was too young to find a decent job. Therefore, food was rare and shelter was impossible. I would travel around from city to city, nation to nation, grabbing up whatever I could from wild animals and weak monsters. Everything that I didn't need would be traded for small portions of food and fresh water. Nature was my home. That and free farms. I loved free farms so much, mainly because the people there were just as worthless as me. I almost felt superior at times. Yet at night, when I lay down in other people's tents, or in monster infested caves, I would remember how pathetic I was.

    Eventually, after having to protect myself from dangerous creatures for so long, I started to become somewhat skilled with my rusty old blade. I was finally able to start hunting certain creatures that would previously had killed me in a heartbeat. I also made a fishing rod using the remains of my left over junk and managed to catch food for myself. I hated fish, but it ended my hunger and eventually I became quite healthy. After about 8 years of living like this, I finally met someone who helped me out and assisted me as I helped him. His name was Wesley and he is my comrade. I saved his life from a couple of giant spiders once and he re payed me with a huge bundle of wheat. He mentioned how he was a traveler with no specific destination and how much he needed someone like me to protect him, and I knew I could use a farmer to fetch me some food, so we decided to travel together. Eventually, I had made a few more comrades who helped me as I helped them during our travels throughout Asulon.

    It was after about a year when we came up to the giant gate that leads to Hanseti. We were in need of work and ended up becoming grunts for the Wolverines at that gate. We each protected the gate to the best of our abilities, and supplied our leaders with resources in return for food, armor, tools, weapons, and shelter. It was going fine for those first few weeks and I was even promoted a couple of times. It was then that I believe I changed. I was becoming strong, and wasn't hungry anymore. I was actually pretty wealthy and felt like an entirely new person. I didn't have to be afraid of anyone any longer, nor did I have to think carefully of what I should do next. I had power and whether I was a Wolverine or not, I had become strong. I can do as I please and not have to worry about someone not feeding me. I no longer knew the meaning of restraint and felt like it was my turn to enjoy my life. I have faced death in the eyes many times, and I have been betrayed by people that I thought I could trust. I've had to fend for myself for most of this time and I've had to get down on my knees and beg for a small meal. All of this showed me how cruel people are, and helped me understand how joyful life can be if you let go of fear, guilt, regret, and all other useless feelings. I have now learned how to embrace who I am and to stop thinking of myself as a 'good' person. The truth of the matter is that I'm not. I've become one of them, and I'm okay with it.

    Personality: Reckless, overconfident

    Motives: He does what he does simply because he can and feels unstoppable.

    Aspirations: -

    [Open Response. Answer all questions]

    You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery?

    As Muryo notices the scenario, he takes advantage of the missing merchant and steps closer to the stall. While everyone is busy and he still remains unnoticed, Muryo walks into the stall and begins looting the valuables that he can find which consists of several jewels and a dagger made of diamond. He hides the dagger down by his waist and stuffs all of the other valuables in his pockets. However he is quickly spotted by a merchant about two stalls away who begins yelling out for guards. Muryo quickly unsheathes his blade from his back and leaps over the stalls to the merchant, kicking him in the face. As the merchant falls to the ground, the commotion attracts several people as well as four human guards, all in chain-mail armor, but one who is in diamond. Muryo grunts as he picks up the merchant and presses his sword against his neck.Muryo - "All of you get out of my damn way or I'll slit his throat right now!"As some of the people back away, the guards unsheathe their weapons and step in closer. Instinctively, Muryo cuts the man's throat and shoves the bleeding man at two of the guards. As the two guards are shocked and worried about the merchant, Muryo sprints past the third guard and straight at the one in diamond armor, jump-kicking him, bringing them both down to the ground. As they reach the ground, Muryo's sword swings across the market and the guard prepares to attack with his diamond ax. At this moment, Muryo hesitates and flails at the man, pushing and kicking at his arms in attempt to stop him from attacking. As the guard tries to remain focused, Muryo pulls off the guard's helmet and proceeds to slam him in the face with it. Meanwhile, the other guards are approaching and ready to strike from multiple directions. The guard in diamond is bleeding from the face and almost unconscious as Muryo grabs his ax and throws it at one of the other guards. The ax completely misses and the guard runs up to him, swinging a sliver ax horizontally. Muryo ducks under it and kicks him in the chest, knocking him back. From behind, another guard is running and swinging a blade. Muryo quickly pulls out the diamond dagger, parries the blade, and sends a stab to the guard's neck. The stabs hits successfully and the guard falls to the ground bleeding heavily. Muryo is then tackled down to the ground by one of the remaining guards and loses grip of the dagger. The guard kicks the dagger away and spots Muryo's sword on the far side of the market. He kneels in his chain-mail armor over Muryo's legs with an iron ax at hand.Guard - "Can't save yourself now, scum!" *holds Muryo by the neck and swings his ax.*Muryo swiftly reaches his right hand behind his back and pulls out his last resort iron dagger from the bottom of his scabbard and stabs the man in the arm as he swings, stopping the hit and causing great damage to his arm. Muryo then releases the dagger and shove the man off of him, dashing as quickly as he could past a guard that was too worried about his comrade to pay much attention to him. Muryo grabs his blade and keeps it at hand as he shoves off any civilians in his way, escaping the area before any more guards can arrive. In the end, Muryo arrives back in his hidden home and counts all of the money he can make from the jewels, at the cost of only an iron dagger.

    The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery?

    Muryo takes note that the men are all intoxicated and most likely retired soldiers. He takes about ten steps backwards away from the home and then dashes as rapidly as possible, jumping and kicking through the window. Three of the men quickly stand up, clearly angered and reach for their weapons. One of them grabs and iron sword that was being hung on the wall. Another attempts to grab a dagger from the counter, however seems to be having trouble in doing so. The third simply fell backwards and seems to be unconscious. The other two who are sitting seem to be laughing at the scene, so Muryo quickly shuts one of them up by vertically kicking him in the jaw. He then unsheathes his sword and swings at the armed man, however the blade is parried. The man then swings his own sword at Muryo, however seems to have lost his balance as he tumbles down to the ground. Two of the men are now laughing loudly, two are apparently unconscious, and the last one is struggling to stand. Muryo loses his patience and steps over the man and into the back of the room, searching for the scroll. Once he lays his eyes on the chest, he finds that it is locked. He then goes back to the struggling man who has finally managed to stand, knocks him on the back of the head with the bottom of his blade, and takes a set of keys from him as he is motionless on the ground. Muryo then tries each of the keys on the lock and eventually manages to open it. Inside he finds the scroll which he stuffs into his pocket as he heads out the way he came.

    An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull off this thievery?

    Muryo passes by the man and realizes how easy it would be to take his bag. He notices the group of people coming so he decides to be as quick as possible. He pulls out his iron dagger and tries stabbing the sleeping man quietly. The man opens his eyes and tries to stop the attacks however was not strong nor quick enough, and takes a dagger to the neck. As soon as the man's eyes close, Muryo grabs his bag and prepares to run, however as he turns, he sees that the people in the distance are close enough to realize what he just did. He sighs and unsheathes his sword as he runs up to them. As he nears them, he finds that it's a man and two women. The man wielding a sword and the women hiding behind him. Muryo smiles at the man and as soon as he is near enough, he swings his sword at the man. The man parries his blade and swings at Muryo. Muryo dodges the strike, however is caught off balance by one of the women and she pushes him down. The man swings vertically down at Muryo as he is on the ground, yet Muryo stops the blade with his sandal. He then swings his blade at the man's right arm, completely cutting straight through. The arm falls down along with the sword and Muryo jumps up to his feet and headbutts the man in the face. The man falls back shouting and cursing as the women try desperately to aid him. Muryo then sees several guards on horses coming in from the city not too far off and decides he can't stay any longer. He sheathes his sword and dashes into the woods, away from all of the commotion before the guards manage to get to the scene.

  11. *Muryo spots the note a adds a piece of parchment to the bottom of it.

    It reads:

    "I got a Human. He's young and is able to cook, log, and farm damn well. He's obedient and knows when to keep silent. 10,000 mina for this one.

    I'll check up on this pillar for a place to meet if you're interested.


  12. *A single poster is slammed onto one of the pillars in the Cloud Temple. It seems to have been written quickly with poor handwriting.*

    It reads:

    "Looking for a farmer who can cook. Only one trust worthy, quiet farmer to farm some things on my land and cook me some meats. Nothing too serious that requires dedication. This will simply be a quick part-time job that will require very little contact with me. All I need is someone to gather some materials for me and leave it in a chest every few days. Once you have collected the pre-determined amount of resources for me, anything else that you wish to farm is yours. I just can't stress enough that my chest must have everything I need before you begin farming for yourself. All tools needed will be provided. If you are interested leave a note under this poster with the following information and I will probably get back to you.




    -Experience in farming

    -Experience in cooking

    -Preferred method of payment


    ((Feel free to leave a comment on this post, pm me on the forums or message me in-game if you have any questions or proposals. -POTATO3))

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