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Posts posted by Davern

  1. =(Election Ballot of Urguan)=-

    Place an X next to the candidate of your choice.

    Your Name ((RP and MC)):  Davern Frostbeard

     Race: Durf


    Kalion Grandaxe (Dashing_Knight)

    Lathros Irongrinder (Lathros)

    Verthaik Frostbeard (Kralek)

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Skippy Irongut (Skippy369) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Fili Grandaxe (Cpt_Noobman)

  2. [b]Nature of the bug:[/b] Not really bug but I am not able to connect to the server on any version on any IP and as far as I know I am not banned.

    [b]First occurrence:[/b] (Providing an exact time helps us locate the error messages, which can help in fixing the bug) Not quite sure when it first started as I haven't logging in for a while but I first noticed it a month or two ago when I was thinking of joining again but didn't think much of it.

    [b] Describe exactly all the actions you took leading up to the bug: [/b] I tried logging in.

    [b] What messages are/aren't you getting that you would/wouldn't get normally :[/b] (in the event of a crash, please also provide the error log) Can't resolve hostname.

    [b] Frequency of occurrence:[/b] Every single time, I am not able to login at all.

    [b] Are you able to reproduce the bug: [/b] Nope.


    I am not sure if this is the right place for this type of topic but, this is the best place in my eyes to put it. I have asked about a dozen people and they all have no idea so I decided to put it here if anybody knew a solution.   

  3. *Posters go up all around Anthos 

    *The words said are roughly translated from Uruk


    Me willing to be slave to highest bidder. Me be good slave who does whatever you need be from helping  giving birth to killing someone no matter with me. I no ask much, place tu call me own, food to eat and such.


    Me background


    I was slave to  house Ccaaarriion or something like that not sure, for several years but when my master disappear i started drinking to much over the anguish of having nothing to do no one to follow no one to beat me up to fill my need to kill and i got fight with stupid dwarf and me kill him but me was very hurt so i was recover for many years but now me better and me need te be slaved.


    Please unly latz can stop forest fires, i mean only latz can slave Gummi. hep now.

  4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Your Name:Davern Frostbeard

    ((MC Name)):Davern

    The candidates:

    Igor Ireheart ((Lefty_Bojengles))XOXO :)

    Dominic Irongut ((Doom6153))

    Dizzy Irongrinder ((Dizzy771))

    Place an X next to the one you vote for and send the form directly to the lords council.

    ((Please fill this out to the best of your abilities))

    ((Wtf do you think I'm mentally disabled and will put the X in between the lines? People these days......))

  5. Minecraft Name:connman

    Roleplay Name:Kairn

    Roleplay Age:151

    Role within the Frostbeards (Son of who, relative to who)requesting to be a lost son of Gorum/Arwen. (willing to alter skin of course.)

    Teamspeak/Skype:yes and yes. Skype is connman10, teamspeak nickname is Kairn

    Sadly the Frostbeard clan has currently become inactive so I suggest that you apply to join another clan as many of are leaders have decided to leave or play different characters like myself. Good luck to you. Sorry this works out like it does

  6. *Thorir Irongut forms a small sad smile as happy memories from the days of Kal'Dwain and Hiebes rule as the clan father flash by him, making him whish for the happy memories to be the present instead of what they are, happy memories. Thorir gazes down at the parchment in front of him containing three names, three dwarfs he has barely spoken to and none of them he liked. So Thorir grabs the quill infornt of him and hastly crosses at the names and scrolls down three new names and puts three x's at the end of all of them to remind him of what was once past and what is know present.

    Kilgrim Irongut X

    Hogarth Irongut X

    Hiebe Irongut X

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