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Posts posted by Minea

  1. Vekrus and Hugo, some officers *cough Yimmya cough* have forgotten recruitment here is OOC on the forums, and a 'random' meeting is arranged for you at one of our outposts, or just in general with someone from the Order.


    You're both now approved for that stage, and I'll let you know over skype details of this encounter!




    -Hugo, please add me on skype: Cid_the_sloth

    ((Usually right bro, but we've changed it, it is now OOC and IC. If your char can write its RP apps as well as OOC, if your char has trouble writing/sending letters, make an OOC app and arrange for an "impromptu" meeting.

  2. Starke McHaryn furrows his brow deeply and rises slowly to his feet at Maer Tuv's words speaking up also, hopefully saying the words loud and fast enough for Tuv to hear them before he exits the room.


    "Ye speak as if ye are the dictator of moral correctness my dear Lord Tuv. Ye speak with a tongue as forked as the lowest wyrm of the north, the very tongue that makes ye such a successful businessman, normally I would nae allow the matter of birth to dictate a man's value, but in this case yer status as bastard speaks volumes for your character. Whether enemies or not, verbal self restraint in the matter of heated debate is expected in a neutral meeting of possible parlay.  So in other words my dear Master Tuv. Keep yer bastard w-h-o-r-e bred words to yerself when speaking to the rightful ruler of the descendants of Horen."


    Starke snorts deeply before swallowing the phlegm in an uncharacteristic show of bad manners, before looking across to Sophia and raising one eyebrow in silent question, finally sitting back down and scratching the itchy stubble of his beard, probably harbouring fleas of some sort from the constant rough riding and living while on the road.


    Apologies for the weird writing of w h o r e, the forum censor didnt allow it

  3. Lord Commander Starke McHaryn grimly looked at the poster before him, the parchment stating the Eventide Knights treason. Licking his lower lip he looked up to the Wolvengard officers present, their grim forms and black tabards ironically depicting the colour of their moods. All in the room remained quiet until Starke spoke, his gruff voice loud and uncompromising.


    "The Eventide although more... religious than us, are none the less our brothers in a different time and place. This day I do something that has nae been done before in the Wolvengard, I issue an order without consultation of the council. The Wolvengard stand with the Eventide against the pretenders of Ruska, this day we offer them our support in arms and safe haven. Dinae disapoint me friends, Viktor is a man of reliability I would rather not see him on the end of a pike. I dinae care whom they worship, but allies are allies. Prepare the Wolven." 


    Starke then growled and got to his feet, scrawling out a note before sending it off to the Lord Inquisitor, hopefully the Wolvengard courier, accompanied by two fully plated mounted knights got through to the Eventide fortress.


    *A letter is bound and stamped with the Wolvengard sigil as well as the personal McHaryn ram sigil*


    Hail Viktor,

    The time is short for I have heard of yer predicament, therefore I send this by way of parchment so ye can show this to the Wolvengard officers should they dispute yer word. We stand with ye, as is our alliance, ye have our blades if ye wish. I trust that ye can hold off the devil ruskans until our forces can muster. If it comes to a war, send word and this letter to the Wolven at Crowsfoot, and our forces will answer.


    I trust all goes well from this point on, good luck Lord Viktor.


    Signed: Lord Commander Starke McHaryn, Leader of the Wolvengard, last of the McHaryn line of Broghan the Bear.

    *the Wolvengard seal is imprinted here*



    Hey Swgr mate, im away for work for the next two weeks, you have Ryan on skype so it should all be good. This should be interesting, good luck bro.

  4. Somehow my account has been hacked, it was not migrated either, I have no way of getting it back as *cough* *cough* it previously belonged to a friend, and I borrowed it in Alpha not bothering to get my own cause I thought it would be laaaaaame. Four years later I think no such thing. What I am writing this for is simple, I have been called up to Townsville for work, a 16 hour drive where I am, and will be away for a bit. As I run a successful guild with quite a large active player base, I thought  it wise to pay some of my treasury to my seconds, logging on I discovered this hacked account. No biggie I have another account I can use, BUT for now it presents a problem, my guild will be without any sort of funds for the next two weeks. 


    Is it possible in ANY way shape or form, for a mod or admin to somehow take 20 G's from me and give 10 G's to Yimmya, and 10 G's to XRyanSeveranceX. That should be enough for them, is this possible at all? In any way? PLEASE, without funds the guild could easily crash and burn.

  5. Title says it all.

    I'm looking for a family who'd take me in as their child.

    I'd prefer people who are close to GMT +8 or very active.

    Anywhoos... I got tired of that cliche orphan thing, meh.

    Broooo, I lead the Wolvengard a very large militant order of active lads, almost half of them are Australian, so that timezone fits brilliantly, to my knowledge we dont have a family you can join as we are a militant guild, but we can adopt you as our little mascot, sharpen swords, care for horses, run errands. Best of all we have teachers of all sorts, magic and not, you could be allowed to learn a trade or some form of magic, or be a soldier. Your choice bro, oh if your roleplay is top stuff, my char had a son who was lost, might be able to talk there, anyway, your choice. Send me PM if interested.

  6. Lord Commander Starke McHaryn, alongside Commander Jon, maintains a neutral face at the words of Sophia, his eyes flit to the other lords present gauging what they have to say before turning to Jon, who as a born raider has little time for anything outside of killing, both of them appear to have little interest in the going ons, but a more intent observer would realise the sharp sight and constant scanning of the surroundings beneath the duo's hooded gazes. Starke flits his gaze to a trio of crudely dressed men, obviously adunians from their garb, he frowns in thought. Surely Lachlan did nae send someone to do the negotiating of his kingdom, the lad still looks green behind the ears. Starke then turns his attention back to the Ruskans, waiting for their response of Sophias words.

  7. After begrudgingly handing over the multitude of dark-forged "knightly" weapons, the blacksteel-plate-cald Lord Inquisitor of the Eventide Dominion strides into the meeting chamber. An air of judgement and disapproval about his person, unseen eyes glare across the gathered attendants; his lordly helmet settled atop his head, the bronze inlaid crown that had been forged into the helmet's dark steel structure giving off a slight glimmer in the dim light. Whilst his armor was what mere knights wore in his religious order, the helmet always defined his granted rank, and it always remained atop his head.


    Not a single word was said to any of the attendants. The only form of greeting the imposing, dark and inquisitorial Lord-knight offered to any of the gathered leaders was a curt nod in Lord Starke's direction; for the Lord-Inquisitor garnered an appeal to the good Commander and his men. He expected good things from them, though he was not one to judge the forces of others with his own being so small.

    Viktor takes a seat with a groan of his armor and clasps his hands, remaining silent and studious.

    Lord Commander Starke McHaryn, one of the first to arrive eyes all who make their way in, some familiar faces some new. He sits his chair with a slight slouch, painting whorls with his right forefinger on the wood grain of the table, giving off a feeling of indifference, although his eyes constantly scan the room, gauging the looks and emotions of the leaders attendance. Noticing Viktor enter Starke and Jon both nod once in return, the only sign of the vast respect Starke has for the Lord Inquisitor, one of his more trusted allies, with warriors to match the skill of his own best knights. Starke continues to scan the room, constantly flicking his gaze back to Sophia and her demeanor.


    Lord Commander Starke McHaryn sighed once, the men before him all arrayed in battle gear and mounted on the tall Wolvengard blacks, many possessed the blood wrath of the Sea Wolf raiders, others the calm demeanor of knights of noble birth. Only a small handful remained silent and calculating, the Ildician veterans, all officers in their own right. Starke rose to his feet and growled down to the men in front of him, rank upon rank of black tabards and snarling wolves.


    "Yer all bastards whether born in wedlock or nae. Dinae disapoint me when we ride to war my wee beggars, let the blades of your fathers become quenched on the blood of our enemies, the Wolven have sworn a blood oath to Her Highness, and as is our way, we honour that oath. Prepare for war, we will return shortly". Starke nodded once before turning back and nodding to his only other officer  accompanying him, Commander Jon. The sound of cheering and snarling Wolven was heard as he walked to the Crowsfoot stables, snorting armored destriers waiting ready saddled before the open gates. Starke turned to his closest companions and spoke.


    "We ride for Cloud Temple and our liege lord Her Imperial Highness Sophia, look sharp Jon, keep yer blade ready, I have nae met a ruskan that wouldn't plough a horse for a copper or two, they possess the honour of a street thug".


    Mounting up the two Wolven thundered to Cloud Temple, the clinking of mail and scraping of plate the only other sound besides the drumming of hooves. The Wolvengard had ridden to war.

  9. Tristam lifts an eyebrow as he looks at the strange letter, but sighs in relief upon noticing the seal.

    "..So they 'ave read my letter after a-" His expression changes. "Wait a second, how am I supposed to know where to go and prove myself?". Tristam looks around and whistles loudly, as if he's looking for something. A bird landed on a wooden pole near him. Tristam writes something on a piece of paper he had in his backpack from who knows when, ties it on the bird's leg and sends it away with a piece of bread to eat on its way to the sender.

    "Hail Lord Commander McHaryn,

    I have read your letter and I am happy to know I might have a chance of  joining Wolvengard, although I have one, big problem: I do not know where to meet you and have myself tested. Is there a specific place to meet you at? What kinds of tests would I have to pass? I have many questions, and hopefully you can answer them.

    Hopefully your new recruit, Tristam Corite."


    Starke McHaryn frowns softly to himself, eyeing the barricades of Crowsfoot, his features set in thought when suddenly a bird lands before him squawking, Starke looks down noticing the tightly furled letter tied to the birds leg, Starke reaches forward grabbing the letter and giving the bird some travelling biscuit from his pocket. He nods once before writing a quick reply and stamping it with his ring, tying it back to the birds leg and watching in satisfaction as the bird flies back the way it came.


    *The letter would hopefully reach you by way of the same bird.*


    Hail again Master Corite,

    I have been incredibly busy as of late, and have had to attend to pressing matters elsewhere. However I have very capable officers would be able to commence the testing as soon as possible. The testing involves your fighting prowess, your moral code, and your suitability to join our ranks. I urge ye to head to the Wilds Docks, for we have a small outpost on the mainland not far from there, ye'll see it fine. If ye dinae know this location then I urge ye to contact some of my officers, Sir Vectis ((Drazker)), Commander Rowan ((XXRyanSeveranceXX)) or one of my kruss by the name of Sir Branaford Fairheart the stoic ((TNTlover1234)).


    Signed: Lord Commander Starke McHaryn.

    *The Wolvengard seal is imprinted here*




    Hey man, im in the australian timezone so it may be difficult to coordinate with my work, the names I gave you however are Americans who can help, add me on skype which I will send through to you asap. We'll set up a meeting as soon as possible

  10. MC Name: AsafPoz.


    RP Name include previous titles: Tristam Corite (Former owner of Wood & Supply Co.)

    Rank/Class applied for (Be specific): Kruss.

    Timezone: UTC+2

    Skype: roie554 (DerpyGanondorf)

    Why do you wish to join OOC/RP reasons: It has been some time since I was part of a talented group, and this one gives me a really good impression. My character has some knowledge about geography and a bit of ancient language, though he could really be great as a Kruss. He has lots of combat knowledge, whether it'd be bow & arrow or melee weapons. In fact, he took part in many wars.


    Who recruited you/ Who can vouch for your attitude and skill? ((If none then put N/a)): N/A

    Starke McHaryn thinks thoughtfully viewing the application with a slight frown, the only sign of his intent thinking. With a heavy sigh he sits down, his light chain mail patrol hauberk clinking softly with his movement. The sound of heavy foot falls is heard and glancing up the Lord Commander views his close companions as they walk into the room, Cavalier Lancer Liutenant Vectis II, and Starkes own cousin, Commander Rowan McHaryn. Both men seem to be garbed in armour splattered with mud and dust from the road, both bearing no injuries save for a slight bruise above Vectis right eye. Starke thinks thoughtfully before speaking.


    "I trust your patrol went well? Ye both seem well enough". Starke doesn't bother waiting for a reply instead handing across the letter. In turn they both read it raising their eyebrows, Rowan is the first to speak.


    "He is an untested man, Coz, we would be foolish to promote him to a knightly rank without first testing him". Vectis nods in agreement and so Starke begins writing the letter.


    *The letter is delivered to you by Wolvengard Couriers, the heavy black destriers blowing loudly, hopefully finding your person*


    "Hail Master Tristam,

    I hope this letter finds you safe and well. We are greatly intrigued by your desire to join us at a knightly rank, you would have to be tested, but even then your chances of starting in an officers position are slim. We hope to hear from ye soon. Ride safely and stay in contact.


    Hopefully your future brother of the order, Lord Commander Starke McHaryn."

    *The letter is left with the Wolvengard seal*


  11. Is Wolvengards working with Abresi City Watch?

    ((The current relationship with Abresi is neutral, we have an alright trade relationship, but apart from that its neutral or slightly above neutral, we helped them against the antags. If you ask this because you have a char in the Abresi watch but also want to join the Wolvengard, I strongly urge you to only be loyal to one order or guild, we personally don't accept people who's char serve more than one order. IF you were just curious, then theres your answer, we're slightly above neutral, Chump can either confirm or deny this.))

  12. ((Refrain from OOCing on an RP thread please. If you must OOC put it in a spoiler and at least include an RP post.))

    ((nopower_zpsb826570c.png ))


    Ex-Fm! Huehuehuehuehue, jks m8 jks, i'm a good lad


    Starke McHaryn looks to the note frowning slightly.


    "They offer the same thing every single serf or peasant in Anthos already possesses... I wish them well, although it may not do any good"

  13. Starke McHaryn writes a note down.


    "Tha' is an interesting piece of weaponry Ethir, I would be more than interested in viewing such a piece. I also offer my advice, those who bid such astronomical amounts are simple bandits thinking themselves geniuses, I would ask ye to ignore such bids for fear of an ambush, or at the very least take legionaries or Wolven with ye to the trade. In any scenario, the Wolvengard are interested"


    Signed: Lord Commander Starke McHaryn.

  14. MC Name: Chikaku_Chan

    RP Name include previous titles: Jerath

    Rank/Class applied for (Be specific): Rover

    Timezone: +8 GMT

    Skype: I have Drazker added

    Why do you wish to join OOC/RP reasons: I am Sir Vectis's squire.

    Who recruited you/ Who can vouch for your attitude and skill? ((If none then put N/a)): Drazker

    A letter is sent back to Jerath.

    Hail Master Jerath,

    If Vectis recruited ye then it is up to Vectis to test and clothe ye as his squire. He will take responsibility for ye, I trust his word if he says ye are able.


    Signed: Lord Commander Starke McHaryn.


  15. Starke McHaryn current leader of the Wolvengard snorts and shakes his head at the poster, turning to the mounted men beside him he speaks.


    "We owe no fealty to the dwarves, we're a separate entity as our treaty states, the land we have was a gift not a lease, this is Dwarven business, the likes of which is no concern to us"



    Just chucked that there to make sure you lads know OOC the Wolvengard aren't apart of the dwarven kingdom, nor do we have any settlements on dwarven land

  16. *Starke McHaryn pins a note below the one present*


    "The Wolvengard are always selling horses of ranging quality, the price is nae cheap, but still cheaper than a lot of traders throughout Anthos. Contact the Wolvengard or myself if ye are interested."

  17. ((http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/97678-lore-quartz-dust/?hl=%2Bquartz+%2Bdust I'll just leave this here. It's the lore, and this is not against the rules.))


    'Rockwell' would see the notes, and leave notes in return.


    "To Jemain, I'm looking to sell in a bit more of bulk than that, apologies."


    "To 'S', pleased to hear. I could meet you in Abresi, in say, two Elven days? [Tuesday]"

    *Posts a note under the one there*


    I am disappointed to hear that it will take two elven days? Do ye even have any to sell? Two days is a long time, perhaps we could talk in person to organise this better?


    Signed: -S

  18. ((Perhaps change the name, try and swerve away from IRL drugs for the reason that they're contreversial))


    *A letter is sent to the man selling the merchandise*


    Hail Friend,

    I am deeply interested in your product, and would like to buy everything ye have, perhaps ye can arrange a time to meet with me.


    Signed: S.

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