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Posts posted by JakeThaJoker

  1. Application: The Emerald Knights

    OOC Information ~

    Mine Craft Name: JakeThaJoker

    Age: 14

    Time zone: EST

    RP Information ~

    Role play name: Sinistro Tofa

    Gender: Male

    Race: Dark Elf

    Sword Level: 3 (Newby)

    Axe Level: 0

    Archery Level: 0

    Profession: Swordsman

    Do you have an accepted villain application: No.

    Nation Affiliations (your characters view of other nations): I don't really have one. All that is important is that I am good with a sword and for hire.

    Thank you for reading

  2. Name ((RP and MC)):

    Jasper Furtega (JakeThaJoker)

    Age ((IC and OOC)):

    27 (14)

    Combat skills:

    I was born by two criminal people who should be proud to be called my parents. I was only a little boy when I was separated from my two parents and thrown into an orphanage. I was raised there until my adult years. I never had the chance for fighting, only the common fights that lead to a few punches. Well, I've always fancied a sword. I'd love to learn how to use one.

    (Only 3 swords)

    Non-combat skills:

    Even though I've always wanted to learn the way of a swordsman, I've always fancied blacksmithing. The art of making a weapon that can only be as deadly as the man wielding it.

    (20 blacksmithing)

    (30 mining)


    I never had any experience in the army.

    Why do you want to join?:

    I want to join because I feel as if it is important. Defending our land, my home. I also need the purpose. To wake up everyday and know your serving the people. Other than that, I need the money. My friend Lirel and I need the experience. It will fulfill our lives with honor.

    Other: I am friendly and eager to join the army and learn the ways of the swordsman. ((I am new to LoTC and look forward for joining. We did come across a soldier in the Alras army that said there were positions in the organization for spies and such. In relation to the old app topic, Light Infantry is my type of thing))

    Thank you for reading

  3. Minecraft account name: JakeThaJoker

    How old are you?:I am 14 years of age.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence?:USA, Michigan, EST.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I have great grammar and proper speaking.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a chilled out, average kid . I love role playing and I have been playing minecraft for a few weeks now. I hope to be a video game designer some day.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I believe I can put in around 20 hours a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: To me, Roleplaying is creating a character no matter if it is based off of something or created in your mind. You take control of the character, and become the character. You live it's life even if it's a warrior, a knight, or anything that matches the story. You live as the character. Now for what it means to me? It's a way to express your creative side with an alter ego, become someone that you aren't and put your time and effort in inventing a backstory for the character.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I played a game called Star Wars: Galaxies and two years and I role played many of times in that game. I absolutely love it and enjoy it. I am creative and easy to roleplay with.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta-Gaming is when you take information that you have retained out of character and implementing it in character. For example: Asking for in-game coordinates over a voice chat program to get to a destination.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Power Gaming is when you take control of the situation and act in a way that cannot be countered or stopped. It's forcing your way onto another player, leaving them with no way to react.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it to be fun. I expect it to be a way to express myself in my characters life and experience a good mine craft server with an actual community, not just sitting and punching blocks. I expect it to be a great roleplaying experience with tons of hours of fun to be had. I can't wait to get in it!

    What other server(s)have you played on and why did you leave them: I haven't played on a lot of servers, only my private server with a few of my other friends. I have also tried a server called Vault Craft. I left it because it was extremely uninteresting and I didn't like it.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes I have. I understand them and think they are fair and convenient for player's enjoyment.

    Do you promise to abide by the rules?: Yes I do.

    How did you hear about us?: My friend Trouvo plays minecraft and I asked for his server IP, he directed me to this website and here I am!

    Have you voted on minestatus?: No, I have no idea what that is.

    In character

    Character name: 'Ma name is Jasper Furtega

    What race are you?: I'm a human.

    What Sub-Race are you?: Nothing special, my friend.


    You want to know about me? Well, 'ya mind as well sit down, it'll be long. my name is Jasper. I was a tought little baby born in Alras, by my criminal mother and father, Sancho and Breacie.. the law wanted their heads for undescribable crimes.I wish I knew where they are now. Well, we were hiding for quite a while until my father was arrested for robbery, I believe. Forgive me, my memory is dull. Well, me and my mother did the usual. I played around with the neighborhood kids and she was always paranoid. Once again we ran away after the bounty on my 'mum grew us too much attention. After being on the run for another long journey, we found another scummy town in Alras to be rustled up in for a few years until history repeated itself around when I was fifteen. My mother was finally caught by who ever was given the orders to capture her. That was a horrible day for me, I will never forget it. We were running down the street in a playfull race, but then my mother was running faster all of the sudden. She screamed my name to hurry up and I was laughing thinking it was a joke. I finally looked back and figured out this was no joke. I was forced to live in an orphanage until my adult years.

    I picked up many skills. The 'ol town blacksmith was always a good place to visit. I made friends with the blacksmith, his name was Eonias. I would always watch him craft swords and axes until he snuck up next to me and let me approach the anvil and try it out myself. I enjoy making swords and knives, they are my favorite. I used to get in alot of fights back in the orphanage, I developed some natural skill in that, nothing big. I also liked sneaking around at night. I'd escape the orphanage just to go back to the blacksmith and stare into the window, eager for day to arise, I was becoming addicted to making those weapons. It was my thing to do. Nothing was as important to me but girls and swords back then. So skip the unplesant parts. By the time I got out of that stinking orphanage, I bought my self a little cottage and work in a blacksmith right out of town. I got the monney for the cottage from apprenticing as Eonias's student. I eventually started to work there. I was young and ignorant, still am a bit. Working numerous tasks, I made a bit of monney, but what really struck me as surprising is when my idol, my best friend, Eonias passed.

    I never knew how, but he was like a father to me. I haven't dealt with any swords in quite a while now. I just can't stop thinking about making weapons in this business, trust me, mate. I will a great blacksmith someday. I fancy weapons, 'ya know? Anything sharp or that packs a punch. I hope to find a better place to settle down in someday. Maybe supply the army with weapons. I can't really make up my mind. I want a life with a woman, a few little buggers running around with the little pittle patter of their feet on the floor, but I just can't get away from my shop. It's almost like entertainment for me when I blacksmith. The best job is a job you fancy, right? Well anyways, that's my fable, my story. Whatever you call it, you know it now. I've got to go now, I have some trades to make at 'ma shop.

    OOC- He's a deep thinking man that was brought up in a bad family. always had good insight when it comes to reading people's emotions. He loves weapons and blacksmithing. He wears a brown tunic, blue pants, an apron and a pair of leath gloves. He has shaggy brown hair and stubble for a beard.

    What is your character's ambitions?: He isn't too clear on his future. He would like to build a popular weapons shop that is blooming with sales. He also wants a wife and children.

    Characters favorite tool?: "It's 'gotta be a sword, but then again nothing beats a man's pair of fists."

    Character's skills: He is good at making an array of different weapons and tools. He is also persuasive and has an insight with emotions.

    A screenshot of your character: 576437_3795146959661_1306807516_33653224_982094776_n.jpg

    Other Information about your Character: He fears of dying one day without completing his goals of meeting a wife and having a popular blacksmith shop.

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?: He thought to himself deeply and carefully,"I don't have the time to help that guy out. Fighting is fun in all, but I am not equipped at the moment and I've got somewhere to be." He thought to himself with reason. He went on with the day until he reached the closest town and figured he should alert the gaurds of what's happening on that poor halfling.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?:He noticed the prices of the products. He shook his head in disgust, "With these prices, you could have fed a orphanage for a month. Life is hard around these parts, learn some manner." Hesaid as he made a tsk noise at the man and moved on with his day, ready to retire for the day.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:He approached the chest and opened it, "Hmm, a golden sword? Iron is easy, but this sword? Who ever owns this should be proud." He thought aloud He walked away from the hut, envious of the owner of that sword.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?: He approached the closest person,"Why hello. Can you point me to the nearest food stand or maybe a general trading stall? You see, I have all these arms to sell for any local militia or anyone looking for weapons. I'm very hungry and looking to make a few minas."He politely asked. After the traders gave him directions he did as he wanted.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: He approached the town guard and explained himself,"I can't risk my life for you men, But I can darn sure craft your men with the best swords around for cheap!" He said hoping for a sale. He walked away and looked around for any customers, asking around and advertising.

    Thank you for Reading!

  4. Minecraft account name: JakeThaJoker

    Age: 14.

    Location: USA, Michigan, EST.

    Grammar skills: I believe I have great grammar and proper speaking.

    Description: I am a chill 14 year old who can be hyper at times but knows when to calm down and relax. I love role playing and I have been playing minecraft for a few weeks now. I hope to be a video game designer some day.

    Server play time weekly?: I believe I can put in around 30 hours a week.

    Role playing Definition: Roleplaying is creating a character no matter if it is based off of something or created in your mind. You take control of the character, and become the character. You live it's life even if it's a warrior, a knight, or anything that matches the story. You live as the character.

    Role playing experience: I played a game called Star Wars: Galaxies and two years and I role played many of times in that game. I absolutely love it and I am easy to role play with.

    Meta-Gaming definition: Meta-Gaming is when you take information when you have retained out of character and implementing it in character.

    Power Gaming definition: Power Gaming is when you take control of the situation and act in a way that cannot be countered or stopped. It's forcing your way.

    What are my expectations for this server?: Well my friend directed me to this server and I expect it to be fun. I expect it to be a way to express myself in my characters life and experience a good mine craft server with an actual community, not just sitting and punching blocks. I expect it to be a great roleplaying experience with tons of hours of fun to be had.

    What other servers have you played on: I haven't played on a lot of servers, only my friend's private server with a few of my other friends. I have tried a server called Vault Craft. I left it because it was extremely uninteresting and I didn't like it.

    Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I have. I understand them and think they are fair and convenient for player's enjoyment.

    Do you promise to abide by the rules?: Yes I do.

    How did you hear about us?: My friend plays minecraft and I asked for his server IP, he directed me to this website.

    Have you voted on minestatus?: No, I have no idea what that is.

    In character

    Name: 'Ma name is Jasper Furtega

    Race: I'm a human.

    Subrace: Nothing specific, Just born in Alras.


    My name is Jasper. I was born in Alras, By two criminal parents. Eventually my family lived in hiding for quite a while until my father was arrested for crimes that I can't even imagine. Me and my mother,did the usual. Ran away and found another shack to be rustled up in for a few years until history repeated itself around when I was fifteen. My mother was caught and I was forced to live in an orphanage until my adult years. I picked up many skills. I enjoy a good 'ol fist fight and sneaking around at night. Pick pocketing was my thing as a kid but I dumbed down the bad boy act because I knew that the law was always watching me. So when I got out of that stinking orphanage, I bought my self a little cottage and settled down. I was young and ignorant, still am a bit. I eventually got a job at the local pub, working numerous tasks. I'm now employed as a black smith. I make weapons. I like weapons. Anything sharp or that packs a punch.

    I hope to find a nice town to settle down in someday. Maybe become a mercenary for armies. I can't really make up my mind. I love war and violence, but I love looking up at the sky sometimes just to see what the clouds bring to my mind. Peace, violence, it's all good to me. My confusion doesn't bring me the best luck with the ladies, Sometimes I get to deep in my thoughts and end up lacking relationship skills. I can't wait to see what the future brings me.

    OOC- He's a deep thinking man that was brought up in a bad family. He always had good insight when it comes to reading people's emotions. He loves weapons and has a collection of them. He wears a gray jacket, matching pants, a hood and a red scarf. He has brown hair and doesn't wear his facial hair out.

    What is your character's ambitions?: He isn't too clear on his future. He would like to build a popular weapons shop that is blooming with sales. He had an idea of becoming a mercenary for armies, or perhaps an assassin.

    Characters favorite tool?: "It's 'gotta be a sword, but then again nothing beats a man's pair of fists."

    Character's skills: He is good at making swords. He is stealthy and persuasive and skilled in combat.

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?: "I don't have the time to help that guy out. Fighting is fun in all, but I am not equipped at the moment and I've got somewhere to be." He thought to himself. He went on with the day and pretended that he never saw the little guy get mugged.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?: "With these prices, you could have fed a orphanage for a month. Life is hard around these parts, learn some manner." He made a tsk noise at the man and moved on with his day, ready to retire for the day.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: "Hmm, a golden sword? Iron is easy, but this sword? Priceless. Sorry to who ever this belongs to, I can't miss this opportunity." He said. He took the sword and sheathed it and left the hut to continue adventuring.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?: "Why hello. Can you point me to the nearest food stand or maybe a general trading stall? You see, I have all these arms to sell for any local militia or anyone looking for weapons. I'm very hungry and looking to make a few." After the traders gave him directions he did as he wanted.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: "Finally, a job worth my time. I'l come, expect a good fight, boys."


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