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Posts posted by Dopey1992

  1. ~*~


    Balrund sends a bird to all volunteers, stating:


    For yer euwneh int'rest, thes is not going teh be ay militareh expedition, but ay diplomatic un'.
    Nae heaveh weapons needed, t'ey would jus' slow us deuwn and wouldn't make nae guud impression en teh Caliph. 
    Et es bett'r tu bring diggin' tools aend sum builden' materials tu set up ay archaeological campsoite.
    Gifts fer teh Caliph would alseu be noice.


    Toime and date ef teh exp'dition will beh communicat'd shortleh.

    Eye'll be contacten' teh Caliph ferst tu notify 'em of our exp'dition.


    Kazahar, Balrund Treebeard, Treebeard representative in the Senate of Hammers. 

    Narvak oz Urguan



  2. When I logged today, something weird happened. 


    I can only see 80% of people's skins. The other 20% look like standard 'Steve' skins for me. 

    I logged in earlier today and didn't have any problems. 
    This seems to be an issue on my end since only I have the problem.

    Relogging/restarting the game didn't help. 

    I tried disabling my firewall, didn't change anything.

    This is really weird. Please help!

    If you need more information, just ask. 

  3. A bird leaves a message to the King. In neat handwriting, there can be read:




    Kazahar Thrummaz,


    I, Balrund Treebeard, would like to lead a small expeditionary force to the newly established Caliphate.

    Goals of this mission:


    1. Establish diplomatic relations with the Caliph.

    2. The construction of a small fortress in the mountains of Deus Proditor.  
    3. Do an archaeological examination of the area in search of precious materials.


    I would like to meet with you, Grand King, on this subject. 


    “Narvak oz Urguan, Narvak oz Yemekar, Narvak oz da Brathmordakin!”

    Balrund Treebeard







  4. I honestly think that a simple "Pick a job" system would be the easiest route.


    Then, people don't have to grind for what they want, people have special crafts, creating a need for co-operation, and for people like me, I don't have to waste my short, precious time on the server doing MC ****.


    It /works/. I know it works. I've seen it work. I know. It. works.


    Basically, you let people pick two jobs, and purposefully design the jobs so that, no matter what two you choose, you cannot have everything you need without the help of at least one other person.


    For example, a person plays a miner and a tool-smith (or just smith?). Neat, they can mine the material to make a tool and have the skills to actually make it. However, you need lumber for that which you can't get.


    Or you are a weapon and armor smith. Obviously, you have to buy materials to work, but those miners want weapons and armor, and they have to buy from you.


    The key is that you have each person have two professions, but each profession requires material/products from two different professions.


    That's just my opinion though.


    This is also my opinion on this subject. Makes more sense to me.

  5. A more realistic world planning. 

    As it is now, there are too much buildings/structures in crowded placed (Stone Road as an example). 
    For now, it feels like you are walking through one big town/city from Cloud Temple to Petrus. 
    I would like
    more extensive patches of wilderness, just to feel more immersed. There doesn't have to be a building every few meters.... Breaks the immersion for me a bit. 

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