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Opydoopy The Wanderer

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Posts posted by Opydoopy The Wanderer

  1. ((you find a poster floating in the wind))

    Do you have extra weapons and armor, or need some minas. I have recently aquired

    3000 minas and am looking for arrows, i will pay a mina an arrow, a bow, i will pay 20 minas for a full

    conditioned one, and armor, depending on quality. Send me a bird if you are interested.

    Signed, Leonidas ((opydoopy))

  2. My app.


    MC Name: opydoopy

    Timezone:Eastern Standard

    Skill Levels: Swordsmanship:21 Lumberjack:12 Cooking:2 Mining:43 Farming:14 Excavation:19 Wrestling:6

    Link to a VA? If applicable:



    Simple but Sweet Biography: I am 20, and an wood elf. I was forced into a life of slavery and death as a child and will do whatever it takes to defend my self and honor. I had hoped to join the rangers of the forest. After learning of their disbandment I set out for a new goal in life. I was a a wanderer, and an adventurer and lucky enough to see Lurgoi who is the famous trained Scaddernak of the Lur clan. I have traveled through the desert and know them a my homes. I look forward to making a name for myself in the world and hope to inspire the courage of warriors of every race religion and creed, and perhaps some day i will.

    Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards: I am a great archer and a decent swordsman.

    Past jobs and/or experiences: I was a miner.

    Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: I wish to fight for my, as well as the peoples honor under a unified nation.

    Have you sword The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): I, Leonidas, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.

  3. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:opydoopy

    How old are you?:19

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Eastern-Standard-Time USA

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a fairly competitive person.I like sports to some extent.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:i could spend up to 20 hours give or take a week, mostly on weekends

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: roleplaying is putting yourself into a different time place or culture and immerse yourself into the situation as if you've always been there.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:I have played on different minecraft rping servers and on several occasions on a game called roblox

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Gaining information which in that situation would be impossible to know in a roleplaying environment, like walking up to someone you don't know and saying their name.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Creating object out of thin air in a roleplaying environment and using them to get ahead of other people at that game. Like magically spawning a rope to tie someone up. It's just another form of cheating in a roleplaying environment to say the least.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:a basic building/survivla/PVP/Roleplaying game

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:i have played on several servers including DWACraft and Hollowworld and i left because of having to reset my game, bored, server resets, or beig griefed

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:yes

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:yes

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?:no

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:no

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):

    Character Name:Leonidas

    What Race are you?:Elven

    What Sub-Race are you?(note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):Wood Elf

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    I was raised in a small family of rogue wood elves to the name. I lived in a huge hollowed out tree in the middle of the Druids territory. I lived there with my family for 10 years. When I was around 10 a group of orcish raiders chopped down the tree. A few brothers tried to fight off the orcs but they were killed as if they were wild animals. The bandits ripped open my mother (who at the time was pregnant) and pulled the fetus out of her womb. I, being to young to fight, was put in a cart with my father and siblings. My sisters were sold as prostitutes and wives to whomever who would pay the most, my brothers for gladiators and farmhands. It would be 4 years until I was old enough to have a buyer. I would be given a new name and taught the common language. My buyer was an high elf in Asulon involved with the underground slave trade, who would train me for shooting compititions and other things of that sort.

    After 2 years of slavery in I had gained his master's trust. His master had been gambling and owed debts to many powerful people such as The Dark Brotherhood and the Master Theives guild. The master asked that we both drink poison and die together, but I insisted that I be granted freedom in death, so he set me free, but when the time came to kill myself I escaped into the city. In the city I found an advertisementment for a group of rangers and set out to join their ranks. I looked for years for their base but never found it so I decided to take a cart to a small village to start a new life, but on the ride I was attacked by bandits, a memory of vengance had come back, but I knew it foolish to fight. The cart driver and a fellow passenger were killed but I survived after narrowly being capture for a slave again. While I was traveling back to the village I met a bard and decided to travel with him. He told me of the great warrior Tythor who killed the Kar'ak Scorpion, Archdruid Darrian who jumped off a tree convinced he was crazy and killed himself and, other great and supposedly famous tales from Asulon. After a years of traveling and honing my combat skills I finaly found refound my place in the world, but scars are not easily covered up, I came to hate and kill, any bandits who stood in my path path, I am now 20 and ready to face the world as an archer.

    What is your Character's ambitions?:He wants to be a ranger and fight for the people.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):My favorite tool is a bow, it is what i was born, raised, and will die with and it is my way of life

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? Archery, as said before, I was born, raised, and will die with and it is my way of life

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, click here: http://s1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj566/opydoopy/?albumview=slideshow

    Other Information about your Character: He is a naturalist


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? I see the man decently far away and i run into the woods. I peer around a tree and i see the frightened man and the guards still harrasing them. I pull out my arrow and but it into my bow. I didnt want to kill the man but i wanted to sent a warning shot. i sent my arrow flying and it hit right where i wanted it, his right arm. The man looks through the woods but right after i shot the arrow i hid behind the tree. The other guard jumps and pulls out his shield looking around for the shooter. I pull out my bow again and i release the arrow. I missed the seconds guard arm but i hit his leg. The guards thought they were under attack so they ran towards the town calling for help. I walk out of the woods and the halfling says"wow that was close!" I reply" How much money did they take from you?" The vendor says"about 250 minas. How did you get so good at shooting?" i Give him 250 minas while saying"tough childhood". I walk away as the man yells "thank you Lord!".

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?": "What are you selling my good man." "I'll sell you whatever you need!" I answer" well my bow string is starting to deteriorate and my wood holding it together is starting to snap. So i will need a bow" The old man says back" well i have just the items you need for crafting a bow! i have spiders string that is soft as silk but can be used many times. I also have Sticks from 500 years old trees so it is strong and flexible." i said "that must be expensive but i need the best for hunting and killing and looting bandits." "well that would be about 600 minas." said the man. I bought the bow and went over to the nearby archery range to see how good this bow really was.?

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:I see the house and i crouch down. I see noone in the house and there is a huge whole in it. I go in and i see the golden swords and iron. I think to myself i could use these items. i could make arrows and sell the golden sword. I look around too see if anyone lives here. I climb up a tree and look around. No sign of Civilization anywhere. I thought about yelling out but bandits would hear. I chop down a tree and i make a sign. The sign says"Taking these items i left you some wood if this house is actually not abandoned." I take the items and I put the wood in the chest and return on to proceeding in the forest.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? "Can you you give me directions to a main road my good sir." A man says "don't worry about that now come in and grab a bite to eat." He offers a stay for the night but I refuse, as not to be a burdon on a kind man. As I walk out of the man's house I approach a caravan. I ask " how do i get to the main street."To which he replies "how much are you willing to pay?" to which I reply "I have no minas as of this moment but I will pay you when i get home". "Sorry no money and your not getting home" replies a town gaurd. As they drw their swords I draw my bow. I kill whomever is closest to me and run. Eventually I find the main road.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: I would first accept this offer, then gather up whatever equiptment I have and or need. Next I would gather food and water for the village for a seige could last for days. Then the night before set traps around the perimeter of the town. As the day of the raid begins I would set myself in a high position and pick off the strongest warriors, or archers. If the walls were to be breached before the bandits quelled I would give my life at the gate holding off as many as I could in a fight for honor and justice.

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