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Posts posted by poopdoodler

  1. *

    *Uthors nods*

    Squire take this to the lad


    Ye are accpeted as a Conscript of The Lances, Seek Knight Commadner Gideon or myself out (Burkester or Jroy96) To get ye bunk and leather gear. And tell "Ser" Patrek only the KNights of Oren may hold the title "Ser" And we are Knights, And if he says his lord said so he is an elite bannermen called a KNight by the houses' rank

    *Uthors writes a respones


    Thank you, But Ser Patrek is a knight

  2. Application:

    Mc Name- Noperism

    Rp Name- Lennic

    Age- 20

    Old Jobs and Work- It wasnt much of a job but I sold things to people on the streets for some minas.

    An I also work for Ser Patrek Olyvarr in the town Arethor

    Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc)- Lennic is an Archer

    Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? (Weapon Skill lvl) The Bow and Arrow (Archry lvl 22)

    Why do ye wish to Join the Lances? I am a good fighter and I want to protect Oren and fight for the king!

    Do ye take the Oath-needed- Oath: I Lennic pledge my Weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And Swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm.I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.

  3. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Noperism

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: CST: (GMT - 5:00)

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I completely speak and understand the English language and I can type like a normal person, but sometimes I my forget the capitalize all my words, but that is my only flaw.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am just a 15 year old high school student that enjoys role-playing and such, minecraft is my favorite game. I have some friends who roleplay with me and I love to meet new people, I am a nice guy and just looking to have fun.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Well weekly everyday for about 4 - 5 hours and longer on weekends.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: To me roleplay is taking the life of a new person, looking at life differently.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I have been on the skyrim age of war server, and Lordran lost souls, also fallout nuka break. I know tons of roleplay and I enjoy it.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta gaming: To sum it up is just using information you know out of character, to use in character to your characters advantage.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Power gaming: Is basically doing the impossible, surviving a fall from a giant cliff, it is also being like a god and never dying and being reborn and such powergaming is also a style of interacting with games or game-like systems with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal

    What do you expect this server will be like?: The server will be not be like any other role-play server because I have seen the map and I looks amazing and I think the role-play will be very serious and fun, I don't think it will have slang language and very new English words.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I left lordran lost souls, for the fact of it sort of died, not many people come on, and Lordran used to be skyrim, and the fallout nuka break server died.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: yes I have read and have understood all rules.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Yes

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?: My friend chimlet225

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: yes http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/54631-noperism-2nd-post/

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):


    Character Name:Terryn Edar

    What Race are you?:Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    (Before you read this Tundar is a friend of mine we are going to be RP brothers so this doesnt confuse anyone.)

    The day Terryn was sold was a dark gloomy day. Terryn's mother was a greedy person she cared for no one. She wrapped Terryn in a bundle of linen, then she saw some travelers in the woods, she claimed to them that there was some iron ingots inside. The man handed her the gold for it and she threw him the bundle and ran, in his old age he didn't have the reflexes he used to, so he missed the bundle.. it landed in his sons arms the wraps fell open and inside was Terryn. Terryn was raised by the old man and his son. The old man was named Lyre. Lyre was an old retired blacksmith; he taught Terryn almost everything about it, he showed Terryn how to smelt iron and other minerals, and how to shape them into weapons. Terryn's brother;Tundar, was very decently trained with a bow and took Terryn hunting almost every week, Terryn killed his first animal and skinned it when he was around the age of 7, First he hid himself in some bushes near a pond for a decent hour or so and waited for a deer, a deer arrived to take a drink he then shot the deer with an arrow the deer started to bleed, and it took off in a mad sprint, Terryn running behind it kept running till it lost enough blood for it to fall dead, Terryn had his brother help him carry it back home. 6 weeks later Terryn caught a plague, nearly dead Terryn lied in the bed as Lyre and Tundar tried to restore hime back to health. Lyre made tons of different potions to heal him, but nothing seemed to work. A few weeks later Terryn started to heal, Lyre thought that it was one of his potions, but they all knew that I was just a mild plague that passes over.

    When Terryn was 11 years old Lyre past away, leaving Terryn and Tundar all alone to survive for themselves. After 4 years with Tundar they traveled into town one day and got some bread from a shop, they brought it home and right before Terryn was going to take his first bite,Tundar say "Stop it poison I can smell it!" Terryn and Tundar nearly died. About 4 months later they took some belongings and left for town.They used up the rest of all there gold on a place to stay in the city,Tundar and Terryn became blacksmiths apprentices to make some easy gold. After 3 years Terryn then met a girl around his age and they were madly in love, he couldn't stop think about her.. but then the plague got to her, he tried his best to help her and try to heal her so that they could marry some day but she died before they could. Terryn had really nothing left to live for besides his brother. After 5 years of dreading in the city working as a blacksmiths they decided to leave because they couldn't live like this any longer. They wanted to live very adventurously. Terryn is a 20 year old man now, he has longish black hair with green eyes, He is around 6 feet tall and is decently muscular. Terryn and his brother now are adventuring off into the wild to find treasure and help others.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: He would love to serve as a personal guard or possibly join a group of men to fight and survive with.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): The Bow

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? He is a good at smithing

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your Character: He is a very loving person who just wants to be pointed in the right place in life, He doesnt mind much for religion but he understands it and believes in it.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? Terryn walks up to the men pulls the ones should and punches him right in the face, the other one draws his sword and slashes for Terryn, Tundar his brother blocks the sword, the cowardice hafling flees and as the fight rages upon, Terryn screams "Come on lads is that the best ye got" the warriors growl at them both and the get a scared emotion on their faces and Tundar yells "Run Terryn Run!" they both run away, now being chased by two giant warriors the hide behind trees, sneaking there way out of there.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response? Terryn replies with "Hello sir how are you this fine day? Got any wears in the color green?" the man pulls out a green tunic Terryn replies with a smile on his face, the merchant hands him the wears as Terryn hands over some gold.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Terryn shouts "HELLO?" waits few seconds nothing replies, he then takes the items, then he hears a loud bang, a group of bandits walk in and say "Hey you, what do you think your doing?" Terryn suddenly drops the items trying to escape, a bigger looking fellow grabs him, the leader says "So boy's what should we do with him?" a smaller one says in a scratchy voice "Gut him and feed him to the wolves. Terryns brother Tundar standing by the trees in front of the shack walks in, he pulls out a bow and shoots the leader straight in the head. They all run to the dead body crying like they were lost in the world now and had no hope.. Terryn took his sword and put it across the small ones neck and said "Let us go or die." The small one relied with "yooouu youuu.... LEAVE US ALONE JUST LEAVE US ALONE!!" Terryn and Tundar ran off far away from the place. Tundar said "Well that was just uncalled for.." Terryn just smirked.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? Terryn says "Hello there my friend wouldnt happen to have anyspare food would ye?" the man says "No I haven't unless... you happen to have any gold?" Terryn desperately need food and water so he decieds to give the man some gold, The man said "Thank you, follow me and I shall feed you." The man brought Terryn into a small room, the man set down a plate of beef and said eat up and when your done head into the small tent outside to sleep in. Terryn replied with "Thank you friend"

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: Terryn and Tundar both agree to fight for the town just to make some easy gold, they try to get more assistance to fight so instead of fighting they can just scare them away. Once they arrive at the bandit base they both look around, making sure there wasn't an ambush ready to kill them once they pass, They enter the camp strangly the men all were sleeping, the all were slaughters by guards and towns people, the tents were burnt on fire Terryn shout "Why should we kil-.." Terryn was nudged by Tundar as tundar replied "Be quiet!"

  4. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Noperism

    How old are you?: I am 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: CST:(GMT - 5:00)

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I completely speak and understand the English language and I can type like a normal person, but sometimes I my forget the capitalize all my words, but that is my only flaw.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am just a 15 year old high school student that enjoys role-playing and such, minecraft is my favorite game. I have some friends who roleplay with me and I love to meet new people, I am a nice guy and just looking to have fun.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Well, I run a server and play on there so, weekly maybe about 5-10 hours or, daily 2-3 hours at a time.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: To me roleplay is taking the life of a new person, looking at life differently.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I have been on the skyrim age of war server, and Lordran lost souls, also fallout nuka break. I know tons of roleplay and I enjoy it.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta gaming: To sum it up is just using information you know out of character, to use in character to your characters advantage.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Power gaming: Is basically doing the impossible, surviving a fall from a giant cliff, it is also being like a god and never dying and being reborn and such.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: The server will be not be like any other role-play server because I have seen the map and I looks amazing and I think the role-play will be very serious and fun, I don't think it will have slang language and very new English words.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I left lordran lost souls, for the fact of it sort of died, not many people come on, and Lordran used to be skyrim, and the fallout nuka break server died.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: yes I have.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: I agree to all rules and laws.

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?: My friends sent me a link saying check out this really epic RP server.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: no I have not

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/): ok


    Character Name: Terryn Corbet

    What Race are you?: I am just a human.

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Terryn was a young lad when his mother had given him away to an old crippled man in the woods for some gold, his mother was a greedy women never cared for anyone. Terryn was raised by the old crippled man and his daughter. The old crippled man was named Lyre. Lyre was an old retired blacksmith; he taught him almost everything about it. Terryn's sister;Hanna, was very decently trained with a bow and took Terryn hunting almost every week, Terryn killed his first animal and skinned it when he was around the age of 7. When Terryn was 11 years old Lyre past away, leaving Terryn and Hanna all alone to survive for themselves. After 4 years with Hanna being 25 years old now she was looking to marry and start a family, but she couldn't leave her little brother alone, they traveled into town one day and got some bread from a shop, they brought it home and Terryn wasn't hungry because he ate some fruits a little before they left, so Hanna ate most of the bread and they went to sleep. In the morning Terryn woke and went to the table and took the bread, he walked into Hanna's room and she was lying on the floor dead, He looked at the bread and noticed that's there was a slight discoloring on it; poison. He started to cry right where he stood, all alone everyone he loved has died.. He took Hanna's dead body and place it next to Lyres grave. He was to weak to make a hole and bury her so he just covered he in stones and left her. He took some belonging and left for town. He used up the rest of all his gold on a place to stay in the city. After 5 years of dreading in the city working as a blacksmiths apprentice he was out of gold and couldn't live like this any longer so he decided to leave and adventure off into the wild. Terryn now is a lost soul looking for a place to be and something to do, he is a very pale, muscular 19 year old man, he has dark black hair and green eyes.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: He just wants to be an important role in the society he lives in and help others.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): His favorite tool is the Bow

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? He is a very decent blacksmith and archer.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format): http://i.imgur.com/iN9up.png

    Other Information about your Character: He doesn't like orcs and likes to be around elves. Doesn't like rulers or leaders and doesn't like to follow rules.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? Terryn would have just fled the area before being notice, because he realizes that he couldn't do much to save the halfling.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response? terryn would say "How are you lad, what kinds of wares do you happen to be selling today?"

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Terryn would wait to see if anyone were to come back for it and if so he would gladly let them have it, but after a while he would just leave and tell people about it if they are missing anything.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? "ahh hello there my name is Terryn I would like to know if you are offering any shelter at these hours, I seem to be quite hungry and tired, I can pay gold if necessary."

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: He decides to join the group and tries to get others to help.

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