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Status Updates posted by Sargeblub

  1. Is anyone else not able to break chests?

  2. There's waaaaaay too many WhiteKnights on this server, it irks me.

  3. ETeam > Everyone

  4. Whenever I run Minecraft a file named 'server.log.lck' and another file named 'server' both show up on my desktop and I can't delete them until I close Minecraft, does anyone know why this happens?

  5. Where is everyone getting these aninmated sprites for their avatars? I'm jealous.

  6. I was sitting in the third level down of the Dwarven ship, then all of a sudden, I randomly get blown up. And I'm pretty sure their ship was full of water and was still firing cannons.

  7. Wait, I'm confused. 'Evils 1a, 3, 4ab no longer need any references. Nor do they need a VA at all anymore.' does that mean I can do those villainous acts on the server without a VA or should I make one of those 'Minor Villainry' apps?

  8. I don't really know how to fix it so I'd just wait for Pillan to respond.

  9. We really need to fix this whole going back to Spawn everytime you log back in.

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