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Posts posted by The_Very_Cranky_Varangian

  1. Quote

    NAME: Clinton Northbroek 

    AGE: 23

    GENDER: Male


    RACE: Highlander

    [OOC] DISCORD: hudsun202#8716



    NAME: Tamir

    AGE: 27

    GENDER: Male

    RACE: Human

    [OOC] DISCORD: alex#1562


    A crow flies from a tower of Caer Bann bearing letters for the pair. “We await you in Caer Bann, but bring haste with you, for my patience is as short as my little toe. Did I mention that it broke in half while I was skiing? We will interview you when you arrive to make sure you are suitable. -Sigemær Wodansson


    Accepted! Check your discord inboxes for a friend request!

  2. A masked man wonders why Renatus didn’t follow through and destroy the rebels in the city, installing the much more capable, loyal, and brilliantly handsome Demetrio Montelliano as its leader. He sighs and tosses his picket sign into the river.

  3. See the source image




    Sitting somewhere by the dying campfires dotting the ravine, a man pulls his frost-wolf pelt cloak tighter around himself. The man had grown old and gray, just like the land that birthed him. The man knew Atlas all too well, for it was there that his story began.




    The man plants the haft of his Warhammer into the snow, using it as a support to hoist himself up. His thumb rests over the engraving of two figures fighting a wyvern on the side of the hammer’s head as his other fingers wrap around top of the hammer. He pulls himself to his feet.


    This winter was a cold one. The winds whipped about the canyon – racing through the crevices in the steep ice cliff faces. Deep gashes through the snow trail the man as he tows along a large box on a sled. His progress was slowed by the snow and the weight he carried, but he knew if he continued through the night he would catch up with the refugee caravan. Perhaps there he could find the rest of his family.


    As the sun sets a chorus of howls begins to echo around the ravine’s walls. The man mouths a silent prayer as he presses on, using the moon’s glow to light his way. Almost there.


    As daylight breaks, the smoke of distant fires lazily rises towards the southern sky. The man looks to the north, the land where he had married his beloved and fathered his children. Part of him wishes to turn back, to keep fighting, and to take back his land from the Vaeyl. The man looks to the south, a land unknown to him filled with danger and opportunity. He inhales deeply and takes his first step outside the continent in which he was born.




    Sitting somewhere by the dying campfires dotting the ravine, a man pulls his frost-wolf pelt cloak tighter around himself. The man had grown old and gray, just like the land that birthed him. Ser Rolando Castelo knew Atlas all too well, for it was there that his story began.




    Sitting with him are his children, his children’s children, his friends, and his allies. This world was for them to inherit. This, the old man knew.


  4. 5 hours ago, Chryosaurus Rex said:

    But wyverns fly so why are their bones heavy?

    Also no, heavier does not mean better armour, bone is still a terrible material for armour because if its exposed to the air it becomes even more brittle, and its easy to cut through compared to 90% of metals

    I'd reccomend you read the section about how increasing bone's density (and therefore weight per cm3) increases tensile strength. Air exposure is a nonfactor considering it's quite easy to seal it off from the air by glosses, oil, or paint. Also. I didn't decide that wyvernbone was heavy. Lt did.

    20 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    Wyvernbone is as it is for balancing. We don't want ******* demi gods running around being like “b-but muh wyvernbone plate”, though a small (small) buff could be considered as to make it a valid option rather than wearing something heavier than steel with no bonuses.

    It's a pretty rare material, reducing its weight and making it the same level as bluesteel wouldn't make it OP in comparison to the oodles of materials that are on the same level of effectiveness such as bluesteel, carbarum, and bloodsteel. Bloodsteel in particular being easy to obtain as all that is needed is for that is a bloodsmith and several liters of blood from any animal. (You could quite easily make a full set of bloodsteel armor from purely cow blood)

  5. The Rationale:

    I was recently told by a LT that a set of Wyvernbone platemail is heavier than standard steel, yet provides the exact same protection. I have found this illogical and underwhelming, so I have gone on to calculate exactly how effective a set of bone armor, compressed to the point of being 1.25 times heavier than steel, would be. I wasn’t completely sure where to put this, so I’ve placed it in the story feedback section due to it being feedback to material lore.


    This investigation is operating under the following assumptions:
    1.Cortical bone is 4.27 times lighter than steel, thus wyvernbone must be compressed to achieve a weight that is heavier than steel.
    2. Wyvernbone has the same weight/hardness/tensile strength ratios as human cortical bone, and if uncompressed to a weight of 1.85g per cm3 they would have the same properties. Thus the ratios of human cortical bone are the standard ratios.


    Key Terms:

    Mohs= a 1-10 scale used when determining the hardness of a solid substance named after F Mohs, a German mineralogist.

    Mpa= Megapascal, used to denote the tensile strength of an object.


    First, let's consider the properties of each material


    For the sake of consistency human cortical bone will be considered. Cortical bone makes up the majority (80% in humans) of skeletal mass in animals, and excludes bone marrow.

    Weight: 1.85g per cm3 
    (Source: https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/weight-to-volume)

    Hardness: 5 Mohs

    (Available from a Google search)

    Tensile Strength: 130Mpa
    (Source: https://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/systems/GBIO/gbio001/chap_2.3.pdf)


    For sake of consistency in the medieval time period, untempered mild steel will be considered. Mild steel is created with a lower carbon content than contemporary steel, thus it possesses a lower tensile strength than today's steel yet nearly-equivalent hardness (.5 Mohs scale difference).

    Weight:7.9g per cm3

    Hardness: 4 Mohs

    (Available from a Google search)

    Tensile Strength: 402.45Mpa
    (Source: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/analysis-of-mechanical-behavior-and-microstructural-characteristics-change-of-astm-a36-steel-applying-various-heat-treatment-2169-0022-1000227.php?aid=67903)


    Why Tensile Strength is Important in Using Bone Armor

    Judging from the above data, one can see that bone is both 4.27 (7.9/1.85) times lighter and 1 Mohs harder than mild steel. That begs the question: Why didn't we have knights-in-shining-bonemail in the medieval era? That boils down to bone's lower tensile strength. Tensile strength is the resistance of a material against shattering under tension, and can be increased by increasing the density of the material in the case of porous natural materials such as wood and bone.



    Wvyernbone’s Tensile Strength

    Now we have to consider that, in equal masses, wyvern bone is reported to be heavier than steel. That means that it must be denser/more compressed than normal bone. For sake of argument, let's assume that Wyvernbone is 1.25x heavier than steel of the same mass. This means that 1 cm3 of wyvernbone weighs 9.875g (7.9x1.25) per cm3, and thus is 5.34 (9.875/1.85) times  denser than normal bone. Raising the density of a material increases its hardness on the Mohs scale, as well as often increasing its tensile strength. In the case of porous natural materials such as bone, increasing the density of the material increases its tensile strength at about a 1:1 rate. This would give Wyvernbone a tensile strength of  694.2Mpa (130x5.34), on-par with high-quality modern steel which would have been impossible to produce through the medieval period.


    What does this mean?

    Unlike the brittle uncompressed bone, Wyvernbone would be far more resilient when taking hits. Due to its tensile strength of 694.2Mpa, it would be impossible to fragment a plate of armor made from Wyvernbone without a godlike show of blunt force. Additionally, its Mohs hardness would increase from bone's 5 (already harder than steel) to an even higher number due to its density. This would make the plates of armor more difficult to slash or stab through than plates of the best modern steels  which only rank 4.5 on the Mohs scale.


    Wyvernbone armor needs to be buffed. Either reduce the weight to match steel pound-for-pound (thereby reducing the density by .25, making the tensile strength 520.65Mpa) while having it as effective as bluesteel, or keep the weight at 125% that of steel and increase its effectiveness to above that of bluesteel.

  6. [!] Roland eyes the Wyvern scale armor – it’d make a fine replacement for his cockatrice scale-shirt.


    Name: Rolando de Castillo
    Username: Cranky_Varangian

    Giveaway Item #1: Wyvern Scale Armor

    Giveaway Item #2: Wyvern Scale Armor

    Giveaway Item #3: Wyvern Scale Armor

  7. 1 hour ago, Moribundity said:

    (Hello, just a quick note to state that the event will be on Saturday the 13th, instead. The time will will remain the same!)


    Hah! There's another ball going on in Carolstadt at the same time. Seems like a popular day for balls. ?

  8. 3 hours ago, TJBMinecraft said:

    "Oh and here is a man who was executed in public speaking."

    "Oh, and here's a man who was executed in public talking about someone else who was executed in public. Odd, so many undead these days..." A feeble old man would say to himself, as he hobbled back to his home.

  9. Application Form:


    OOC Part:


    In-game username: Cranky_Varangian


    Discord username: dquinn1030#4680


    OOC Timezone: (Europe’s GMT is default) Central Time


    IC Part:


    *A parchment lies before you, it reads the following: “Please fill your information below.” *


    First, and second names: (If no second, put only the first)



    Name of dynasty: (Last name)



    Age: 26


    Titles: (If none, put citizen)

    Ensign of the Royal Army


    Place(s) of Residence:

    Renatus - the Cloud District


    Do you understand that any criminal record obtained during your course of membership in the League will result in an immediate, and often, indefinite expulsion from the association? (The same applies to heresy, racial mixing and treason)



    Signature: Rolando Castelo

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