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Posts posted by Nikovia

  1. Application:

    Send a bird to Polgrath with the following information

    Given name(RP name): Nikoli Everburn

    True name(MC name): Nikovia

    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?): No

    What form of magic ye use?: None

    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: Yes

    Mageshield,Delver or other(if other detail)?: Mageshield

    For Mageshields only:

    Do ye swear solemnly to put your life upon the line to perserve that of your arcane brethren? I do.

    What combat skills have ye? Swordsmanship: 100 Archery: 100

  2. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    EST- Florida time.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a smart kid who usually doesn't have much of an issue with others. I am naturally have pretty good manners, though that won't stop me from trying to make a joke or two.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    10 hours, I enjoy Minecraft and often only play it through out the day.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Role playing, is like writting a book in my eyes. Except you are playing out the book as if it were an act to follow in a play. Role play is often what I do for most of the RPG games I play and usually all I do. The joy of becoming a character you have thought up of in your mind and get to play him/her out is just a great experiance.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    In role play I have experiance from multiple RPG games such as Runescape and Lord of the Rings. I've been role playing about a solid year and have been in a lot of RP. Sadly, Runescape RP just isn't cutting it anymore.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Meta gaming.... in my eyes, wis when a character takes information he shouldn't know and uses it in the IC realm. Such as if I told you something OOC and you took that information IC and used it.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Emoting is:

    To me this is commonly called Powe Gaming. I encounter it often on other games I have RPed. It is when you say an action, say you are stabbing someone, and you give them no chance to react to it. Another way would be to completly ignore the response of a player and just continue your action.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    From what I see on the website, what friends tell me, and just the general lay out...... I expect this to be a great server. I alreadly like the atmosphere it provides when you enter the website. Reminds me a lot of the books I've read on quest groups and such. I REALLY think I will love my time on this server (provided I get accepted)

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Shadowraze and TCS. In Shadowraze, the Moderators were not the greatest of social people. Nor did it have any real RP that I crave on a server. TCS is just a small server I found and decided to play on.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:


    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Yes

    How did you hear about us?:

    A friend that plays your server.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:

    This is my Second. http://www.lordofthe...ia-application/


    Character Name: Nikoli Everburn

    What Race are you? (You may only be Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf!) : Human

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Nikoli was born in Asulon in a small village near small stream. He stands at a usual 6'1 height with sleek brown hair, his eyes are an icy blue. His clothing is a owrk lather jacket syed blue. His white undershirt is partially stained, his soft leather boots compliment his browqn cloth pants. His attitude is a calm and laid back one, not caring all too much about anything that doesn't pertain to him or his friends. He has a rather lean and agile figure, though he is stronger then what his body looks like. His is 25, though it is hard to tell as only his eyes can be seen.

    Nikoli was born into a farming family. His dad grew wheat for the village while his mother made products for the family. During Nikoli's child hood he helped his mom and dad about the farm. He was either raking in wheat, making soap, or running to the market to sell wheat or buy items mother needed. His only schooling came from his mother. He learned basic math and writting skills under her guidence. By 14 Nikoli's father confronted him with an idea to make a better life for their child. He proposed to send him to a local militia to train him for military life and make a name for his family.

    Nikoli could not decline the offer. With saved up coin, he was sent on his way to the barracks. Now, his parents obviously couldn't drop their work to help him. Nikoli had to make the 10 mile journey himself. He was given rations to last the journey and the gold to pay for the schooling. He started off at a cool spring morning, the grass dewy and wet as his boots crushed against them. About 5 miles in, Nikoli met his first obsticle..... bandits. They were holding up the road, denying access to anyone. Nikoli realised this was to be the first test for becoming a soldier, not confrontation and fights.... but to use his mind.

    It's night time now, Nikoli camped a little ways away from the Bandits, stalking their movements and such. He noticed mainly their patrolers, each differed. The first one was a vigilant one, noticing every small movement. The second was sluggish and drunk..... this was his only chance. Nikoli went to the outskirts of their camp. The patrolmen was their sadly... though drunk as ever. Nikoli clamped his noes as the smell of old wine could be smelt from his distance from the guard. Sneaking around the drunk he made his way past.

    By the next afternoon he reached the militia. His time spent there trained him how to use a blade, and teach him basic survival tips. He trained until he was 25, he then made the journey home. What he came home to... was a burnt scape of land. Disoriented, he ran to his farm looking for his parents. All he found was ash and dust. How could this happen why.... bandits. The bandits he thought. The ones he evaded those years ago. Nikoli gathered what he had and set off, to explore the world and try to find a place to fit in...

    What are your Character's ambitions?:

    He wants to find a place he can call home.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    Being a trained soldier, sword.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Surviving in the wild, and sword play.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, copy and paste this link into your browser: ( http://tinyurl.com/Lotcscreenshot ):

    I was told that since my computer would not accept your form of adding a screen shot I could get a link of the skin. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/a-skin-musickat-wanted-2-see-big-shoutout-2-best-skin-maker-ever/

    Other Information about your Character: Nikoli is often quiet and will think over a situation before he decides his plan of action.

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Hearing the cries of someone in distress he goes forth to the wails to find the sence of the two harrassing the halfling. "What's going on...." His rough voice would say directed to the two. The two look to him, then each other. They'd advance on him, suggesting that a fully grown man would have more money then a halfling. "I suggest you just walk away,I'm not looking for a fight." The two give a hearty laugh at his comment. Nikoli would smile as they do,taking this advantage he'd dash forth towards the halfling to gather him up. The two warriors would chase after of course. Nikoli would rush into the temple and drop the halflinf off there. The warriors would curse at Nikoli, but reluctantly leave.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Nikoli would approach the man with a warm smile, over looking his goods. Nikoli would pick up an iron blade. It'd look to be of basic iron sword. To Nikoli, it was a chance to become what he is, a soldier in a town."How much for the sword?" he'd say, rather excited at this point. Upon hearing the price, he'd loose any excitement. "Really...? That much?" he'd give a long sigh. The merchant, would notice a ring on Nikoli's hand and offer the ring for the blade. "But, my mother gave me this...." After a moments thought... he'd reluctantly give the ring for the blade. Maybe chopping down some sapplings will make him feel better.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Nikoli would approach the cabin and enter. He'd search about and notice the chest. He'd open it and notice the goods. Not seeing any use in them he'd leave them, using the cabin purly for a rest stop and move on.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? "Hello merchants! I've been traveling for a while... and I was wondering if you could give me some food." Ther merchants look at one another, then to Nikoli. "I have to eat what...?" Nikoli would have a disgusted look about his face. The merchants suggest that he eat one of their old and rotten bread slices if he wanted food to continue on. Nikoli reluctantly takes the bread. Now this bread must have been saved for something like this as mold has festered all about it. He'd shove it in his mouth and chew it up, trying hard not to vomit as he'd "swallow". The laughing merchants would hand him a leg of pork as Nikoli leaves. Out of their sight, he'd spit out the bread and try hard not to vomit. He wasn't all too hungery that from that point on.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    "Bandits....? I'll help. I was trained as a soldier so I think I will do well." The guard would just grunt and shove him into a group of people, all warrior like in appearence. They'd march off to meet the bandits. To Nikoli's surprise... they are the bandits that he bypassed on the road. His nerves tighten as he's grip his sword's handle till his his knukles go white. The guard captains yells for the bandits to surrender now or face justice in the most extreme. THe bandits obviously refuse and draw their blades. The two forces would clash together as people fall on both sides. Nikoli is viciously fighting one of the bandits. The bandit would slice for his neck as Nikoli would raise his blade to deflect the attack. He'd lock the blades and send a swift kick for the bandit's stomache. The bandit doubles over as he'd plunge the blade into his spine. Looking up he'd see the bandits route. He'd sheathe his blade... feeling that he has gotten revenge on those whom killed his family.

    Anything else you would like to say?:


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