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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Bristlebranch

  1. 4 minutes ago, argonian said:

    btw @ whoever the **** does our web dev for us(does anyone lol), is there any way you guys can get search to search the content and not the HTML(or whatever pseudo-HTML **** it runs on)


    We (read: people who edit the wiki) have been trying to get the wiki updated and get some extensions installed on there for the last four months. We do have an extension that adds a checkbox to ignore Wikitext in your searches ready, but we’ll need someone with backend access to get on the wiki and finally update it for us. Thankfully, we have finally heard back from people with backend access on the matter, and the wiki should see a generous suite of updates and extensions coming soon.


  2. Quote





    Obviously chat filters can’t detect context, which is pretty crucial if the server’s trying to keep it consistent with the whole PG-13 rating these days, but hopefully it doesn’t become excessive. I think there’s a big difference in a lot of words that would be filtered by context that makes them a lot less offensive.

  3. 3 hours ago, The Elfen Lie said:

    So, let me get this straight, we're going to endorse drug usage? Since when did the server become rated M? Not really something that should exist on a game that has a lot of really young people playing it. 


    Sure drugs have always existed in lotc, though usage of it was merely a joke. Making a plugin with actually affects no longer makes a quick laugh before moving onto other rp. Really was a waste of time. 



  4. 1 minute ago, SquirtGun said:

    In an RP focus, we've had Elder Trees burned, corrupted drakes, dragons, wyverns,  undead druids, blood druids, a dark arts user terrorized High Elf City, a lich tried to corrupt Sutica twice, Pale Knights bashing down gates, shades controlling voidal displacers, controlled voidal displacers sending swords through childrens faces, hungry ghouls, shamanistic flesh monstrosities destroying Wood Elf bridges, zombified Orgon Cultists spewing taint and corruption, and more. And that's just what came off the top of my head in about one minute.  There's plenty of reasons to look forward and attempt to be more proactive to be one step ahead of the darkness.

    Good? This is RP, you're describing actual RP taking place on an RP server. Creating these Light Elementals does not contribute to RP in anyway that this conflict could. In essence, it's just Dark Arts repellent. As a Druid player that has been playing a Druid for years, I'd love if someone tried to burn an Elder Tree down while I'm around. That's conflict, excitement, it creates action and RP. If the alternative was a cleric standing nearby with a Light Elemental, I'd definitely prefer the prior.

  5. 6 hours ago, SquirtGun said:

    Dark beings are constantly becoming more powerful, rply and oocly. The old ways are strong, but the balance of power is shifting. Rather than sitting around and waiting to be stomped on, Clerics are taking the initiative and finding new ways to utilize their Light to counter the threats, taking a proactive approach to stamp out the darkness.


    I'm not sure about that. Can you provide any specific evidence or examples that could counter the fact that your magically is already implicitly designed to counter dark magics?

  6. On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    Druids ha


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    ers. without


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a “Blank Slate” wou


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a technicalit, a de


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    gic. it i


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    y The Asp


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    ordakin ‘Anabella’ Is i


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    agic in witch th


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    the smiths cho


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a semi reflection


    And now, the Capitalization Speed Round™


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a Druid and


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a druid does,


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a Runesmith,


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a runesmith.


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a “Blank Slate” w


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    n Voidal m


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    a voidal mage


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    by The Aspects


    On 2/11/2017 at 3:05 PM, Bobby123 said:

    the Aspects


  7. 6 minutes ago, Fitermon said:

    Name of Artefact: Amber-Imbued Blighted Helm of Whispers


    6 minutes ago, Fitermon said:

    Name of Artefact: Amber-Imbued Blighted Chestplate of Torridity


    7 minutes ago, Fitermon said:

    Name of Artefact: Amber-Imbued Blighted Pauldrons, Spaulders, Couters, Vambraces, & Gauntlets of Algidity


    7 minutes ago, Fitermon said:

    Name of Artefact: Amber-Imbued Blighted Tassets, Cuisses, Poleyns, Greaves, & Sabatons of Misstep


    I see you've been playing Amber-Imbued LotC Mad Libs.

  8. Yoshihisa closes the small novelette, a synthetic chuckle reverberating from beneath his sleek, metal visor. "This deity is fantastic, in many ways, it even reminds me of... myself." With a precise motion, he bends his knees, descending into a meditative rest beneath the cherry blossom tree. His metallic fingers slide across his black visor, a trace of melancholy showing in his voice as he continues, "A deity that often wears a grey cloth about his eyes, because he blindly follows his ideals. A lover of justice, and purity. Living in a land of beautiful flowers. No... he is me.Yoshihisa's hand flits to the handle of his katana, unsheathed with a single skilled flourish as he rises to his feet, spinning it about precisely in his trained grasp as he strolls from the cherry blossom tree. 


    "I shall continue our work."


    Yoshihisa Kawahara slips through the window of His Lordship Arminius von Aesterwald's office, his natural snow elven dexterity allowing him to land upon to wooden floor silently amidst the cloak of night. Snooping throughout the office, he stumbles upon the open draft of the LEX PISCATORIS upon the table. Thumbing through the volume, he nods slowly, an imperceptible expression of astonishment upon his face, concealed by his arcane-enchanted visor.  He mumbles quietly to himself, his almost synthetic voice reverberating from behind his helm,



    (Translation only for those who can speak the Ancient Snow Elven Tongue: "Amazing. The Elves of Snow should adopt laws as thorough and wonderful as these. Justice would thrive again.")


    Scribbling notes upon the underside of his arm with a piece of charcoal, Yoshihisa takes notes on the text as thoroughly as he may before the break of dawn arrives, with which he propels himself through the window with a silence that comes only with centuries of training, before disappearing like a wisp of smoke.

    • Minecraft name/s: 「charlietheguy」、ゲストアカウント「0uity」と「RP_Chatbot」。

    • Age: 18

    • Timezone: グリニッジ標準時 -06:00

    • Skype/Discord: charliehorse500(スカイプ)、charlietheguy(不和)。

    • What is your availability:  理論的には、サーバーのメンテナンスと再起動に対応して、約23.5〜1日にサーバーに接続できます。私は日曜日から日曜日まで、楽観的な日に楽観的にこれをやることができます。(In theory, I could be on the server about 23.5~ hours a day, accommodating for server maintenance and restarts. I'd be able to do this for a solid week optimistically, Sunday-Sunday, until I would keel over from exhaustion and die.)

    • Tell us an issue you currently experience on the server: さて、私がロールプレイングするとき、私は、自分と私の仲間の人間との何らかの協調的な物語のために、何か共通の楽しみのためにそうするのが普通です。しかし、最近、私は、OOCを介して魔法を集める国家や個人的なキャラクターの強さを問わず、RPを犠牲にして、より公然とOOC指向のモチベーションを見てきました。ラインのどこかに、人々はRPを好まないと決めました。

    • How do you feel individual GMs should present themselves?: その日の終わりに、GMは選手より優れています。プレイヤーベースと通信するのではなく、質問されたときにプレイヤーベースに責任を持ちません。もしあれば、正当に行動しなければなりません。 (At the end of the day, GMs are superior to the players. They have no responsibility to the playerbase, and if anything, should rightfully act aloof to them when asked a question, rather than communicating with the playerbase.)

    • How do you feel the GM team collectively should present itself?: 笑顔でGMチームを過ちなくしてみてください。みんなあなたが素晴らしいことをすると思っています。

    • Please list three players who will vouch for you: Tahmas, 501warhead, Ever

    • What is your relationship with the members of the current GM Team?: 最近のパージでは、ビーストを除いて、現在のGMチームの誰も知らないと思う。その男が私にインタビューしたのは面白い男のようだ。彼が招待されたら私は彼と一緒にパーティーに行きます。

    • What are you finest and worst traits?: 最高の特性:私は償還可能な資質はありません。最悪の特徴:私は貧しい睡眠のスケジュールを持っています。私はあまりにも多くのアイスクリームを食べる。 (Finest Traits: I have zero redeemable qualities. Worst Traits: I have a poor sleeping schedule. I eat too much ice cream.)

    • Tell us about your time on Lord of the Craft: 初期のAsulonでDruidとして始まり、Druidとして終了しました。私はRPを楽しんでいますが、すべての正直なところでは、サーバーに関する私の意見は時代にうねりしており、私は今のところ冷笑的ではありません。コミュニティ全体は、実際にRPingよりもOOCの努力と集客力に関心を向けているようであり、過去数年間に文化が発達しています。私はRPに投資してきました。ETのようなチームに参加してキャラクターの開発を可能にする意味のあるイベントを提供しました。そしてWTは大きなミスです(プレーヤーベースはWTが現実的に書き換えることができるコンテンツより速く作成します。他の多くの理由でフォーラムに統合されました)、サーバーのメンタリティを変更することはできません。私はそのアイデアに幻想を感じ、チームを離れることになった。

    • What parts of the server are you most interested in?: サーバーのRP。

    • Other than yourself, who of the current applicants would you like to see on the GM Team?: Aerialkebabsan:彼は悪い代理人を持っていますが、あなたが自発性と時折愚かさのグリップをパスしたとき、彼は大丈夫GMを作るでしょう。多分。Lericsan:いい男。今度もサーバーのことを気にする。サーバーにはあまりにも良い。 GMから彼を除外することは、恥辱となり、サーバーに唾を吐くことになるだろう。

    • Link me a good song: 




    免責事項:私の英語はかなり貧しいので、英語の読者が私のアプリケーションを楽しむことができるように、私は友人の "Ouity"を大変に翻訳しています。私はLotCのGMになることを願っています、ありがとう。

    Disclaimer: My english is quite poor, so I have my friend "Ouity" translate a great deal so the English readers may enjoy my application as well. I hope to become GM of LotC, thank you.


  10. Yoshihisa Kawahara looks upon the poster with the faintest of smiles, chuckling to himself, "Let them tire themselves upon their Dwarven foe, so the Snow Elves may strike with the force of a snowflake chakram when they least expect. Until then, we shall wait within the snow." Dropping the poster into the snow, he pivots upon his heels, sprinting to the Snow Elven Capital.

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