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Posts posted by Mpana

  1. Banned because you are wrong, It's not enough to just have a member title, I have to fulfill my role and as of late I haven't. That is why I am stepping down, I'll still participate from time to time but there needs to be a new leader. Once the leadership changes hands I'll change my title, but for now it will remain the as it is.

  2. Banned for lack of pretty colors, but also because like so many before me, I have grown weary of leading this esteemed thread. I am officially stepping down, I've wielded the ban hammer long enough. As has happened in the past the next 24 hours are now a contest, to see who is worthy of leading this thread. I shall pick the leader from everyone who participates in the next day. It hurts me to do this but you need a new leader, someone who can lead the banned game to new-found glory. Good bye from Princess Mpana, who never wanted to truly be queen and would have been happy with princess.

    You may now proceed to temporarily destroy the banned game in your scrabble for power.

    Farewell my friends.

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