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Xem - The Gentleman

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Posts posted by Xem - The Gentleman

  1. I am looking for someone to play my daughter since the person I found did not work out. I am looking for someone who is active and into playing children, preferably to have experience playing children prior to this. You would be playing Rose Wooley, daughter to me, Collette Wooley. You are an only child to a single mother living in Aesterwald. Since the divorce. Rose would have gone from a sweet little girl who would walk up to anyone and talk to them, to a girl who barely spoke or did anything after the divorce. Rose is 10 years old and looks like -------->

    (Skin: http://imgur.com/MdELYu9)


    As I said you’d be living in Aesterwald and have a good sized home with your own floor/room to yourself. You'd also spend a lot of time at the Standing Inn (Big Tree) since Collette is a barmaid there. Since someone else started as Rose and quit, I will be fine with a complete re-do of her personality but there might be a bit of critique from me. Some things that won’t change are her quietness and mood now that her father is gone, but you can choose how to RP this. Collette would most likely teach you to farm and cook, but it is up to you ultimately. I won’t force you to do anything you aren't cool with.


    If you are interested in playing her either send me a pm on the forums, or post below. If you are interested I will send you my skype, because I want to do a practice RP session on skype to make sure the RP will be /good/. Any further details about playing her can be ironed out in skype or through PMs so feel free to send me a msg if you have any questions.

  2. I am looking for a skin maker to make me a skin for a teenage girl. I can give more description through PMs, but that's what I'll leave it at for now. Unfortunately I can't pay for the skin since I have little minas IG. I could trade items for it, but we can discuss that in PMs. Thanks for the read.

  3. ((If this is in the wrong forum, plz move to the right one.))


    I am looking for 2 people. One to play my daughter, Rose, and one to play my son, Achilles. You would be living in the northern duchy of Valeria, in the city of Polaris. You'd have a nice home and a mother (me, Collette, Xemnas2132) and father (Maletone, aquaticsunnymoss). Rose is already 12 since I couldn't find anyone to play her before I took a break from the server. Rose is fluent in Auvergnian as Collette taught her before common due to her being an Auvergnian. (If you don't want to use the language go ahead, its just some back ground info.) Achilles was born 2 years after Rose so he is 10. He too knows Auvergnian, but he was taught common first and Auvergnian second. If you play Rose Collette would teach you about cooking and farming, Achilles would be taught in fighting most likely, but that would be up to you mostly. Any other info can be discussed if you are interested. If you have any questions or if something isn't clear comment below. Thanks for the read.

  4. *reads the poster and laughs* "Isn't banditry always illegal and punishable? I've never seen a convicted bandit just be let off with a warning and a slap on the wrist. Making posters like this won't make you 'snow elves' seem more official. So far you made something punishable thats already illegal everywhere. *slow claps* I thought it could never be done, but you proved me wrong. So all I can say is good job snow elves. You are 100% not the hero we wanted, needed, or asked for, so please don't try to be one. Bye.

  5. wqKqDIh.png







    MC Name:

    Skype Username(not required):

    RP Experience:

    PvP Experience:


    Have you been banned?:

    Are you an active player?






    Side skills(woodcutting, blacksmith etc.):

    Fighting Experience and Weapons:

    By signing up you hereby promise to join to the Fi'Nor Banner and pledge thyself to a better cause.

    To set aside any and all vendettas and promise to keep Justice. Do you agree?:

    ((fell free to ask any questions you have in your apps))

  6. I am looking for someone to play my daughter. You would be the daughter to Collette ((Me- Xemnas2132)) and Maletone Grandaxe ((aquaticsunnymoss)). You would be living just outside of Alras, though may be moving there soon ((Not decided yet)). And you would start out in a few weeks if you want to play her as she was born not to long ago, and RPing babies is, to be honest, boring. 


    A bit of extra info...

    I am an Auvergnian born in AUvergne when it was near old Abresi.

    Maletone is a half dwarf-human and was adopted into the Grandaxe family of Alras.

    We will be given land in 4.0 as Maletone will be named a Baron ((hopefully)) and have a nice sized home.

    Planning on having at least one more child, a son to be specific.


    If you are interested PM me on the forums, leave a comment, or PM me in game when I'm on. First two are preferred, thanks. 

  7. *Comes across the passage whilst reading a book on history of Anthos. Instantly his mind is filled with the memories of Kris and the Valiants. He smiles when he reads his description as 'the greatest warrior of them all'. He puts a hand over his heart, speaks a quick prayer and shuts the book. Sliding it back onto the shelf and walking off down the road, muttering "I thought he would last longer..."

  8. ((Mc name)): Xemnas2132
    Experience (Brief): 80 years+ fighting experience. 25+ strategies. Sergeant of two guards.
    ((Skype name)): xemnas2132
    Do you have loyalties to any other groups or orders: Nope

    Rank (Ex: Unoathed, builder, cook): Strategist

  9. OOC:
    MC Name: Xemnas2132

    Time on server: Since August 2011

    VAs for character (usually required): N/A

    Number of active characters: 2

    Does this character belong in a guild: Not atm

    Can this character use magic: No

    Position you wish to apply for(limited time, this is for quickly getting to a high rank): Foxward
    Any more: He has previous leading experience as he was a Sergeant in a guard, and second in command in a merc. company.

    ((IN Character:))
    Name: Jack Delton

    Age: 91

    Race: Elf



    Proffession: Guard, mercenary, personal bobyguard

    Skillset: Most melee weapons, master with dual wield, war axe and dagger usually, and longswords. Good leader, good with lockpicks and B&E.

    What are the values that are required for this guild: 


    Respect, responsibility, accountability, and loyalty

    What does a locked, heavily fortified chest mean to you: An opportunity to crack the lock and see whats inside that was worth the protection.

    What does a gentleman wear at every occasion: Formal robes, cloak, and a hidden dagger just in case.

    Why do you wish to join: I seek employment and a new life. A guild that is willing to accept me and eventually prove me acceptance.

  10. OOC Information
    Mc-Name: Xemnas2132
    Skype(State yes or no): Yes, Xemnas2132
    Have you had any ban reports or ban's on the server? Nope
    In Character Information
    Kat Fletcher
    Skilled with:
    Bow and Daggers
    Why you wish to join:
    To gain skills and fight for Oren
    How did you hear about us:
    Ericus Sarino
    Are you prepared to die for our cause:
    You see a man in a forest, attempting to grab a man, What do you do? 
    Chase after the two men and try to stop them. Preferably at range without him even knowing I am there. I would not go for a kill shot, but I would aim for either leg to prevent him from escaping. I would then confront him and if for the need contact a higher up Ranger to act further.
    Previous combat experiences:
    Many years with a bow, though out of practise. Same with daggers.
    If you are given an apprentice, do you deem yourself worthy to protect them?
    Will you listen to your superiors without hesitation?
    Do you accept  loyalty to the Ranger corp?
    Yes, Yes, and Yes.
  11. (IC)

    Full name, including any titles? Jack "The Sparrow" Delton

    Previous experience in guilds? Sergeant for House Valois, footmen for various other guards.

    Age? 86

    Experience in fighting? Almost 80 years of training in a variety. I prefer dual wielding an axe and dagger however.

    Are you exiled from any nations? No.



    I Jack Delton swear to uphold any contract I am given in the company, no matter the cost. I will obey all company policies and follow the orders of my officers to the letter, never to release company secrets.


    List any VAs; Working on it.

    MCname; Xemnas21

    Skype name; (PM me if need be) I'll PM

    Google doc email; [email protected]

  12. Timezone: PST

    TS(Y/N): N

    Skype(You may PM this to me): I'll PM it

    PvP Skills(1-10, 10 being perfect): 6.5

    RP Fighting Skills(1-10): 8-9

    Do you have the VA 2a?(Preferred, but not needed): Working on it currently


    Name: Jack Delton

    Alias: "Sparrow"

    Age: 85

    Race: Elf

    Reason for Enlisting: Something to do while getting paid.

    Past Jobs: Guard positions

    Any other Allegiances?: No, sir

    I  Jack Delton will uphold the values of the company and swear to never break a contract that involves my person. I swear that if I am to ever break a contract or break my allegiance to the company, that I am subject to any and all punishments assigned to my person.

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