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Zorethei Selenton

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Posts posted by Zorethei Selenton

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as

    accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: Centershot5

    How old are you?: I am 15 years old.

    Time-Zone: GMT +9:30

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the

    rules?: I understand the rules and agree with them.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I used to play a few role-playing servers,

    but I forgot the name of them. I’ve also played other role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons

    and Skyrim.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:

    I heard about it from my friend who plays on this server, whose minecraft

    account name is Taito999.


    Link any applications that you have previously

    made for the server: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/94405-centershot5s-application/

    Have you posted this application on the

    Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): I posted the above

    application, but it was denied.

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you

    ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: I have read the

    lore and shall do my best to stick with it throughout my biography.


    In your own words define the following

    terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Stepping into a character’s shoes

    to act out their lives as if it were your own by thinking and behaving as they


    Meta-gaming: Using out of character (OOC)

    knowledge that your character shouldn’t know in game to your advantage. Your

    character wouldn’t know someone’s name if they didn’t introduce themselves

    because they wouldn’t see the floating name above the head. Meta-gaming also

    affects gameplay because there may be a certain event that you know of OOC that

    changes the way your character behaves about that event.


    Power-emoting: Power-emoting, or ‘powergaming’ is when you

    give your character unrealistic powers that make the character too unbalanced.

    They leave other players with no option. In roleplaying, you’re not allowed to

    act against someone without the possibility of you losing. Both sides should be

    able to act as they choose and have an equal opportunity of success. For

    instance, you couldn’t run up to someone, chop their leg off and then run away

    with all their possessions. Power-emoting can also be like a form of God-mode

    due to the power-emoter’s ‘invincibility’ during role-playing. 


    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your


    Full Name: My name is Haldamir Varunthaar

    Current Age: 121

    Sub-race (if any): N/A

    Past / History (include

    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): As a young elf, I grew up in the

    Western district of Laurelin with my family. Our house was built around a large

    oak in a small forest from which, you could see the. My brother, Haelonavious

    (seven years my elder) and I worked hard tending to the various crops in our

    family’s garden, to produce vegetables that we could sell down at the local

    market by the docks. My brother was interested in merchantry, so he would

    accompany our mother on the trip to the marketplace. As I matured, my father

    taught me how to handle a bow. As my skills progressed with surprising speed, I

    was able to trek out into the forest by myself and hunt. My muscles developed

    as I was hauling back more and more game as time passed on. After a few, short

    years, I was able to gather wood from trees and craft it to create a delicate


    A day that

    Haelonavious and I will never forget was the day we were coming up the road

    after I helped him carry a large pig to the market. I was explaining to him how

    I had tracked the pig for over an hour when we saw a large group of bandits

    emerge from the darkness of the forest. They were carrying a limp body with a bag

    over their head. It was Father. He was out of our reach, but we still didn’t

    know whether Mother was OK. We ran through the dense woods until we came to our

    house. The windows were smashed and the door was battered and sagging heavily

    on its hinges. We rushed through and saw our Mother severely beaten, but alive.

    After the family had

    recovered from the fatal incident, life went back to normal… until the year of

    1351. There had been increasingly large sightings and attacks from the Undead

    during this year. My brother always told me frightening stories of them and I

    remember all those sleepless nights I had, squirming at every noise I heard.

    One night, Mother,

    Haelonavious and I were woken by very distant screams with our acute hearing.

    We looked out the window and stared into the dark with our sharp eyes. Then

    there, silhouetted by the night sky, we saw them; thousands of Undead, swarming

    over the rolling hills and coming towards us. Mother told us to gather as many

    supplies we could and head for the Prince’s Road. After only a few minutes of

    rushed packing, we heard the countless waves of Undead crashing through the

    forest. We only just escaped as the Undead flooded around our house.

    Haelonavious and I were running with the packs on our backs with ease, but our

    mother wasn’t as fortunate. Without turning back, we had to continue on with

    tears running down our faces as Mother was consumed by the streaming mass of

    Undead, her screams filled our ears. As they were occupied with their new

    ‘meal’, it gave my brother and I time to escape and hurriedly make our way down

    the long, dark Prince’s Road.

    After days of travel and meager meals of mushrooms from the side of the road and dried bread, we

    reached the sacred Cloud Temple of Aegis. Many were gathered there, seeking

    refuge after their homes were destroyed. Then the ground shook and fire and

    lightening filled the sky. The large crowd massed around the Temple turned into

    a frenzy of panic. I clung close to my brother and clutched my belongings

    tightly to my chest. As the temple was slightly crumbling, I heard my brother

    say something about a ‘portal’. He took my hand and we followed the rush of

    people towards something near the temple. I saw everyone crowding around a

    mysterious, swirling mass of purple that they were throwing themselves into. My

    brother grabbed me and we entered the portal together. I guessed the place we

    had teleported to was called ‘The Verge’, after hearing countless passerby’s

    muttering the name. We then found a boat to get on. It took us to new land.

    After a long voyage, we had reached Asulon.

    It took quite some

    time for Haelonavious and I to settle into Asulon. Once we were off the boats

    we had to compete with the economy, by venturing off into the wild, doing what

    we did best, gathering and hunting for food. We were able to trade some meat

    for other necessities with the few travelers we passed on the road for a good

    price because of my brother’s skill as a merchant. Many were hungry in these

    times and that made it good practice. We found the remains of what appeared to

    be an ancient civilization. We created a makeshift shelter using one of the

    more ‘in-tact’ buildings and eventually set up a small home from which we could

    store our provisions and sleep in during the night.

    As time slowly went on we were told about a city known as Normandor

    by a humble man and his wife. They said it was a bustling, prosperous city

    that was built around a great tree that was like no other in all of Asulon.

    We thanked them and they invited us to accompany them on the long road to Normandor,

    for they had family up there. We hastily packed up and started another long journey

    to our new home. As I learnt more about Normandor’s history,

    the more I yearned to lay my eyes on the magnificent city. The plan was to find a

    house and set up a shop to keep our income up. After further days of travels and strange

    encounters, we had caught the local boat South across the small channel that

    separated Normandor from the mainland. We finally found a place and settled into Asulon.


    We stayed in Normandor until there were more and more natural disasters occurring.

    At one point, there was a tremor in the earth so large; I thought the mighty tree of Normandor

    might fall. We heard from a messenger that this was happening all around Asulon

    and were even more devastating then it was here. In the end, we had no choice

    but to leave Asulon. We gathered all our belongings and prepared for another

    long journey. Everyone was becoming tiresome of all this moving. We all hustled

    into numerous boats that were leaving for a new land. Elysium.


    Elysium was a very

    different land. Haelonavious and I weren’t used to the landscape and I was

    afraid of the large volcano situated in the middle of the land. We held up in a

    small house we made on the side of a mountain. There were many trees around us

    so it comforted me to be close to nature once more. We were in view of a little

    city that had been built.


    Years after our

    arrival, we looked out and saw large movement in the city. Apparently there had

    been a discovery of a new land called Anthos, a much larger land with rich

    earth and beautiful landscape. After all the travelling my brother and I had

    done, I had grown to enjoy the sense of adventure.


    As I stepped off the

    ship and onto Anthos, I wanted nothing more than to explore the luscious land…


    Ambitions for the Future: I wish to live a long, healthy life with my brother. I

    would like to explore all of Anthos and be a wise influence on others around


    Personality: I am generally peaceful, but dislike it when

    war and violence is around me. I am very open and honest, but am wary around

    suspicious strangers

    Skills: Years of hunting have honed my skills with a bow. I am agile enough to

    climb buildings and jump through trees.


    Appearance (this

    must include an in-game

    screenshot of your skin): I am a tall, slender elf.

    My blonde hair reaches past my shoulders and is parted at the front so my green

    eyes don’t have their vision obstructed. For an elf, I am quite a usual height

    of 5 foot and 11 inches. I wear green, leather clothes with brown boots and

    gloves. I stick with earthy-coloured attire to help blend in with the



    Any other

    details you wish to share about your character: N/A



    Each question in

    this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must

    describe the event in

    full. Please

    be as descriptive as

    possible and do

    not break

    character or lore at any point.



    1. As you walk

    through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering.

    Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven

    child. How

    do you react?


    Answer: I see the group of elves starting to get physical with the child. The

    biggest one’s about to strike a heavy blow when I jump in and grab his fist. He

    looks at me, slightly frightened by my strength. “What do you want?” the other

    elves are slowly backing away. “Why are you harassing this elf? He’s just a

    child.” The large elf gets angry he steps back, getting ready for an attack

    aimed at me. He says, “It’s none of your business” and runs at me with his

    right arm swinging at my face. My keen eyes see the attack coming and deftly

    twist around him and kick his leg to throw him off balance. I prepare for

    another blow, but the elf scrambles to his feet and runs off to follow his

    friends. “Are you hurt?” I asked the small elf, who is relieved to see me.

    “Not too much, thanks to you. Please take these

    for your help.” He pulls some gold from his small jacket and holds it up to me.

    I explain it’s not necessary and continue with my journey.


    2. Whilst

    wandering through the Elven forests you come

    across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you,

    falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his

    pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins,

    which hits the ground and splits open

    spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there,

    defenseless - what do

    you do?


    Answer: I rush to his side and gently call to him and wait for his response. He

    slowly comes back to consciousness. I reassure him that he’s safe and make him

    stay lying down while he’s recovering. I carefully gather the scattered gold

    coins as the man’s slowly getting to his feet. I make sure the old man has his

    gold in a safe place, then accompany him the rest of the way through the forest

    to ensure no more ill fortune befalls him.


    3. Whilst

    traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a

    small clearing in which a colored carriage

    sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over,

    telling you of his wares. He points out

    that his carriage sells just about everything,

    and that he's

    willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please

    include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).


    Answer: I approach the carriage and say, “Hello,

    sir. I see you have quite a trusty-looking axe. How many minas would you want

    from me?”

    The trader grabs the axe and studies it

    carefully. “Hmmm. How does 9 minas sound?”

    I check my pockets and produce my coin bag.

    “Oh,” I say, “I’m afraid I only have 5.”

    The trader thoughtfully strokes his rugged

    beard with his bony fingers. I search through my packs and find a rabbit I had

    shot earlier on in the morning.

    “How about 5 minas and this rabbit? I killed it

    this morning and I’ve removed its innards.”

    The trader’s eyes light up with delight. He

    snatches the rabbit and examines it.

    “Ok, kind elf. You have yourself a deal.” I

    chuck him the gold and he hands me the axe. He wishes me fortunate travels as I

    continue my way through the Elven Woodlands.


  2. Out-Of-Character


    Please fill out the following questions as

    accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.


    Main Account Name: Centershot5

    Alternate Account Name: N/A

    How old are you?: I am 15 years old

    Time-Zone: I live in Adelaide

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the

    rules?:I have read them and agree with them

    What previous experience have you had in

    role-playing?: I have played a couple of role-playing servers prior to this

    one, though I can’t remember the names of them



    In your own words define the following

    terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:


    Role-playing: Stepping into the shoes of a

    character you create and act out their lives as if it was your own. Think and

    behave how they would.

    Meta-gaming: Using out of game knowledge while

    you’re in-game to your advantage

    Power-emoting: Using illegitimate means of

    overpowering your opponent, giving them little (or no chance) of



    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your



    Full Name: My name is Haldamir Varunthaar

    Current Age: I am 133 years old

    Race: Elf

    Sub-race (if any):

    Past / History (include

    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): I grew up with

    my parents in Malinor where I spent most of my life before I reached the age of

    my manhood. My father taught me everything I know. Since a very young age I had

    learnt all the essentials for living off the land, including hunting, fishing

    and the ability to fashion small shelters quickly if needed. I am very agile

    and have loved to climb for as long as I can remember.


    When I was returning home from a hunt one day,

    I was about to enter the clearing in which my house stood when I saw my father

    getting dragged out the door by a group of strangers. It was dark, so I

    couldn’t see their faces, but I could tell they were men from their voices. I

    thought to pursue them, but I was unprepared and I had to check whether my

    mother was ok. I found her in front of the fireplace. She was badly bruised,

    but OK. After she’d recovered, we tried to think of reasons why anyone would

    want to take father, but arrived at no conclusion.


    Since that tragic event, I have decided to

    leave the past behind me and try to start a new life. I haven’t got a permanent

    home, but soon hope to find/build one. I plan on seeking better fortune amongst

    men and try stay out of trouble.

    Ambitions for the Future: I wish to live my life in peace. I want to be a wise

    influence to others and help anyone out as much as I can.


    Personality: I am a kind-hearted elf who has a strong connection

    with nature. I avoid quarrels to keep a neutral relationship with others.



    Skills: Building, hunting, archery and stealth



    Appearance (this

    must include an in-game

    screenshot of your skin): post-42483-0-30563200-1376071384_thumb.p



    Any other

    details you wish to share about your character: N/A







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