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Maeglin Eledhwen

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Posts posted by Maeglin Eledhwen

  1. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Southern California, PST

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I am a junior in high school so by now I would hope that I understand the English language.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I have been obsessed with movies and writing creative plotlines since Freshman year. I am a classically trained piano player and I enjoy any form of visual arts. I’ve been playing Minecraft since the last stages of Alpha and my favorite color is green.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I could be on most nights (around 15-20 hours)

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Role Playing is a game where human players become fantasized or imagined characters in a game. Everything associated with the role is imagined or established by the human player mind and the success and fun associated with role playing can only be accomplished through human players who want to have a fun, fair role-playing game.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I have never done roleplaying on minecraft, so I am a interested in this new expirence. I love roleplaying games and the back stories of each of the characters and I’ve heard that this server has lot’s of creativity so I’m very excited.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    These are very interesting questions  but I see how they apply. Meta Gaming occurs when a player uses outside knowledge (such as prior knowledge the human player knows but the in game player has no knowledge of this) to gain advantage in the game. An example would be if a farmer created his own armor and sword. I don’t know many farmers that are also master blacksmiths so there is no way that the farmer could have created those weapons and armor.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Emoting is:

    Okay so Power-Emoting, (not power-gaming like my last application) is a situation that is very hard to explain, but it is like forcing an action on a fellow player without them wanting it or choosing it. Example: If I walk up to a guard and say “ I stab you and rob you off all your stuff,” then the guard would have had no time to defend or react and it's not fair to Role Playing games.  

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    FUN! I am absolutely loving the title that sounds like Lord of the Rings and I’ve heard my friend talk about it, so I immediately went home and had to apply. I’ve seen the map and I am extremely impressed with the quality of building (and I’ve only seen a small portion of it; I’m excited for the rest).

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Every server I’ve played on for more than a day have been servers that I’ve loved! Sadly, they’ve all closed so I can’t play on them anymore. The saddest example of this was a server that my friends and I built a copy of Isengard and Minas Tirith, (it was a faction server so our bases look AWESOME!) but it closed and those two structures were lost. I enjoy playing the new server type Dwarves Vs Zombies because I enjoy Co-Op gameplay. I have never really considered myself a hardcore PVPer so I’ve only played a couple hardcore PVP servers and left just because it wasn’t what I was looking for in a game; a game needs more than violence and killing.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I’ve read the rules; I understand English so I understood them. I don’t know if there is a way to formally agree but I do agree to them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    Yes of course. Rules are made to create fairness and make gameplay equal for all players so I’ll abide by them.

    How did you hear about us?:

    My friends. Bryan (Zonorf) was a faction member with me on prior servers and he told me and my close friend about this Role Playing Server.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:

    Yes, second time the charm! haha http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/60311-maeglins-application/


    Character Name:

    Maeglin Eledhwen

    What Race are you? (You may only be Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf!) :


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    High Elf

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    My name is Maeglin Eledhwen, but that is not the name my parents gave to me. I am reaching the age of 40, one of the youngest High Elves in this world, or to my knowledge. I never knew my father and my mother passed away the year before last. She was my only teacher and friend as a young child. The earliest memory I have is living in a small birch tree with miles and miles of lush green all around me. My mother and I lived in a small tree house, living off the land until I was about nine. We had a nice little farm and life, until one day, some robbers came to our farm and burned down our house and destroyed our farm. We would have died if my mother has not been so athletic; I get my speed and agility from her. We wandered from town to town, but I never saw any other people that looked like us. Humans would never make direct eye contact with me and one day I asked my mother. She told me the tale of where we came from. She was a High Elf, and she informed me I was one too. High Elves were a special race and in turn exalted themselves above all the other races. She told me that she felt that we weren't that special and that all races were equally important. This belief displeased my father, and while she was with child, he banished her before the knowledge of my existence was known to the rest of the world.

    I told my mother that I desired to go back to the Elf lands and I wanted to learn more of my people. This saddened her but she led me South in the direction of Laurelin. Once we reached the tree line which represented the Elven land, she bid me farewell, and told me to look north of the Cloud Temple if I ever needed her. I traveled alone through the dense forest until I came about Laurelin. The elves there rejoiced at my arrival; a new high elf appearing randomly out of the forest was unheard of. I told them that I had heard of the Haelun'or College and I desired to learn there. The next twenty years of so are boring as I spent them learning the customs and ways of my people, the herbs and plants my mother used, and the art of herbalism. During this time I searched for the man who was my father, but to no avail. My mother never gave me his name so it was hopeless. For the last couple years I went abroad to visit my mother and had to watch her pass away. I've been in that tree house ever since mourning my one true friend, but I am ready to rejoin society and help make the world a better place.

    What are your Character's ambitions?:

    Maeglin Eledhwen has been considered an outcast for so long, he desires to become accepted and apart of society once again. He has yet to decide where to settle down but he has heard of the magnificent Elf cities.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    Maeglin is well versed in the art of farming so his favorite tool is a hoe.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Herbalism. He learned from his mother how to live off the land and bend it’s will to sustain him, while not harming nature. He feels they’re can be a mutual respect between all that’s living and the natural world they reside in.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, copy and paste this link into your browser: ( http://tinyurl.com/Lotcscreenshot ):


    Other Information about your Character:

    He has been alone for a couple years so it is hard for him to get to know other people and connect with them. He does not want to be a recluse but it is hard for him to meet people due to his shyness. He immediately is drawn to friendly people and like the rest of his race, is aware that he is an authority figure and people see him as an example.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Maeglin is torn. His mother told him as a small child that his race was special, and that they need to be separate from inferior races, however his ethics tell him that thievery of the innocent is wrong, so he must get those warriors away from the innocent halfling. He picks up two stones from the road and throws them at the warriors to distract and anger them.

    “Why it’s a bloody elf! Get him!” shouts one of the warriors. They turn and charge at Maeglin but his agility easily surpasses theirs and he escapes. He strategically runs towards the forest and loses them between the trees.

    They stumble around after him.

    “Over here,” he calls out and they turn and charge, but by the time they reach the point of the voice, Maeglin is far  to the left.  

    Annoyed and angry they return to the road where they foolishly left the Halfling. Maeglin climbs one and to his pleasure, sees that the halfling has escaped.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    I glance around. Yes, the merchant was talking to me.   Was a funny looking man I thought. We make eye contact and he realizes my heritage and immediately looks down at the ground.

      “Good Afternoon, yes do you carry any herbs or plants found in the lands of the Southerners?”

    “Nay, ‘m sorry but I don’t think I’m carryin’ any with me.  I haven’t seen crops from that region for a long time now. Very sorry sir.”

    “Thank you. Well, for your time..” I toss him 15 minas.

    The man’s mouth opens, flabbergasted.  “Tha.. Tha.. Thank you sir” the man stutters.

    I turn quickly and leave, leaving the stunned man behind.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    What a foolish person to try and forge their way into the harsh wilderness by not becoming one with nature and building a disguised hut. The chest has no items in the chest are useless to me, however bandits are often seen in this area and a sword of such power and craftsmanship should not fall in the wrong hangs so I grab the sword and supplies. I leave the hut and call out to the owner. No one is around so I go inside and leave a note. I inform him where I will be for the next moon cycle and if they don't visit me and ask for their stuff, I will sell it to a fellow merchant. I exit the hut, and quietly slip into the forest.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    They see me stride into the light and it falls silent. After a couple seconds I ask,” I’ve been harassed and harmed by the orcs up north, can you be so kind to spare some food and drink.”

    Whispers explode from the silence and finally the man who appeared to be the leaders walks forward and bows slightly and says,”Excuse us, yes, we would be glad to share feast with you.  I’m sorry but it is rare that we see your kind around here.”

    I explained that I was gathering rare mushrooms that only grew on cattle, in a peculiar land to the East when I was surrounded by orcs.  Outnumbered, I had to surrender all the minas coins on me.  “They let me keep these however,” I said as I pulled from my robe three small, reddish mushrooms.

    The village, unphased by my story, obviously did not recognize the amazement of this discovery.  No matter to me though, the scholars and teachers at Haelun'or College will be pleased, and after all my journey was for them.

    We all gathered in the hall and they celebrated the first time they’ve seen an elf in their lands.  I told them great tales and stories of the lands of Malinor and my hanging home in the Grand Tree of Normandor. The night drew late, refreshed and well fed, I stood to leave. “I will always always remember the hospitality of this fine city, and one day, you all should visit me across the seas in Malinor.” The tenseness of the room had lessened during the night and as I walked out the hall into the night, I spotted friendly smiles and farewells.

    As I exited the room, a small girl came up to me and said,”Elf, how come your not like the other high elves I’ve read in stories?”

    I responded,”My people have a reputation for arrogance and superiority towards others, but my mother always taught me to care for all races of Asulon. Listen to your mother, the things she says are lessons to be applied in the future.” And with that, I slipped into the darkness.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    I talk to the man in charge of this offensive operation and tell him of my experiences with planning attacks. He's skeptical so I ask for half a day to scout out and plan their attack. He agrees and I set to work. I slip out the back gate and work my away around in secrecy. The sun is bright in the sky so I have to be wary of where I go. I spot the bandits and notice that the leader was the same one that harassed me on my way to the market a fortnight ago. I remember he was very bold and foolish. I run back to the town and tell the general to take half of his army and hide them right inside the gate and send the other half to wait in the trees. As the one half exits the city they try to close the gate but I inform them that leaving it open will be beneficial. The bandit leader and his pack come to the city, see it open and vulnerable to attack, and charge. As they pass through the gate the men from the trees close in and trap them. Fighting from two different directions the bandits are quick to surrender. The leader of the town guard thanks me and offers me his diamond encrusted sword. I tell him I have no desire for war of combat and that he should keep it. He thanks for my help and promises me I will be celebrated in the town for years to come.

  2. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Southern California, PST

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I am a junior in high school so by now I would hope that I understand the English language.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I have been obsessed with movies and writing creative plotlines since Freshman year. I am a classically trained piano player and I enjoy any form of visual arts. I’ve been playing Minecraft since the last stages of Alpha and my favorite color is green.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I could be on most nights (around 15-20 hours)

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Role Playing is a game where human players become fantasized or imagined characters in a game. Everything associated with the role is imagined or established by the human player mind and the success and fun associated with role playing can only be accomplished through human players who want to have a fun, fair role-playing game.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I have never done roleplaying on minecraft, so I am a interested in this new expirence. I love roleplaying games and the back stories of each of the characters and I’ve heard that this server has lot’s of creativity so I’m very excited.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    These are very interesting questions :) but I see how they apply. Meta Gaming occurs when a player uses outside knowledge (such as prior knowledge the human player knows but the in game player has no knowledge of this) to gain advantage in the game. An example would be if a farmer created his own armor and sword. I don’t know many farmers that are also master blacksmiths so there is no way that the farmer could have created those weapons and armor.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Emoting is:

    Not going to lie but I was not aware of what power-emoting is but, from what I’ve read online, this is what I’ve synthesized. Power-emoting is doing actions that are out of character for your character. For instance if they’re was a farmer (back to the farmer examples, sorry) he would not be walking down Main Street and see the banker and shoot an arrow at him. First off the farmer shouldn’t really be carrying around a bow and arrow and second he really has no reason for his character to kill that banker. So to avoid doing this, just really become your character and try to think that the character you’ve created would think. Don’t know how close I was… but I hope this is right.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    FUN! I am absolutely loving the title that sounds like Lord of the Rings and I’ve heard my friend talk about it, so I immediately went home and had to apply. I’ve seen the map and I am extremely impressed with the quality of building (and I’ve only seen a small portion of it; I’m excited for the rest).

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Every server I’ve played on for more than a day have been servers that I’ve loved! Sadly, they’ve all closed so I can’t play on them anymore. The saddest example of this was a server that my friends and I built a copy of Isengard and Minas Tirith, (it was a faction server so our bases look AWESOME!) but it closed and those two structures were lost. I enjoy playing the new server type Dwarves Vs Zombies because I enjoy Co-Op gameplay. I have never really considered myself a hardcore PVPer so I’ve only played a couple hardcore PVP servers and left just because it wasn’t what I was looking for in a game; a game needs more than violence and killing.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I’ve read the rules; I understand English so I understood them. I don’t know if there is a way to formally agree but I do agree to them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    Yes of course. Rules are made to create fairness and make gameplay equal for all players so I’ll abide by them.

    How did you hear about us?:

    My friends. Bryan (Zonorf) was a faction member with me on prior servers and he told me and my close friend about this Role Playing Server.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:

    Nope this is my first time applying!


    Character Name:

    Maeglin Eledhwen

    What Race are you? (You may only be Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf!) :


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    High Elf

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    My name is Maeglin Eledhwen, but that is not my real name. I am reaching the age of 40, one of the youngest High Elves in this world, or to my knowledge. I never knew my father and my mother passed away the year before last. She was my only teacher and friend as a young child. The earliest memory I have is living in a small birch tree with miles and miles of lush green all around me. My mother and I lived in a small tree house, living off the land until I was about nine. We had a nice little farm and life, until one day, some robbers came to our farm and burned down our house and destroyed our farm. We would have died if my mother has not been so athletic; I get my speed and agility from her. We wandered from town to town, but I never saw any other people that looked like us. Humans would never make direct eye contact with me and one day I asked my mother. She told me the tale of where we came from. She was a High Elf, and she informed me I was one too. High Elves were a special race and in turn exalted themselves above all the other races. She told me that she felt that we weren't that special and that all races were equally important. This belief displeased my father, and while she was with child, he banished her before the knowledge of my existence was known to the rest of the world.

    I told my mother that I desired to go back to the Elf lands and I wanted to learn more of my people. This saddened her but she led me South in the direction of Laurelin. Once we reached the tree line which represented the Elven land, she bid me farewell, and told me to look north of the Cloud Temple if I ever needed her. I traveled alone through the dense forest until I came about Laurelin. The elves there rejoiced at my arrival; a new high elf appearing randomly out of the forest was unheard of. I told them that I had heard of the Haelun'or College and I desired to learn there. The next twenty years of so are boring as I spent them learning the customs and ways of my people, the herbs and plants my mother used, and the art of herbalism. During this time I searched for the man who was my father, but to no avail. My mother never gave me his name so it was hopeless. For the last couple years I went abroad to visit my mother and had to watch her pass away. I've been in that tree house ever since mourning my one true friend, but I am ready to rejoin society and help make the world a better place.

    What are your Character's ambitions?:

    Maeglin Eledhwen has been considered an outcast for so long, he desires to become accepted and apart of society once again. He has yet to decide where to settle down but he has heard of the magnificent Elf cities.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    Maeglin is well versed in the art of farming so his favorite tool is a hoe.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Herbalism. He learned from his mother how to live off the land and bend it’s will to sustain him, while not harming nature. He feels they’re can be a mutual respect between all that’s living and the natural world they reside in.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, copy and paste this link into your browser: ( http://tinyurl.com/Lotcscreenshot ):


    Other Information about your Character:

    He has been alone for a couple years so it is hard for him to get to know other people and connect with them. He does not want to be a recluse but it is hard for him to meet people due to his shyness. He immediately is drawn to friendly people and like the rest of his race, is aware that he is an authority figure and people see him as an example.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Maeglin is torn. His mother told him as a small child that his race was special, and that they need to be separate from inferior races, however his ethics tell him that thievery of the innocent is wrong, so he must get those warriors away from the innocent halfling. He picks up two stones from the road and throws them at the warriors to distract and anger them. They turn and charge at Maeglin but his agility easily surpasses theirs and he escapes. He strategically runs towards the forest and loses them between the trees. He climbs one and to his pleasure, sees that the halfling has escaped.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    He would first look around to make sure the man was talking to him, if he was then my character would take this opportunity to form a trade relation. He is very trade and economically minded so he would try and find out from the man how the business is in the town. The man has herbs from the western lands, so Maeglin buys a few to study later that night.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    What a foolish person to try and forge their way into the harsh wilderness by not becoming one with nature and building a disguised hut. The chest has no items in the chest are useless to me, however bandits are often seen in this area and a sword of such power and craftsmanship should not fall in the wrong hangs so I grab the sword and supplies. I leave the hut and call out to the owner. No one is around so I go inside and leave a note. I inform him where I will be for the next moon cycle and if they don't visit me and ask for their stuff, I will sell it to a fellow merchant. I exit the hut, and quietly slip into the forest.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    They sound friendly and I let them know about my situation. They kindly bring me into their leader's tent and offer me food. Their crops and herbs are foreign to me. I have never seen such peculiar plant. I marvel at these new plants and they are delicious. After I am well fed I ask them for descriptions of these plants. No elf have ever seen these plants and I feel when I return to my homelands, I must visit the Haelun'or College and talk to the scholars there about these plants.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    I talk to the man in charge of this offensive operation and tell him of my experiences with planning attacks. He's skeptical so I ask for half a day to scout out and plan their attack. He agrees and I set to work. I slip out the back gate and work my away around in secrecy. The sun is bright in the sky so I have to be wary of where I go. I spot the bandits and notice that the leader was the same one that harassed me on my way to the market a fortnight ago. I remember he was very bold and foolish. I run back to the town and tell the general to take half of his army and hide them right inside the gate and send the other half to wait in the trees. As the one half exits the city they try to close the gate but I inform them that leaving it open will be beneficial. The bandit leader and his pack come to the city, see it open and vulnerable to attack, and charge. As they pass through the gate the men from the trees close in and trap them. Fighting from two different directions the bandits are quick to surrender. The leader of the town guard thanks me and offers me his diamond encrusted sword. I tell him I have no desire for war of combat and that he should keep it. He thanks for my help and promises me I will be celebrated in the town for years to come.

    Anything else you would like to say?:

    I really hope you allow me to play as Maeglin on this server. I love the entire idea and the effort seen by the admins of this server. I would be a great addition and I hope you can see it too. Just flying around exploring have shown me a whole new world with so much to explore and I want to become a part of that world.

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