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Posts posted by Chaqery

  1. In Bastion, the Arch Lector studies over the thesis by the sputtering candlelight of his study. He chuckles softly as he reads over it and shakes his head. He folds the papers neatly and stows them away into one of his desk drawers. He looks up at a knock on his open door, and gestures for the soldier standing there to enter.

    "Something the matter, Toov?"

    The lector waves dismissively, leaning back in his chair.


    "Oh, no no friend. Merely some thesis on religion. It's sure to ruffle some feathers with our Canonist and True Faith kin, but I wish the author had bothered to at least come and speak to me before throwing the name of Owynism into the mud. He falsely accuses us of clashing with Canonism and True Faith in an imaginary war for religious power."

    "Well, are we going to hunt him?"

    "Hunt him? Why would we do that? He's simply some poor misinformed soul looking to break into the intellectual world. Everyone starts somewhere, don't they? Besides, after this publication I don't think he needs any more enemies."

  2. Spoiler




    Table of Contents

    Section A- Introduction

    Section B-  In Relation to Baseline Canonism

    Section C- Lector Dogma

        Subsection 1C- Additional Principles

        Subsection 2C- Following the Dogma

    Section D- Lector Hierarchy

    Section E- Signs of Owyn

    Section F- Litanies


    <:: Section A- Introduction


    The Lectors of Owyn are a militant-sect of the Owynist faith whose duty is to not only inspire Westerland troops on the field of battle, but also to minister to the spiritual and medical needs of the Kingdom against humanity’s foes. Owyn is patron of Purity, War, and Fire, and to pursue his creed is to live a life dedicated to battle for the good of all Mankind. Service in the Lectorship demands that its followers fight all forms of evil in the world with the strength of their arms as well as their faith and many of its priests accompany the armies when they march off to war, following and honouring that creed.


    It is thanks to these tireless servants of God that a rousing speech by a Lector of Owyn has restored the troops' faith, brought hope to a seemingly lost cause, or prevented a mutiny when the words of even the most respected commanders had fallen on frightened and angry ears. Owyn is the patron of the Westerlands and its people (of a combined Kaedreni/Waldenian culture), the reason why the people of the Kingdom often refer to themselves as Owyn's People and venerate the sigil of the Flaming Sword.


    <:: Section B- Owynism In Relation to Baseline Canonism

        ((In an effort to keep the faith focused on in-character. roleplay and not out of character shenanigans.))

       Those wishing to learn more about the dogma behind Owynism are encouraged to seek out members of the Lectorship.


    <:: Section C- Lector Dogma


    “GOD is our father and our guardian.

    But we must also guard GOD.

    For He is all Humankind, and Humankind is no more than its faith and diligence in GOD.

    An injury to that faith is an injury to GOD and to all of humankind.

    It is through affirmation of that faith that our greatest duty lies, but sometimes mere affirmation does not suffice and we must act against those who would harm the faith of Humanity through heresy by Impurity of Thought and Action.

    Exalted Owyn teaches that we are engaged in an unending war for the soul of humankind.

    Though it may seem the fight will never end, there is victory even in the defeat we see threatening all around.

    There is no greater proclamation of faith than to offer up our very lives to guard the soul of humankind.

    In this we win a victory greater in magnitude than the harm that any heretic can inflict, and so every battle is a shining triumph that the traitor and the apostate can never take away from us.”


    This is the creed of Lector doctrine. Its core principle- unending conflict- guides us in all that we do. It is imperative that every Lector learn these words by heart. From this rote memory basis can further lessons be taught, and so proselytes and initiates may reflect further on the deeper meaning and implications.


    <:: Subsection 1C- Additional Principles


    • A Lector uses their faith and strength of will for inspiration and service, never for political or personal gain.

    • The Hammer of Retribution is the symbol of the members of the Lector Order.

    • If a Lector raises his hammer, he must be ready to extinguish a life. Idle threats are not acceptable.

    • Lectors respect each other, and all laws and figures of authority whom they serve.

    • Lectors must put the needs of the community above the needs of individuals.

    • A Lector must protect the weak and defenseless from evil.

    • Lectors must always cooperate in battle or crisis.

    • Lectors must not have wants; self-reliance must be shown.

    • A Lector will not kill an unarmed human (non-magic using) opponent. They must be taken prisoner and made to repent if their actions are deemed heretical. Upon confessing and repenting for their heresy, they may be put to death if deemed appropriate by local rule/law.


    <:: Subsection 2C- Following the Dogma


    “Agents of Darkness care nothing for why a mortal might fall into their service – they will trick, coerce and snare whoever they can, for each fallen soul makes them a little stronger. The faith of mankind is different. We’re not tricked into the love of God. Our faith is no snare, nor can a man be coerced into a life of holiness. We must fight through our doubt to see the truth, just as a man must fight to crest the summit of a mountain. Take away that doubt, take away that struggle, and we’d be no better than the raving fallen who gibber at the sight of visions and cheap magic.”

    - Angelus Custos, Purity and Strife: Owynism in Practice


    Phase I: Self Discipline

    Self-discipline is one of the key concepts of Lector behavior, and proselytes are taught this from very early on . The lessons start off similar to what might be taught to an ordinary student; however, as the student progresses, so do the complexity of the lessons.


    Conquer Arrogance

    Lectors are required to learn that, although we carry the fiery spirit of Owyn into battle, we are no better than those who do not. Lectors are taught that we are only Lectors because some had taken the trouble to teach them, not because we are superior to others, and that an Arch Lector is only an Arch Lector because he had disregarded his own sense of self-importance and embraced the will of the faith.


        Conquer Overconfidence

    Many young Lector students, while learning the ways of the Order, began to believe that they can accomplish anything. Many young Lector die taking on tasks that are far too difficult for them, not realizing that the blessing of Exalted Owyn are only truly limitless to those who have limitless belief and understanding.


        Conquer Defeatism

    Young Lector also learn that defeatism is just as dangerous as overconfidence. Although it might have seemed contradictory to the goals of conquering overconfidence, a Lector would first plan for success, then for failure. Lector who always plan for failure expect to lose, and usually only use minimal effort—enough to say that they tried.


    Conquer Stubbornness

    Lectors must always be ready to accept defeat if the cost of winning is greater than the cost of losing. Lector are taught that it is always best to end things to your advantage than to win or lose. Sometimes it is better to live another day.


        Conquer Recklessness

    Many young Lectors lacking in self-restraint are always ready to take up their hammers and plunge straight into battle. They perceive a goal and rush towards it, without any consideration for unseen dangers or other options. And so we must remember that speed does not necessarily lead to success.


        Conquer Curiosity

    Many inexperienced Lectors use the resources of the faith to satisfy their curiosity, probing into the darker secrets of our world. In this way, an open mind becomes like a fortress with it’s gates unbarred and unguarded. The influence of evil can be subtle, but it must be protected against at all cost. Faith and devotion to GOD and Exalted Owyn is enough.


    Conquer Materialism

    Through service to the Westerlands and Exalted Owyn (and in keeping with the beliefs of Owynism) a Lector may find that he has amassed a deal of personal wealth. It is a firm Owynist belief that the magnificence of God and his chosen prophet Owyn can be best emulated by the amassing of wealth- after all, the attraction to wealth is parallel to the attraction of faith. Abusing status as a member of the Lectorship is however condemnable by death. Greed is unacceptable in Owynist dogma, and Lectors who find themselves amassing wealth must always be charitable. The good of the Kingdom of Westerland is always to be put before the good of the individual Lector, and should the faithful be called upon to assist the Kingdom, they must comply in good spirits.


    Phase II: Responsibility

    Once a Lector has mastered self-discipline, they can begin to accept responsibility for their actions. Lectors who shun responsibility are never trained, and Lectors who embrace it are never denied training.


        Practice Honesty

    Honesty is the first responsibility that aspiring Lectors are taught. Lectors are permitted to stretch the truth if the situation requires it of them, however this is to be done as sparingly as possible. An honest Lector is always truthful with himself, the faithful, and the Creator.


        Honor Your Promises

    Lectors are taught that if we make a promise, we should always be prepared to keep it, or else to make amends. Thus, a Lector should never make a promise he or she is not certain they can keep. Lector are encouraged to consult Exalted Owyn via prayer before making a promise.


        Honor Your Inferiors

    An Arch Lector is required to know that he must treat his subordinates with respect. He should never reprimand them public, nor punish them for disagreeing with him. On the other hand, an Arch Lector should praise his subordinates, especially in the presence of others. This builds the subordinates’ confidence, and strengthens the bond between not only the Arch Lector and their subordinates, but between the subordinates and their faith in the Order.


        Honor Your Superiors

    By the same token, those lower in rank are expected to show great respect to their superiors, especially in front of others. Proselytes are taught never to disagree with their superiors to the point of argument, and that when they are in discussion with others, apprentices should only address their superiors when they had been addressed themselves. This spares the superior having to apologize for his subordinate's behavior.


    Honor the Lector Council

    Although the Lector High Council is the ultimate authority of the Lector Order, it is not possible for the High Councilors to be everywhere at once. Therefore, when the Council sends a Lector on a mission, the Lector speaks for and is a representative of the Lector Council. The Council is forced to answer for the Lector's words and answers, and so the Lector must be careful not to put the Council in a difficult position, as to do so would be to show terrible disrespect for the Council.


        Honor the Lector Order

    Every action a Lector makes reflects on the Order. Good deeds boost the Order's reputation, but poor behavior can cause irreparable damage. Lector are taught to remember that each person they meet might not have set eyes upon a Lector before, and that the acts of the particular Lector would influence that person’s perception of the Lector Order as a whole.


        Honor the Law

    One of the most important roles of the Lector is to protect the peace and justice of the Westerlands, and so no Lector is above the law. Lector are expected to follow the law the same as they expect others to.


    Phase III: Public Service

    Although the Lector exist to serve the faith, they are funded by the Kingdom because they serve the public interest. This shoulders the Lectors with a duty to the people of the Westerlands- to serve as spiritual, and when called upon military, leaders and advisors.


        Duty to the Westerlands

    Although the Lectorship and the Kingdom are dissimilar, and the Lector Order has no authority over the Kingdom, the Lectors serve the Westerlands, and are expected to uphold its laws and ideals, and to protect its citizens. Members of the Lector Order are often called upon to serve the Westerlands military in a battle chaplain or medic function.


        Render Aid

    Lectors are obliged to help those in need of aid whenever possible, and are expected to be able to prioritize quickly. Lector are taught that while saving one life is important, saving many lives is even more so. This principle does not mean a Lector has to abandon other goals in every circumstance, but merely that a Lector must do his or her best to make sure that they aid those who are most in need of assistance.


        Defend the Weak

    Similarly, a Lector is expected to defend the weak from those who oppress them, ranging from small-scale suffering at the hands of an individual to large-scale endangerment of an entire population. Coddling is unacceptable however, and the approach that Lectors take to defend the weak is oftentimes to inspire and train them to be strong instead- life is harsh at the edge of the world, and the people of the Westerlands must be strong in body and spirit. Lectors are taught to remember that all may not be as it seems, and that they should ensure that they understand the entirety of the situation before acting, even if they clash with a Lector's moral or ethical code. Lectors are also warned not to act in areas out of their jurisdiction, and to always consider the consequences of their actions.


        Provide Support

    At times, it is necessary for a Lector to stand aside and let other people defend the weak, even if the Lectors feel that they can do a superior job. Lectors are taught that they should assist by word or action as required by the situation, offering advice when requested to, warning when necessary, and arguing only when reason fails. Lector should remember that while they carry the strength of Owyn with them in their words and deeds, if the weak can work to improve their lot and become strong enough to defend themselves, then the whole of the Westerlands benefits from it.


    <:: Section D- Lector Hierarchy



    Those pilgrims who make their way to the Cathedral of the Dawning Flame and express interest in serving the Lectorship are given the rank of Proselyte. Proselytes rarely have any free time between the daily prayers and strenuous chores they perform. What little they do have is often spent in contemplation of sacred texts. There is also the Master of Proselytes who leads weekly lessons in history, theology, and literacy. Once the Master of Proselytes feels a candidate is ready, a ceremony is held to elevate them to the rank of Novitiate- part of which involves a ritual shaving of the head.



    Upon reaching the rank of Novitiate, students are assigned to a Lector or Arch Lector who serves as their “Father” and teaches them what they need to know (how to be a warrior, how to serve in alongside the military and inspire them to greatness) using whatever, often brutal, methods he prefers. When deemed worthy by their mentor, the Novitiate is given a trial. The content of these trials varies, but is always kept secret. If the Novitiate succeeds (and indeed survives) at this trial, they are elevated through another ceremony to the rank of Lector.



    Lectors, referred to typically as “Brother”  are given something that has been missing for some time in their training thusfar: Freedom. Brothers of the Lectorship are expected to put their education and training to work improving the lives of the people of the Westerlands. Frequently they participate in giving sermons at the Temple of the Incandescent, while also overseeing the training of Novitiates and even making pilgrimages to holy sites or the rumored locations of relics that might be important to the faith.


    Arch Lector

    The Arch Lectors represent the ultimate rank that can be achieved within the holy sect. Ostensibly, they must be the wisest, most devout, and most accomplished members of their faith: eminent personages even among the great and the good. They must lead the Lectorship through perilous times. The future and direction of the sect is in their hands. Needless to say, such responsibility is a heavy burden. Arch Lectors are often already aged when they attain their position. However, this is not a position that a priest can achieve simply by serving his time and keeping out of trouble. Sometimes younger, energetic priests are recognized for their talents, and given the rank of Arch Lector. In a harsh environment, groups cannot afford to squander what talent they have, and the Westerlands is not the sort of place in which complacency and seniority trumps skill, devotion, and talent.


    Lector High Council

    The Arch Lectors form the Lector High Council (often shortened as just the Council), the ruling body of the sect. Charged with determining the direction of the Lectorship, the Council convenes regularly to discuss important matters of faith, serve as judges in disciplinary action required within the sect, and to elevate a Lector to the rank of Arch Lector. The Council is headed by the Lord Arch Lector, a title equivalent to Arch Lector in authority whose role is to direct the Council meetings and will typically serve as advisor to the King. The King of the Westerlands may of course desire that another Arch Lector serve as his advisor, and thus serving as Lord Arch Lector does not guarantee this particular honor.


    <:: Section E- Signs of Owyn


    Lectors of Owyn have two primary salutes. The first is the “Five finger” salute, representing the covering of the eyes from the light of the holy fire of Owyn. The faithful holds their left hand on their chest, right arm held up, hand raised to head level with the fist open, and all five fingers extended and spread as if blocking out a blinding light. This sign is reversed (palm facing the face, rather than facing the person saluted) to be used as a taunt and insult to Owyn’s enemies. This salute is very popular with insolent children.


    Owyn’s second sign is a ward, and involves making a sword (representative of Owny’s flaming sword) on the trunk. The faithful closes their hand as if holding a sword and with the  knuckle of their thumb touches the navel, the “V” of the collarbone, the right chest, and the left chest. It is commonly employed as a shield against the forces of evil or heresy.


    When seeking the guidance of Owyn, the faithful will close their eyes, take the same “five finger” salute and run it sideways across their eyes before reopening them in the hopes of seeing something they missed the first time around.


    When a Owynite slaps his fist, it’s an invocation of anger, but when he pounds his fist in his palm, he’s urging restraint.


    <:: Section F- Litanies


        Each Lector, upon his ascension from Novitiate adopts a blessed litany. These litanies are often personal creations and so it is said that no two Lectors burn the same with the fires of Owyn.   

        Instead of wasting their breath on wordless battle cries, the Order announces its presence on the field through the incantation of faith.


        For example...


        Siege Commander: “A fortress is built with blood and toil.”

        Soldiers, in unison: “Only by blood and toil may it be taken!”


        The chanting of this phrase would signal to the rest of the battlefield the intent to siege. Below are listed examples of recited litanies.


        The Litany of Intercession

        Crush your foes, holy Owyn,

        As you did when you lead your people

        And smote them from skull to greaves!

        Take pity upon me, wretched and lost as I am

        And rescue your faithful servant.


        The Litany of the Zealous Convert

        To the darkness I bring fire.

        To the ignorant I bring faith.

        Those who welcome these gifts may live,

        but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them.




    The Litany of Salvation

        Lost in darkness, I long to see your light. Remember your covenant, mighty God,

    With the peoples of your son Horen-- that the sun might not set upon us

    While we hold you in our hearts.


    The Litany of Damnation

    I am the hammer.

    I am the sword in His hand,

    I am the point of His spear,

    I am the gauntlet about His fist,

    I am the bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous,

    I am the end!

    This is oblivion!



    Those wishing to join the ranks of the Lectorship are encouraged to make a Pilgrimage to Bastion and seek out the Arch Lector. He may also be reached through personal missive ((forum PM)) or via messenger bird ((Chaqery in game)).


  3. What is your Minecraft Account Name?: Chaqery
    How long have you played on LotC?: Since late April 2012
    How many hours per day/week are you available?: That's a pretty difficult figure to quantify. I'm EST timezone and currently at university. Most of my classes however are online, so I'm pretty frequently available. As far as being able to access the forums and skype for Magic Team related work I'm almost always available (smartphones are a wonderful thing).
    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?: It took some serious catching up, but yes I believe so.
    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?: Fire Evocation and Xan Paladin Magic.


    Write about a magic-related topic that you find interesting (e.g. How mental barriers work):


    I think what was most refreshing to me in catching up on all the magical rewrites was the serious emphasis on toning down dity magic that has taken place in the past year or so. What always seemed to aggravate people about the deity groups was that their magic could do a great number of things very well without much in the way of drawbacks (at least so far as the people with the magic roleplayed). It's very refreshing to see that many of the groups (Ascended, Paladins, and Clerics) have undergone changes to- for lack of a better term- bring them back down to earth. I've always felt that while magic is one of the most interesting and enriching roleplay experiences, there must always be the thought of "If I were a non magic user, would I find this fun and interesting, or  overpowered and annoying?". Obviously there will always be that group that hates anything and everything magic, but I think the average player is perfectly reasonable when considering magic. That people are being serious about the idea that using clerical magic strains you, druidism drives you mad, and the similar setbacks inherent in the deity magics is a huge step in the right direction. In the past there's been a lot of negativity directed at the magic community, and I can't say it's unwarranted. Reforms like what I read are what puts it back on track.


    I also really enjoy the drastic changes to magical clarity since my time. Having fully defined and explained mana is an incredibly useful tool for a new player looking into magic. Expansions to things like Cognatism and Arcanism have also really enriched our magic lore, and made them much easier to understand.
    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past:


    Served as Game Master

    Served as Head of the Magic Team

    Served alongside ET as lead of the 3.0 Antagonist Team

    Served on Lore Team
    Do you have a Skype account? (You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it. Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team): dj_chaqery
    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it: Nope.

  4. Minecraft Account Name(s): Chaqery


    Skype: dj_chaqery


    How long have you played on LotC?: Late Spring 2012


    Time zone and availability: EST Timezone, and most of my classes are online so I'm free for Lore-Team related (if not able to be on the server) things most of the time.


    What subgenre (refer to LM specifications list) are you versed in most?: Humans, and General


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC:


    Served as a GM

    Served on ET as a GM

    Served as Head of the Magic Team

    Served on Lore Team


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC? (this will not augment your chances at obtaining the position of LM.):


    I authored the 3.0 Antagonist and have worked with others/influenced other lore.


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?: Nope.

    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?: I don't know anyone on the lore team that I don't get along with.





    In Bastion, the rain was a frequent visitor from the Seven Skies. In the frigid climate of the Westerlands it became cold and harsh. Arch Lector  Adalwulf Toov stepped from the protection of the Cathedral's entryway and out into the elements. As he walked, the rain pattering off of his pauldrons and streaming down his cuirass in rivulets, he noted the nearby marketplace. Vendors plied their trade and merchants from neighboring lands bartered to sell their goods at the most competitive prices, ignorant (or perhaps more aptly defiant) of the threats to be found outside the walls. A squadron of soldiers sloshed through the muddy ground in their typical double column formation, each pressing their gauntleted fists firmly to their hearts and nodding to Adalwulf as he passed. Even in this weather their duty did not end, and Toov could not help but smile as they passed- it is an invigorating thing to see men driven to such purpose. The people and soldiers of the Westerlands knew why they were here, and from this wasteland they had carved a haven for anyone brave enough to take up arms against the encroaching darkness. A land where your success was marked not by the nobility of the blood in your veins, but by how willing you were to spend blood, sweat, and tears to make life better.


    Past the main plaza and following the broad main street towards the gate, he was assailed by the sounds and smells of a cantina bustling with life. It was here that the people came to drink, gossip, and otherwise unwind after a hard days work in the mines, fields, market, or military. A community watering hole where low spirits were quickly washed away, and everyone called you by name with a warm smile. Just across the street, cast in the shadow of the mighty military keep Castle Yar sat a smoky forge where Haskill, the local blacksmith was hard at work. He was a purveyor of relics long thought forgotten, and warriors of note Axios over came to his small marquis tent to requisition weapons and armor worthy of legend. Between the loud clamoring of the cantina and the clanging of the forge, there was no mistaking Bastion for the relative quiet of Death's End. It had become a city in its own right, a symbol of the determination and faith of its people.



    Adalwulf's journey came to a halt at the top of the gatehouse, peering out onto the densely forested McGrubor's Woods and south towards Mordring's Gate and the Frozen Wastes. As he looked out, he thought back to the words of his father back in Aeldin, a world apart as much by distance as ideology.


    "You cannot go to Axios, my son. It is a cursed land beset on all sides by evil and corruption. I know that you have taken the light of Owyn into your heart, but do not be so fool as to think you can change the world. I will not lose another son to the siren's song of herosim. For all that you do, and as great a man as I've seen you grow to be, your actions will amount to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean."


    Yet, what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?


    The rain had stopped now, and the sun began to again break through the clouds. This was the edge of civilization, the frontier. A place where one might cast their lot in with like-minded fellows in keeping the necrotic threat from breaking forth onto Axios. Where the fates of many were tied together in a fight that they knew in their hearts was right.


    In Bastion, there was always hope.

  6. MC Name: Chaqery
    Nation(s)/Faction you belong to IC: Westerlands (Lectors), Paladins of Xan
    Time Zone: EST

    Skype (if applicable):dj_chaqery

    Discord (if applicable): N/A

    Forum Account Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/profile/41632-chaqery/

    Preferred Method of Contact:Skype

    How will you go about assisting new players?:

    An aspiration of the Westerlands is to be a place that new and old players alike can come to roleplay without fretting over OOC drama. It's a harsh region at the edge of civilization that is infested with monsters, undead, and God knows what else. As a member of the Lectors, a militant religious sect, I stand as a bulwark against the darkness to keep Axios safe. Far too often new players wonder about the map and never feel like they have a purpose or really fit it- further still, they don't have the OOC connections that lately seem imperative to being part of fun roleplay. I'd like to serve almost like an NPC, and so would many others around the Westerlands. For my part, I would issue quests to new players that has them killing mobs, participating in patrols, or exploring Axios for lost relics. Upon return they would be rewarded with gear, some blessed trinkets, or perhaps even an opportunity to serve in the Lectors themselves. I would also be able to direct them to our tavern, where the owner has expressed a desire to also serve as a quest/informating giving NPC-esq person.


    We want to introduce them to the world of LotC through the Westerlands, and send them on quests/adventures throughout the rest of Axios so they can experience other groups and figure out what they want to do on their own.

  7. "Come to Summerhall ,they said..."


    "Doesn't rain as much, they said..."


    Fletcher Byron ran his fingers through his hair in a vain attempt to wring out the accumulated water. The drizzle pattered off the roofs of the lazy village below the keep, coalescing into small waterfalls that splashed into puddles in the muddy cobble street below. One such waterfall had thoroughly drenched the lanky physician as he stepped into the doorway of an abandoned residence.


    "That Duke's a propah geezah though, givin' me a clinic an' all."


    Before him stood a quaint two story abode, the most promising candidate in the array of current structures for conversion into a place of medicine. Here he would mend the flesh and bone, ward off disease, and teach others to do the same.


    "Roight geezah indeed."

  8. I'll admit, it's not often that I browse the forums. But I just got off work and though "eh what the hell."


    For whatever my opinon is worth, Heero without a doubt deserves to be an LM. He should've been an LM years ago.


    LotC has had some pretty questionable staff choices over the years. Myself likely included. This is not one of those cases. Make this man an LM, and then prepare to reap the rewards.


    Heero, go get 'em tiger.

  9. ((Written on a phone so no fancy text))

    "-Steady, evarir. It is merely a bird."

    The tall, lean figure of Meltinir Taltaur stood at the head of a formation of evariran that patrolled the silent and dark streets of Haelun'or. With a raised fist the Annilir had calmed the nerves of his Mali, who mistook the rustling of a tree nearby the walls for an intruder. He could not blame them for such uneasiness. The past few days had been rife with violence.

    After a moments pause the formation of elves resumed their patrol. The dull thud of boots upon ground and the creak of banded steel armor were the only audible sounds at such an early hour of the morning. The monotony of the task coupled with the all too familiar patrol route allowed for Meltinir's mind to wonder.

    His thoughts turned to the daunting task ahead. Haelun'or had always possessed the potential but lacked the structure nessecary to succeed militarily. That could no longer be the case. In the coming days the fate of many rested upon the shoulders of a few. He sincerely wished himself capable of defending his home.

    Annilir'ailer Taltaur came back to himself as the sun began to peer over the walls of the city. In the gray twilight he could see the smoke of Mali'ame chimneys curling into the heavens. His contemplations rested upon the relationship of Mali'aheral and Mali'ame. Two proud races intertwined in some cruel play of fate. It seemed a rather tasteless conflict, fueled by proximity and cultural aversions.

    Perhaps it might end one day... until then, there was a storm to weather.

    And weather it they would.

  10. Wazzap.

    In the spirit of embracing LotC as a real community, I'm on the quest for some people to join me in my "Summer Series of Gaming". As a bit of a clarification, I attend university far away from home, and so during the school year I'm forced to survive on my rather... shoddy laptop. Summer, on the other hand, is a time for basking in the glory of my gaming rig... and sitting around all day on Minecraft isn't exactly the place for that. I'd also like to break the OOC cliques that revolve around each of the nations.

    So below is a list of things I'll be playing this summer. If you care to join, or want to suggest a game, feel free to respond.

    Firefall (It's in Open Beta, so it may take more than an old laptop to play)



    Firefall. MMOFPS that places you in a world where a massive cataclysmic event sent the world into darkness. Together with your team of scavengers, collect resources to build new gear. let's not forget all the monsters you get to fight.

    Pay Day 2 (Technically you don't need great specs for this one. It should run pretty smoothly on most decent computers.)


    Bank Heists. Serious extreme crime level shtuff. I'm not sure I have the words to properly describe it.

    TERA: Rising (Relatively well optimized)



    I'm actually really excited about this one. If you don't know already, I'm an MMO addict. And I do a lot of beta testing because of the years I've spent playing them. TERA stood out to me because it shatters the mold of most MMOS. You don't stand there and beat each other to death until one of you wins. You have to dodge, time blocks/parry and strike with a crosshair for your attacks so that you actually hit. It's hard, but rewarding if you learn to do it. A good tank can avoid taking hardly any damage. The focus is on fighting other players, and MASSIVE monsters. It's pretty sick.

    Pirates of the Burning Sea ( A potato might play this)


    I've played this one before. And while yes it's not the cutting edge of graphical technology, I'm a sucker for the fact that you can have your own ship and still have sword duels and the like. Who doesn't like Master and Commander-esq naval warfare?

    Guild Wars 2 (Surprisingly, a potato might play this as well. So can those icky Mac users. It's crazy optimized)


    I can't express how much I love this game. If I could bring together a guild for this I would weep tears of joy. Massive server vs server vs server open world combat. Sieges... guild's claiming castles. Raids. It's amazing.

    Best part? Pay once and you never have to pay again.

    Planetside 2 (It'll wreck you m8. Just because of so much loaded at once.)


    Giant open world warfare simulator. Need I say more?

    I had a lot more to list when I originally jotted down notes about this, but I lost the sticky note and I forgot most of it.

    Anyways. If you're interested in joining me in any of these (I'll probably emphasize the ones that I actually have people to play with in) feel free to shoot me a PM, chat with me on skype if you have me added, or reply to this post. Also feel free to suggest other games, or games you'd like to play with me.

  11. Invasion Bay 4

    RNS Richelieu

    Faster Than Light Transit

    48 Hours until launch…


    ”There’s nothing quite like the smell of welding,” thought Captain Descanti as he leaned upon the railing of the catwalks and peered idly into the bay below where technicians and engineers methodically went about refitting dropships, mechs, and tanks alike. Admiral Mortiet had insisted that every last bit of equipment be made as close to new as possible for the invasion, not kept at the “battle-worn” status that the notoriously lazy Chief Technician seemed to have preferred. -Or rather, the former Chief Technician. Rumor down here on the lower decks was that Mortiet had jettisoned the old chief out of an airlock for incompetence, and promoted the technician’s far more meticulous XO on the spot.

    The thought was enough to make Captain Descanti chuckle. Stories like this seemed to swirl about Mortiet, creating an aura of both fear and awe that was responsible for his reputation within La Marine Royale. Reminiscing over these other stories, the young captain let his mind wonder. The faint blue glow, blended with the humming and crackling of the work below further lulled his senses. He hardly noticed the sound of boots clanking along the catwalk but a little further on, or the rustling of fabric as someone leaned upon the railing next to him.

    “Incompetent bastard...” were the words that shattered the Captain’s daydream. With a glance he noted that the man next to him was draped in the attire of an officer, though of the navy and not a soldier like himself. It was not until his eyes landed upon the Admiral’s shoulder bars that his features fully drained of color.

    “Monseigneur!” he sputters, quickly straightening into attention and producing a crisp salute. He opens his mouths to apologize, only to be met with the soft sound of laughter from the Admiral.

    “That’s quite enough, Captain. You needn’t revert to French for me. I’m aware it’s probably not your native tongue.”

    “I… yes, sir.”

    With an awkward pause, Captain Descanti resumes his position leaned against the rail. The silence is filled with the soft buzz of welding and repairs below.

    “What moon are you from?” the Admiral inquires at last, his common accented gently by a pure-french upbringing.

    “Saint Lo. It orbits Nouveau Normandie. My parents were deployed when I was thirteen.”

    The Admiral gave a slight nod, remaining otherwise silent. This was common for the soldiery. Their entire populations were born on the training moons to be deployed. Generations of soldiers who were born to die, and sire children meant to do the same. This was how war never truly affected the general populace.

    This also meant that there were no letters to send home when a soldier died. These men were Admiral Mortiet’s alone. And that weighed heavily upon him.

    The two continued their conversation, watching with curiosity the outfitting being done below.


    The Imperial 180th Vanguard Fleet is closer now to being in the system. They will arrive shortly. Still, they are undetectable by scanners. They will likely come into range shortly.

    The fleet is making preparations for a system invasion style arrival. All dropships, mechs, tanks, and equipment is being outfitted and refurbished for maximum capability.


    MCName: Lordbobby123
    Skype: jack.forrest5
    Name: Max Anklet
    Are you of Auvergnian heritage: No, Salvian
    Experience: I have been in a fair amout of battles, some of Salvus others for different people, i own a horse and have fought a few times on it, not extensively though



    Sorry for such a terrible delay man. I've been caught up with family matters lately.

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