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Posts posted by Yamist

  1. +Application+


    MC Name: badspelling

    Age: 15

    Country: US

    Timezone: PST

    Skype Name: Jonakyle

    Do you have Teamspeak?: Yup.

    How long have you been playing on the server?: I've had an account for almost two years, but I haven't played much.

    How long you can you be online per day?: Atleast a couple of hours.

    What past guilds have you been apart of?: Most notably would be the Fraternity, a guild run in Asulon. It's since been disbanded.

    Have you ever held a leadership role before?: Not really.

    Do you have a VA? (What evils?): None.



    Name: Isaac Dracena

    Age: 26

    Race: Human

    Past Experience in military and combat: Skilled in Archery.

    What are your skills?: I'm unmatched with a bow, and I have superior stealth skills.

    What weapon do you prefer?: Bow.

    Why do you wish to join the Order?: I wish to help the world for the greater good.

    What are some strength’s of yours?: Calm and composed during battles.

    Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography): I'm a descendant of an important member of the Fraternity. He assisted the guild in many ways, up until his mysterious disappearence before the fall of Asulon. I've been personally trained in the bow by my father, and he was taught by his. I strive to be like my ancestors and help the world for the greater good.

  2. =Application=




    MC Name:


    Time Zone:



    If you have an accepted VA, please list which evils(None are required):



    Do you have skype? If so, please post your skype name:





    What is yer name?:

    Isaac of the Dracena's.


    What is yer race?:

    I'm as human as it gets.

    What combat skills have ye?:

    I was once a skilled archer. Aye, they called me 'Isaac Hawkeye'. Am' not quite what ah used to be, but I still take pride in my archery.

    What non-combat skills have ye?:

    Ah've lived in the wilds fer a long time, and my hunting skills are top notch.

    Do ye agree to fight for the greater good, and not be blinded by personal
    greed, to always strive to improve the world around ye?:

    I swear it.

  3. (( IGN : badspelling))


    Character name : 


    How is your ability with a bow? :

    In the past, my ability with a bow was unmatched. As time went by my skills deteriorated and I hope to refine them by joining this guild.

    Have you worked as an Archer before? :

    Aye, I was once an archer for a guild known as the Fraternity.

    Do you swear an oath to protect your kind at all costs? :

    I swear it upon my life.

  4. +IC+

    Name: Isaac

    Last allegiance to a group, guild?: The Asulon Outriders

    Why do you want to join us?: My best friend was kidnapped recently, and I haven't seen him since. I want to learn what happened to him.

    Assassin or Informer?: Informer.

    Our oath:

    I will never compromise the Fraternity. I will never lay my blade on innocent people. I will make sure the peace and order of my world is never compromised.


    MCName: badspelling

    How much time will you be active?: Mainly the weekends, but I'm currently moving and I wont be on very often for that duration. If that affects me applying, I can always apply later.

  5. Minecraft account name: badspelling

    Character name: Isaac

    Character race: Human

    Character age: Twenty

    Do any kingdoms dislike you? If so which ones and why?: None, but considering that humans aren't on good terms with Kal'Dwain I would prefer to avoid it.

    What are your survival skills like?: I can survive off of scraps.

    How swiftly can you cross the wilds?: Rather quickly.

    Are you good at remaining concealed?: You will never see me coming.

    Are you good at navigation?: I can use terrain to navigate.

    Are you a good archer?: I can hit an apple from 100 meters away.

    Do you have any particular talents?: I've been learning the art of hand-to-hand.

  6. Application For The Rangers:

    Out of Character information

    [MCname]: badspelling

    [Age]: 14

    [Time-Zone]: PST

    [How much time you can be online per day]: On school days a few hours.

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]: Three months or so.

    [Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]: I got bored of a Dwarf I made and decided to create a stealthy human archer. I found the job board and realised that the Phoenix Rangers suited my character perfectly.

    [Do you have TS?]: No, but if needed I can get it.

    [How did you hear of us OOCly]? The job board outside of Arethor

    In Character Information

    Name: Isaac

    Ranger Name / Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.] Swiftcloak

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: I’ve read the terms. I understand.

    Race: Human ((ignore what it says in my bio.))

    Age: 20

    Experience: I have experience in stealth from my early life, along with a rather recent escape from Kal’Dwain while many dwarves were there.

    Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: 99 Stealth, 34 Archey, 8 Unarmed.

    Why do you wish to join?: I’ve wandered for some time, unable to find a purpose with my skill set. When I came across the Phoenix Rangers I decided that I would join.

    Describe your personality: Calm and silent, with a watchful eye.

    Describe your personal attributes: I catch onto plans quickly, I can also trick people into thinking I’m not who I really am.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I will devote all of my loyalty to the Rangers. I have never betrayed someone in my past.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I have a friend by the name of Lasiol. We’ve known eachother for many years now, and we recently bought the attic of the Lamb Inn. We both pitched in and had just enough Minas to buy it. I would trust him with my life.

    How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at the Cloud Temple?: I noticed your job board outside of the Lamb Inn.

    Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Renatus?: I do, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ((I always use double braces, and I try to only use OOC in PM’s or if I make a really big mistake in RP.))

    [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?] Yes, I will devote most of my time on LotC to the Phoenix Rangers.

    [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] N/A

    [Link to Server Application:] It was deleted long ago.

    [When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!]

  7. MC Name: badspelling

    RP Name: Garrum

    Character Age: 45

    Bio (5 or more sentences): Garrum was born in the caves of the Dwarven Territories shortly after Asulon was created. He was raised by an old hermit by the name of Reidar. When he found the hermit, who he had grown extremely fond of dead, he vowed to protect the innocent. He found that the hermit was part of the Emerald knights, and he carried an amulet. Garrum took the amulet and never leaves with out it. Now Garrum seeks to join the Irongut clan in hopes of finding others likes himself.

    Primary Skills: Axe, farming and cooking.

    Do You Swear Loyalty to the Thains?: "Ah swear by dah' length of me beard!" -Garrum

    Who is the Current King?: King Kjell Ireheart.

  8. MC Name: badspelling

    RP Name: Garrum

    Character Age: 45

    Bio (5 or more sentences): Garrum was born in a small cave in the Dwarven territories. Garrum left the caves to see how the outside world was. He met another Dwarf named Reidar, who would become his best friend. One day Garrum was going to go visit Reidar, but when he arrived he found Reidar dead. Garrum swore to protect the innocent and fight for the just until his death. Garrum eventually took up a hobby of fishing, as he loved the taste of fish. Eventually Garrum realized that he couldn't just wander Asulon, and he decided that he would seek out a clan to join. He came across the Ironfist clan, and he figures that Ironfist is the clan he has been searching for.

    Primary Skills: Farming, lumberjacking and axe mastery,

    Do You Swear Loyalty to the Thains?: Yes

    Who is the Current King?: Paragon Kjell Ireheart

    Side note: Though i'm not from the Ironfist clan, I would be grateful if someone could adopt me into the clan.

  9. Minecraft Account Name:


    Alternate Mineraft Account Name:


    How Old Are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    PST/Bend, Oregon

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?

    I would like to believe that i do.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I'm a 14 year old male of Irish descendancy. I've lived in the Oregon/Washington/Idaho area all my life, with many past experiences that have spruced things up. I enjoy coding Java and flash, whilst also taking up a hobby of basket ball.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Twenty hours total.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Role-playing is taking the role of someone or something that isn't practical in the real world, but in the fantasy world.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I learned about role-playing when my friend showed me in the popular game known as RuneScape. In RuneScape you could be a mage, archer and warrior all at the same time if you wanted to. Roleplaying in RuneScape involved maxing your magic but not your archery and attack so that you could become a pure mage. I begin to age out of Rune-Scape and joined others like Minecraft and Garrysmod. In Garrysmod for instance, there are city roleplay servers where you take up a role of a taxi driver or police officer and stay in the guidelines of said role.

    In your own words, define what the act of Roleplaying is:

    To take up a different personality and character to make the game or action more interesting.

    In your own words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Using information you learned outside of roleplay inside the roleplay enviroment. The information could give you a benefit that you would otherwise not have.

    In your own words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is:

    Forcing the player to do what you want, without allowing the player the ability to react. Example: Garrum stabs the guard in the neck. Non-example: Garrum attempts to stab the guard in the neck.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    Considering it's the largest Minecraft role-play server available, I think it'll be pretty great.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I've played on many different servers, I own one and I still play on most. But I don't play on any servers like this, and I think it would be a good addition to my server list as most of the servers I play on now are getting rather boring.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    The rules are completely understandable and i agree with them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    I promise.

    How did you hear about us?:

    My friends told me about it.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:

    First Application

    Second Application


    Character Name:


    What Race are you?:


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):


    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Garrum was born in a small cave in the Dwarven mountains. His mother was a Cave Dwarf, but his father was just a plain dwarf. They grew close when hunting on the Dwarven mountains in the middle of winter.

    Unlike Garrum's parents, Garrum hated the caves. He would try and get out of his duties to flee to the outside and marvel in the beauty of the surface. He learned to move gracefully, and to avoid detection of his parents when they came looking for him. For him, being sent back into the caves to work the forges was just as bad as being enslaved.

    One day, Garrum was wandering farther than usual when he spotted an outcropping in the trees. He noticed that there was a small shack, and he decided to pay a visit. He felt confident in his skills at fighting, and figured he could always run in an emergency. When Garrum was about to knock on the hut’s door an old Dwarf emerged from the woods. “Ello’ there boy, what can i do fer’ ya?” Garrum was dumb founded. He never expected such an old Dwarf to be living in the woods. “Was’ just passin’ through, I never expected to see a fellow Dwarf round’ these parts.” Garrum said abruptly. He realised that he was in the Dwarf’s way, and attempted to moved out, but only knocked over a large shovel. “Er, sorry bout’ that. Names’ Garrum by the way.”

    “They call me Reidar,” Reidar paused “I was a bit like yourself when i was your age. I was always out in the wild, lookin’ for something ta’ do. Come inside, have some ale.”

    After a while, Reidar showed Garrum how to make a sturdy axe, along with other tools that would help him survive in the wild. Reidar showed Garrum how to use his height to his advantage, as Garrum was taller than most Dwarves his age. Garrum decided it was time to head back, and Reidar insisted that Garrum come back soon. Garrum promised that he would come back as soon as possible.

    That was how Garrum continued for many of his early years. He gained much wisdom from staying with Reidar everyday, and he learned a lot about surviving in the wild. Reidar would also show Garrum how to work underground, although Garrum didn’t enjoy it very much. Garrum finally reached the peak of knowledge that Reidar could teach, and Garrum went different ways. He started spending time with his distant parents, and he would even occasionally work the forges. But one day Garrum decided to go visit Reidar one last time.

    Something wasn’t right, Garrum could feel it. As he got closer to Reidar’s shack, he became more and more worried. When he broke into the clearing, Garrum’s heart sank. Reidar was laying in the grass in a pool of blood. “Who would do such a thin’!? Oh poor Reidar.” Garrum began to weep hysterically over his old friends demise. Garrum decided it would be best to check the shack in case the intruders were still there. Garrum checked the room briefly, and decided that the intruder had already left. But there, a chest in a corner he had overlooked was something shiny. The chest had been completely pillaged, but a small necklace remained in the corner. It was the symbol of the Emerald Knights.

    Garrum put the necklace around his neck. Even if he would never join the Emerald Knights, he would always fight for the innocent. Garrum would forever protect the innocent, even give his life away to save the needy. He would never let something like this to happen again.

    Garrum became a sturdy dwarf, with a height of four feet he could take on almost anything. He’s tan, and you can never find him without his necklace on. He has fiery red hair, with hazel eyes to match. He is now 29 years old, young for a dwarf with his wisdom.

    What is your Character's ambitions?:

    To protect the innocent, and to fight for the just.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): Tool? Or fighting implement?

    Axe, as it was the first tool Garrum was taught how to make. When Reidar showed him how to be resourceful, Garrum noticed that he could use his axe for both a weapon and a tool.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Garrum can survive in the wilderness with ease.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your Character:

    Garrum loves fish, so much that he will occasionally jump into a river when he sees one.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    “Leave the halfling alone, ya’ devils!” The warriors notice Garrum and pick their new prey. “This isn’t your buisness, dwarf. You’re in over your head.” The halfling rises before the warriors notice, and Garrum decides it’s now or never. He charged the warriors with great fervor, and the halfling assists. Garrum takes a few hits but one of the warriors go down, and the other just then sees the halfling. He falters and flees. “Thank you kind dwarf, i wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you.”

    “Ah, it’s nothing. I could never let armed warriors beat a helpless halfling! Never!” The halfling offers Garrum a reward, but Garrum kindly declines. He swore on Reidar’s death that he would protect the innocent, no matter the cost.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?:

    Garrum notices that the man is very refined. He thinks that the merchant won’t have much to sell him, but Garrum trades anyway. “Do ya’ happen to have some iron, nough’ to repair me’ axe?” Garrum asks. “We sell food here, not weapons. But maybe you’d like to buy some delicious fish?” Garrum hears fish. and is immediately interested. “How much?”

    “Fifty minos.”

    Garrum pulls out 50 minos and goes on his way, savoring every bite of his fish. Unfortunately, savoring for Garrum means eating it in four gulps instead of three. Garrum comes back shortly after for more. “I don’t suppose you have anymore fish, do you?” Garrum asks.

    “Of couse dwarf, how many would you like?”

    Garrum decides to buy five, and maybe get a sixth one free if he’s lucky.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?

    Garrum sees the golden sword, and decides to keep it in case he might get a pretty penny for it. The iron bars could be used to repair his items, or maybe make a new axe. He could decide what to do with his iron bars all day, but he hears a rustle in the bushes nearby. “Iron is a tool of the dwarves! Some bandit shouldn’t be taking our life blood away from us! Bah!” Garrum takes the iron and jumps into a nearby bush. Sure enough, a mean looking bandit appears out of the brush. When the bandit sees that his pillage was robbed from him, he begins to go berserk. He tears down a lot of the hut, before before pausing abruptly. “I smell the blood of a dwarf... Show yourself. It’ll only hurt for a little.” Garrum decides it would be best if he ran. He slips backwards and farther away from the hut, gradually moving faster as the hut gets more distant. Garrum thinks he hears the bandit, but he isn’t quite sure and manages to trip over a large tree root. The bandit is getting closer now, and Garrum gets up to fight. “Aye fiend, I will fight valiantly, even if it costs me m’ life!” The bandit rushes into Garrum, and Garrum is nearly beheaded. Garrum manages to knock the bandit of his feet, but the bandit quickly rises. “You fat ugly dwarf! I’ll mount your head upon my wall!” A normal dwarf would reply to an insult, but Garrum uses this time to catch the bandit off guard. He knocks the wind out of the bandit, and drives his sword through the bandit’s stomach. Garrum leaves the wild and heads to the closest dwarf settlement, while marveling in his ability to fight.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Garrum acts as friendly as possible, and eventually asks for a few food scraps here and there. He asks if there’s any jobs he could do for more, and a friendly Dwarf recommends that Garrum get firewood and take it to the big hut in the middle of the camp. Garrum decides that he could try.

    As Garrum is cutting wood, he begins to think that it’s not worth it. “I am a Dwarf! An’ a hungry one at that! I shouldn’t be cutting trees for a few loaves of measly bread!” Garrum goes back into the camp, and sneaks into the larger tent. He spies a sleeping merchant, who looks to be wealthy, and ventures farther in. Garrum opens a large chest and finds silk, along with spices. Garrum decides to keep looking when he manages to knock over one of the tent poles. With a crash, the merchant wakes up. “Guards! Guards! The dwarf is stealing my wares!” The merchant is very angry at this point. Finally Garrum decides he’s had enough of the camp, and flees.

    Some of the guards follow him awkwardly, yelling curses at Garrum. They’re obviously angry that Garrum had destroyed their largest tent. Garrum runs through trees, vines and undergrowth until he comes to a river. He could swim across the river, as he is a good swimmer, or keep running and fool the guards. Garrum decides it would be best to swim.

    As Garrum jumps into the water the guards appear. They’re disoriented at how a dwarf of Garrum’s stature could swim so gracefully! “Eh dwarf, ya’ look like quite the swimmer! Ah!” The guards throw out insults at Garrum while pausing to laugh. Garrum finally makes it the other side, and looks for some other, easier way to find food.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?

    Garrum is quick to join up, and the guard is grateful that a strong dwarf will be assisting in the fight. “What’s your name, dwarf?” the guard asks abruptly.

    “Garrum, and yours, human?”

    “Joseph. Don’t get yourself killed.” As they travel onwards, Garrum promises himself that he won’t let any of the guard get hurt. Luckily for the group, they catch some of the bandits sleeping. Many of the bandits are dead by the time Garrum is fighting, and he sees a bandit sneaking up on a guard. Garrum jumps in front on the bandit and lunges at him. The bandit drops dead at a single slice of Garrum’s blade, and the guard cheers at the victory. Garrum is rewarded with some pocket change and an iron chest plate. Garrum is very grateful that he received a reward at all, and decides to wear the chest plate until it breaks. “Thanks again for the help, Garrum.” the captain of the guard says. “Ah, any dwarf in his right mind would assist the guard! We don’t ever let a good fight slip by!” With that, Garrum went on his way.

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