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Posts posted by Igneberr

  1. Just out of curiosity, since the orcs currently have no nation -- and therefore, no nation leader -- Who will make the decisions required of that position? I'm guessing the leader of the strongest clan?


    Most likely, or it could be a battle amongsts the clans on who owns the mines blah blah, that would be good rp.



    There better be armor that can be made from Emeralds, Clay ,or Redstone, or humans are going to have a serious problem.


    I really wanted that bloody quartz mine.


    I don't see how you make armour out of redstone or clay, and I don't believe emeralds for armour either, but Green armor would be awesome :P

  2. (( So the same mistake does not happen twice, If the Orcs win the pillage, You do not break the lights like the last pillage people did , and you don't magically know how to break a Seal that would murder you normally just because you have the power to break blocks in Malinor if you win, I wouldn't doubt a ban being handed out this time if it happens considering their was a rather blatant warning last time.))

  3. "If that is your attitude that you would present to the Sohaer, the leader of the Mali'aheral, I would agree in that it would not be wise to have you handle it."

    It would matter not if that was my attitude towards him or if I hid behind a pretty mask, We have a bad past and meeting him would only inspire his constant bickering. 

  4. Asthil Haumel reads the note. He grimaces, and then speaks.


    "I believe it proper to aprehend this Sentinel and detain him for questioning. We must arrange a meeting with the Sohaer soon, to explain that the actions of one Mali are not that of all Malinor."


    The only clue on who it is, is they're a Highguard and he suspects Benedict. Not being too detailed about who actually caused them trouble, honestly looks to me like they don't care enough.


    I could easily say one of their High Elves came in and attempted to murder me and say I suspect so and so, doesn't mean he actually did, So if Kalenz wants us to do something about a Highguard stepping out of place he needs to give more detail on who or how they messed up

  5. Doesnt apply in LOTC. Due to the emense amount of ore needed for an ingot IRL and its rarity, this is absurdly unrealistic. People honestly would normally only be able to carry enough for an ingot or two.



    True, but if you follow the rules of the real world you would also have people dedicated to mining and have lots of people doing it so they can move back and forth, yet in Lotc were limited by number severely so to balance that some physics are changed etc. Honestly in my opinion I don't think the Iron mine is really meant for people to get iron, but  is just there to say "There is a Iron mine now happy?"

  6. I went to the mine today, apparently a few hours after everyone else did (Mad about that >.<), and there was NO IRON WHATSOEVER. Me, another dwarf, and a sariant searched the whole mine and found not a single ore. 

    This is going to be what it's like for the rest of this mine's existence. One person is going to mine the 20 ores, wait 14 hrs, and come back. 


    It's too easy to get to the iron. If you're decent at parkour and mob combat, it's really easy to just sweep the whole mine.

    I propose a system where you can only mine a small percent of the iron for yourself, so if there was only 20 iron you could at max mine one; this could factor into the skills thing too; better miners would get more.


    This idea would also encourage the creation of mining companies (woo more roleplay less minecraft), who hire workers to harvest the iron. This is because, the more miners you have, the more of the iron you could reap. There are already robbers (and if I ever had a time to get 2a for armed robbery it's right now), who will try to steal from the mining company workers, so that will create an interesting and fun bit of RP. I would enjoy RPing as a mine worker or a robber. I do not enjoy trying to find one iron ore in the whole mine only to find someone on a different timezone has taken it all. I do not enjoy the game of luck that the iron mine is right now.


    The rule of mining "Finders keepers losers weepers" :P





    There are roughly 20 ores in all in the mine, and that is it. The current respawn time for each ore is, I will admit, rather long at 14 hours unfortunately. This is meant to keep iron rare and prevent a sudden influx into the economy, though we plan on changing this system in the future. We are aware that the current system is rather dull and is full of downsides, but we plan on changing to a much more effective system with the arrival of the professions plugin! More details will be given in the future.






    To prevent a sudden influx into the economy, I'm sorry but there is already tons of IRon into the economy, I mean at Freema5's shop in Malinor he had 1000+ Iron ingots in the beginning of its opening and now Its around 200 Iron ingots, So I don't think this would bring an IRon influx because I know Freema5 wasn't the only one that had lots of Iron from idk where.

  8. Elindor is not surprised. Oren is given control and a taxation system follows. How long now till the elves too are without homes because of Godfrey's lust?


    He mumbles "So long as they leave my vineyard alone I will continue to not give a ghast"



    ((I assume the taxes are so low because it is expected that they will go up as soon as Oren demands tribute?))


    (( Taxes aren't a result of Oren, taxes were planned from the beginning but never had time to actually put them in and they are low because of Malinor has low economy))

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