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Posts posted by Maliewyn'divu

  1. Maliewyn'divu sits at the fountain in a small square far from his home, watching the beings around him scurry from place to place as he looks at his hands, their long white fingers pressed together. When would he be able to return home?

    Wazzup peeps.

  2. *a notice is posted outside the Silver City, in the Cloud Temple, and in many other locations.*

    "The recent situation in the city of Elves has caused me much pain. I myself have been ridiculed buy these people for some time, these High Elves who hold so dearly to their purity, and have scorned me for my forced impurity. Rightly so, for my appearance is not pure, and should I have been in their situation I would have done the same. However, impure as I am, I cannot watch this genocide with a clear heart.

    "Phaedrus, this stain of the mali'ame, claims to be doing good by naming himself the new leader of the elves. Yet was it not he who was denied the position of Sohaer? Does it not seem so convenient for him? He merely /found/ the rightly elected Sohaer trapped in this crystalline substance? He /surely/ made /all/ attempts to free elSohaer. But, alas, he was /forced/ to declare /martial law/? Who granted him that power? He claims that all who may run for Sohaer will be carefully studied to make sure they are good, yet has he been through the same scrutinous study? He claims to be only temporary, and to wait for another election, but he has not called for one. He only cares for a name for this 'New Malinor'.

    "Do as you wish, my fellow mali. But even as he accepts those like myself to return, I will not return for I do not trust him. Who is to say that something will not happen to the next Sohaer? Or the next? Until all who would challenge him have fallen and he /regretfully/ takes position as elMaruthir? No, I do not trust him, and I do not trust this warrior to lead the mali to peace. I would rather live persecuted, as an outcast, holding to the best standard of purity I am able, rather than join him."

  3. Taliyu grits his teeth, reading the parchment in front of him with disgust. Ideals that he had been raised on, thoughts that he himself had thought on, discussed, understood. Here they were shown as criminal, irrational, and worthy of death. Not just death, of genocide! Who was this beast, who ridiculed the preservation of a race: of cultures and ideals that had been held for so long. To preserve that the races should not intermingle, to prevent the spreading of the curses and to preserve the elvish bloodlines. Kalenz was better, far better than this beast. Taliyu cursed, throwing the parchment to the floor and beginning the search for Kalenz Uradir.

  4. Taliyu'thilln sits in the square at Aesterwald, where he has remained for the past months, immobile. Some time has passed since the voice spoke, but still he remains still, one hand clutching the arm of the bench and he breathes slowly. In... out...

    Sweat slips down the side of his cheek and under his hood his face is pale, paler than usually, paler than natural. Even the eye nearly closed by his scar is wide. His heart races. In... out...

    His mind is no longer in the little human city, but instead in a city of elvish origin, Laurelin, and it is not Taliyu'thilln who speaks, but a young lost elf, still in his human years that whispers his fear and pain.

    "No... no... Please by all the Aenguls, by the Daemons and Ascended... by everything... Please don't let him come back... Creator... don't let him be back..."

    In... out... in... out...





    ((My only request for the staff is this: win. God's sakes win. Win and win and destroy and terrify people. I want to have the times we won be minimal and the times you win be maximum. Please. I want to be terrified.))

  5. Just to clarify something really quickly, I actually have no intention of playing a member of this group. I only did this because there were quite a few people who said it looked like a good idea, they liked it, but it wouldn't become a race. It was suggested as a subrace of some kind and because I was both bored, I enjoy doing this sort of thing, and I figured I could at least try to help out the original creator, I posted this up. Anyway, continuing on.

    Kharajyr are very unique and complex which is something both interesting and fascinating to me. They are the only race on this server not taken from the Lord of the Rings books, and that is definitely a fantastic addition. However, because they are so unique and complex, it does make it more difficult for them to be played. Now I don't honestly believe that adding this in would very seriously increase the playerbase overall by more than five or six: but that's still five or six more than they have now. This could attract some of the players who, say, used to play wolves before that was barred. It's just a thought.

    The Kharajyr history, ancient history, at least from what I have read, does not cover everything from the beginning to the end in exact details. There is always room for minor addition in history, and it is something I will advocate continually. Adding in a small bit about a coup or attempted coup will not detract from the history at all. It's not as though Kha are constantly talking about every tiny detail of their history. As with many many stories, things are not always said from the beginning. Now if I were here to say, "I don't think this should have happened, SO I'm replacing it with this" that is wrong. What has been rp already should not be changed. History is so complex, however, that rarely does anyone talk about every tiny detail of history without leaving anything out. I doubt the Kha will care if they have another interesting story or legend in their book.

    As I mentioned before, I really don't think this will detract from how many people regularly play Kha. It's my belief this will only add some more players and bring a new dynamic to Kha roleplay. I'm not going to force this if Kha as a whole think it is bad, but as the original thread showed and as I have been told since making this thread, plenty don't think it's a bad idea. So unless the Kha come out in majority and say they don't like the idea, I'm going to keep it up and I'm going to continue working to make it better.

    If someone suggests a good change that makes sense, along with enough background to show me they understand the Kha and have read my piece, I would be glad to change things around to make it work. But I'm not going to scrap it until I get an absolute no.

    Something I honestly would like is to get into the Kharajyr skype chat and really discuss it with them. I want to know their input.

  6. Okay, let me address these for just a moment and see if I can clear some things up.

    Firstly, since the Kharajyr was created and I joined the server I can remember recording two different "Civil Wars" in the Kha. While the Tlatlanni has won both due to the fact you mention in the end, there have been fights. Have Geoboy correct me if I'm wrong, but I do in fact remember some.

    Secondly, is it really so impossible that some kind Kha mother couldn't let her baby die? Certainly these children would be shunned at first, which is why I struggled for some time to see why they would be able to get past that ugliness factor. So I gave them this ability of speech - and, honestly, I expected it to be the more pressing issue - which made them amiable and seem better. It wasn't until Jhakir that the Kha considered their speech "black magic" and then the Kha began to run out of fertility steadily, and when more children were Lincat, and they had to give those children up to death, I can guarantee you that some wouldn't have wanted to.

    Another point to put in is that the Kha are actually pretty politically intelligent. If you think about it, the majority of Kha's are pretty much programmed to be prideful. Being told from birth that you are God's perfect ideal can give you quite a bit of an ego. Well if you think about real life, how many proud people like that really want to work in jobs that get nothing, and go nowhere? Well I'll tell you, none. So to have a lesser, unimportant, and imperfect group around that still worships your goddess and cannot, by law, get a position over you, would help ensure that those lower positions get filled. Pretty tricksy, no?

    Next, Lago's concern.

    Actually, I feel I've tweaked this quite a bit to make it so it really isn't a subrace: similar to how the Snelves are "not a subrace". This isn't a group of people who have separated themselves and have changed somewhat from the separation, this is a birth defect. Here is why it is different:

    You will not have two Lincat come together to create a litter of Lincat. Instead, they are most likely going to get a litter of regular Kha with the same subrace as their parents with a slightly higher chance of having one Lincat in their litter. Similarly, Kha have an even smaller chance of having one Lincat in their litters. It's not a set genetic trait, but a random one.

    If I could change the title to "birth defect" I would but at the time when I set up the post I was intending to make it a subrace, I changed it for exactly the reason that you just said and after I had finished I forgot to change it back. My apologies. However, is it really going to hurt anyone for the Kha to get an interesting sort of subculture/birth defect/whatever you want to call it. The humans have a incredible amount of subcultures, the elves have a great amount of differences in their subraces, and same with the dwarves. What do the Kha have? They have similar to what I imagine the Orcs have: fairly culturally similar subraces that you pick at random because you want the strength boost, or the speed boost. Judging from what I hear of the current Kha playerbase, it's not going to kill anyone if they get a little extra something cool to hang on their tree to make them more desirable to play. They need a boost, this could do it.

    All-in-all, I think that having this bit of extra spice to the Kharajyr would honestly not hurt them a bit, but only help to make their rp more interesting and more desirable.

  7. Important OOC Information

    So, some of you have seen the recent post about the "Anubis" race suggestion made by OneLove. Since the Lore Team has made it very clear that they are not going to be accepting any races soon, it was suggested that the idea be tweaked and changed to make it so that it isn't a race anymore. I must start by making my apologies to OneLove for changing some of the parts of the idea in order to make it work as a subrace of the Kharajyr. Overall, however, I have done my best to keep the basic idea for the Anubis intact, and hope that, as the creator, OneLove will agree with the most of the additions.



    ​There is a type of Kharajyr that is known as the "Lincat" (pronounced "LUeen-kuah-te"). The Lincat come to be because of a birth defect that has steadily been growing more and more common in Kha birth mothers, and therefore in some of the Kha children. This birth defect causes the children to come out oddly malformed: with longer snouts and longer, more shaggy fur. What exactly causes this birth defect is unknown, however it has been happening for centuries, since before the four races came to Asulon in the first place.


    ​There have been several tales and stories of the lincat in the Kha history, however most of them are simply footnotes to the side. It was believed that speaking was the enhanced ability given to this odd sort of subrace, as the Tigrasi had their strength and the Cheetra had their speed. However, there is one story that is recorded as a warning against the Lincat more than any others. Hundreds of years ago, on the Kha island in Asulon, there was a kitten born with a different shape than the others.This kitten was called Jhakir, and while he was often treated differently for his odd appearance, for the most part his appearance did not seem to affect how he was treated by the other Kharajyr, not for the most part any way. He grew up to be a strong Kharajyr.

    ​One odd thing recorded about Jhakir was that he seemed to be quite loved by the Kha, despite his odd appearance, even to the point of being almost worshipped, although none of the Kha would say that they worshipped him, only that he was their good friend, or perhaps a natural leader. This was no uncommon thing, as it does not seem to concern any of the Kharajyr who recited the story, so apparently, something about this defect caused him to have an incredible amount of charisma, to the point of almost being a sort of magic in itself. People did as he asked, and followed him willingly. Later this was called his "bylgymbry" (pronounced "baeae-lu-geaem-bae-raae") and was regarded as a type of black magic natural to the lincat.

    ​As Jhakir grew, however, his mind turned to pride and he looked toward the position of the Tlatlanni. Jhakir yearned for the power to rule the Kharajyr fully, not just in social standing, and in his mind he believed that his odd form was a sign from Metzli that he was meant to become the next ruler, the next breed of Kha, and the newest step in Metzli's perfect ideal. He believed the enhanced charisma of the Lincat was a sign as well.

    ​After some years, this thought became a revolution for the Kharajyr, as Jhakir made an attempt to take the throne from the Tlatlanni, a civil war between the Loyalists who did not succumb to Jhakir's persuasion, and the Rebels who followed him almost blindly. The Loyalists were triumphant however, and managed to capture and execute many of the Rebels, and, eventually, they took Jhakir himself. He was executed and the remainder of his followers dispersed.

    ​For many decades after, a total ban was placed on the Lincats. Any child born with the same form as Jhakir was put to death immediately after birth. This was when they earned the name of "Lincat" which in the ancient language means "cursed". After a Lincat was born in a Kharajyr household, the parents, particularly the mother, would go through a purification ritual for several months to help prevent the next child from being born with the same characteristics. This lasted until the Tlatlanni died, and the next took his place.

    ​The new Tlatlanni had pity for the young mothers and fathers who hated to lose their children. Many of them, including himself, could not even remember the time of Jhakir's rebellion, and few understood just why the elders were so afraid. To put them at ease, the Tlatlanni repealed the ban on the Lincat, and instead replaced it with many rules towards their lives. Since it was believed now that Jhakir's voice was a type of dark magic, the Lincat were not allowed to speak unless ordered to do so by a higher authority. From kitten to adult they would be silent or they would be executed. Some even had their tongues removed by parents at a young age to keep them from speaking. Lincat were not permitted in any form of leadership. They could not lead even a small band of themselves in a meaningless task, to the point that even if they were simple garbage collectors, only a common Kharajyr could be in charge of them. They were also forbidden from joining the priesthood for fear that their black magic might taint the rituals, and sometimes they were not even permitted to join in with the rituals that other non-priest Kharajyr could.

    ​Over the next hundred years a few of the restrictions were repealed. They were allowed in some small forms of leadership, here and there, though it was always a controversy and always caused some fear among some of the elders. There was a place made for them in the temple as silent priests: they were not permitted to learn the magic, and could only assist with basic rituals and sacrifices, and for the most part were glorified bag-carriers, but they appreciated the change. Still, the ban on their voices was never repealed, and to this day they remain silent.

    ​In the more modern day, the Lincat have become more frequent in births than they have been in ancient days. There still remain the same laws, and these are unlike to be repealed since the Lincat cannot speak. However, as their numbers have grown, the Lincat have been able to come together more, and to speak in their own way: through a body language that they have developed over the years. This body language is usually not known among the Kharajyr, as they usually do not care much, though some of the more friendly have learned the language themselves. The Lincat rarely leave the island without other Kharajyr, and have now reached the position where they may have more power, sometimes as bodyguards, and sometimes as assistants, but they still cannot hold positions of high power.

    Drawbacks and Strengths

    ​The Lincat are a bit different from their Kharajyr brothers and sisters both mentally and physically, and even a little culturally. They generally lack the night vision of the others, but their sense of smell has been enhanced ten fold, allowing them to smell things and people passing that has not happened for days, and sometimes even weeks when the smell is strong enough. Those around the Lincat while they are speaking are generally drawn to them, and it is easy to make friends as they tend to be more friendly than common Kha. They don't share that innate sense of superiority that the other Kha have since they consider themselves defective. The Lincat have begun to typically travel in groups since they have become more common, as a single Lincat can attract unwanted attention, and abuse from other Kharajyr is somewhat commonplace. Another physical factor is that they are often infertile, or nearly so, and even when they do have a child they are usually common Kharajyr. A Kharajyr born from a Lincat is believed to have been 'saved by Metzli" and are often taken from their parents to be raised in a proper Kharajyr home, to the woe of the Lincat. Likewise, Lincat born from Kharajyr are often given away to join the Lincat packs to be raised in silence.

    Ways of Worship

    ​While they can now be silent priests in the temple, most Lincat still choose their old way of worship, how their packs would worship before. They developed what they were called "Moon Vigils" which they did every night that the moon was full. They would travel out in their packs and hunt a sacrifice, taking them back into the jungle. There, they would howl songs to Metzli after night fell, and would kill the sacrifice at dawn before returning to their homes. Very rarely were Kharajyr invited to these vigils, as the Lincat feared the discovery that they used their voices at these times.

    General Appearance

    ​Lincat typically stand at about six feet tall, though some can be taller. They are usually thinner than regular Kharajyr, and even though they might match up in adulthood, usually grow at a slower rate. Their speech comes sooner than other kittens, however, though most do not use it, and if they are raised among other Lincat they will start using hand signs. They are covered in long, shaggy fur, which they often cut to counteract the heat of the jungle, and their fur ranges through many different patterns, sometimes mimicking the patterns of their Kharajyr parents. Colors range from brown to black, though there are occasionally lighter colors, and even multiple colors and patterns.

    Body Language

    ​Because of the ban on their speech, Lincat speak a language without their voices, using their bodies to supplement. While most Kharajyr do not understand all the signs, there are a few that have become more understood with use. Some of these can mean multiple things depending on the situation, and these different meanings will be separated by "/".

    ​Flicking the ears once - Yes

    A half-shrug, where the left shoulder comes up toward the head, then is lowered quickly - No Lowering the ears and baring the teeth - Stop/A firmer way to say no/A signal to let the other know they are irritating. The longer that this is held, the more angry or irritated they are - and the more firmly they mean it.

    Tilting the head to the side, exposing the neck - I respect you/A title for someone who is in charge (so to speak)/A salute.

    Lowering the ears and tilting the head down - I'm sorry.

    A paw on their chest, then raised to the sky - Metzli

    Tapping their head - I understand/I know

    Tapping their mouth then raising it to the sky - Tlatlanni

  8. "Requesting the presence of any Mind Mages, Druids, and Conjurationists.

    My name is Taliyu'thilln and I request to meet with your persons regarding your particular arts for the purpose of study and understanding. I do not ask that you divulge all of your art secrets or anything of the sort. Should you be willing to meet with me, I ask that you send a bird to Aesterwald, as it is there that I am currently confined. Thank you for your time."

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