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Posts posted by TheRealKiru



    OoC Information


    Minecraft Username: Sarcastic_Hotdog


    Discord Username: Nova#7134


    Skype Username: N/A


    Nickname Preferred: Nova’s fine


    Real-Life Age: 24


    Preferred Pronoun(s): He/him


    Activity Level: Fairly active, daily


    Main Character or Secondary Character?: Main


    RP Sample As Applying Persona: During one of her many outings getting away from her caverns, Rena’s nose picked up a most peculiar scent. One that she hadn’t smelled that often: the scent of earth. A very planty smell coming from a stranger. She hurried over, careful to not let her ethereal companion fall from his shoulder and cleared her throat to catch the man’s attention. “Karin’ayla. Have you been to the forests lately?” she asked, her eyes shining with a hint of interest.


    IC Information


    Character’s Full Name: Yvonrena Illykur


    Current and/or Former Titles Held: Aspiring Farmhand


    Notable Connections Within a Nation or Other Organization: None that are noteworthy


    Race: Mali’ker


    Sub-Race: Mali’aheral


    Sex & Gender: Female


    Birth Year/Current Age: 1672 (30)


    Birthplace: (Most Recent Mali’ker Settlement. Been away for a while so I’m kinda lost with the elf happenings)


    Desired Rank: Ranger-Keeper


    Training Known: Farming, Tool Usage, Animal Raising


    Training Desired/Needed: Bow Usage,


    Character's For Wishing to Join the RotW: “I’ve spent many years on a farm. Yet I wish to see more than these caverns and mountains. The rangers seem like a good cause to stand behind.”


    "By signing this document, you agree to the by-laws above and any the Ranger-Master and Ranger-Captains deem worthy of adding. You agree to relinquish your former station if it conflicts with Ranger tenets, and swear to uphold to balance of peace and nature in our world."


    “I, Yvonrena Illykur, do hereby agree to these terms.”

  2. On 6/20/2016 at 2:51 AM, Freya  said:

    This can be caused by a huge array of issues but i'll try the simplest fixes first;


    If you're using the server added to your server list and not direct connect, try clicking edit on it and setting server texturepacks to disabled. I've encountered problems with logging in related to this before and you can always enable the server texturepack again after.


    If that doesn't help, try using a different hostname (or none) in the IP address;






    If the problem persists then you could try launching vanilla minecraft and connecting with that - if the problem remains (and you can connect to other servers just fine) then it may be some kind of routing issue to the server which can be confirmed or debunked by doing a traceroute.


    Thanks for the help. I tried everything on the MagicLauncher and didn't get anywhere, but I can connect just fine on the vanilla minecraft launcher. Weird.

  3. MC name: TheRealKiru

    Forum name: TheRealKiru

    Skype Name: navaguy

    What is your timezone?: EST

    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Media, proof checking, writing, etc): Writing, Editing, maybe Media and Proofing!

    Have you worked on the wiki before?: No, but I have experience working with other wikis (Wikia)

    Do you have a basic understanding of lore?: I do, yes!

  4. --------------------------------------------

    House Registration Form



    Name : Sylrenya Helartha


    True Name (Username) : TheRealKiru


    Skills/Professions : Farmer / Breeder


    No preference on housing.


  5. Sylrenya returns to the Cloud Temple before petting the cow that let out a content 'moo'. She attached rope leashes around each of their necks and posted another poster on top of her original one.


    " The cows have been sold, and are no longer availible for purchase! "

  6. A parchment was put up on a pole near the Cloud Temple, containing elegantly written words.


    " Fresh off of the Helathar Farms!


    We're overstocked at the moment, and are looking to sell 2 cows to good homes. Both are in healthy condition, and look ready to mature into prime cut cattle!


    Send a bird to Sylrenya Helathar if interested. Price can be negotiated upon buyer's contact! "

  7. (Minecraft Username:  TheRealKiru)

    Name: Sylreda Larae'thus

    Age: 10

    Gender: Female

    Will any others reside with you?: No.

    If not, would you opt in for a shared home?: I wouldn't mind if so.

    How can you declare yourself mali'thill?: A view of my bloodline will reveal that there are no impurities to be seen. I am very loyal to the mali'aheral, and will further myself to ensure that we remain above our inferior brethren.

    Are there any other details that you wish to relay? (Occupation, Past Allegiances, Past Homes, etc): None.

  8. MC name: TheRealKiru

    Character's name and age: Synesi, age 326


    Character’s Race: Dryad [Wood Elf]


    What magic will you be learning?: Water Evocation


    Who will be teaching you?: Glacio Nereus

  9. Character Name: Navarion Calm

    Minecraft Username: TheRealKiru

    Timezone: EST

    Usual Playing Times: Mostly on in the evenings from 5 EST to 12 on weekdays. Weekends varied, but also mostly on during evenings.

  10. ::OOC::
    MC Name: TheRealKiru
    Did you ever have a character with magic?: No.
    Are you aware the rules of Magic:  Yes.

    Skype: navaguy (already in chat)
    Name: Oak Druid Synesi
    Age: 202
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mali'ame (Dryad)
    What would you like to learn?: I would like to gain a general idea of what classes that are offered at the academy. Though I may not have use of them as of right now, I would like to gain the skills I need to know in order to protect my home.
    Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: 
    Medical Class, Alchemy, maybe some Void Magic classes.

  11. A letter finds its way into the hands of an aspiring young mali'aheral student, quite busy in her studies. After a few hours of studying further, the young elf begins to fill out the note and sends it away



    MC Name: TheRealKiru
    Did you ever have a character with magic?: Not in this server, no.
    Are you aware the rules of Magic: Yes.

    Skype: navaguy 

    Name: Lassiel Shayaian
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Race: High Elf
    What would you like to learn?: To see and learn more about the magic in our world while studying in other classes that could open doors to finding other interests and surviving in the realm we call home. 
    Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?:  A mixture of Mage and Scholar classes.

  12. Leyani spots the poster and begins to write a reply in an elegant handwriting.


    Dear Sir or Madam,


    I've secured 1 bar from a zombie one night while seeking protection from them. I'd be willing to sell you it, though I have no clue as to how much they go for nowadays.


    How about 50 Mina?

  13. -OOC Part-

    MC name: TheRealKiru

    Do you have Skype?: Yes, navaguy

    How long have you played on LotC?: I've played since November of last year.

    Can you make this character your main one?: Yes.


    Name: Kiyoko Tachibana

    Age: 23

    Other Obligations (Guilds, Orders, Shops etc): N/A

    Previous Combat Experience: Several different styles of attacking and defending against melee attacks by training during youth. Has not seen any combat experience.

    I , Kiyoko Tachibana, swear utter and complete loyalty to the House Ishikawa. I forsake oaths to other nations, and recognize the House Ishikawa, Glory to it’s name, is my master, and I am obligated to serve them until I am released, or I am dead. Should I fail to uphold this oath or severely dishonour myself, I agree to accept my shame through the act of Seppuku*, or proper punishment befitting the situation and circumstance.

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