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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. I fkin Love.. LOVE BAGLES!

  2. Might start to write my characters VA.

  3. The cold sweats have begun, Going cold turkey without rp.. So unbearable :D

  4. Sore throat :(. Tea makes it slightly better

  5. She did it again O.O
  6. Only good thing about me ill, I get day of :D

  7. Wanting Rp so bad. Call me on 555-Pixlelove

  8. Would be sitting in class.. but teacher sent me home because of my cough...

  9. Spinning on my spinny chair...

  10. The cycle continues.....

  11. Jesus.. So many Forum rps im in now....

  12. Yay my picture updated!

  13. 1 more post till my 200 post :D

  14. 1 more post till my 200 post :D

  15. New update came out on my birthday :D

  16. My new epic gaming pc arrives monday... Two whole days D:

  17. Why when i click spoilers they dont show ?

  18. *Insert Unhelpful comment about server crash here*

  19. Those kids took my candy... so i took there lives >:D

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