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Posts posted by jtucker40

  1. A small and sassy peasant boy wanders the town squares of Kralta and Abresi (at different times of course) and saunters around.  His clothes are ragged, his feet bare, and wrapped around his head is a red rag in the form of a bandana.  At first glance he seems like a normal peasant boy, but after observing a few of his interactions with the populace it is obvious he has been born and bred on the urban streets.  When confronted by the officials he runs away, often disappearing into the shadows and appearing in a totally different location.  He seems to possess skills that would make him invaluable to many professions.


    ((My brand new character, Richard the Peasant boy, is looking for work.  Ideally I would like to make him into a bandit/highwayman, but I would also be down to have him work for a merchant company or become a sailor or something.  If you are interested leave a response to this post or PM me (both in RP obviously).  Thanks!))


    ((EDIT: I would also be very interested in if any pirates need a powder boy or new crew members.))

  2. (( 



    ((Have the music in the background as you read, please))


    The Admiral Lord has passed away, buried with full naval honors at sea.  Upon searching of his cabin and quarters, legal documents are discovered detailing his last will and testament.  Upon the main sheet reads:


    Contained Herein Lie the Last Will and Testament of the Admiral Lord Faendal Al'adan, 1st Viscount of the Seas and Supreme Commodore of the Royal Oren Navy.


    Never in a thousand years would I have thought I would come this far.  Born to a peasant logging family in Normandor many many years ago, I have risen to command the mightiest force upon the seas, and have taken a Lordship in a mighty nation of men.  But obviously my time on this earth has come to an end, and I pray the Gods will receive me with eternal happiness.  Here are my final wishes:


    1. I leave the Admiralcy and complete command over the Royal Oren Navy and Marines in the hands of Bester Manduco.  He is hereby promoted to Admiral.
    2. I promote Captain Sirus Comstock to Commodore, to serve as Admiral Manduco's assistant and commander of the Snapdragon.
    3. I hereby leave all my possessions aboard the ship, including my journal, to Admiral Manduco.
    4. I hereby leave my ancient elven chain mail ((in the form of a skin)), given to me in Asulon, to my dearest friend Talibar Tyrowen.
    5. I hereby leave my entire collection of minas, 941.48m in total, to be donated to the Royal Oren Navy to be used in the construction of a mighty frigate.
    6. I hereby write as my last wish that the RFS Godfrey and the RSS Snapdragon (my very own creation) be kept afloat as long as long as possible, and if captured in combat, to be taken as a prize and not destroyed.  It is without a doubt the most beautiful ship on the seas.
    7. I also hereby leave my entire collection of ale and Halfling Reserve cigars to Admiral Manduco.

    And with that I sign my last time,

    ~Admiral Lord Faendal Al'adan, 1st Viscount of the Seas and Supreme Commodore of the Royal Oren Navy


    Two portraits of the Admiral Lord are below the signature, one of him young, and one of him old.






    R.I.P. Faendal Al'adan

    218 Years of Age

    "Hold Fast the Ship, Lads"


    ((I'm getting super sentimental as I write this, as Faendal has been my only character the entire time that I've been on the server.  I'm amazed to see how far he's developed and come.  But I must also announce my official retirement from LoTC as well.  OOC things have come up, and I have to be able to turn my full attention to them.  I leave the server not with distaste in my mouth, but with wonderful memories that I will remember for a long time.  My final RP was the most emotional I have ever gotten on a video game, and I am going to miss LoTC so much.))


    ((EDIT: Added the Snapdragon to point #6))

  3. Passing through the Abresi docks, you here the loud clanging of a ship's deck bell.  Looking out to sea, you see two warships returning under the great earthen arch, their sails battered and torn from a long journey.  You can make out the names on their stern, and they appear to be from the Royal Oren Navy.  They slowly drift into reach of the dock, and cast out mooring lines, pulling themselves in close.  If you choose to stick around, you see exhausted sailors piling off of the decks, clearly deprived of drink and headed to the nearest tavern.  Asking the nearest sailor about what is happening, he answers with:


    "Aye, the RFS Godfrey and the RFS Snapdragon have returned from their patrol 'o the Southern Seas.  Nasty waters, they were.  Lost our grog near foive days out!  But 'ere we are now, safe and sound."


    ((The Navy fleet has returned to the Abresi docks.))

  4. Admiral Lord Faendal spies the poster while passing through the Malinor docks.  Hands on his hips, he frustratingly chews on the butt of his cigar and unknowingly blows smoke all over his immediate area, much to the dismay of the people around him.


    "Hmmph. Pirates are out recruitin' again, are they? Well if it's war they want, it'll be war they get."


    Faendal takes the cigar from his mouth and presses it into the notice, burning a sizable hole in the parchment.


    "Filthy sea rats'll get what's comin' to 'em."


    ((I look forward to some fun RP in the future! Spam, contact me and we can possibly set some fun things up if you're alright with it.))

  5. ((This will be posted in main Roleplay and Human Roleplay))


    Large recruiting posters hang at major population and transit centers around Anthos.


    Do you seek adventure? Glory? Excitement? Riches? Life on the high seas?


    Join the Royal Oren Navy!


    The newly renovated Royal Oren Navy seeks able bodied sailors, officers, warriors (to serve as marines), and shipwrights of any gender or race!


    The Cloudwater Bay Squadron seeks to bolster its ranks and take on the pirate menace to the South!


    -Who are we-


    The Royal Oren Navy is currently one of the only active maritime security forces in Anthos.  Missions include patrols of active waterways, exploration of unmarked waters, protection of merchant vessels, and monitoring of the passage between the mainland and the Wilds.




    Ages 17+.  Any younger lads who are physically and mentally qualified shall be entered as midshipmen and train under the officers.   Experience at sea is not required for enlistment as a sailor or marine!


    -Pay rates-


    Sailors: 75 mina per elven week + free lodging and food

    Officers: 200 mina per elven week + free lodging and food

    Marines: 100 mina per elven week + free lodging and food

    Shipwrights: TBD, will be paid per ship


    Rewards from prizes (enemy ships) captured shall be split equally between every crewman present at the time.




    All persons interested shall remove an application from this notice and post it below.


    Plenty of applications are attached to the notice.




    Experience at sea (Only required for officer appointment):

    Position desired:

    Present location:


    -The Admiral Lord-


    The Admiral Lord Faendal Al'adan, 1st Viscount of the Sea, sails aboard his flagship, The RFS Godfrey.  He has extensive experience serving as a privateer and naval officer.




    The poster is signed illustriously at the bottom.


    ~Admiral Lord Faendal Al'adan, 1st Viscount of the Sea

    ((EDIT: Changed application process from PM to posting below))
  6. I just want everyone to keep in mind that we are going to get past all of this, and we will probably be better than we were before. Those that left got their few days of fame, and I think it would be best to avoid defending their actions, for if they wanted you to defend them, they would still be here doing so.

    ((This. So much this.))


    Faendal picks up a copy at the Malinor docks during a supply stop and takes it back to his ship. Relaxing in his quarters, he sparks up a fine cigar and scans over the articles.


    "Interesting. It is nice to for once be up-to-date with current events on the mainland."

  7. ((You should add see monsters and dragons in the North, as it is vastly unexplored, It would make the map much more realistic form medieval times, as well.))

    good call, I think I'll add it as "wilderness"



    Wulfric looks at the map


    "Kal'Azgoth 's near tah sea on tah sout' part."

    noted, will be added to the next version

  8. As you walk through the main Abresi Square, you come across a small sailor boy with an incredibly loud voice.  He stands atop the fountain, shouting for all in front of him to hear.


    "Attention warriors of Oren!  The Snapdragon and the Imperial Oren Navy are collecting 4 warriors for an amphibious raid on the Kingdom of Urguan!  Captain Faendal seeks only the bravest and stealthiest of all warriors!  Warriors will provide their own armor and weapons, and report to the docks at the time given to them!  This raid will be carried out under cover of darkness, so be sure to wear something dark!  Report to me if you wish to accompany the captain!  Be sure to inform me of your combat skills upon signing up, and I reserve the right to turn you away!"


    The boy stands awaiting warriors with a quill and paper in his hand, ready to sign up eager warriors.


    ((Will probably be carried out later today or tomorrow.))


    ((EDIT: The fact that the attack is a stealth one doesn't mean the recruiting has to be.  You don't see the Navy SEALs or the SAS denying their existence and not recruiting people.))

  9. ((Listen to this while you read))


    The battle has been won, the beasts slain.  Captain Faendal trudges back to his home at the docks, armor splattered in the blood of the fell monsters killed upon the streets of Abresi.  Exhausted, he removes his golden helm, his long hair falling tangled upon his face.  With a sigh he collapses into his reading chair, and with that removes a journal and begins to write.


    Walking out of the docks at first I heard the screams of the Lion Guard perched atop the city walls.  "We have a breach! A breach!" they screamed.  With horror I looked upon swarms of monsters spilling through the gap, two giants following in their path, slaying all men they came across.


    I drew my sabre, and with a scream charged into the fray.  The groans of the beasts and the moans of dying men were jumbled, numerous and mixing as though one sound.  Myself along with a few of the Lion Guard held them back, slowly retreating back to the square.  One by one the giants fell, their bodies slamming against the ground.  But more came.


    Slash upon slash my sword became weak.  The chips on the blade grew larger, and my strength was waning.  The arrival of skeleton archers bolstered their ranks, and it appeared the city was lost.  And as their numbers grew, I fought my way back to the dock gates.


    The dock gates closing behind me, the monsters clawing at the bars, I ran for home.  My only salvation lay in the set of armor and bow I had been given ages before.  My legs carried me faster than ever I had known, and before long I returned to the gates, armed to the teeth.  I cleaved my way through the hordes, up the stairs and back to the square.  The citizens that remained held off the remainder of the beasts, and it appeared the battle was won.  And there I saw it.


    Over the gap came the largest of all the demons, a twisted abomination of no comparison.  It slew its way to the main gate, and turned to face us, the rest of the horde following in its wake.  I looked it in the eyes, and there knew the face of true evil.


    "Archers! Bring him down!" was the call, but it was of no use.


    He waded through the piles of dead monsters, making to destroy what was left of the defenders, but before he reached us, we charged.  We wounded him seven times, and he lost the use of his legs, tumbling to the ground.  I had but one arrow remaining.  I had to make it count.  I stood astride his face, drew the bow of my elders, and loosed the deadly point directly into his demonic brain.  The crowd cheered, the battle was won.  But I did not take the credit.  Some man named Oslo called himself the giant slayer, and I let him have his fun.  Glory is of no matter.


    These beasts will return.  And of that I am sure.  The man in the black mist foretold it.


    Faendal closes his journal and returns to his armor stand.  Removing the ancient elven pieces he places them in storage, bloodstained as they are.  And finally, when all has been done, he removes the bow from his back, and mounts it in its place on the wall.

  10. ((Listen to this while you read))


    The battle has been won, the beasts slain.  Captain Faendal trudges back to his home at the docks, armor splattered in the blood of the fell monsters killed upon the streets of Abresi.  Exhausted, he removes his golden helm, his long hair falling tangled upon his face.  With a sigh he collapses into his reading chair, and with that removes a journal and begins to write.


    Walking out of the docks at first I heard the screams of the Lion Guard perched atop the city walls.  "We have a breach! A breach!" they screamed.  With horror I looked upon swarms of monsters spilling through the gap, two giants following in their path, slaying all men they came across.


    I drew my sabre, and with a scream charged into the fray.  The groans of the beasts and the moans of dying men were jumbled, numerous and mixing as though one sound.  Myself along with a few of the Lion Guard held them back, slowly retreating back to the square.  One by one the giants fell, their bodies slamming against the ground.  But more came.


    Slash upon slash my sword became weak.  The chips on the blade grew larger, and my strength was waning.  The arrival of skeleton archers bolstered their ranks, and it appeared the city was lost.  And as their numbers grew, I fought my way back to the dock gates.


    The dock gates closing behind me, the monsters clawing at the bars, I ran for home.  My only salvation lay in the set of armor and bow I had been given ages before.  My legs carried me faster than ever I had known, and before long I returned to the gates, armed to the teeth.  I cleaved my way through the hordes, up the stairs and back to the square.  The citizens that remained held off the remainder of the beasts, and it appeared the battle was won.  And there I saw it.


    Over the gap came the largest of all the demons, a twisted abomination of no comparison.  It slew its way to the main gate, and turned to face us, the rest of the horde following in its wake.  I looked it in the eyes, and there knew the face of true evil.


    "Archers! Bring him down!" was the call, but it was of no use.


    He waded through the piles of dead monsters, making to destroy what was left of the defenders, but before he reached us, we charged.  We wounded him seven times, and he lost the use of his legs, tumbling to the ground.  I had but one arrow remaining.  I had to make it count.  I stood astride his face, drew the bow of my elders, and loosed the deadly point directly into his demonic brain.  The crowd cheered, the battle was won.  But I did not take the credit.  Some man named Oslo called himself the giant slayer, and I let him have his fun.  Glory is of no matter.


    These beasts will return.  And of that I am sure.  The man in the black mist foretold it.


    Faendal closes his journal and returns to his armor stand.  Removing the ancient elven pieces he places them in storage, bloodstained as they are.  And finally, when all has been done, he removes the bow from his back, and mounts it in its place on the wall.

  11. Upon the message boards of all nations of Anthos, a large flyer appears.  Beneath it hang many copies of a hand-drawn map of the entire island of Anthos, free for any passers by to take and/or edit.


    Greetings, people of Anthos.  It is my pleasure to announce the fruits of my latest sea voyage around the coasts, my first map of the entire island.  I apologize for its crudeness, however I am sure many of you out there possess skills to enhance what I have drawn, and to add inland details such as rivers, minor cities, lakes and the such.  And with that I give to you, Al'adan Map Version 1.0.


    ~Captain Faendal Al'adan

    Talaran Sailing Company


    EDIT: ((Attached is the base outline of the island for those of you that want it.  Updated versions will come in the future.  Also here: http://i.imgur.com/8Xt0EUh.jpg ))



  12. A notice hangs upon the message boards of Anthos, written in bright colors and large, eloquent handwriting.


    Attention Dukes and Duchesses, Lords and Ladies, Kings and Queens, clan leaders and landowners alike!


    I, Captain Faendal Al'adan, seek to purchase a tract of seaside land upon which to establish my company's compound.  This piece of land does not have to be large, nor does it have to be in any specific kingdom.  However, I would prefer that the land be flat, seeing as that would be much easier for my workers to build upon.  If you are interested, please send a bird to the below address, thank you.


    Captain Faendal Al'adan

    The Snapdragon, Abresi Naval Station

    Abresi, Kingdom of Oren


    The note is signed at the bottom, along with a portrait of the captain.


    ~Captain Faendal Al'adan

    Talaran Sailing Company



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