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Posts posted by MEEGZY

  1. The orcs of the Braduk clan, elders, members and guards alike all filed into the city square in front of the clan house. Ghazkull emerged from the clan house, resting his hand on the hilt of his gladius.


    "Boiz, zettol down. Ah kom to latz tudey, tu annouze da virzt ztep tu acheeven vull powah. Da zharaz ah lezzah tu uz. Da zharaz zhouw weeknezz. Da zharaz am zpinelezz skahz. Tudey, iz da firzt dey, tu da eradikazion ob da zhara raze. Eny agh awll zharaz ahr tu beh flatted. Wimen, Childrun, men, eldahz, pezantz, nobolz, ded. Kruzified, zlaved, ohr flatted un zite. Id iz ah ordah dat lat muzt hunt dem agh attempt tu rid dem frum awll rijeonz. Id iz latz duteh tu zpayre nub unlezz lat enzlavez dem."


    Ghazkull stepped from the doorway, motioning for someone inside to come out.


    "Agh hedden diz operazion, iz, Gargant."




    Gargant folded his arms, clad in his bronze armour. He nodded to each of the Braduks before he spoke.


    "Flat em awll"

  2. A note carried via raven flies overhead of Uyrgut. He was tracked due to the smell left at the camp in his ten. The raven drops a note, landing infront of Uyrgut.


    In da rezent eventz ob humiez enteren urukizh zandz, da Braduk klan am prepayred to prupoze ah zeaze fireya until dey am arratikated. Id am owr numbah azh prioriteh ta doh diz, zo weh wil nub attak latz. Arftah diz fret haz ben nokked owt, weh prupoze ah meetun on da nootrul growndz ob Zan'Orka ta dizkuzz a trooze, ohr termz ob wor.


    Zined, Gorthog

    Imperator ob da Braduk klan

  3. Throughout the badlands, goblin hordes of the Braduk clan track and find the clans forts, where they reside or where they were at that time. Either way, every clan would be approached by multiple goblins bringing news from the war room in the holy land of Kenuk. Either war, a truce, or an alliance would be proposed or declared.









  4. Ghazkull rallied the Braduks. Each suited up prepared for war. Goblin scouts had reported of a new breed clan, named Gahktusk had made their homes along the borders of the holy land of Kenuk. A huge disgrace  to the ancestors and an incursion into the clans power. This could not stand. No rhinos were ridden this time. It was going to be a old fashioned beat down. Heading the front line was the wargoth himself, in command of the army was his right hand and Bigboss, Gargant. The march begun.




    Taking their phalanx formation, Ghazkull gave Gargant the signal to halt the troops out front of the Gahktusk fort's entry. A massive roar of steel radiated through the sands as this happened. Ghazkull shouted the ancient Braduk warcry "RIAH KAPUA", meaning "Slaughter all". Gargant stepped foward, and began barking terms and orders at the Gahktusks.


    "Latz haz madez latz hom in owr holi land. Diz fohrt lat beelt, iz now owrz. Latz wil eda remoove latz zelf frum diz areah, ohr zubmit ta owr roole. Failya ta du eny ob diz wil rezult in deff."


    He shouted it over and over, waiting to get a response from the foreign clan.

  5. ((Parts of these are written in Braduk perspective. Keep it in mind. To the Ugluks, if you feel humiliated just remember this is our perspective. Read on lads.))


    For years, the Braduk and Ugluk clan had been at war. Both sides had been battered, and many orcs did not live to see the end of this quarrel. However, the war is done.


    The split


    During Asulon, the second in command of the prominent Ugluk clan Mokrag Braduk was approached by his brother and son, Ghazkull and Zagstruk. The two of them believed that the family had been treated like dirt ever since they had joined, Mokrag being an exception. Half the family had been slaughtered in cold blood. After much reluctancy, Mokrag came to and decided that enough was enough. The trio burnt all their black and yellow hides and andorned new blue and black ones. Clan Braduk had been rebirthed after almost one hundred years. 


    The sparks


    Outraged, Pok and Nux deemed the Braduks traitors. However, the black and blue beasts had blown up  crazily, nearly matching the Ugluks in numbers. It was then, that the Ugluks raided the Braduk's fort and captured the cub of Ghazkull and Raurna, Thurak in infancy. They kept him for thirteen years. Outraged, the Braduks retaliated by capturing, brutally torturing and beating an Ugluk runt, Durak. Zagstruk delivered Duraks mangled body to the doorstep of the Ugluks. Nux, blinded by rage, decapitated Zagstruk. It ended with both parties declaring war.


    The rebellion


    The Ugluk and Lur clan had become fed up with Rex Shar'ku, and started a rebellion. Both sides pleaded for the Braduks input, but, Mokrag still holding Pok as a brother joined  the rebels. On the verge of defeat, after the Lurs had become scattered the Braduks and Ugluks were going to hold a final stand. Pok, in what looked to be as fear abandoned the Braduks and joined the Uzg. Knowing they were outnumbered, Mokrag ordered the clan out of the fort and stayed behind waiting for the assault. Shar'ku offered Mokrag position of the head of the Ugluk clan saying that Pok and Nux were liabilties. Mokrag declined and awaited death. There was none.




    The Braduk massacre happened in the second year of Elysiam. Eighteen orcs were killed and many more seriously injured. Mokrag had stepped down as chieftain and left to die of his old age. The Braduk clan was entirely populated on family, and had overtaken the Ugluks in numbers. If this battle hadnt had happened, the fate of everyone would be a lot different. Ghazkull and Tungtor split the Braduks into two chapters. Those two chapters engaged in gurilla warfare. In a final engagement, the clan massacred itself, leaving a bare few alive.




    Thinking that the war was won, Pok and Nux relaxed a bit. A critical error. Mokrag had returned. With him, Grommash and Durakai. Those three orcs singled handedly fended off two city nations military. Legends. With them was Raurna, a breeding machine. The adult orcs led two brutal assaults on the Ugluk fort showing them they had not weakened. But, tragically, Mokrag gave his own life to save the clan in a separate battle. Things simmered down a bit after that but it would soon pick up.




    By this time now, the Braduks had become the largest orc clan. Outnumbering the others, the Lurs took note of this. The Ugluks backed off and it seemed the war was done.




    Now in Anthos, the Braduks made up most of the uzg. But, obviously that couldnt stand. The Lurs and Ugluks slaughtered half of the clan. Even then however the Braduks still matched if still surpassed the others in numbers. The spirit of the blood talon Mokrag was awoken, and he began to haunt the uzg.


    Hit and run


    The Ugluks on a rapid incline and the Braduks rising through society, things were looking up. The Braduks began doing hit and run attacks on the Ugluks leaving none alive. Eventually, Pok left. He fled the uzg in once again what looked like fear. Nux joined the Gorkils and the Ugluks were deemed a dead clan.




    Throughout this war, the Braduks rose from nothing. They had proven to all that they were as if not more tougher than any of the clans. Good orcs were lost, but they died for a cause. The Ugluk-Braduk war had been won.


    Long live Mokrag

    Long live Braduk

    Long live da boyz

  6. *a man of muscular build wearing a golden, red and brown cloak and hood walks over to note about the meeting at the temple. He places a folded peace of paper beneath it. On it, it reads "To the rebel leaders". As whoever it may concern opens it, the note reads;*


    We waited at the temple. A poor first impression.

    Our name is the brotherhood. We are former slaves of Oren broken free from our shackles of tyranny, trained in the arts of war. Our numbers are too few to lead our own rebellion against the ******* nation of Oren, so instead we wish to inlist into your ranks. However, we do not want any of this Sentinel, Paladin Shadow bullshit. We fight as our own unit, but under your banner and serve your cause. Our leader Gannicus and general Crixus hold command over our  ranks.


    We do hope you consider our offer, and we can soon break words in person.


  7. Zagstruk had gained information, that would stop the madness. He believed that they should have sided with the war uzg, even though he said otherwise. He had got other clan members to join his cause. If Mokrag wasnt going to stop his final stand against Shar'ku, this information would change his mind for sure. If not, well then a another battle would start. Zagstruk, Magmol, Gromzlak and Arez walked over to the crowd of Braduks who still believed in the rebellion. As they approached from the forest they hid behind the tree as they heard Tungtor informing Mokrag of this new found threat. Mokrag looked pissed. "Haz lat remynded dem dat dey am ztil undah mai kommand." Mokrag said, saying more of a statement than a question. Tungtor replied saying "Zagstruk knoz dat all to wel." At that moment the four orcs opposing Mokrags leadership appeared walking over. Ghazkull sat up from his drug corner picking up his war axe. He approached shouting "Lats am nub welcom heer. Unlezz lat am bringen som tribute lat ken skah off." Zagstruk held his hands up defensively. "Mi wish ta blah with mi popo." Ghazkull led Zagstruk to Mokrag, who sat cross legged on the floor with his eye shut. "Muz, da butch am heer ta peep lat." Mokrag was silent for about ten seconds before speaking still facing away from them on the floor. "Da skah duz lat wunt?" Zagstruk stepped foward before getting pushed back by his uncle. The three other orcs drew their weapons, Arez pointing his sword at Ghazkulls chest. Ghazkulls face was blank. He grabbed the sword and put it against his chest. "Do et." Arez shook all over before standing back. "Popo, lat must stop dis! We face zertan destruktion ef we ztand againzt da Rex!" Mokrag sighed replying "Weh klomp fah Pawk agh hiz allaiz. Dat wuz da plan agh id wyll remain da plan." Zagstruk cleared his throat. "Rumor is, Pok am wif da uzg now."

    (Carry on from here)

  8. Thanks for taking an interest. Heres the details.

    Name: Kita (named after her grandmother)

    Age: 8

    Siblings: Magmol-age 12-Yet to return from trials (player using an alt for time being). Gromzlak-Dead.

    Family (living only): Magmol (Older brother-ski_king3) Zagstruk (father-MEEGZY) Ghazkull (grand uncle-makka_pakka) Mokrag (grandfather-higgsyy)

    Magmol: 5ft7, Magmol is a fun loving preteen. He doesnt care for rules and often gets into trouble. He aspires to be bigger and better then everyone else, and adores Ghazkull.

    Zagstruk: 7ft8. Zagstruk is caring, but in a peculiar way. Most of the times "whats best for you" is a punch to the jaw, and sometimes its not. If you respect him he'll respect you. To appease he ancestors he wishes for grand kids. So, at early ages he tries to prepare Kita for mating, but also wants her to carry on the long legacy of Braddukk (family name) females and their ferocity in combat.

    Ghazkull: 9ft 2. A gentle giant at times, often someone who will spoil you. However, he has a hugely quick temper. He could rip you to shreds in seconds. Beware when acting around him.

    Mokrag: 8ft 4. Mokrag is mystic and wise. More focused on other things, like clan business, meditation, raven food. But the care is there. The most famous Braddukk, Mokrag is often the best person to turn to for advice. When push comes to shove, he would die, for any one of his family members. And the fact your named after his deceased life mate, makes things more stronger between you two.

    Kudo: Not part of the family. Shes a raven.... However, shes Mokrags "best friend". For the safety of your character, get along with Kudo and your life will be fine.

    Now, to keep you interested, I'd like it if you played Kita how you'd want to play. You act around the family members how you would want to, and you rp Kita how you want to. Of course, if you would like me to give you a set guide line to rp as, ill do it.

    Thanks for you interest, and heres a skin to use if you cant get your hands on one that you'd like to use.


  9. Right, so the time has come and my orc now needs people to rp his cubs. Here are the details of the two.


    Apearance: Magmol is 5ft 7. His skin his a medium green. He has gold eyes looking like his grandfather Mokrag. Very muscular and broad.

    Behaviour: He is quite careless and doesnt care what anyone thinks. He is obsessed with being bigger and better. Very violent and loves to use his hands beating things down.

    Age: 12

    Possible skin for use: post-43614-0-86833900-1347358305_thumb.j


    Appearance: 5ft 5. Skin is medium green. His eyes are red, going back two generations to his great grandfather Goregutz who is deceased. Muscular, yet leaner than Magmol

    Behaviour: Very disciplined. Strong metal block out of whats going on around him. Gromzlak is a hunter and prides himself on being able to finish an opponent before they get close enough to swing.


    Possible skin for use: post-43614-0-41585900-1347358383_thumb.j

    To summarise how they would act in an rp situation, Magmol is more brutal, Gromzlak is more cunning. Gromzlak hits you when your not looking, and Magmol hits you harder when you are.

    If your interested post below and any further questions please ask.


    Your grandfather is Mokrag, you have a great uncle called ghazkull, im your father (zagstruk) and you have a half cousin I guess who is the son of the Rex gorgul. So your benefits I guess are:

    Mokrag-elder of the ugluks

    Gorgul- rex

    Ghazkull-brute badarse

    And technically you would have another grandfather Thore whos the Targoth of the krughai. Your not too close with Gorgul and Thore though.

    Your last name is Braddukk also and you'll be apart of the Ugluks.

    Final edit~

    Inception time....Mokrag recently adopted a son named Gruhag...whos your half uncle i guess....and hes five.

    Thanks for your time!

  10. As you carry out your deeds in Strigzgoi, you notice an orc stumble into the warnation. He is Zagstruk. His jaw is broken, bones stick out of place, some have pierced his thick skin. He is bloodied and bruised. You go to investigate. A crowd soon gathers as he slumps around, some laughing, others interested to hear him speak. He opens his mouth.

    "Id, id had ah zteel jarw. Idz limbz wure made frum wuud" Zagstruk coughs blood. "Diz tyng, wuz uruk, bud nub uruk. Mi mean id peep liek ash...but id....id...." Zagstruk vomits blood. "Id wuz mo.....mok....mi po...." Zagstruk falls unconscious.

    If you guessed who the "thing" is please keep it to yourself. Also this is going to be like a story on the forums that will be carried out in parts involving the Braddukk family, and i wont be the only person adding to it.

    I think a few more people have tied two and two together but dont spoil it!

  11. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: MEEGZY

    How old are you?: 20

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Adelaide/Darwin Australia

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes I do.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am friends with Higgsyy and Makka Pakka in real life. I enjoy playing video games and on some weekends playing the sport golf with my father.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Three to five hours daily although Im doing a university study so that eats up some time.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: Roleplaying is being a person other than yourself. You become that person, and act out their role in the way they would. You are that person when you roleplay.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I have played some RPG games, and higgsyy has been directing me to all the orc roleplay things on the forums. But real roleplaying like this server does I have done a couple months back, when makka higgsyy and I roleplayed on a non roleplay server (warzone miners) ass the Imperium from Warhammer 40k.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Metagaming is using information that you as the player knows, but not your character in game. What that means is if you see some ones nametag or their name in the chat log your character would not know that. So running up to someone saying “Oi John!” without ever hearing their name, is meta.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Powergaming is using abilities that your character doesn’t have. A prime example of this would be Dwarf vs Orc. An orc swings full force at the dwarfs head and he blocks it. Now basic knowledge, lets say a 9 ft orc, swings at a 4 ft dwarfs head full force. He wouldn’t block it fully, maybe slow it down. That is powergaming.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: Higgsyy and makka talk it up so much and I believe them. Ive seen a lot of lets plays and it seems unbelievably awesome!

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Warzone and madgaming were my two major servers. Higgsyy left, and joined up with this one. Now makka is gone so we are looking to re unite the 3 amigos if you will.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: I promise I will

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?: Higgsyy in particular has been saying how awesome it is and we should get on it. At first I wasn’t too siked, but then I saw Candle340’s videos and I knew this was the server for me.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: Click here for my previous app!

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraft...-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):


    Character Name: Zagstruk Braddukk

    What Race are you?: Orcs

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): N/A

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    The story of Zagstruk began when his mother and father, Kita and Mokrag decided to be lifemates. It was noon and Kita had been at the Klomp arena just outside of the Warnation watching the klomps with her mother when a particular Orc caught her eye. Her mother noticed this and nudged her. “Lat like wud lats peep?”. Kita Nodded intently watching as he jumped into the arena. It was a quick klomp and the person who she was eyeing was the victor. “Gu blah tu ‘im” Kitas mother said. She walked over and headbutted him. “Lat klomp gud. Lat peep strung, su da kubs strung!” He laughed and said confidently “Mi neme am Mokrag” The two headbutted once more and agreed to come back the next day to klomp and see the others real strength.

    It was early in the morning, and the two met at the klomp arena. They exchanged greetings and awkwardness, then commenced the klomp. Kita was stronger than she looked. She was a lean orc, and was at neck height on Mokrag. But he was a broad muscular orc. The klomp went on for hours, and Mokrag usually had the upperhand but on multiple occasions Kita took the drivers seat. They talked a while after and came to the conclusion that they wanted to be life mates. In the coming days they did.

    Their first cub, a light green male, his skin taking after his mother named Thrak. He was smaller than the average orc cub. Kita, however convinced Mokrag he would be fine in growth. He wasn’t. At the age of 6, Thrak was half the size of a regular cub and seemed to take a likening to dwarves. One night when Thrak was left home, he was playing stupidly around the open fire, and inevitably fell in. Mokrag came home to find a burnt body of his weak little cub. He wasn’t too fazed by it, but Kita decided she never wanted another Male cub fearing he would be like Thrak.

    Then Zagstruk was born, it was really a bitter-sweet moment. His father Mokrag was overjoyed he had another male cub, of a decent size. His mother Kita however, was not so thrilled. She had always wanted a female cub ever since their previous cub Thrak who had been weak, and puny. That ended badly. Mokrag lifted his newborn up and smiled “Diz kub, gunna be da prade ob da Braddukk femely!” He grinned and set him down. Kita pulled her life mate aside and said “Mokrag, lat rememba wud ‘appened tu Frak?” Mokrag nodded and exclaimed back with pride “Diz ash bedda. Peep ‘ow bubhosh ‘e iz!” Zagstruk was the size of any normal cub but Mokrag only had real experience with one other, and boy was he tiny. “Juzt like ‘iz unkle Ghazkull, wureva ‘e iz, ‘eed be proud!”

    At the age of 2 Mokrag began taking Zagstruk regularly to the sparring pit, or klomp arena. Zagstruk learnt the hard way, and was often bruised and bloodied after the trainings. He once complained, but after a beating he learnt not to anymore. Kita never really cared about Zagstruk, and she tended to her own duties and Mokrag was only around beating the daylights out of him.

    When Zagstruk was 6, he was just over halfway his fathers waist. They went to the klomp arena and did their daily training session. It came to the time when they used small stone weapons of their choice. Mokrag didn’t really give Zagstruk any opportunity to fight back. He was more or less hardening him up until age 8, but Zagstruk did something that earnt the respect of his mother and father.

    Mokrag swung at Zagstruk with a back hand, having tossed the his axe away not long before. Zagstruk ducked and retaliated, jumping higher than he though he could. He stabbed his father right through his shoulder tissue. Mokrag became enraged and grabbed, then tossed Zagstruk but then he was proud. Things were different, and Mokrag enabled Zagstruk to hone his skills in offensive, rather than just defensive.

    At the age of 10, Mokrag sent Zagstruk out on his first lone hunt. Zagstruk was not to return without a wolf pelt. He left at dusk on his fathers war boar. Before he left, Mokrag gave his cub the bear necklace his mother gave him and his brother Ghazkull, all those years ago. He rode for the forests. Zagstruk arrived in the wilds at midnight. He dismounted the boar, and got some nearby loose wood. He attempted many times to make a wooden knife to no avail. But, when it 1 in the morning, he had finally mastered the crafting of wooden knives. He went in search for a wolf.

    His journey took him to a cave where he had never seen before. Out the front, he saw the wolf. Eyes as dark as night, claws sharper than the pointiest sword. Before he knew it, the wolf lunged at him and cut him across the side of his face, matching scars. He kicked the wolf off and it retreated into the cave. He followed. The cave was dark, and he had no Idea where he was going. He slipped, and fell down, down into the darkness. When he woke up, he was surrounded by dark skinned dwarves who looked like they had never seen the light of day.

    “So, ye think yer cen walk into our cave and noff’in is gonna ‘appen to ye?” one of the dwarves said. “We should car’rve ‘em up, and show the orcs we be not messed…” He never finished that sentence. It was interrupted by a deafening roar. The dwarf that was talking before was crushed by….Mokrag. He had a bleeding head, but regained his footing. One of the dwarves ran up to Mokrag but Zagstruk jumped on his back and stabbed him in the eye from behind. Mokrag sent a flanking dwarf flying with a large foot to the face.

    It was now midday and they made their way out. Mokrag headbutted his cub in approval and headed home. For the rest of his life from then to now, Zagstruk and Kita stayed quite drawn apart. And when he was 19, plague struck Asulon. Zagstruk and Mokrag remained uninfected, but Kita wasn’t so lucky. Kita remained in her bed for many days and nights. But, one still night, Kita woke Mokrag and the two went outside. Kita sighed in an almost relieved type way when her cold feat touched the warm sand. Zagstruk was awoken to the commotion. He eavesdropped on the two. “Mi hab da pleg.” Kita said burring her face in her hands. “Mi gruk dat, but da kub duz’nt.” Mokrag comforted Kita and held her forearm. “For Zagstrukz seke, flat mi.” Mokrag, let alone Zagstruk went wide eyed. “Yub, mi dun wunt tu loze anodda kub.” Kita held up Mokrags axe that was resting against the door. She obviously had brought it out prior. Mokrag nodded exiling heavily.

    Zagstruk was shocked, but before he could say anything his parents had disappeared into the night. It was dawn when Mokrag returned, and Zagstruk was waiting. As soon as Mokrag walked in, Zagstruk noticed his bloodied axe. Zagstruk lunged at Mokrag causing him to fall backwards. Zagstruk yelled choking his father “Lat flat mi momo!” Mokrag roared and slammed his fist into the temple of his cub. Zagstruk was bigger, and stronger than what he has used to be, but his father could still kill him, with ease. The two regained composure, and Mokrag explained what had happened.

    Now Zagstruk is 19 and is hoping to join the Ugluk clan with his new found Uncle and father.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: To show his father his worthiness and join the Ugluk clan.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): Axe

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?: Crafting/smithing (Making wooden knives)

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format): There is a problem with my screen shot button it as half came out and everytime I press it pops out. If you want to you can look up my name in “Miners need cool shoes”

    Other Information about your Character:


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?:

    He runs and goes to tackle the Halfling, but is tripped brutally by one of the warriors. He regains his footing wuickly, but is cut along the shin by the other. Zagstruk falls to the ground in pain. He bites at one of their exposed feet, ripping a hunk of flesh out. The guard falls and Zagstruk gets up. The other guard lunges at Zagstruk but he rolls out of the way. The guard accidently decapitates the shocked Halfling, then backs away. He lifts up his sword and gets into a defensive stance in front of the other warrior. Zagstruk crow hops and swings his weapon at the warriors stomach. The two parry, put Zagstruk counters with a left hook to the jaw. The warrior barely has his footing. Zagstruk does a strategically placed headbutt on the warriors jaw, and he falls. “Go! Take the Halfling! Leave us!” Zagstruk takes the Halfling back to the war nation.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Zagstruk leans in “Lat god som pelts? He takes off his current bear pelt and is now standing naked. He plops it on the counter. “Diz ash iz tu old.” The man swallows in disgust and slight fear, as he drops a bear pelt on the counter. Zagstruk pays his fee and leaves.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Zagstruk wonders carefully to the door, and charges it open. He walks in not expecting anything to be in there. He is quickly ambushed by three elven bandits. One tackles him and the two other pin him down. The leader stands over him and taunts him. “You think you can take my items? Ha! You will meet your doom here.” Zagstruk attempts to break free with no avail. But using his all his power he finally breaks free of the two elves grips. He returns to his feet, and rolls out of the way of a sword making a beeline for his neck. He draws his knife and jumps at the leader. He tackles him and stabs his neck as he has pinned his arms. As he rolls off he is gashed deeply across his front and he falls back. He awakens stripped of his money, and lost in the wilds.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you in the common tongue, how do you respond? He tries to be as polite as possible. “Oi, lat god som fud?” A shopkeeper comes out with some cooked meat. He hands it to Zagstruk “7 minas please good orc” Zagstruk shakes his head and sweeps the shopkeepers legs. He falls and Zagstruk turns to run. As he runs he gets hit by an arrow in the shoulder by keeps on running.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    He meets with his father to defend the gates of the Warnation along with the other orcs. The battle commences and he has a tough time keeping up with the other orcs but has a decent kill count. He gets cut badly along the front, and a bandit comes overto finish him. A sword appears through the badits chest, its mokrag. The fighting goes on for hours but at Dawn, its over.

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