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Status Updates posted by Sargeblub

  1. Justice.

    1. Phog


      Been a long time coming

  2. Well, that was rather inconsistent judgement, don't you think?

    1. Sargeblub


      LoTC only cares when it happens to them or their associates. Why can't the love be shared.

  3. Hopefully my new App Team app will actually be read :P

  4. Waiting on my VA to be read :I

  5. I voted today, then when I get on the forums later I see the "June Voting" post. Is there anyway to check my vote number after I've voted?

  6. I heard there was going to be a post regarding the rule on having multiple characters on one account. Anyone when the post is going to be made? I'm thinking of making an alt but I don't want to get banned for it :I

  7. Any Conjuration teachers that would be willing to take on a new student?

  8. I'm going to slowly start molding my character into Petyr Baelish XD

  9. Posted my Event Team App at 5:55, that has to be a good sign :P

  10. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/60674-my-va/ If you've enjoyed my RP come and support my villain app. :D
  11. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/60674-my-va/ If you've enjoyed my RP I would much appreciate some support on my VA :)
  12. I finally got power back after losing it on Tuesday...I hate you DTE >.

  13. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/62058-seeking-sandstone/page__pid__485824#entry485824 If you want to get some of that old, pesky sandstone off of your hands, look no further!
  14. I'm looking for sandstone, if you have some that you need to sell, go here! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/62058-seeking-sandstone/

  15. http://www.waroftherosesthegame.com/?ref=28e7247c83f I dare you to click it...I double dog dare you!What's on your mind?
  16. Is anyone else having problems with TS? For some reason I can't connect and when I do I get DCed within a few minutes.

  17. I'm having trouble connecting to the LoTC TS, does anyone know anything that could help?

  18. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/54269-my-new-app-team-application/#entry418358 My ATeam app has been gathering dust so I decided to advertise it. Yes, shameless advertising.
  19. I'm stuck in Hanseti, someone help me D:

  20. If you've RPed with me and you enjoyed it, do me a favor and support my Mini VA. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/66203-rookies-mini-va/

  21. I just had some fantastic RP in Arethor. I was a cat named 'Dooby' and Nug and I went exploring.

  22. All of my texture packs have the default font for some reason... Even after looking through the files in them and seeing that they have custom font the default font still shows up in game. Anyone know how to fix this? And yes, I have optifine.

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