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Posts posted by Felder





    From an unknown loaction.....




    *Rick Felder reads word of this, remembering his days of war, his work with the Golden Lance, his successful campaign against the scourge.*


    “These people have no idea what the Golden Lance was or who Xan truly is, the Xan I knew had one purpose and that was to hunt down remaining Drakaar from these strange realms, he may have succeeded, but where is my credit? I did probably the majority of the work. I rallied banners to my cause to push back Scourge incursions, fought Harbingers in hills, actually took the fight to the enemy. It seems like humanity has become what I feared. The dependency on expecting Xan to fly out of the sky and go on a brutal killing spree of demon, NO, that is not it. I was a major key to the research of the Golden Lance, I had discovered the gates to the Fringe which allowed us to evacuate Anthos, but Xan waiting only for himself to shine. Without me, Rick Felder, and my humble comrades of Saint Lucien and Oren, there wouldn’t have been victory over the forces of Setherien and the Scourge... I did what I had to do for humanity, I was the hero the world wanted, some may to this day might even call me a Saint. My time but it is should always be important to know the full history of humanity, and the men who created its foundation and build the path to today.”

  2. Orc:











    High Elves





    Wood Elves











    Strelts of Kralta











    St. Amyas







    Order of the White Rose









    3.0 Antag






    Westerlands 5.0






    Order of the Flaming Rose










  3. Spoiler





    I have debated several days whether I should post this or not, but here it goes.



    I have been part of the LOTC community for 5 years and 4 months. Most of the friends I've made on the server in the beginning don't play or get on here in then. Some people don't understand that once that first group of people that you play and make memories with leave and move on with their life, it's hard to stay around with the others sometimes. For me the first group I really got involved with was The Order of The White Rose. This group is still pretty well known as of today as it was a large military order that kicked serious ass to the point that people were complaining about them.  The group's roleplay was the most authentic I've ever seen on the server and nothing has come close ever since. I've stuck close to the members that would play in the years after the disbandment, and I'd also play with those that were close to the Order itself. With almost all of these people inactive and gone, the server has become stale and just not interesting in my opinion. Roleplay is not what it used to be, ruined by the Nexus plugin itself, pm me if you wanna know the reason why I say that. The setting and immersion of the server isn't there anymore, I don't feel like I'm in that Medieval/Fantasy world that I once was in the server. I think the main reason for this is that I have grown up. I started off the server as a pretty mature 12 year old, I am now 17. I am luckily a active person in real life, I have many friends that I actively hang out with, and sports that I dedicate my time to. I didn't have all of these about 2-3 years ago, at that time LOTC is all I did and all I wanted. I guess you could say I was somewhat addicted but the truth is at the time I had nothing else but the friends that I had on this nice little server. I have tried to join different groups, roll with different people, but I don't find their characters and personalities the same as those people that I once had spent time on the server with.  The amount of memories I have made on LOTC is outstanding. As a gamer I would want to say this one thing, LOTC is and will probably always with be my favorite gaming experience. There was never a better feeling than gearing up with my friends and going out to fight a monster, dwarves, orcs, or something else. The sense of playing in a world with other people to interact with was so great. To me what made this experience so great is that this was so different compared to other games that I have played is that so many different things happened at any time. Every fight or confrontation between enemy players was always different, its just felt like a new event everytime. With me in so many great events and such, the things I have done on LOTC lately just don't feel fun. They feel stale and have no IC drive to them in my opinion. All of these things that once were is what made LOTC so great for me. As I have decided upon making this post, I want to say farewell to all the groups and friends that I had played with my time on the server.



    Azogs - you guys kept me busy and made playing a Orc a great experience.


    Amyas and Savoyards - Made my 2nd year on the server a really enjoyable experience that I will never forget, so proud I was able to lead that charge into Barrowyck to win the Dukes War.


    Flays - I may have not gotten along with you all at sometimes, but knowing that I fought with you all at the Dreadfort makes me give you mad respect.


    Coal Miners - You guys are cool dudes, good memers, and fun to play games with.


    Lucienists - Made my time after the disbandment of the White Rose really fun, I enjoy playing other stuff with you all now but it will never comapare to what we did together as Lucienist Spec Ops


    The Order of the White Rose


    To be honest, people have always told me to get over the White Rose. As a video game standard, yeah, but the friends I made was what made it really great. These guys are what really formed the type of mindset I have in realife. Judge me all you want but all the people I played with in this group, I will never forget. I wish I could go back to the day that I first met Tom Sheumgal in game. I remember trespassing into the work-in-progress Ard Kerrack and him cussing me out to leave. I was always fond of these group of players with their sense of teamwork and dedication with what they were trying to accomplish. They also taught me how real life should always come first. With me being 17 and wanting to move on from things, that's what I will and have chosen to do. 


    It's been a pleasure Lotc, thanks for all the memories, but now it's time to turn the page.

  4. OOC:

    Minecraft Username: MadDogGriff

    Timezone: CST

    How active you can be (semi/always/neither): semi to always

    Why are you interested in joining: Because, It's the best



    Name: Griff Felder

    Age: 17

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Noble or Common Lineage: Felder, Great Great Granfather Rick Felder the First served as the Knight Commander in Anthos.

    Experience and Knowledge of Canonist dogma (None/Semi/Fluent): Fluent

    Religious Affiliation (Atheist/Canonist/Xionist): Canonist

    Willingness to serve for life upon taking oaths of entry into the Order (None/Complete/Semi): Comeplete


    In the 1530 year


    In the first battle


    When the shadows first lengthed.


    ONE stood


    He chose the path of Honorable Death and Destruction.


    In his ravenous hatred, he found no peace.


    And with boiling blood, he roamed the Frozen North seeking vengeance against the Harbingers that wronged him.


    And those that tasted the bite of his sword named him...














  6. Reimond Walden sits in a tavern in Istria, hearing the news shaking his head. "How will you rule the West without the fortress that is Bastion? How will you defend Axios that is Mordring?  I wish you luck, but I don't believe claiming to be the rightful ruler of the Westerlands will work for you."





    He watched the battle, He heard the screams of men terrified, and He remembers the days of Bastion.



    Reimond Walden watched the battle of Bastion as he had left weeks before to fight his own fight in the woods. He stood and watched as spiders and minions scaled Leopald's wall. He watched everything that happened, but he did not fight. The West was not prepared for this fight, and it is his fault. He turned his back and walked back deeper into the Westerland woods, his longsword stained with Undead blood, his armor beneath his heavy fur clothing started to become weak. As he walked away he said the words that show he cared.


    "Forgive me St. Owyn"


  8. *Letters are posted throughout the human settlements besides Courland*



    Mercenary for hire. Please contact me, Galenus Rebune. I have fought te' greatest battles and am good at cutting the big trees. I will destroy your enemies if you hire me.


    My skills cost 300 minas and suggesting a 20 minas weekly pay, these can be talked about to be adjusted. Thank you for your reading time, have a good day and may your wealth get big.

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