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Posts posted by IrishPerson

  1. 2 hours ago, iMattyz said:


    Will you be pushing for it to be done though? Since people have voted for it multiple times.


    I think we all agree that the only reason it hasn't been done is that the tech team cba rebalancing, even though it's possible.

    You know first hand how difficult map changes are for the staff not only GMs, if they're still called that idek, but also tech team. I think getting the new map fluidly released and stable with the plugins should be priority before rebalancing something like swing timers. Yes, it should have been done ages ago but it wasn't in the end and because of that it'll likely have to be put off for a weeks if it's planned to be done.

  2. MC Name: IrishPerson


    IC Name: Markel


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Human


    Transformed Form: Ghoul


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Anawkin, Orias


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Ghouls are created by necromancers and feed on the life-force provided by them, they will do anything to be provided the life-force and as such serve the necromancers until death. Due to this a ghoul cannot simply not obey the orders of the creator in most cases and certainly cannot become a 'whitewash' in becoming part of a normal society through friendship and so on as the need for life-force is too strong. Rotted and decayed ghouls have a large amount of weaknesses ranging from aurum, beheading and holy magic.





              Blinded by the untruths of this world and in need of help, sought help yet none found. An empty grasp hinged to the name, to us all. We do naught but shame those less fortunate and refuse those who cannot see. They are blinded and we must show them the way.


              Reach out for me, take my hand into yours and I shall shepherd you towards the light of GOD. Do not fear child, my hand is no blade and your fate lay not on the end of anothers lest you wish.


              Fear not child, these are my brothers. They will help guide you towards the light as you sought, as HE promised.


              You are not welcomed here. Shun them, brand them and lock them away for they have no entry to the most holy place above. Scuttle along beast or face the worth of purity such that of the elves with white hair.


               Seek what is the only truth and pierce yourself. Condemn yourself to death, no longer may you serve in life when once it was all you could do.




    GOD has chosen humanity to wield his torch, however some are so willing to serve without the prospect of even reaching the Seven Skies. Would GOD truly limit those who sought to serve Him, honor Him and spread His word?


                I seek not the acceptance of other races into the Clergy of the Canon nor the conversion of entire races, an effort proving fruitless time and time again, but merely the acceptance of the few who hold faith and belief in GOD. They need not be shunned nor branded when they willingly serve despite knowing that the Seven Skies are far beyond their reach.  


               On the subject of heretics and heathens of human descent, we should note that those of humankind may not be from these lands and as such hold little to no knowledge on the faith in some cases. As my uncle said in his first thesis, those newer to the realm must be embraced by the welcoming arms of GOD. We must teach those new to the lands through words, not tomes nor sword else we shall not enjoy the company of these converted heretics in the seven skies.





  4. 5th Mayoral Election of Felsen



    Sigil of the Imperial City of Felsen


    Town criers belt out the following message throughout the city and offer fliers to any of those interested.


    "Another cycle comes to a close and the next mayoral election of Felsen arrives! In the coming Saints days, candidates must send in their applications and submit their speeches publicly so they may be registered as running for office. You must be a registered citizen of Felsen in the tax census documentation in order to be eligible, the same applies to voting. All applicants must be eighteen years or above."


    Attached to the fliers handed out by the town criers would be a simple application form to be returned to the head steward.





    ((Mc name:))








  5. "When a man threatens the Raevir, citing the word purge, he threatens a history much greater then that which he knows." A young man in Felsen says to himself upon hearing the news before returning to his quarters and sending off many crows.

  6. Minecraft name: IrishPerson - Adrek - Stafyr

    Skype username: dylangreene31

    How do you wish to contribute to the wiki (General formatting, pictures, other)? Formatting and content

    Do you understand and agree to the rules? Yes

    Do you have a wiki account? (One will be made for you if you don’t have it.) I should still have an account ya.

  7. Archbishop Jarlath of Ayr remained silent as each individual had spoken, the man was only recently placed on the Synod yet had served the Church since the days of High Pontiff Daniel, one of the few remaining alive in this day. His features were made of stone throughout the entire meeting, perhaps due to his sickly health or simply stricken with disbelief. Regardless, Jarlath rose to his feet after the first two had placed their votes, placing his own vote within the box without a word.



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