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Posts posted by Clockwyrk

  1. [[Do my eyes decieve me? To gentlemen that grasp what we have been trying to say?

    And yes...clearly you underestimate Doone's lightning fast ability to kill revolutions. Oocly, this war claim is exactly why joining you guys seemed to be a bad idea (and since I was not here for it..I can't change it anyway) at the time. However, it seems I was wrong and there are actually decent people in charge of the empire. Icly, Aelor'onn has never disliked anyone, only ones who are irrational and prejudice. For good reason.

    Also I have a question..how is an outpost going to be able to launch an attack on Oren given, time, location, and minimal resources (Thanks to Vander somewhat)? Not to mention out of the 20+ people we have...5-6 are only ever on..

    To be honest, oocly, never wanted to join purely knowing something like this would form. Icly, while I dislike the current situation...I will abide by Doone. This is not to say I want revolution...I just wanted to be a free place for all.]]

    Aelor'onn quietly nibbles on a couple Khabbi Cookies, sips some tea, and listens to the Asulon Top Boy Band's Greatest Hits Album in his recliner.

  2. I said I talked to them oocly because they claim oocly there are no mages. Don't try and pin meta gaming on me but thanks for trying. My inquiry was my spy I sent there who said they saw four mages and also the siege equipment. Your attempts are cute though <3

    Actually I find it cute how completely wrong your intel was. Also for the 'holy order' sending spies isn't exactly the faithful way to do it, but hey, I'll leave it like that. And 'pinning' you for meta gaming is not what I was aiming for...its called pointing out the holes in your logic. Other than that...I welcome the rp that will soon to come..including the delicious embarassment of the Oren empire when it finds nothing the scout reported..especially when the mages are hardly around as it were.

    See you all real soon <3 Lancel.

  3. (( this is a rp server. Rp it out, you will not know until we get there but start rping for once. I'm sick of children crying about it.

    I explained why rply we're doing this with as well as braxis yet still you pester like little girls about ooc matters.

    Not everything that doesn't go your way is meta gaming.

    which by the way I've talked to oocly and they confirmed themselves they live there and are magic users.

    Double standards here? You also don't send an army for a few select people. You send an inquiry. Which is something you apparently have no idea how to do. I'm afraid I am indeed not understanding your method of thinking on either ooc or ic. You've talked to mages ooc, are suspicious they are living in khabbi icly.. and your griping about me with meta gaming?

  4. not mord considering he xray'd and got banned for awhile.

    May I remind you that Vander was the one that prompted the problem, since he was the one actually xraying. The only reason Mord was caught is because the tunnels Vander dug out were discovered later. Aside from the fact Vander still trying to make a strike report on Mord.

    I wouldn't have much of a complaint so much as a questioning of your basic systems as a society. Aside from the fact that most of the information giving on any level is apparently false, old or otherwise worthless. Not to mention the fact that no one has even talked about rebellion since the joining of Khabbi as a City-state. So either someone has meta-gamed, or your ic thinking is a bit funny.

  5. [[i am actually tilting my head into my palm in flat out disbelief how utterly confused and backwards both your occ and ic function. Not only has Crestfall (The so called island you plan to use for an early strike) has been trading with us, helped us grow, gained us people and support, but it has helped shaped the economy we now have. And look alot closer at the map. Notice the swamp? The only reason our ship is docked is because it is light enough not to get caught in the muck surrounding the shores. To actually block with navy is downright a waste of time and effort. Add in the fact that the best suitable place to launch your army is the plains north of the fort...which is in the direct open area and ripe for the arrow point..not to mention the countless mobs you will have to wade through. Of course let us not forget the fact that no one has even conceived conversations about siege weapons or whatever else this 'scout' has told you.

    Also the rebellion phase came and went weeks ago when Khabbi became a city-state under the Oren empire. You realize the time difference, don't you? It has taken icly months for this scout to report this but is applying ooc time? On the subject of ooc and ic differentials, let us not forget the fact that the land was privatized under Mordecai BEFORE joining Oren anyway. Your war claim is therefore invalid unless you want to use the excuse that it is apart of Oren. Which still goes back to the same problem. This being either you have intel that is inexcusably old and stale, or you are not aware of the privatization of said land even being a city-state which you are aware of.

    That said, I applaud how this has snowballed because someone didn't feel like confirming suspicions, which tactically is the first thing to do and not sit there paranoid like a child without his security blanket. Instead of every other rational decision that is seldom made anymore, you gentlemen opt out for the brutal and simplistic view of kill or be killed. Where is the righteousness and faith I have heard Oren possessing? Clearly not with you, or this situation would actually be handled by men of understanding.

    I can understand that icly you guys are freaking out, I really do, but to be honest its a wonder how the orcs have not buried your kin yet. Think about it. This irrational thinking brings about the same disorder and chaos that ultimately brings down empires to begin with. Sure, take the land, go on and take whatever you want. In the long run, we can just bide our time elsewhere until the empire crumbles, and we'll be there with empty treat bags, and licking your bittersweet tears as we take the spoils. I would not be surprised if anyone were to take advantage of this anyway, which is probably the case.

    Go right ahead if you think your ships can somehow make it within blocking distance of the docks, given the heavy weights of armors, weapons, bodies, food, etc. Go ahead and paddle through the thick patches of mobs for us, or even better attract the ghasts that repeatedly haunt our shores. Or the enderman that have claimed many a life in Khabbi. Rest assured we will be right there when you arrive, just be ready to fight for your lives against nature, nevermind our own retaliations. Good luck in that bulking armor when you come too, I hear its great against the mobs..for a few minutes until you are swarmed. Either way, count on heavy to fatal losses.

    Until the battlefield, chaps.


  6. The First opening of the book reveals embedded writing, glossed by a peculiar air of magic.

    Hymn Of Memory

    Nevermore shall I sleep

    Under starry sky

    My body lay outstretched to me

    Misplaced in thought and time

    Through the forests brier

    Under great hand of stone

    Let you never be waiting

    For me to call your own

    Beyond the mists

    That call me home

    Twisted mirrors lie

    Visages and masks of white

    Never fool my midnight eye

    Drought in moonlight

    Crescent hair

    Shall she call me forever more

    Upon her arms I fade away

    Gone to the distant shore

    Isolated and wrought within

    The world wills upon me

    Wither and rot

    All to consume

    The shreds of life that joins

  7. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:


    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I do.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I really don't know what to put here, but I suppose I could say that I'm in the music/entertainment business. I love the south, and all that it entails, and I like to relax with roleplay. I've roleplayed for quite a while, about 2~3 years now.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    A fair amount, I still have work and all that. Sometimes I won't be on for a week or two, due to my changing schedule, but I can be on a decent time weekly.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Roleplay is fleshing out a character. Giving a history, a personality, and more importantly, a soul. It is breathing life into a vibrant imagination and story.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    2~3 years roleplay. Played in big roles and small roles. Mainly I stick to being the wise sage type. Being a hermit, seer, oracle, swordsman, blacksmith, etc. I also mainly keep self sufficient as I can. My favorite characters are the odd an unorthodox. Characters that seem strange actually turn out great.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Meta-gaming is using the ooc knowledge of lore or anything for the gain of the character.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Emoting is:

    Power-emoting is bypassing the rules of roleplay and other roleplay members in the scene, to be omnipotent, essentially ruining the play.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect the server to be good, considering map size, community and the guidelines therein. I do expect some elitists, but its to be expected. I am glad the wilderness is the way it is, for I would like to live in peace, than in politics.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Caelion roleplay server. I was actually banned because they had issues in the hierarchical structure of their politcal systems, to which I was in the crossfire..that said, I had asked to build in one area that was in control of a character not in charge of it, so I was banned while offline and didn't find out until a week after my vacation ended...how convenient of the lack of notice.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes, I think its a nice flow of guidelines and rules. Its good the wilderness still pertains to simple rules.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    I don't see why not, I thought they applied to all of them at the start anyway.

    How did you hear about us?:

    I searched for you, not that hard however. Your server is the first post when I looked.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:

    Nope, this is the first one here.


    Character Name:

    Aelor'onn Suliital'ker (Atra as a common nickname. I may need some help with the name in Elven.)

    What Race are you? (You may only be Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf!) :


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):


    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Four centuries ago, on a night when the moon had no light to give on the elven city below, Ael'onn was born to a couple of wealth and esteem. When he first emerged, his parents were overjoyed at the sight of such a birth. As the dim candlelight glowed on their child, however, happiness turned to despair as the dark purple eyes of Ael'onn held no light of their own. Beyond the flames within the home, true and unyielding darkness eclipsed his sight. No amount of treatment could remove the abyssal depths of the dark that steeped his eyes from all things. Even stranger was the slightly darker brown hair color he had as if tainted by the dark compared to his mother and father. His parents argued amongst themselves in his youth, cursing each other for the 'misfortune' which justified, in their minds, Ael'onn's name. Growing up also proved to be a challenge. His superiors held disgust on their faces when teaching him the social structure of elven life. Beauty and culture were revered and the other races to be forlorn. He understood it all in due time, but often wondered and questioned their thinking. He was just content with his affliction, and reveled in the things enjoyed by all elves. The textiles, the furniture, the mundane and the misunderstood. The most he enjoyed however, was the music. Instruments he would never see, could only be described to him through the songs they played. Leading the singers along with their magical notes, he too sang hymns of the people and of the forests, often long into the night under the cover of his eternal friend, the night.

    Upon one request made to his parents, when they weren't at odds with each other, Ael'onn had asked for an instrument to call his own. Begrudgingly, they agreed on the condition if he would make the money used to purchase it back. He obliged when he received a simple engraved string instrument and practiced with it constantly, often enjoying the shade of the trees nearest the sound of water. After many months of practice and rehearsal, Ael'onn went to a courtyard one afternoon and played. Relying on touch alone, the notes he cast to a crowd of passerby was enchanting. The music itself was lilting and sad, the tone, mellow and calm. Denoting his own loneliness in his world, the people were in awe at his skill. Within a couple weeks of his first performance, he had earned back the money for the instrument and more, earning work as a bard. This would last for a time, until a couple of young elves had walked close to him during a performance and begun to shout profanity at him. They screamed how his playing was an insult because he lacked the eyesight to behold his instruments ugly nature, or how his lack of sight was an insult to the elves. Hurt and ashamed, Ael'onn deserted the rest of the bitter onlookers, who were now scolding the younger ones for such disrespect, but it was too late.

    He returned to the only safehaven he sought in the city. Fortune did not smile upon him that day for his parents had decided to throw a party to salvage what little reputation they had left both with the money Ael'onn had earned, and while he would be away at the courtyard. When he half-stumbled in the door, his parents and their guests grew silent in an instant. At first, he wondered if he had hurt himself or knocked something over. He called out to his parents, still a bit flustered from his encounter, but what occured next would be his last day in the city for a long time. Rage, sour words, and nasty whispers filled his ears. His parent's voices engulfed him in their shame and despising of their own child. Tears rolled boiling on his face from under his blindfold, and took flight upstairs. Grabbing what little he had, he stormed down the steps to the party-goers and slammed the door. The gathered crowd shook their heads and departed as well, leaving Ael'onn's mother and father in the wake of shame and guilt that would consume them to their deaths.

    Meanwhile, outcasted by everyone he knew, Ael'onn fled away from the city, farther than any distance he traveled. He wandered as much as his legs could carry him until he collapsed on a lone shore, cut off from the main roads. A Dwarven Blacksmith, whose name had never been recorded, had left the safety of his home in a nearby cave of rich ore in search of better wood for his furnace. What he found was better for his heart. He dragged the unmoving and shallow breathing Ael'onn to his home in the cave.

    When he awoke, the dwarf had bandaged his arms and legs from the turmoil of his travels, and proceeded to explain to Ael'onn what had happened. The sensations of the new place was exciting to him. He felt the thundering voice of the mountains and the heat of the forge. It intrigued him how these new feelings were more pleasurable than anything previous. The dwarf had asked who he was before falling on the shore, but Ael'onn refused, only showing the instrument to the dwarf and nothing more. Thinking rather hard, the dwarf proposed a deal, Ael'onn would stay and eat here as his apprentice. With nothing to lose, Ael'onn accepted, on the request that he would be allowed to play his instrument at night. And so, he began to learn as a apprentice blacksmith and miner. The dwarf showed him metals of all kind, the mundane and the obscure. He showed Ael'onn the tools of trade, and the work of the forge. Through cuts, burns and blood spilled, the dwarf watched with pride as Ael'onn slowly, but steadily toiled with great delight at the new craft, often singing elven hymns in time with his hammer. With age came wisdom and strength as Ael'onn made a living with the dwarf trading wares to passing traders. Never had he felt so happy than to be in the wild lands. He truly felt at home. By now, he was accustomed to wearing the thick green cowl over his head with the same blindfold that he kept from the city. His clothes, tempered from the forests and forge, are hardened and sturdy. His body, covered in bandages and scars from his work, he keeps hidden, save to smith. Now, in present time, he seeks a home of his own, now moving out from his good friend the dwarf, who was proud to see him off as a man fit for a life worth living.

    What are your Character's ambitions?:

    Ael'onn longs for peace of the forests beyond. To live in solitude and away from the persecution and ridicule for his loss of sight, Ael’onn seeks only a hermits life and to leave for a town solely to trade for any necessities. He is content to work freely in his forge, tools in hand, and always ready to work. His craft is pristine and hardened. Even delicate crafts pose little concern for him. As self sufficient as he can be, Ael'onn favors gathering his own supplies than taking resources from others. As such, he’s learned to till land, and make meager food for himself. He produces charcoal to feed the fires of his trade, and uses various metals he can mine out should a suitable place be found.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    Ael’onn favors a tool like a pick, over the lean edge of a sword. Since he can craft his own tools, he can interchange to suit the environment.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Ael’onn is gifted in the ways of the blacksmith. Repair comes in second followed by mining when he gets the time.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, copy and paste this link into your browser: ( http://tinyurl.com/Lotcscreenshot ):


    Other Information about your Character:

    Ael’onn has always sought learning magic from a guild who can show him, to forge enchanted metals and further his trade. He would also like to make his music breathe with the world and sway hearts over swords.


    Each and every question must be answered with a minimum of a single full paragraph and entirely in RP.

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Ael’onn walks casually along the path, taking in the aromas of the temple, when he overhears a commotion. He moves near the outcry of what he makes out to be a Halfling in distress along with the voices of two mercenaries. Instinctively, he sneaks up as quietly as he can, before taking out a stick. Then he trips them from behind using a broad swing of his 'weapon.' Using himself as bait, he would hold out his valuables to taunt the mercenaries from the halfling. With his stick as a guide he proceeds to keep their attention on him while the halfling can get away. He evades the armed men using speed and the cover of an object to hide. Afterwards, he freely resumes his stroll.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Ael’onn feels around the base of the stall, getting a picture of the merchant’s wares. He looks up to the sound of his voice and replies, “I am here to trade goods, perhaps you are willing to make a bargain for some of my wares as well?” He smiles and lifts the heavy load of goods he carries from his shoulder and begins producing his crafts to the merchant.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Ael’onn approaches the hut cautiously, keeping full aware of his surroundings. He lightly tapped his foot every step, and felt his way around the door in search of traps. When none could be found, he enters the house and quietly opens the chest. Feeling the contents, he ponders for a moment; he takes out a small parcel of food and stores it in the chest. He then shifts and pulls the chest until it is outside of the hut. He leaves, letting whoever finds it have the food as well.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Ael’onn is wary of the strangers with good intent. He walks unsure of what to expect, but bows in respect. He sets his pack down and takes out some food to trade for a seat at the fire. He also brings out his instrument to mean no harm, but keeping his spare sword on his back. At any rate, he gives the food to the nearest trader and sits, idly strumming a tune to the fire. He continues to play his song until someone would ask him a question.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    Ael’onn despises bandits of all kinds and would find good sport to vanquish them and their camp so he goes to join the town guard freely, and will strive to end their terror. He will of course help in any way he can, provide weapons, tools, etc. He suits up in his usual cloak and cowl, then fashions the gear necessary for such a venture after trading in a local shop. For the glory and freedom of the people.

    Anything else you would like to say?:

    Not really, I think that covers most of what I wanted to say. One thing actually, wondering if I can indeed actually live in the wild and fend for myself. If not, I can live in a town, but I like the open space and forest.

    **Edit** Fixed the scenario so it makes better sense. Even if he wasn't undetected, he would still point their aggression on him. He may be blind, but that only heightens other senses. I myself cannot play hide and seek with a blind person..they always know. Plus, since they know how footsteps sound like, they can easily adjust.

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