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Posts posted by BurntToast74

  1. So... as much as i hate elves in all honesty... I'm pretty botherd they can't get their sh*t strait... so my idea is that the GMs and sh*t should help out the elves rebuild their dyeing race. Cus to be honest i legit don't see no elven Kingdom... Lets try and bring back the elves the way they should be... a badd ass race that don't cyber. This is a legit post by the way i want some feedback.

  2. (( "The Men of the Peasants" - What were you trying to say? I'm a native spanish speaker, FYI.

    Ah... I don't know how to react to this. On one hand, variety is good. On the other hand, some of this doesn't make sense.

    If their accent, their Spanish, originated because of the weather and region they lived in.. I must say you're a bit lost.

    In a dry, hot, desert land, people will try to waste less water when talking, opening their mouth less and resulting in a lack of vocals, which is why you have languages like Arabian, which sounds like they're tired, because they drag consonants more to save up their saliva.

    Ahm... The description of the sub-race sounds a lot like stereotypical Spanish people (from Spain, in case I wasn't clear), but then again, the weather and region things don't make any sense. Spain has some arid regions, yes, but the original people from Spain came out of forest areas, and I mean very large forest areas. France and Spain have some mutual roots, in terms of origins, too.

    I really don't know what to say about this, other than what I've already explained here. Ahm... The biggest problem is the combination of Spanish words with English, because (to a spanish speaker) they sound very out of context. It's like using English words with Japanese, it doesn't make any sense to English speakers when they hear a phrase that is mostly in Japanese, with a few words replaced with English. That's what I call "Spanglish", one of the most annoying combinations of two languages I've ever heard. ))

    (( This is the role-play section, by the way. ))

    Chill your titties bro... im mexican to! 

  3.         Los Hombres de los Campesinos


    The first of the Campesinos came from the Iiiantain andsoutherner races to create a Campesinos. They are a small sub-race of the humans that dwell near orcish lands, for they enjoy the hot outdoors of the deserts.

    They have a strong accent that formed from being around the raevir the southerners and the orcs forming the Campesinos accent. Some words that are different from the regular human translation are as follows.

                                         Si = Yes

                                    Senor = Sir

                                   Señora = Ma'am

                           Como esta? = How are you?

                                       Bein = Good

                                   Gracias = Thank you


    The Campesinos are a slightly unfriendly race, they only enjoy the company of Iiiantain, southerns and orcs. If you are a race besides those you are unwelcomed and therefore un liked. The Campesinos are dark skinned always having brown eyes and black hair. The men usually have have mustaches. They are a very energetic people that love to throw festive parties with friends and family. But be sure not to get under the skin of one of these folk.


    The Campesinos strongly believe in the creator, but they are often considered radicals often banishing people from the lands for not believing in him or killing them. They will serve the creator in any means necessary to carry out his will.



    In Character

    Name: Tarlok Doseri


    Race: High Elf

    What are your professions and talents?: I have only a small amount of swordsmanship training. I have not been properly trained only recreating basic maneuvers from books.

    Previous military experience:I have no previous military experience.

    Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: I do

    Out of Character

    MC Name: BLOODVEIN11

    Do you have skype? (Not Required): No

    Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required): No


    *Looks over the application "Report to the Silverblade keep! You are accepted!"

  5. Denied


       -To many grammar errors


      -Power gaming definition is false


       -Biography is to short and contains no lore!


    Remember to have fun with the application and try your best!


    You may reapply in 24 hours!

    If you have any questions PM me!

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