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Posts posted by EboBren'

  1. Passage to be removed:

    The Streets of Petrus ran red with blood as the rebels stormed through the city. Pillaging and murdering were the sights that many saw.'


    *Myro gets word of the post outside of the gate, and approaches it with low hopes. Reading it he mumbles to himself, "I figured t'ey wouldn't appricate t'at... I just 'ope t'at t'ey noticed I tried to be unbiased." He then returns to the Herald, removing that section from the paper, however most first editions have been distributed.


    ((If you read the paper from this point on please ignore that statement as if it wasn't there.))

  2. mah maan! yer back!


    ((Yeah! I was gonna contact you, but I figured you were busy doing so much work with the Tech Team. Drop by the Herald HQ one day! Just like old times lol.



    Tsolmond thinks it is spelled Armahnk, but he does not care enough to tell anyone about it.


    ((Woops... Well the leader of their house was the first to read the unedited version... Thought he would tell me if it was wrong lol

  3. *The papers circulate throughout Athera, being found at stalls, stores and inns.


    ((woo issue 1! Remember this is all made IC so some info may be wrong because IC that's what was believed to be true. So don't go complaining OOC if something is wrong, send an RP letter if you want. Also this was not intended to be posted the same day as the other paper... It just kinda landed that way date-wise. No OOC anger about what's in the paper. Enjoy!


    It may be easier to read it here: http://imgur.com/a/pZb2q#0 ))










  4. *Posters can be found in the Cloud Temple and all major cities.


    "Is your shop empty? Are the only living things in your guildhall mice? Looking to get yourself out there?

    You're in luck!


    The Athera Herald is offering advertising spots to the public. You can purchase one of varying size. These ads will be found in an issue of The Herald!


    Small Ad:

    25 minas

    15 words

    No Picture


    Medium Ad:

    50 minas

    25 words

    No Picture


    Large Ad:

    75 minas

    30 words

    Small Picture


    (Being off by a word or two is accepted so long as it is not ridiculous.)


    Anyone who wishes to have an ad should contact Myro the Wordsmith in Illicia with what words and picture you want.


    If you are interested in any other types of advertisements contact Myro directly."


    If you are looking to work with the company refer to this other form.

    (( https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/115156-the-athera-herald/ ))



    ((Feel free to contact me on the forums on this account, EboBren', or my IGN is ebobren. All ads will be approved by the patron both IC and OOC. Thanks!))

  5. *Posters can be found in the Cloud Temple and all major cities.*


    The Athera Herald


    The goal of the Athera Herald is to be the best source of news in the land of Athera. But it can not reach that goal without your help!


    We are looking for writers reporters and artists to all contribute to the creation of the paper. Investigate the job descriptions to see if you are interested in any of the jobs!




    You will be our on the field investigators finding information on the best stories in the land. From conducting interviews to analyzing scenes of major events, you will have your hands full with an exciting job!

    OOC info: Following all the server rules (but maybe not nation rules ;) ) you will find out what you can. Please do your best to avoid pestering people ooc, but feel free to be assertive IG.




    Writers are responsible for using information gathered from the reporters and turn it into an exciting read. You will write one or two stories for every issue and get your works read by many from all over Athera!

    OOC info: Writers need to do a bit of OOC work, but not as much as it sounds. Just a short one paragraph story on most of the subjects. Do your best to RP it too, maybe stop by the HQ or just walk around with a piece of paper emoting.




    You will use the descriptions from the reporters and create beautiful imagery of scenes to give the reader a good visual.

    OOC info: You don't need to actually be good at drawing, just in RP. You will go to the locations told by the reporter and take a bunch of screenshots of the area. You might also help me in organizing the final draft of the paper.


    Additional Information


    The HQ of The Athera Herald can be found in Illicia. Housing can be found here, but if need be you can stay at the HQ for a time at a deduction to pay. All payments will be determined on a later date, but you will receive money for your work.


    Attached is one of the papers from the old paper, as an example of what we will make.

    (( http://imgur.com/a/84VxT#0 ))

    ((Sorry for the one incomplete page, couldn't find the finished one.))


    Wooooo! We're back folks for Athera. I'm excited for this and hoping to keep it up for the most part of 4.0. If you have any questions feel free to contact me in RP or OOC on the forums or Skype (ebobren).



    ((Sorry I hate applications for everything as much as the next guy, but I need it for organizational purposes.))




    Job Wanted:

    Experience (One sentence is fine):



    Skype Name (Feel free to PM me if you don't have one or don't want to use it):

    You okay with having to do the small amount of OOC work?:

  6. OOC-

    • Minecraft UserName: skippoak 
    • Do you have Skype / TS: Yes and yes
    • How many hours a week are you on: I check in almost every day. I expect to be very active in the coming few weeks.


    -Employee Application (RP)-

    • Name: Ryan
    • Age: 25
    • Race: Human
    • Employee Type (Independent or Nation): Nation
    • Job Applying for: Farming
    • What makes you good at the job your applying for: I farmed as a boy with my family.
    • Why do you wish to join the company: I need a place to lay my head at night, and some food to fill me up.
  7. *A bird arrives, bearing a note.


    Dear Ms. Thracia,


    In a while, I will be working for a new travelling merchant. I have been granted many tasks for it, including finding employees for it. If you are interested, you would be doing many different things, helping around the camp, feeding horses, preparing meals, etc. We would appreciate your assistance. Payment and start date has yet to be decided, but if you are in dire needs of funds, we could send you some as long as you promise to work for us.



    Derik of Salvus


    ((Also, if you would prefer to talk through PMs, that's fine, just respond through that.))

  8. I really like this, it was clearly well thought out. One suggestion though. Perhaps up to a certain point the ghost should be bound to one place? Once they realize they are dead, maybe there should be some connection that keeps them to some place (be it where they lived, near a loved one, location of death, etc.) until either the second or third stage. Again, great job.

  9. Are you referring to the IRL north star or is there an IC north star already? ^_^

    Aengul star sounds good but I'd probably have to ask Blundermore if there was an Aengul for navigation, safe travels and seafarers or so :lol:

    Thanks for all the feedback so far, it's greatly appreciated! It really encourages me :)

    Yeah, meant the RL North Star. Yeah, North Star is fine, but it would be cool if it had a neat RP name.

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