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Posts posted by Hrokr

  1. I'd rather enjoy it if the officials of the dwarves don't allow other colonies. Dwarves stay packed together, they don't separate.

    I agree, and once again just my opinions, you could have separate housing districts, and have people to apply to run a district of karik rather than go make an outside town. Give them control of a blank district for them to make their own style houses etc(of course within karik lore). That way you have the leadership(mayors) and then you have all these district owners(assistants) that control their little slice of karik. Also that way district owners will fight to be more active to get more people in their district to up the value of their homes. So if a new recruit comes into karik and only one district owner is on he gets the recruit. Turns competitive in a positive way. Just an idea.


    Example being split the town up into districts and let the clans control them. Therefore giving everyone who runs a town or hold now their own slice of karik. Pretty much make many towns in one town, just smaller and less deadspace.

  2. I believe the hold idea isn't working very well. I believe in one central location, whether it be a new town or Karik. Reason being is there are so many dwarves without a home because they could only find one hold and leadership didn't happen to be on to sell them a house. We need more staff and an easier path for new players. Im fairly new myself and it was absolutely ridiculous trying to find a place to settle down, not blaming any hold staff, its just the way it works. One central city with numerous owners will ensure that we get the maximum number of residents which will result in a better community. Community is the most important thing about a Minecraft town, especially with RP and the skill system. Who wants to play when they have no other players to trade with, fix their tools, or RP in the town square. These holds are holding back that kind of environment. We have the players we just need the streamlined nation to be able to facilitate the results we want. Having holds spread all over the place and players bouncing from hold to hold only weakens us. More organization and town officials and players all being in the same place will also make new players feel welcome, not alienated like under the current hold system. Just my opinion, for what its worth.

  3. What is your name?: Hrokr Stonebow

    Are you kin of the Ironguts?: Nah

    Do you live in Kal'Dwain?: Yah

    Are you a miner or a smith? I'a miner

    How skilled are you at mining or smithing?: Mining 20, work'n on it

    Would you be willing to give more to the city beyond the cobble we request, if it was asked of you?: Always

  4. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name: watsen56

    How old are you?: 24

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: EST USA

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Yes

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: Through a friend.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: N/a


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is the act of immersing yourself in the character you create within the parameter of the server lore.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Not using your character's background and using knowledge known to the player rather than the Character.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: Using emotes to take away options and abilities of other players, and abusing the limits of your players power.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Hrokr

    Character Race: Dwarf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Hrokr was raised by his parents and was a only child. Growing up his father was a military officer that defended the town of Kal'Urguan. It was a very strict way to grow up and most days, although a mountain dwarf, Hrokr would travel to the Forests to hunt game in solitude. Taking repeated abuse from his father mocking him calling him a Forest Dwarf, Hrokr finally followed in his footsteps and joined the guard. Within a few years Hrokr began to frequent bars and lost his appetite for the strict lifestyle of a military career. He gained the reputation of being reckless in battle and a drunkard bringing shame on his family, but was respected as one of the best archers the guard had.

    Many things changed in Hrokr's life after the wars with the undead started. After many battles and skirmishes Hrokr couldn't stop the nightmares of war. There was one day that would change his life forever. Deep within his family tombs his father took him, telling him about his ancestors and how they served the guard. A feeling of pride washed over him looking at the sacrifices of his family line. He then burnt an offering and prayed to his ancestors for honor in battle, for the time had come to once again rise against the undead. It was not long after this before the fall of Hrokr's village while he was away at war. His father had died defending his mother and everyone he ever knew was gone. Stranded and alone, Hrokr went to the ancestral tomb to once again pray to his ancestors for guidance.

    Years later, still in the military and hunting game for a living, Hrokr had learned the art of speech craft. Through negotiating on the streets with traders and leading men in battle, he had mastered his father's craft. He bares a scar over his right eye and a arrow wound that never quite healed through his arm, testament to the undead scourge he dedicated his life to fighting. Wearing his fathers ring and his family crest across his chest, his ancestors guide his path as he forges his new life moving from the ruins of Aegis. He moves as a traveler does, a simple hunter, but always ready to pick up his bow for the Dwarven drums of war, like his father before him, and his line of ancestors.

    What are your characters ambitions?: To bring honor to his ancestors in battle.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:


    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character? He is a mountain dwarf.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    Hrokr approaches the man, scoffs, and walks to another merchant selling maps.

    He returns quickly, the dwarf shop keeper.

    "Where do yer' loyalties lie dwarf?" asked Hrokr

    "Wi..With the dwarves of course" he replied

    "Culda'fooled me. Bein a beggar to humans...Hah!"

    The shopkeeper looked down ashamed.

    "Here's a map to Karik boy. How bout' ya go bring some 'onor to yer line. Or do ya want ta be a beggar"

    "But I have no minas or wep'n" the shopkeeper replied.

    Hrokr then threw a sack full of bread at his feet with bread, an axe, and some minas. He slowly walked away without saying a word trusting his gut that any dwarf, given the opportunity, would do the honorable thing.

    You’re in the Cloud Sanctuary late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. The only present monk is fast asleep, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    Hrokr observes the situation, but observers within bow range. His sturdy callused hand gripped the bow subtly in the night air, waiting patiently to see what happens.

    The Orc's words turn more aggressive, and his facial expressions more hostile.

    Hrokrs left hand finds an arrow in his quiver, once again not taking any sudden movements, to the untrained eye he looks like his hands are behind his back strolling through the temple.

    The Orc reaches for his sword as the dwarf cowers.

    Pulling the bow and arrow in one motion, Hrokr puts an arrow through the sword sheath and above the hand guard of the sword trapping it within the Orc's belt.

    The Orc turns quickly and glares at Hrokr looking for a fight.

    Hrokr picks up his ale off the table takes a large drink, smiles, and waves at the orc.

    "Lovely night we are hav'n eh Green Skin?"

    The dwarf comes over to thank Hrokr, but alas, he is gone, into the night.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:

    " Ye alright there old timer? Dont worry Ill have ya a new walkin stick in a moment"

    "Help me up!" replied the old man

    Hrokr ignored the old man and cut down a branch with his axe.

    "Here's yer new stick"

    "Will you help me pick up my minas?"replied the man

    "Listen here, every dwarf has his limits old timer"

    Hrokr uses his foot to kick the minas in a little pile on the road.

    "So long old timer, dont they say stretching is good fer you human old folks anyway?"

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