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Posts posted by Aura

  1. ou're probably at the docks or somewhere where people are Afk. Ideally you'll want to go to an Rp hub or a city where you can interact with people and potentially get a place to live. 

    Yes, I agree with AGiantPie. At the docks or sometimes in lowly populated areas people are AFK a lot. Cities usually have a lot more roleplay and tend to be a lot more interesting to look at rather than just roads and trees. Or if you do find a group of people you can usually PM an Event Team member and ask if they are busy and/or currently running an event. If they aren't, they'll sometimes offer to do one for you and the people you are with. That can sometimes bring roleplay or you'll be able to roleplay with the same group of people for a long time while the event goes on. Through that you can become friends with those characters and then contact them more often etc.

    I think you should just give it more time, find your capital city, and meet some people you can become friends with so you'll have people to roleplay with whenever they are on and nearby. Getting to know people is a very important part of the server. Good luck!

  2. Caldarin would somehow respond to Mel responding to Neci responding to Berr responding to Aenor responding to Toren responding to Mel responding to...nevermind. Basically he gives up on this responding process that somehow reaches through the universe.

    "How would you recruit yourself? Someone had to recruit Toren. Also, aren't all new recruits worthless for at least half a year or so? And yes, I quite agree with Aenor." 

    He turns to again somehow respond to Mel, "Point taken." 

  3. Caldarin watched the waves as the rain poured overhead from the walls of Laureh'lin. He frowned, watching the odd activities of the waves, something seeming rather odd about them.

    The next morning, a lone mali from the shores returned to tell of the 'Drowned Lord.' He assures the fisherman, telling him that he will inform his superiors in the Order of Sirame about the dark figure that supposedly rose from the oceans. "I've never heard of such thing as a Drowned Lord, though I will ask around." 

  4. I decided I'd take a look at my character profile today after the updates and possibly make some changes. However, for me at least, (not sure with anyone else) about half of the text is crossed out in strikethrough, but strikethrough isn't enabled. It starts in about half way through and no matter how many times I retype it or copy paste it from the original document it still has the lines in it, even if they don't before I re-post the edits. I'm not sure if this is because there's a new length restriction or...?

    My character profile: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/133369-caldarin-elmir-daeharith-william3677/

  5. Caldarin nods and steps forward, finally raising his voice. "Well said, Aenor. We should all agree to at least temporarily work together until the El'Annil and the Praetor make the final decisions. This feud has been going on for almost all the time I've been a member of the Sirame." He pauses for a moment, looking around the room. "I wish to be able to see that the Sirame could stand as one and be more effective as both a military and a peacekeeping group trying to restore peace to the Mali'ame, just as they were before this feud started." He turns to face Artimec next.

    "Legislator, forgive the rudeness, but I would ask that at least for now you should try to work together with Kairn, to get over the problems with Berr first. Then you two can settle your issues with each other. Or you could at least wait until final decisions have been made about the problem by the El'Annil and the Praetor." He pauses for a second before speaking again, "Of course, it's just a suggestion."

  6. Caldarin nods at both Kairn and Artimec's words, continuing to stay silent. He hopes that he would not be on the receiving end of any punishments because he was never involved in the feud, and also hopes that the SIrame ranks will stop being full of insubordination and argument. Arguing and insubordination would never end up creating a strong military or defense in times of war or need. Caldarin stays non-moving while standing off to the side, believing that hopefully the El'Annil and Praetor will deal with the problems and insubordination in the Order of Sirame. 

  7. Caldarin would agree with Artimec's words from where he is on the side of the room. He wasn't part of the feud in the first place, but he knew he needed to keep his place in line. He thought Kairn was slightly harsh, but necessarily didn't think he was wrong for being so. Caldarin nods at the words in Kairn's reply, thinking of them as slightly more reasonable, but stays silent as the conversation ensues. 

  8. Caldarin would find the note and sigh, "There goes another one, hopefully he comes back this time." He looks over t he rest of the note and his eyes narrow. "I haven't talked a lot to Berr... Perhaps there's more to him than I originally thought. It is unfortunate that Toren has exiled himself though, he was a great El'Tir." 


    Caldarin Elmir Daeharith


    Basic Information


    Nicknames: Cald, Cal, Arin


    Age: 127 Years Old


    Gender: Male


    Race: Wood Elf and/or Mali’ame


    Status: Alive






    Height: Caldarin is 5 foot six and ¾ inches tall.


    Weight: Caldarin weighs approximately 122 pounds, though that number is dramatically increased when he is wearing armor. (Armor as general rule is usually heavy).


    Body Type: Caldarin is slightly muscular under his clothing, however he has a smaller body type in general that sometimes makes people underestimate him. He is not the most physical person ever and prefers to focus on solving problems with his mind rather than brute force, that slightly owing to the fact he is not amazingly muscular or strong.


    Eyes: Caldarin’s eyes are a dark, deep green filled with wonder, curiousness, and a wish to explore the natural world around him.


    Hair: Caldarin’s hair is slightly longer than shoulder length and light brown in color. He keeps his hair braided when he is on duty so as not to have it as something to be easily grabbed onto in a fight.


    Skin: Caldarin’s skin is slightly tanned from hours in the sun, especially his face. His body slightly less than his face because he wears armor the majority of the time.


    Markings/Tattoos: Caldarin has no markings or tattoos on his body besides a small symbol for the Daeharith family on his right leg, right above the ankle.


    Health: Caldarin is in average health for a Wood Elf his age and currently has no ailments. This will be updated over time if he gets sick, has the flu, etc.


    Personality: Caldarin is usually calm and accepting, but can be angered by small things that build up over time. He’s very irritable without rest or sleep over long periods of time, or if he’s having a generally bad day. Caldarin believes that all things deserve a right to live as long as they have not committed any crimes and/or done an act that deserves a fitting punishment above or equal to death, such as murder, or abusement of children (or generally those who may be lesser than you).

    He does his best to uphold that but will also follow the rules set out by Laureh’lin and the legacy of the Wood Elves. Caldarin generally tries to stay out of trouble and do his best, and is usually annoyed or slightly bothered when he falls short of a mark he knows he can reach. He is by nature peaceful but will not hesitate to raise arms in a necessary situation.


    Inventory: Caldarin usually keeps a supply of bread or dried meat on hand, as well as his shortsword. He also usually has a small pouch of salt on his belt when wearing armor for the sake of defending against Frost Witches if necessary. He also on occasion keeps a small journal/logbook on hand to write down notes or important things he notices that might be of interest to the higher-ups of the Sirame.


    Further Details: Caldarin has a mostly Wood Elven descent with some High Elves mixed in every now and then, that being the reason that his face is slightly more angular than the normal Wood Elf’s, though not exactly like a High Elf.




    Life Style


    Alignment: Neutral Good


    Deity: Cernunnos and Cerridwen


    Religion: Caldarin does not necessarily worship the Aspects, but holds them in high regards and reverence.


    Alliance/Nation/Home: The Reformed Kingdom of Oren, Province of Laureh’lin


    Job/Class: Caldarin is a regular member (El’Haler) of the Order of Sirame, an order serving as an active guardforce and military for the Province of Laureh’lin.


    Title(s): El’Naeri


    Profession(s): Caldarin’s Professions are as follows by rank/skill:

    Promising Miner (Main), Promising Woodworker (Racial), Promising Lumberjack (Second)

    This will be updated if/when Caldarin receives his third profession upon playing for 250 hours.


    Special Skill(s): Caldarin has no special skills.


    Flaw(s): Caldarin does not have a very high opinion of himself and believes that the only people who really ascend the ladder of authority or go on to do great deeds are those who are prophesied or chosen specifically rather than just trying and working hard to get there. This opinion is slowly changing as time goes on and he grows older and less naive, however.






    Current Status: Caldarin currently knows no magic but may eventually look into in the future.


    Arch-type: N/A


    Sub-Type: N/A


    Rank: N/A


    Weakness(es): N/A


    Strength(s): N/A


    Current Spell(s): N/A






    Fighting Style: Caldarin’s fighting style is more relying off strategy and striking at the right moment rather than brute force. He attempts to use pressure points and weak spots to take down his enemies. He fights with a very fluid style, trying to slip by or getting out of the way without actually having to block and risk long extended interactions in which the possibility for him losing are much greater.


    Trained Weapon: Caldarin is trained in basic archery, swordsmanship, and hand-to-hand combat. He is slowly getting better the more he is with the Sirame.


    Favored Weapon: Caldarin favors the Shortsword, Hand and a Half Sword, or the Longbow.


    Archery: Caldarin has just basic Archery skills but is learning quite a bit more from the Sirame than he did from on his own.








    Father: Cedric Daeharith (half High Elf, half Wood Elf) - Alive

    Mother: Leai Daeharith (Mali’ame) - Alive



    Aura Daeharith - Deceased (Died in Athera) - Brother



    Caldarin has no children.


    Extended Family:

    Caldarin has no important extended family, but considers Ravondir Silverblade, one of his very close friends, almost as a cousin.



    Caldarin has no pets.







        Caldarin Elmir Daeharith was born in the year 1395 in Asulon to Cedric and Leai Daeharith. He grew up in Malinor and was content with his family’s very average place in Wood Elven society. He was well educated and learned how to read, write, and do basic math. He was very scared and traumatized during the later events that took place on Asulon and was frightened by the prospect that he had to leave everything he had ever known behind to leave for Anthos. His uncle, Amras Ancalimon, had been killed near the Cloud Temple while the descendents escaped Asulon. This didn’t help Caldarin’s situation because Amras had been his favorite relative other than his parents.


    He greatly cared for his younger brother when he was born in Anthos and was a great help to his parents with the young Aura Daeharith when they left Anthos on the boats. Aura was what helped with his trauma from his early life and seemed to be what allowed Caldarin to put his life back together. Aura never remembered Anthos because he had been too young at the time. Caldarin had however lost many friends in the floods on Anthos while the Descendants evacuated.


    By the time Caldarin got to Athera he understood more about the process of moving and why they had to keep leaving so often. Darkness had always followed the Descendents, from Aegis onwards. He tried to put his life more into place and solid, following in the professions of his parents as woodworkers and fletchers. He worked under the High Elves, fleeing with his family when the Mali’aheral and Human war broke out with Oren coming out on top. Caldarin rejoined the Province of Laureh’lin when it had become more stabilized and was a citizen in the Province when the Descendents were driven out of Athera and continued on to the Isles of Vailor.


    Unfortunately, Caldarin’s younger brother, Aura, was killed in one of the giant worm attacks. Caldarin had not confirmed his brother’s death, so he left his family when they got in Vailor, searching frantically for Aura. He eventually accepted that Aura had not become separated from the Mali’ame and that he had been killed on Athera. This saddened Caldarin quite a bit, as his parents were now too old to have any more children. His emotional mood was always mostly downcast after he accepted the fact that Aura was dead.


    Aura had been trying to become a Dedicant and join the Druidic Order, and had been with them most of the time during the war between Haelun’or and Oren, and Caldarin had decided that was a safe place for him. When Aura was killed when the Druids were also fleeing, Caldarin blamed the Druidic Order for his death. He doesn’t hate the Druids as a whole, he just has a small grudge against them as he understands it isn’t fully their fault. Caldarin also blames himself for Aura’s death and not taking more care of him and watching over him when he was with the Druids in the Fiandria Mother Grove.


    Caldarin moved on slowly to join the Order of Sirame for the sake of protecting Laureh’lin and trying to restore the peace and might of the Wood Elven people, vowing that he would protect people from the same fate that had befallen his brother. Caldarin also met his very close friend Ravondir Silverblade when joining the Sirame. He is still in contact with his parents but now lives in the Sirame barracks in Laureh’lin. He hopes that in the end everything will turn out successfully for what remains of his family and extended family after the events that had taken place throughout the multiple realms of Asulon, Anthos, Athera, Vailor, and all in between. He wishes to continue fighting against the darkness that threatens to consume the Descendents and that has always haunted his family.


    Caldarin has slowly rebuilt himself as an El'Naeri of the Order of Sirame and it’s now difficult to get him to talk about his past as he prefers to concentrate on the present and future rather than the unfortunate events of history.







    At the moment there is no artwork for Caldarin. 

  10. "Hmm..." Caldarin reads the flier. "I have no written works to contribute. However, I may eventually aspire to write a few." He takes one of the fliers down as a reminder and carries it with him back to the barracks in Laureh'lin to put on the wall next to his bed. He then heads back off on patrol throughout the city. 

  11. AT Application





    Forum Name:



    Skype Name:

    My skype name is amrasancalimon (the display name should be something like “Aura (William)”. I try to be as active as I can though I cannot guarantee I’ll always be on Skype when I’m on the server.



    I’m in the Central Time Zone.


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?

    I’ve tried to help a couple applicants with their applications in Wandering Soul chat when they have questions (like explaining how to add an image of your skin if they didn’t understand the guide). I feel like I have a fairly solid grasp on the lore as I’ve read most of the wiki and I’ve looked through a lot of accepted and denied. There are high standards that I’m not afraid to enforce.

    Of course, I check the Accepted, Denied, and Pending applications everyday just to see if any of the standards have changed. (They don’t seem to do that too often).


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work with others?

    I want to be an AT member because I feel like my writing skills are probably the best out of all my other talents (if they can really be called talents). I’ve worked with others on Application Teams in the past on other servers (those servers have fallen into disrepair as of late so I decided I’d come back to Lord of the Craft, which is where I originally started out). I feel like I’m a responsible member who can work with others successfully to help applicants become amazing roleplayers and members of the server.


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?

    I recognize that I will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides, and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC.

    I love helping new players in Wandering Soul chat when they join. They’re always very excited to be joining the server, and I try to assist them to the Whitelist Application section on the forums and explain the process of applying. Creating Wiki pages and guides shouldn’t be a problem as long as I have forewarning and a basic outline of what needs to be done.


    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    I am 12 years old and in the 7th grade at a Middle School. Schoolwork takes up a lot of my time because I’m taking all AP classes. I apologize if I’m not able to log on for a day or two on weekdays if I’m working on long term projects, but I will definitely try to be as active as possible. My hours that I’m usually online are as follows:

    Monday - Friday: I’m usually on between 6:30 and 7 AM and between 7:30 and 9:30 PM (Fridays usually later than that).

    Saturday: I’m on at all times of day. Usually on mornings from about 7 or 8 AM until 10 or 11 AM. After that, I’ll probably be on from maybe 4 to 5 PM and then 7:30 to 11-11:30 PM.

    Sunday: Probably on between 8 AM and 10 AM, and then from 3:30 PM until about 5:30 PM. After that possibly from 7:30 to 9 PM.

    If necessary I can send somebody a message if I won’t be on for an evening.


    Thank you for reading my AT Application. Feel free to give me a -1 or shout at me because I did something wrong in the app.

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