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Posts posted by Juicebox

  1. It seems Malikoy Vineperch's decision to visit Kalos was his best in a while. Although his search for iron wasn't going very well, he stumbled upon something else of great interest. After a short conversation, Malikoy had already decided he wanted to join The Guard of Reims. He ripped the parchment from Father Edward's hands as though somebody else sought to fill the vacancy before him. After apologizing to Father Edwards for his lack of formality, he ran to find somewhere to fill out the application form in peace. He figured the abandoned house would be as good a place as any, plucked a piece of charcoal from the fireplace and began to fill out the form...


    Out of character


    MC Name: juicebox182


    Minecraft activity: 3 - 5 hours per day


    Timezone: GMT+0 (UK)


    In character


    Tell us about yourself:


    Malikoy's lack of interest in wealth and power does not reflect his rich upbringing in the estates of Malinor at all. His evil parent's were not at all bothered when their son decided to travel the world of Anthos rather than take up their tax collection lifestyle at the age of 19. Malikoy's distant relationship with his parent's became an extremely beneficial aspect in his life. From a very early age Malikoy would escape his family and venture the magical Elven forests where he gained his most favored skills of climbing and archery, and bonded with the wildlife deep in the Elven lands.


    Malikoy hopes to apply his brave and caring personality in a profession where he will protect the people of Anthos and become part of a new community and perhaps one day have a house and a family of his own.


    Why do you want to join?:


    I believe my skills in Archery and combat will provide the Guard with a valuable asset. I also wish to learn and uphold the ways of the Creator and defend the Bishop and the Cathedral of Reims. 


    What do you wish to achieve?:


    I wish to become a valuable part of the Guard, become a part of the community the guard is based in and uphold the ways of the Creator.


    Reims Guard Oath: 


    I Malikoy Vineperch pledge my blade to the Holy Cathedral of Reims, and to serve and protect the land which the Creator hath blessed. I swear upon the Holy Lorraine Cross that i will follow the Church of the Faith's teachings faithfully and dutifully, I will attend Mass every Elven week and show respect to members of the Clergy and fellow defenders of the Cathedral of Reims.

  2. Malinor Citizen Application

    Name: Malikoy Vineperch

    Truename: (( Juicebox182 ))

    Race: Wood Elf

    Origin: I grew up in New Laurelin with my parents. When i was 13 i moved from home as i never got along with my parents and disagreed with their tax collection lifestyle. I moved to the forest of Elandriel and lived amongst the vast, towering trees and learned to defend myself against the creatures spawned from the void.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of Malinor:

    I have lived in the wild long enough, i seek civilization and a life amongst my kin. I have always wanted to have a house of my own and live amongst a community.

    Do you agree to adhere to the rules of Malinor: Yes i do.

    Skills: I am a skilled Woodcutter (( Level 40 )) and hope to become very skilled with a bow ((I am new )).

  3. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Juicebox182

    How old are you?: 17

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT, UK

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I do.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a student at AS level college in Britain and when i'm not with my friends or studying i'm

    playing Minecraft, which as it so happens is a lot of time.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 21 - 28 Hours

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: Creating a role, often one you aspire to be yourself, then applying

    that character to situations and showing the characteristics and way of thinking of the character through acting.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I played Habbo Hotel for a long time which admitedly doesn't sound like a renowned place

    for Roleplaying but it has many RP's. I also played Hollow World which is another RP server.

    I've had extensive experience in Roleplaying over the years.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta-Gaming is where somebody uses out of character knowledge in character,

    that their character does not have, often to their advantage.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Power-Gaming is where somebody abuses Roleplay by Roleplaying something that would be impossible

    and giving other characters no chance to respond. This would give their character an unfair advantage, for example..

    Power-Gamer: Pulling my sword from my sheath, i swing and kill Jack.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: From past experience of Roleplaying servers, i'd think there may be various different

    cities that fit the theme of the biome to create atmosphere and realisticism. Due to the application process i'm hoping there will be good quality

    scenes all over Asulon.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I played a server called Minelife for a year which was the first server

    i joined on Minecraft. I tried to keep interest in the server when the owner stopped coming online and anarchy took over. I also play Hollow World every

    so often which is another Roleplaying server. Hollow World doesn't seem so welcoming to new people and their is more building and killing and not as

    much Roleplay as the server claimed to have.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: I have and i do.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: I do.

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?: I found the server long ago but was playing Minelife at the time and didn't want

    to be immersed in two servers at one time. Eventually a friend i've known for a long time Bigalow40 referred me and now i'm making an app!

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: This is my first application for LOTC, but

    i have an application for Hollow World that i may be able to find.


    Character Name: Malikoy Vineperch(Influenced by the Elven leader Malin)

    What Race are you?: Elven

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): None

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Malikoy Vineperch was born in The Elven Tree Isle deep in Normandor. Malikoy was brought up in an afluent household, although he saw his parents wealth as a burden. Malikoys parents

    were in charge of tax collection and weren't the most genuine Elves in the Tree Isle. Malikoy looked down upon their jobs and lifestyle, he immersed himself deep into the Elven Forest where

    it really felt like home. At the age of 11 he had already learned to handle a bow and was a fairly skilled hunter. He would disappear for days and sleep under the stars amongst

    the creatures that inhabitted the vast forest. Malikoy isn't the materialistic type at all and didn't fit into the the rich lifestyle most of The Elven Tree Isle lived. He is a quiet, humble

    person who enjoyed hearing of his ansestors history of Malin and the three sons in the great war against Iblees. He is an independent person who enjoys his own company. He doesn't rely on anyone

    not even his parents and isn't the most outgoing type. Although he is brave, caring and likes to help the less fortunate people of Normandor by hunting food for them and showing them how to survive

    in the wild. Malikoy is a small, slim person with long blonde hair that dangles down his green tunic. His amazing green eyes can catch any slight movement below from the trees he scales so

    effortlessly. He wears brown thick leggings that suit his energetic, wild lifestyle and wears a leather brown headband to keep his long hair preventing his eyesight.

    By the age of 16 Malikoy could take down a bird from 100 foot away. He was well renowned to the poor people of Normandor and his relationship with his parents had gone from bad to worse. He

    now lived in the Elven Forest high in the trees. He would disapear from The Elven Tree Isle for months while he explored The Elven Plains. He had always wanted to travel to travel to the Orcish deserts

    and befriend and Orc as he found from stories of Krug and the orcish race that they are the most honorable, genuine and respectful people in Asulon, also much alike Malikoy they are not amazing

    with people. Malikoy is now 19 years old and plans to travel to the Orcish Deserts with just his bow, a sheath of arrows and a bag of essentials.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: To travel to the Orcish Deserts and befriend and Orc. In the long run build a Forest town high in the trees.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): A bow and a set of arrows.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?Archery

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, click here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/51343-how-to-obtain-your-skin-screenshot/): http://s1103.photobucket.com/albums/g466/juicebox182/?action=view&current=2012-05-30_125900.png

    Other Information about your Character: Malikoy despises Dwarves as he thinks they are greedy and uncaring.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Unarming my bow i swiftly pull an arrow from my quiver, i fit the arrow into the bow and pull back the string. I let the string loose and the arrow cuts through the air and roots itself deep

    into a tree to the right of the two. Hearing the powerful, death renching sound of the arrow the men jerk their heads my way and back away a little. They pair emerge from the opening in

    the forest and stand across to me on the path. They look questionly at eachother with their swords hanging gripped in their hands. A cocky smile stretches across one of their faces. I shout

    towards them with the most intimidating voice i can concoct "Depart from this place humans! And leave the child!" Hoping to god they follow out my request. In seconds i arm my bow and aim it at

    the pair. Shouting again "I said walk on!". The pair hesitate before backing off and walking down the path. I walk towards the opening and jerk my head to the child, ordering him to follow, as

    jubilous as i that the pair walked on, he runs towards me and thanks me and we head off down the path.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Slowly approaching the man i'd address him "Any flint?". The man eagerly states in a loud excited voice "I got jus what ya need ere friend!". I'd throw some Minas onto the counter from a

    pouch hanging from my belt. The man pulls a box from under the counter and throws it onto the counter "Jus' 12 Minas should do the trick!" Winking at me as he says it. I push the Minas towards him

    take up the box. Nodding and smiling to the man i'd walk away. Shouting from behind me "Make sure ya come back friend! I'll av new stuff tomorrar!"

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Emptying space in my bagpack. I throw two logs from my bag and insert four of the Bars. I'd walk outside the hut and look around, confirming that the hut is infact abandoned. I drop the bag at the sideof a ruined table. Pulling the door shut, i throw the two logs into the old fireplace and use the flint to work up a spark and set the logs alight. Pulling off my tunic i throw it to the side of the

    dusty old bed and climb up onto it. With my dagger in my right hand i fade into a deep sleep.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Stumbling out of the forest into the opening, i slouch to the ground. Ripping of my bag back i throw it infront of me and root through it. Pulling out four iron bars and pushing them towards the

    concerned man that approached my degraded form. I look up to him, out of breath and dizzy "Food" i say inarticulatly. The man runs back to his tent and rumages through it. The rest of the camp

    have stopped what they're doing and are watching me questioningly. The man drops a pouch of cooked fish infront of me and crouches. He addresses my squinting eyes "What is your business here friend?

    You don't look well at all." I look to the man with my mouth stuffed with cooked fish, "Clow.." I swallow the rest of my food. "Cloud Temple". The man pulls me up and shows me the direction. I grab

    my bag and throw it back over my shoulder, "Thank you" i state to the man. "Thank you" i keep repeating to him still out of breath, as if i can't thank him enough. I walk off into the forest and

    head of in the direction the man pointed out.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    I stop eating my soup, throw my bag over my shoulder and head out of the Inn. I set of at a sprint towards the town gate to see if what the villagers in the Inn were saying was true.

    There is a large group of guards immersed in something the middle guard is holding. I peer around the group and see they are holding a map, on the map an area outside the town is circled. Clearing

    my throat to get the groups attention, they all look up to me and lower the map "In need of a bow?". The middle guard looks to me "That's not a toy child, maybe when you're older". I pull an arrow

    from my quiver and swiftly arm the bow, aiming to a tree outside the gate, i look to the guards and confirm they are all staring intensly. I let the string loose. The arrow cuts through the air and

    roots itself into the lowest branch in the tree. I look to the guards while i put my bow back on my back. The guard raises his eyebrow and nods "100 Minas reward, 7 or more bandits. Can you climb?"

    I smile to the guard "As well as i can shoot".

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