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Posts posted by Dolly

  1. Glad to hear that. Has Thunk been born into the Ugluks as Kee'sha's cub, or is he going to be contacting the Ugluks for membership when you get the chance to rp him?

    Well I never asked permission from her mate oocly to have a son and she wasn't ever pregnant. I actually mentioned him once or twice in rp though as her sister's cub (Keesha's mother was related to Pok) so I considered him an ugluk by blood.

  2. Well... not all the perma-killers are quitting. I did perma-kill my orc but not because I thought Orc-RP was dying... because I wanted to play a male orc instead :P (Fe-Orcs are no fun. Besides, only like 3 people knew Kee'sha ICly and two of those three are dead now lol) And so was born, Thunk'Ugluk. I just haven't been able to RP in like two weeks cuz my computer's been dead :(


    But anyways, what I love about Orcs.


    - The Community

    Had to be first, out of every other race - Orcs take the cake for most awesome player-base


    - Culture & Lore

    I could write ten posts on how much I love the orc culture and lore. It was what originally made me apply for an orc back in Asulon. I'm sure some could argue, but honestly how much background and history orc's had as a race was what made it a very easy transition from Mori (Who had like a whole wiki of lore o.o) or Draenei before that back on WoW (Who have several hundreds of thousands of years of lore). I guess I just like races that force me to do a lot of reading ^^


    - San'Orka

    I never got to RP there, but this has to be one of the most beautiful Orcish builds I've ever seen. I actually lived there for three days when I was a newb orc before Gooms told me the orcs had moved to Gronkkston months ago. I would love to find a reason to RP there... with other people, not just myself >.<


    - The Blah

    And I just had to throw the blah in here too, even though everyone says I'm the only orc to ever make the blah look stupid-er (If that's even possible) I still love it :)


    So those are my reasons, hopefully we can get everyone spinning again by the time my new computer gets here. :D

  3. Wow! Thank you so much Darrian! I can't actually believe I won, there were so many great ideas! :D No matter what I just know 4.0 is going to be awesome :D -- oh and thank you Shiftnative if you see this, I never would have even posted if you hadn't told me it was just drawing a diagram. I'm can't build a minecraft map in creative at all >.< my doors are always off center

  4. (Written on my iPad so plz excuse the typos and autocorrects in advance ^^)

    A cold wind swept over the dunes as Keesha'Ugluk made her way through the deserts near San'Orka. She carried nothing but a large stone axe that drug behind her, leaving a slithering trail in the sand. The fe-Orc was certainly no shaman, but she felt as if she were drawn here by a spiritual presence. The only question was, why? The desert remained silent almost as if in response as she came to a halt, blood red eyes trailing up towards the full moon overhead.

    There had been a full moon that night as well, the last time she had found herself in these deserts. She could still remember the shame and dishonor, the day the Grandmothers cast her into the wastes... Feeling she was to weak to be of any use to the clan. Perhaps she was, but her wits had guided her safely to Gronkkston when at last she had almost given up.

    Not many knew of the dangers that lay in wait under the sands until the moon had reached the full of its peak, but Keesha remembered all too well. Death... It was here in these dead wastes that the corpses of fallen orcs, whether in honorable combat or starvation as an outcast, would rise to meet the silvery beams of night.

    And then it came, the sound of old bone and crumbling armor that quickly reached the fe-orc's pointed ears. She crouched down low as she raised her axe in response, ready to meet the corpses of her past brethren with tusk and blade. Was this why she felt called here, to redeem her honor? She would never get her answer as a hooked arrow sliced through the thin leather between her shoulder guard and chest plate. A pained roar ripped from her lips as she charged towards the bits of animated bone and flesh. Her axe came up swiftly from under the abomination's rib cage, scattering dusty remains across the sands.

    Already five others had sprang up from the earth, retrieving their weapons to put an end to the living. Keesha ripped the arrow from her arm, pulling pieces of flesh with it before plunging it through the skull of the closest zombie. With her free hand, she flung her axe through the chest of another, watching it momentarily as it fell to the ground with a sickening thud. Her shoulder bled profusely as she tried to press her hand against the wound to cut off its flow. Armed with the opportunity from her distraction, one of the corpses caught her in the back with the jagged end of its sword. A red haze blurred Keesha's vision as pain erupted from her back, causing her to stagger to one knee.

    Three corpses remained and the young fe-Orc felt her strength failing her. "Dis iz it den? Dis bi dah end ub mi?" She whispered quietly to herself. In the moments before death, the fe-Orc felt something she hadn't felt since the Grandmothers cast her from the clan so many years ago... A will to live. Honor be damned. Keesha didn't want to die, honorable or not. She grabbed the ankles of the zombie in front of her as he raised his sword to swing again, ripping them out from under him before knocking him into the brittle skeleton a few feet away.

    She pushed herself to her feet, her injuries searing up her skin as slowly sunrise began to filter across the empty expanse of desert. Almost immediately the three remaining undead burst into a flaming blaze, their screeches of pain echoing across the dunes with an unearthly sound. Not but a few minutes later only ash remained. Keesha stumbled to grab her axe but her arm had numbed to the point that she couldn't close her fingers around the handle. She tilted her head to see the faint outline of San'Orka in the distance. Despite the injuries she had suffered, she was still an Orc and would be able to make it to a healer in time before she succumbed to the pain.

    Hope filled the fe-orc's spirit as she pushed her sore joints to trudge along the sands home.

    (Lol JK, she lives... Jokes on you guys.)

    Keesha's boot suddenly clicked against a small stone in the sand as the ground beneath her began to shift. With a yell the earth ripped open into a small pit of lava, the loose sands falling into its gaping mouth and taking the young fe-Orc with them.

    (Or not, I had to be cool like everyone else. /suicide)

  5. I really like the idea of the "Quick News" system because sometimes you can't even find server IPs, status or the other useful things in the recent status updates. However, I believe a chatroom would just promote trolling, senseless spam and degeneration of player chat as a whole to a whole new level of terrible that the likes of LotC has never seen.


    But I 100% agree with the fact that status updates NEED to go. All they do is cause drama, cyberbullying and trolling. There's a reason I don't have a Facebook and I don't really want to have one on here either. We're roleplayers, if we need to vent about an unfair war or a recent ban, we can do that in TS... in our own little channel... to our own little friends... and not spam everyone else with it. Besides, they're the only ones who care anyways.

  6. Okay, Viper asked for links to threads showing popular ideas in the community and then that would be what they discuss. Ideas with a lot of support behind it with proof via polls and threads. Since I only saw like one person actually do this, I'm going to post the threads that show player support, that I personally support as well.



    A newer thread but I would like to see Catapults implemented into LotC, it would add a whole new level of awesome to our wars... but maybe that's just the orc in me talking^^




    When it comes to magic, I think a combination of these two ideas might work:






    Not sure if I support it or not but it does touch on a good point:




    Interesting topic on eliminating currency plugins:




    A support or don't support thread for Villian Apps (I support them, don't hate >.<):




    Maybe a solution to the "Too Many Zombiez" Problem?




    I think this might help improve some race's lack of RP or RP that is to few and far between - Don't hate me, I think it's a good idea >.<


  7. I'm still extremely new and I'm definitely not an expert on Orcs... but here's my two cents.


    When I first joined a WoW RP guild (Back in the day) they would have a week-long event once a month, once every few months, etc. It was nice because it was a good way for old people to stay active and new people to get introduced to everyone and become active. (If that makes any sense)


    Okay example, the first week-long event I joined was a military expedition to scout out an Alliance Base in Grizzly Hills. (It was a Military Guild) Everyone packed up their things, sailed on the boat to another land and then for the rest of the week we all "camped out" and did small player run events that led up to the eventual goal of learning important information about the Alliance.


    It was fun because there was usually always people at the camp doing something and even if there were no event-leader's on, there were still people roleplaying events. For a new person it helped me get involved and learn things hands-on about the guild because I already kinda had a backbone for my RP... which was that event of course. It was also nice because if you missed days of the event, you could still participate at the times you were there.


    When you meet someone in town as a new person it's kind of awkward because you don't know really what to talk about, your still learning the blah and your not really sure what it is orcs DO around town. (Speaking from experience)


    So that's my pennies for your thoughts, I think the orcs should have a week-long event where we all go and do something interesting. (Or something along those lines) 


    But what do I know? I'm still a newbie >.<

  8. Keesha stopped mid-step as her crimson eyes glanced over one of the posters erected near the edge of Gronkkston. With a small breath she tried to blow her dark brown bangs out of her eyes to get a better look. She hadn't known the orc, but she made a mental note of his appearance in her head in case she ever ran into him.

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