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Posts posted by Skabo55

  1. *Anton is gravitated towards the nice paper as he is passing through the area. He jumps up on a stone to better read the note. He brings out his quill and a cheap piece of parchment and tacks it as high as he can next to the original poster.

    "I 'ave spruce and oak, both refined and natural.

    - Spruce planks, fo 50 Minas per bundle

    - Spruce logs, fo 80 Minas per bundle

    - Oak planks, fo 70 per stack

    - Oak logs, fo 90 per stack

    'end a bird to the mouth of the Tookwater, and I can meet you here at the temple."


  2. Anton, walks by the post on one of his morning walks. He takes a minute to ponder what the note says, then writing something down, he walks off into the snowy hills.

    "This would be a great way to make a proper introduction to the town! I bet I can finally run into Faldo there."

    Anton writes:

    - Discuss town safety!

    - We need to prepare for winter!

  3. What about designating breeding fields? Instead of a 'animal pen' the halflings can lead their animals to a nice open area where an animal's passions for food and love-making can be allowed.

    Anton Dewhurst,

    Halfling Explorer, Scout, Cartographer, and Artist.

    “'e who 'ould travel 'appy, must travel light!” -Anton Dewhusrt

  4. *finds some discarded notes in his old burrow desk. Long ago Anton set off from the halfling homes on the Tookwater. Many copies of this note are sent throughout his contacts in Asulon.


    Anton Dewhurst here, halfling traveler, explorer, scout, mountain-climber, and surveyor. I can make maps, study enemy movements, plan escape routes, be a lookout for thieves. My life on the road has seen the Dwarven Holds, Oren, and even later, expeditions into the far north beyond the Uruk clans.

    I can be a great asset to your operations, your eyes on the ground."


    ((Anton needs friends to make his story work well. The requirements for this are: the guild must have existed for over 40 years at the least. That's all.))

    ((As a player I can help the guild out by making signatures, skins, artwork, maps, or anything else concerning digital art. I am not asking for ANY free handouts, except for role-play relationships. I am willing to join multiple guilds if they invite my character for membership.))

    -Name Anton Dewhusrt

    -Age 103 ((58 when the notes were written))

    -Gender Male

    -Race Halfling

    -Occupation Cartographer, scout, explorer.

    Cheers and Safe Travels!

  5. *Anton takes a double glance at the notice. At first walking by, but then intrested to it as he skims through it.

    *Anton is frozen in thought...

    'his Popo fellow seems to 'ave real concerns fo' the vale. Those Uruk-kin are no favorable visi'ors.... On considera'ion, tha' elf tha' mi Avie be knowin' 'eft on 'his own. 'e must know already how to travel here or 'ives nearby.

    ((I agree with Blade/Popo, I would like to remove the boat as well. It doesn't help that it's already a broken portal. I would also like to talk to someone about making a survey of the Vale and its surrounding lands. I can even paint out a map for just the halflings to use. One that describes the surrounding area nicely. But first I will need a burrow! And maybe some parchments & some extra monies))

  6. 'Anton stumbles out of the salty salmon after a joyful night of drinking mead ale with the Branbourghites. After catching himself from stepping in muddy ground, Anton notices the census. He scrolls his finger down to the middle of the parchment.

    15. Ranley Hornblower - Trader / Traveler / Jack-of-some-Trades

    He laughs aloud to himself. He takes out his quill pen and slashes up some words on the paper. His final touch was to mark his name with an X and to underline the word some on Ranley's entry. on Ranley's entry.'

    Anton Dewhurst (skabo55) - Scout, Surveyor, Cartographer, Explorer, Artist X

  7. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8); USA

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, but I got a C in College English, and an B in Creative Writing. Ohhh Noooo!!!

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am studying animation & media arts in college. I have made many mods for other games such as civilization franchise, diablo 2, counter-strike, unreal tournament, and the Fallout franchise. I have alot of extra time on my hands, and I've help start up 12 different servers for minecraft. Minecraft is a cool platform to work on, and I would like to see how a well managed server will run.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Weekly, I could be on anywhere from 8-32 hrs a week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Role playing is the act of taking on the persona of a specific character. Along with own interactions with the world, others have the power to take part in or completely rewrite the direction of your story. In this role-playing story your character builds a reputation and plotline. Eventually a good role-player will know when to end the life of one of their characters, this can be brought with a dramatic and climatic end.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I have role-played in table top gaming sessions of dungeons and dragons for almost 10 years. I have played several minecraft 'rp' servers, including a great little server called Aswein.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Meta-Gaming is using knowledge you know as a player which your character doesn't. What a player knows is not always what the character has thought of. Also meta-gaming can be applied to the act of changing the outcome of a rp experience with another player. Such as; My sword stabs you in the artery and you start spewing blood all over the walls of the convent.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is:

    Power-gaming is using your gamer abilities to overcome what is not able to be overcome by your character. A simple farmer should not be able to use magical weapons and dive in the air over an opponent of greater skill and strength. Power-gaming is also any attempt in using game glitches or plugin glitches to have an unfair advantage.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect a well oiled machine, Sherman Tank right of the 1942 assembly line. I expect there to be full immersion, and I expect this to be a easy to start Role-Playing experiance.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Ive created more servers than played on. As far as playing goes, I played on a few RPGs not many were very good. Aswein was a good community, but alas it is no more.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:


    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:


    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?:

    A bunch of us from Aswein have migrated over here. Our server has finally called it a year :DD

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:


    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):



    Character Name:

    Anton "Farfellow" Dewhurst

    What Race are you?:


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):


    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    There is one version of Anton Dewhurst’s life story where he could have been a simple Vale farmer, a respected yet anonymous carpenter, perhaps. Thankfully, Dewhurst saw that story line developing—and set about making sure it never happened.

    Instead he reached some of the highest peaks in Aegis to the deepest ravines of Asulon; Anton "Farfellow" Dewhurst, a mountain climbing hobbit wanderer. To others artist chronicler of flora & fauna. Yet still to others a compassionate and loyal friend.

    Anton was born in the year 1298 in the age of Aegis. He was a young halfling when King Edmund was crowned king. One of his earliest memories is being presented to the king along the city streets during his coronation. He remembers Edmund as a tall and powerful man. From there on Anton strived to become tall and great, just as Edmund was. Anton was barely entering young adulthood when the first DunFests were celebrated. At one of these yearly harvest celebrations Anton got to have a word with the wandering wizard. He listened intently as the wizard spoke of faraway places. Being from a less than noteworthy family, Anton left he farm and left his garden hoe to find bigger and more exciting adventures.

    Anton was inspired by Petyr Brandybuck to pick up and begin exploring the world. He wanted to chronicle his adventures so he took up charcoal drawings as a way to note his discoveries. Anton was naturally gifted with plants and animals. So his pursuits were usually after a certain new rumored species. One of his quests was to find the fabled Conservatory of Gijaklul.

    It was 1321 when His adventures brought him to the far northwest where he travelled to The Forest of Stingard to find a lost species of willow, which is said to have healing properties of the mind. Instead he found the Goldhand clan. They were in the midst of trade expansions when Anton was saved from a bear by the hands of the great dwarf Rasun Goldhand. Thus from then on offering his services for no charge to the Clan Guild. The Dwarves of Goldhand took him in and were wise to use him as a scout and explorer. His exploits took him from Kal’Urguan to Alras, gathering critical intelligence on the enemies of the clan, wild beasts, new mountain passes, and movements of the noxious gas. Finally when the end of Aegis was nigh he made his new home in Branburogh in search of safetey and security.

    After many years of rest and ill fruitions Anton settled down with the daughter of a Rollins. Molly Rollins was a beautiful halfling woman, who had a high price to keep. Her incessant need for diversion and entertainment was a full-time job Anton had trouble keeping. She was far younger than he, and did not remember fully, the pains of the world before Asulon. He did not blame her, and strived to give her what she wanted. They had a child together late in the year 14 of Asulon. His little halfling child was named Averroa Carambola named(the starfuit/carambola tree) after his favorite edible item. It was a heavy burden for his feeble-minded wife. Which proved to be too much for Anton to deal with and thus began to make arrangements to open up his booksellers business. He intended to sell his maps to travelers in Alras. But first needed permit by the halfling elders to do so. His trip was cut short when he heard word that she had skipped town. He had no idea what was going on. Probably, had been cheating on him for a while now. Regardless, he returned to Bran to care for his daughter.

    Lost and distraught, Anton relied on the Vale community to care for his child. More and more as she grew up, she became more like him. Her interest in animals and medicine was a blessing to Anton. As she got old enough to hike, he took her on many journeys, retelling all his stories to her.

    In the three decades since his daughter's birth, Anton has been on a path of re-invention and renewal. In 33 of Asulon he commissioned an expedition into the southern seas, discovering hundreds of new species and natives. In 37 he began his own collection of maps, published it and began to sell copies. He is, in every respect, the epitome of a bold explorer figure who has pushed science forward, sometimes by sheer force of will.

    Dewhurst is lanky and tall for a halfling, standing 1.2 meters tall. He has dirty blonde hair with sparkling green eyes. Anton has the look of a well-traveled and cultured person, much more than most. He dons jewelry from all over Asulon. You may recognize a mastercrafted ring from the forges of Kal'Urguan. You may notice a finely made mali-crafted broach pinned to his overcoat. Anton is the black sheep of the halfling flock.

    What are your Character's ambitions?:

    Once, Anton aspired to climb the highest peaks, and reach the farthest ends of Asulon. But in his older age and with his responsibilities, he aspires to write his last chronicles and to see his daughter succeed in life.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    A golden pickaxe passed down from the Goldhands, signifing friendship and comradery.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Anton's most developed skills are mountainclimbing, and exploring. Next would be his drawing ability, many who have never seen his work are surprised to see such talent come from a halfling.

    Some minor things Anton picked up in life are trekking in the wilds, intuit direction, survivalism, and mountain-repelling.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, click here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/51343-how-to-obtain-your-skin-screenshot/):


    Other Information about your Character:

    Anton has a daughter living in the world. Her name is Averroa.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Knowing that the warriors could take both of us halflings in a strait up fight, Anton would try to distract them. In his younger years, Anton would call out at the guards and begins throwing rocks, thus having them chase him around the temple. Nowadays he would offer scornful, but intelligent remarks; testing their patience by challenging their intellect. If this attempt of distraction wouldn't work, Anton would attack the guards in a futile attempt to get the halfing to run away.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Anton, looks up to the gentleman and introduces himself properly and hope to catch the merchant's ears with his exploits. After five minutes of self introduction, Anton asks the merchant their name. Anton would strike up a conversation to poke and prod for information about this merchant. Anton boasts about his contacts in here and there until hopefully he can name someone who the merchant knows. If this is established then Anton proceeds to browse the merchant's inventory. Hopefully the merchant is happy with his visit and offers Anton a deal.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Anton looks around for an owner of the goods. He might stick around for a minute to see if anyone passes through. If no one shows up, Anton would take it. He thinks to himself; "Brady Cloverhill would take it...why not me?"

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?


    "Hello there! The name is Dewhurst. I hate to ask, but do you have some food. I could smell your dinner from the woods."

    Anton's stomach growls.


    "We have some stew, do you have coin sir?"


    "Coin? Coin!? Do you have no heart man? I am Anton Dewhurst, friend of many. It would be at your benefit to feed me."

    The traveler dons a distasteful face


    "Well we all have to make our wages. How did you get out here in the first place?"

    The traveler points out Anton's disheveled looks with his walking cane.

    Anton smiles


    "I'll tell you a story, you pass me some soup?"

    Anton's smile grows wider



    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    Anton is quick to step up to the danger and reports in to the most intelligent community member. He talks over some plans to make a scouting mission into the bandit's camp. Since he is so old Anton would have to rely on the resources of his more youthful neighbors, hiring the best locals with the right skills. Anton would personally oversee the operation, but from a distance and with escort.

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