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Esarolem Greythorn

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Posts posted by Esarolem Greythorn

  1. MC name : 




    RP name : 


    Esarolem Lagor-Sigil


    Reason for joining?


    I am searching for something useful to do, which also helps the people and their leaders.


    Weapon of choice?


    My weapon of choice is the bow 


    Are you a citizen of Oren?


    No, but I would like to buy a house in Salvus, as I left the Wilds a few weeks ago. Wandering around Anthos isn't fun all the time...


    Do you have a criminal record?


    Not for as far as I know, but I once walked into a house with open doors to check out the inside of a Salvian home, and got a fine of 50 Minas for it, but I don't know if this is a real criminal deed.


    OOC: Skype name?



  2. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the followingquestions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: My Minecraft IGN is Brammeke1902

    How old are you?: I am fourteen years old.

    Time-Zone: GMT +1 hour Amsterdam

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: I have read, understood and agreed to the rules.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have played some RP games like Skyrim and Oblivion.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for an RPG server on Google, and luckily I found this server! 

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: First one: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/user/40208-alsel-arkenea-dlues/ and the second one: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/87871-second-application-of-esarolem-lagor-sigil-high-elf/

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes I have, http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-anthos-officially-t-h-e-1-roleplay-server/page__st__3040

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: I shall use and follow the information in my Biography.


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playing is acting like another person, mostly in another world or universe, this can be trough games or by doing it in real life (LARP).

    Meta-gaming: When you are Meta-gaming, you are playing outside your role, using information you and/or your character is not supposed to know.

    Power-emoting: Power-emoting is for example saying that you are doing, or did something, while you are trying to do it, like: "I reached for my sword and cut his hand off.", while it should actually be, "I grabbed my sword and aimed for his hand."

    In-Character Information:


    Complete the following biography on your character:


    Full Name: Esarolem Lagor-Sigil

    Current Age: 248

    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):


       Esarolem was born on a cold winterday in the middle of the forests, this was because his father and mother were travelling to their new home in Haelun'or. They had almost eaten all their food, and now they had to feed a baby, too. His father and mother agreed that they had to feed their baby, so they ate less, sometimes even nothing for 2 days, and even when they did that, little Esarolem got thinner and thinner. When they finally saw the rooftops and towers of Haelun'or on the horizon, Esarolem's mother died of starvation, while they were almost there. Esarolem and his father were left, and safely reached  the city gates of Haelun'or.
       When Esarolem was 46 years old, his father got a new job, he became a merchant, Normandor and Arethor became the main cities of trade for them. These were prosperous times, they ate the best food, drank the finest wine, and lived in a big house in the  wealthiest district in Haelun'or, but only a few years later, trading became worse, and in the end, his father couldn't pay enough guards for his trading caravans, and so he travelled with them to guard them himself. The first few times went good, and they had a bit more money again. The seventh time Esarolem´s father had to travel to Elandriel. This became his last journey.
       Esarolem didn't hear from his father for weeks, and 5 months later, Esarolem heard the sad news that the caravan was attacked by bandits, murdering every man and animal, even the useful horses. Esarolem didn't know where this happened, so he started to search in the forests where the people said it happened. He searched for weeks. In the fifth week, he saw a pile of ashes and wood through the high trees. Esarolem went to investigate. At one of the wooden planks he found the mark of his father's company, and a few minutes later, he found the remains of his father's body, he recognized him by his equipment, and his sword.

       Esarolem went back to Haelun'or, to take over his father's company, and luckily for him, trade became better again, but this wasn't enough for him, it was a busy job, so he sold his company, and with the money he built a manor in the forests. He lived there until the Fall of Asulon. When he arrived in Anthos, he built a small home, and became a lumberjack, hoping to start a little company with it, and sell wood to all kinds of people and races in Anthos.

    Ambitions for the Future: In the future Esarolem wants to be a part of the Elven community, by taking part in the low counsil. One of Esarolem's other dreams is to start a little town, and build a small keep, not for him alone, but for his friends, and possible guild. A smaller dream of Esarolem is that he wants to learn the fine art of smithing, this could help him out a lot with his lumberjacking.

    Personality: Esarolem is friendly, most of the men and women he met are now his friends, most of them. He also made some enemies, mostly in taverns, as he is mostly drunk after glasses of wine. The worst part of Esarolem being drunk is that he wants to fight then, this would explain why he has some enemies. Esarolem is also eager to finish his tasks, doing it whatever it takes, and not caring about how long it takes, he has time enough. He is always willing to have a good talk with someone, not caring if it is an Elf or an Orc, and with a glass of sweet wine, it's even better.

    Skills: Esarolem is a pretty good marksman, always choosing the bow as his primary weapon. He loves to read, and especially about history, and with reading comes writing, which he likes a lot, because he can express him. Climbing is one of his best skills. He has always liked to climb on things, and then see the view from the top, and if Esarolem sees something, and wants to climb it, you have a 99 % chance that he is there in less than ten minutes.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Esarolem is a High Elf, though he has brown hair, due to his grandmother of his mother's side being a Dark Elf, his eye colour is dark blue and he wears a golden circlet with a ruby at the front, his father's last gift when he left on his last journey. He wears a long coat, which is light-green and he has a short but broad dagger strapped on his back. Esarolem is about 6.3 feet long, he is not thin, because of the muscles he has grown while living in the wilderness, but he is not thick or big either. His hands and feet are considered big when compared to other Elves of his length and age, but this helps him with climbing on things and running fast. Here is a link to my Minus gallery with my skin: http://targarzilon.minus.com/m1u4o5O4XdHJF

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: As I have said earlier, Esarolem is not a pure blood High Elf, this could explain why he has better marksman skills than other High Elves, and why he has a darker skin than other High Elves and brown hair.



    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.


    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven child. How do you react?


       I would confront them and say: "What are you mocking about, is there nothing more useful a group of Elves could do on this nice day?".

       The group would probably answer that it is non of my business, so I would then say:
       "Why are you mocking about a small child? He still has to learn, and also from his mistakes, he or she may not be as perfect as another child, but that doesn't give you the rights to mock about him or her!"
       "But the child has a very big nose, and he is fat, he could do something about the second thing," they say.

       "That is even worse than I thought!" I answer, "Making fun of someone because of his appearance, that is pretty foolish, if I may say so. I ask you to stop mocking, and go on with whatever you were doing.".

       After this the group will probably stop, and go on with what they were doing, as I asked them. 

    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. Hecollapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud.Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?


       I would run in a straight line to the man, having my sword ready for possible bandits who saw this happen. The first thing I would do is to find his walking stick, or find a new one in the forests, if his one is broken. I would also give him my sword, because I can't defend him from maybe 100 metres away. When I have his stick, or another one, I would help him on his feet. The coin purse is torn, so I would rip off a pice of my cloak, and make a temporary coin purse to put his coins in.

       While getting him on his journey, I ask, "Who are you, if I may ask, and why are you travelling trough the forests alone? You should know that these forests aren't the safest places to be,"
       "I am a former merchant, and I am on my way to Salvus," he says, but this doesn't matter, because whoever he may be, noble or peasant, I would accompany him to his destination for as far as I can. If he gives me some coins for my help, I would only accept the ones I need to buy a glass of wine in a tavern, and then drink one on him.

    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).


       "Karin'ayla! May I ask why you are standing here? This may be the land of the Elves, but that doesn't mean it is completely safe."

       "Ah, I am just selling my wares, and from here it is not that far to Leumalin, so I should be safe."

       "That is right, but you said you are selling your wares?"
       "Yes, indeed", he replies "I would haggle for a prize with you. I have different kinds of food and drinks, but also some iron, leather and wood."

       "I don't need to buy any food, I can grow it on my farm, nor do I need any drinks, but the iron and wood souns good. I would give 350 Minas for 20 iron ingots, and 45 Minas for 30 logs." 
       "450 for the ingots, and the wood is of high quality, so 80 for those."
       "Hmmm... 380 for the ingots then, but I won't pay 80 Minas for the logs, I have seen them cheaper in Salvus, so I will give you 65 Minas for the logs, and I will not go higher."
       "400 for the iron and I'm happy, but the wood, hmmm, 65 is a bit too less, 78 Minas for the logs, and I will give you 5 ales with it." 

       "So, 400 for the iron, and 78 for the logs and 5 ales? Seems good to me, I will pay now then." 

       "It's good to do business with you," he says as I hand over the coins.
       "Indeed," I answer "Van'ayla!"

       I walk away with a smile on my face, happy to have made such a good deal.

  3. (I hope more than 24 hours have passed since my last application, it says it is 12.05 here, and the site says I posted my first application at 11.45 yesterday, so I hope there isn't a time difference between my PC and the site.)


    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: My Minecraft IGN is Brammeke1902

    How old are you?: I am fourteen years old.

    Time-Zone: GMT +1 hour Amsterdam

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: I have read, understood and agreed to the rules.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have played some RPG games like Skyrim and Oblivion.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for an RPG server on Google, and luckily I found this server!

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/user/40208-alsel-arkenea-dlues/

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes I have: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-anthos-officially-t-h-e-1-roleplay-server/page__st__3020

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: I shall use and follow the information in my Biography.


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions
    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playing is acting like another server, mostly in another world or universe, this can be trough games or by doing it in real life (LARP).

    Meta-gaming: When you are Meta-gaming, you are playing outside your role, using information you and/or your character is not supposed to know.

    Power-emoting: Power-emoting is for example saying that you are doing, or did something, while you are trying to do it, like: "I reached for my sword and cut his hand off.", while it should actually be, "I grabbed my sword and aimed for his hand."

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Esarolem Lagor-Sigil

    Current Age: 248

    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):
       Esarolem was born on a cold winterday in the middle of the forests, this was because his father and mother were travelling to their new home in Haelun'or in Asulon. They had almost eaten all their food, and now they had to feed a baby, too. His father and mother agreed that they had to feed their baby, so they ate less, sometimes even nothing for 2 days, and even when they did that, Esarolem got thinner and thinner. They finally saw the city on the horizon after 3 weeks of travelling, but then Esarolem's mother died of starvation, while they were almost there. Esarolem and his father were left, and safely reached Haelun'or.
       When Esarolem was 46 years old, his father got a new job, he became a merchant, and Arethorand Normandor became the main city for trade for them. These were prosperous times, but only a few years later, trading became worse, and in the end, his father couldn't pay enough guards for his trading caravans, and so he travelled with them to guard them himself. The first few times went good, and they had a bit more money again. The seventh time Esarolem´s father had to travel to Arethor. Esarolem didn't hear from his father for weeks, and 5 months later, Esarolem heard that the caravan was attacked by bandits, murdering every man and animal, even the useful horses. Esarolem didn't know where this happened, but he did know, that the chief took his father's sword, and that his father's body was thrown in an old tomb, close to the forests, which one he didn't know, and who this chief was neither, but he was sure that he was going to find the sword, and put it besides his father's body.
       Esarolem searched for the chief and the tomb for about 50 years, crossing mountains, travelling through the woods, crossing plains, and not to forget to train his marksman skills. He knew the maps of Arethor, Haelun'or and whole Malinor by heart. After these 50 years, he realized it was impossible and that the chief was maybe already dead, and that the sword was thrown in a river, so he settled down in the middle of the forests and close to the icy mountains with their white tops.

       Then Asulon fell, and Esarolem didn't have a chance anymore to find the sword and his father's body, and he travelled with the rest of his kind to the new Malinor in Anthos, and settled down in the forests.

    Ambitions for the Future: Find his father's lost sword, and then return it to his tomb, if he can find that. Gaining a high rank in the government doesn't sound too bad to him either.

    Personality: Esarolem is cares about others and he is friendly, most of the men and women he met are now his friends, most of them, but he also made some enemies, mostly in taverns, as he is normally drunk after two ales. The worst part of Esarolem being drunk is that he wants to fight then, this would explain why he has some enemies, this is why he avoids taverns, unless when it is special. Esarolem is also eager to finish his tasks, doing it whatever it takes, and not caring about how long it takes, he has time enough. In the years he travelled, he developed a love for forests and mountains. Esarolem also likes architecture, he loved Salvus' architecture for example.

    Skills: Esarolem is a pretty good marksman, always chosing the bow as his primary weapon. When travelling trough the lands, he also learned to care for himself, and he could cure most of his illnesses. He can read, of course, but he isn´t into poetry and writing. Climbing is one of his best skills. If Esarolem sees something, and wants to climb it, you have a 99 % chance that he is there in less than ten minutes.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Esarolem is a High Elf, though he has brown hair, due to his grandmother of his mother's side being a Dark Elf, his eye colour is dark blue and he wears a golden circlet with a ruby at the front, his father's last gift when he left on his last journey. He wears a long coat, which is light-green and a dagger on his back. Esarolem is about 6.3 feet long, he is not thin, because of the muscles he has grown while living in the wilderness, but he is not thick or big either. His hands and feet are considered big when compared to other Elves of his length and age, but this helps him with climbing on things and running fast. Here is a kink to my Minus gallery with my skin: http://targarzilon.minus.com/m1u4o5O4XdHJF

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: As I have said earlier, Esarolem is not a pure blood High Elf, this could explain why he has better marksman skills than other High Elves, and why he has a darker skin than other High Elves and brown hair.


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one
    paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as
    possible and do not break character or lore at any point.


    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and
    snickering. Uponinspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking
    a small elven child. How do you react?


       I would confront them and say: "What are you mocking about, is there nothing more useful a group of Elves could do on this nice day?". 

       The group would probably answer that it is non of my business, so I would then say: "Why are you mocking about a small child? He still has to learn, and also from his mistakes, he or she may not be as perfect as another child, but that doesn't give you the rights to mock about him or

       "But the child has a very big nose, and he is fat, he could do something about the second thing," they say.

       "That is even worse than I thought!" I answer, "Making fun of someone because of his appearance, that is pretty foolish, if I may say so. I ask you to stop mocking, and go on with whatever you were doing.".

       After this the group will probably stop, and goon with what they were doing, as I asked them. 

    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with
    a walking stick. Hecollapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a
    sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the
    ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there,
    defenseless - what do you do?


       I would run in a straight line to the man, having my sword ready for possible bandits who saw this happen. The first thing I would do is to find his walking stick, or find a new one in the forests, if his one is broken. I would also give him my sword, because I can't defend him from maybe 100 metres away. When I have his stick, or another one, I would help him on his feet. The coin purse is torn, so I would rip off a pice of my cloak, and make a temporary coin purse to put his coins in.

       I would ask him: "Who are you, if I may ask, and why are you travelling trough the forests alone? You should know that these forests aren't the safest places to be," but whoever he may be, noble or peasant, I would accompany him to his destination for as far as I can. If he gives me some coins for my help, I would only accept the ones I need to buy an ale in a tavern, and then drink an ale on him.

    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing
    in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you
    over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just
    about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What
    does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the
    discussion involved).


       "Karin'ayla! May I ask why you are standing here? This may be the land of the Elves, but that doesn't mean it is completely safe."

       "Ah, I am just selling my wares, and from here it is not that far to Leumalin, so I should be safe."
       "That is right, but you said you are selling your wares?"
       "Yes, indeed", he replies "I would haggle for a prize with you. I have different kinds of food and drinks, but also some iron, leather and wood."
       "I don't need to buy any food, I can grow it on my farm, nor do I need any drinks, but the iron and wood souns good. I would give 350 Minas for 20 iron ingots, and 45 Minas for 30 logs."

       "450 for the ingots, and the wood is of high quality, so 80 for those."

       "Hmmm... 380 for the ingots then, but I won't pay 80 Minas for the logs, I have seen them cheaper in Salvus, so I will give you 65 Minas for the logs, and I will not go higher."

       "400 for the iron and I'm happy, but the wood, hmmm, 65 is a bit too less, 78 Minas for the logs, and I will give you 5 ales with it."

       "So, 400 for the iron, and 78 for the logs and 5 ales? Seems good to me, I will pay now then."
       "It's good to do business with you," he says as I hand over the coins.

       "Indeed," I answer "Van'ayla!"

    I walk away, happy to have made such a good deal.

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