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Posts posted by Jersey1996

  1. * A ton of posters are spread around all of the cloud temple.

    The posters say in nice big letters " SOME STUFF I WOULD LIKE TO SELL"

    It goes on to say " Hello there interested customer, My name is Ion. I currently have a few things id like to sell some of those things are listed below"


    " 9 Lapis Blocks "

    " 128 Iron Ore "

    " 64 Cooked Fish "

    " 1 Cake "

    " 5 Golden Apples "

    " If you are interested in any of these items please send a bird for me" (( Or you could reply below ))

    " Thank you for your time.

  2. * Posters are posted all about the cloud temple. They are full of exuberant colors that catch the eye. It says " Hello there, my name is Ion i am looking for a place to live and maybe a bit of work? If you have either one of these could u please send me a bird. Thank you for your time"

    - Signed Ion ((wwwarriors2002))

  3. * Ion posts flyers all over the Cloud Temple. The Flyer is very bright and easily catches the eye of any traveler. It reads " Hello there, My name is Ion, I am looking for a job of some sort. One that provides any amount of Minas or even a Place to stay. Im pretty desperate, but im a good worker who will do practically anything, listens to orders, and gets the job done no matter what it may be. If you have a job and have further questions send me a bird. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please consider me if you do have work. Thanks you.

    - Signed Ion (wwwarriors2002)"

    *The flyers are posted all about the Cloud Temple, they are neatly placed, and evenly spread apart.

  4. * Ion begins posting papers all over the cloud temple. They are cover in bright colored fonts, to catch the eye of a passerby. *

    *The paper reads " Hello there, yes you! This is Ion the Elf. I'm currently looking for a long term job in any field of work. I am faily new to this world but I am a very friendly person who takes orders well and is overall a good worker. If your like to hire me please send a Bird.

    Thank you ~ Ion " *

    *Ion finishes up posting the rest of his papers then exaustedly sits in the cloud temple awaiting a response. *

  5. * Walks around the cloud temple with a stack of papers in hand.* *I begin to post the papers all around*

    * The paper is packed with bright colors so it easily attracts some eyes* It reads as " Hello, Im currently looking for a job. Any sort of job. Im pretty much desperate. Currently i dont have many skills, but i am very FRIENDLY, I work well with OTHERS, and i take ORDERS WELL. If you have anything for me PLEASE feel free to pin a note below or send a bird addressed to the name Ion."

    -Signed Ion

    *Finishes posting the rest of the fliers and walks to a bench to rest and wait for a bit.*

  6. ((So what you want to do is emote posting a letter or your character yelling out about a job done like so *Blah blah yells* "I wish to find a job"))

    ((Also Peter he is a new player, you must explain a little more.))

    Sorry i was told to post here

  7. Out-Of-Character Details

    Well when I'm out of character i am a fun loving caring and very considerate person, im nice to anybody whos nice to me. I also love making friends just meeting new people in general.

    Minecraft Account Name: wwwarriors2002

    How old are you?: Im 16 years old, born April 18th, 1996

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time, United States

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes, considering i was born here.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Id like to say yes but not really. I only have done it one other time. This is why im signing up for your server because i loved RP when i did do it.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes i have, and yes i agree.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for a Role Playing server on random minecraft forums, and i came across this one.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: http://www.lordofthe...901#entry574901 http://www.lordofthe...709#entry574709

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is when a person gets in touch with their imagination and creates some sort of action packed/fantasy strictly for their own entertainment purposes. Basically its when someone looses touch with reality for a determined amount of time.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: when your character knows something that he shouldn't know because he has not found it out in Rp, such as were a hidden treasure is or were a Hidden enemy is.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: were your character dose things which may be impossible to do, or dose a move leaving the other player no chance to fight back.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Ion

    Character Race: Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Ion was born an orphan in the wonderful and beautiful elven land of Malinor, he never got a glimpse of his parents. Him being an orphan from the start had to develop skills to survive on his own. It is unknown to him whatever happened to his parents. Although Ion didn't have many friends as a young kid he did have an "older brother" not being related. His name was Onyx. He was the only person who ever cared for Ion. One day he was drafted and later Ion found out that he was killed. This devastated Ion he almost gave up till he remembered the kind words his older friend once said "Stand tall and be someone!" This gave Ion a new awakening and he pledged to help anyone in need of his services. From that day on he was as joyous as could be and he helped anyone that needed it. One day he seen an old women fall into the river, he rushed to save her. Almost not succeeding he glided and got her out just before she drowned. She thanked him and then he helped her home. They got to talking and she told him that he was much to young to be out on the street. She asked him his age. He replied he was only 13 and she said that he would be staying with her from now on. He agreed and that day they became family.

    They lived in peace for over a year, he still helped people in need of little jobs and errands. She gave him a nice warm bed and food. They loved each other. He seen her as if she were to be his mother. One day he went out as if it was any other day. The older women yelled out to him to be careful and come home before nightfall. He went off into the distance, the older women did her daily errands like clean up and cook. She ran out of sugar so she had to go to the market. On her way to the market out of nowhere she was shot with an arrow. As she lied there waiting to die, Ion returned and rushed to see she was dying. With tears in his eyes she told him "Stand tall and be someone". She died shortly after that. Shortly after that they found her murder and he was sentenced to death. Ion in a state which seamed like he gave up on everything remember what she said right before she passed. "stand tall and be someone"? How did she know this saying? he wondered. He had never mentioned Onyx to her. He thought about it for days and even months. Then he decided that he was done feeling sorry for himself and he was gonna "STAND TALL AND BE SOMEONE" as Onyx and the old women once said. He vowed to keep them in his memory forever, and to be someone important and make a name for himself beyond Malinor! Maybe He would like to travel and see what other places have in store for him.

    What are your characters ambitions?: My character wants to be someone and have his name known in this world!

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: http://s1275.photobucket.com/albums/y449/Jerseyzstar19/?action=view&current=ScreenShot2012-09-27at84132PM_zpsdf2df001.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No, i think i said all i can.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    Hey there, yes you. May i take a look at your wares? Doesn't seem you has anything i could use. Here take this (Gives a good amount of money as a donation). The Dwarf is overjoyed because i donated some money. He then proceeds to tell me how he owes me his life because he has to support a family and how iv helped him buy giving him the money. I just let him know that its quite okay and im honored he sees it as that but i was just being a good person. then i take off saying Goodbye enjoy. walks off and goes back on my way to where i was going.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    Runs over and yells at the dwarf to get behind me at first i try to calm the orc down. I tell him that we can sort out this mess and it will be fine. It doesnt seem to be working but im not giving up yet. I ask him why hes so mad and feels as if he should resort to violence? He doesnt listen at all it seems as if it went in one ear and out the other. I prepare myself to fight arming myself with my sword. He then runs off because he sees how well crafted my sword is and knows he would loose.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?:

    My character would walk over and help the old man up as it reminds him of his "mother" (the old women) on his feet then pick up all his coins for him and then help him to his destination as carefully as i could. The old man and i talk for a while until we reach his destination. i tell him my life story and about all the people iv cared about and them he tells me about what his life used to consist of. It was quiet amazing to hear all the stories he had to tell. He spoke of better times and younger lands it was so exciting. we reached his house and said our fairwells then i went on my way.


  8. Out-Of-Character Details

    Well when I'm out of character i am a fun loving caring and very considerate person, im nice to anybody whos nice to me. I also love making friends just meeting new people in general.

    Minecraft Account Name: wwwarriors2002

    How old are you?: Im 16 years old, born April 18th, 1996

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time, United States

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes, considering i was born here.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Id like to say yes but not really. I only have done it one other time. This is why im signing up for your server because i loved RP when i did do it.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes i have, and yes i agree.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for a Role Playing server on random minecraft forums, and i came across this one.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: http://www.lordofthe...901#entry574901 http://www.lordofthe...709#entry574709

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is when a person gets in touch with their imagination and creates some sort of action packed/fantasy strictly for their own entertainment purposes. Basically its when someone looses touch with reality for a determined amount of time.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: when your character knows something that he shouldn't know because he has not found it out in Rp, such as were a hidden treasure is or were a Hidden enemy is.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: were your character dose things which may be impossible to do, or dose a move leaving the other player no chance to fight back.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Ion

    Character Race: Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Ion was born an orphan in the wonderful and beautiful elven land of Malinor, he never got a glimpse of his parents. Him being an orphan from the start had to develop skills to survive on his own. It is unknown to him whatever happened to his parents. Although Ion didn't have many friends as a young kid he did have an "older brother" not being related. His name was Onyx. He was the only person who ever cared for Ion. One day he was drafted and later Ion found out that he was killed. This devastated Ion he almost gave up till he remembered the kind words his older friend once said "Stand tall and be someone!" This gave Ion a new awakening and he pledged to help anyone in need of his services. From that day on he was as joyous as could be and he helped anyone that needed it. One day he seen an old women fall into the river, he rushed to save her. Almost not succeeding he glided and got her out just before she drowned. She thanked him and then he helped her home. They got to talking and she told him that he was much to young to be out on the street. She asked him his age. He replied he was only 13 and she said that he would be staying with her from now on. He agreed and that day they became family.

    They lived in peace for over a year, he still helped people in need of little jobs and errands. She gave him a nice warm bed and food. They loved each other. He seen her as if she were to be his mother. One day he went out as if it was any other day. The older women yelled out to him to be careful and come home before nightfall. He went off into the distance, the older women did her daily errands like clean up and cook. She ran out of sugar so she had to go to the market. On her way to the market out of nowhere she was shot with an arrow. As she lied there waiting to die, Ion returned and rushed to see she was dying. With tears in his eyes she told him "Stand tall and be someone". She died shortly after that. Shortly after that they found her murder and he was sentenced to death. Ion in a state which seamed like he gave up on everything remember what she said right before she passed. "stand tall and be someone"? How did she know this saying? he wondered. He had never mentioned Onyx to her. He thought about it for days and even months. Then he decided that he was done feeling sorry for himself and he was gonna "STAND TALL AND BE SOMEONE" as Onyx and the old women once said. He vowed to keep them in his memory forever, and to be someone important and make a name for himself beyond Malinor! Maybe He would like to travel and see what other places have in store for him.

    What are your characters ambitions?: My character wants to be someone and have his name known in this world!

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: http://s1275.photobucket.com/albums/y449/Jerseyzstar19/?action=view&current=ScreenShot2012-09-27at84132PM_zpsdf2df001.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No, i think i said all i can.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    Hey there, yes you. May i take a look at your wares? Doesn't seem you has anything i could use. Here take this (Gives a good amount of money as a donation). The Dwarf is overjoyed because i donated some money. He then proceeds to tell me how he owes me his life because he has to support a family and how iv helped him buy giving him the money. I just let him know that its quite okay and im honored he sees it as that but i was just being a good person. then i take off saying Goodbye enjoy. walks off and goes back on my way to where i was going.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    Runs over and yells at the dwarf to get behind me at first i try to calm the orc down. I tell him that we can sort out this mess and it will be fine. It doesnt seem to be working but im not giving up yet. I ask him why hes so mad and feels as if he should resort to violence? He doesnt listen at all it seems as if it went in one ear and out the other. I prepare myself to fight arming myself with my sword. He then runs off because he sees how well crafted my sword is and knows he would loose.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?:

    My character would walk over and help the old man up as it reminds him of his "mother" (the old women) on his feet then pick up all his coins for him and then help him to his destination as carefully as i could. The old man and i talk for a while until we reach his destination. i tell him my life story and about all the people iv cared about and them he tells me about what his life used to consist of. It was quiet amazing to hear all the stories he had to tell. He spoke of better times and younger lands it was so exciting. we reached his house and said our fairwells then i went on my way.

  9. Out-Of-Character Details

    Well when I'm out of character i am a fun loving caring and very considerate person, im nice to anybody whos nice to me. I also love making friends just meeting new people in general.

    Minecraft Account Name: wwwarriors2002

    How old are you?: Im 16 years old, born April 18th, 1996

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time, United States

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes, considering i was born here.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Id like to say yes but not really. I only have done it one other time. This is why im signing up for your server because i loved RP when i did do it.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes i have, and yes i agree.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for a Role Playing server on random minecraft forums, and i came across this one.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: http://www.lordofthe...901#entry574901 http://www.lordofthe...709#entry574709

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is when a person gets in touch with their imagination and creates some sort of action packed/fantasy strictly for their own entertainment purposes. Basically its when someone looses touch with reality for a determined amount of time.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: when your character knows something that he shouldn't know because he has not found it out in Rp, such as were a hidden treasure is or were a Hidden enemy is.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: were your character dose things which may be impossible to do, or dose a move leaving the other player no chance to fight back.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Ion

    Character Race: Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Ion was born an orphan in the wonderful and beautiful elven land of Malinor, he never got a glimpse of his parents. Him being an orphan from the start had to develop skills to survive on his own. It is unknown to him whatever happened to his parents. Although Ion didn't have many friends as a young kid he did have an "older brother" not being related. His name was Onyx. He was the only person who ever cared for Ion. One day he was drafted and later Ion found out that he was killed. This devastated Ion he almost gave up till he remembered the kind words his older friend once said "Stand tall and be someone!" This gave Ion a new awakening and he pledged to help anyone in need of his services. From that day on he was as joyous as could be and he helped anyone that needed it. One day he seen an old women fall into the river, he rushed to save her. Almost not succeeding he glided and got her out just before she drowned. She thanked him and then he helped her home. They got to talking and she told him that he was much to young to be out on the street. She asked him his age. He replied he was only 13 and she said that he would be staying with her from now on. He agreed and that day they became family.

    They lived in peace for over a year, he still helped people in need of little jobs and errands. She gave him a nice warm bed and food. They loved each other. He seen her as if she were to be his mother. One day he went out as if it was any other day. The older women yelled out to him to be careful and come home before nightfall. He went off into the distance, the older women did her daily errands like clean up and cook. She ran out of sugar so she had to go to the market. On her way to the market out of nowhere she was shot with an arrow. As she lied there waiting to die, Ion returned and rushed to see she was dying. With tears in his eyes she told him "Stand tall and be someone". She died shortly after that. Shortly after that they found her murder and he was sentenced to death. Ion in a state which seamed like he gave up on everything remember what she said right before she passed. "stand tall and be someone"? How did she know this saying? he wondered. He had never mentioned Onyx to her. He thought about it for days and even months. Then he decided that he was done feeling sorry for himself and he was gonna "STAND TALL AND BE SOMEONE" as Onyx and the old women once said. He vowed to keep them in his memory forever, and to be someone important and make a name for himself beyond Malinor! Maybe He would like to travel and see what other places have in store for him.

    What are your characters ambitions?: My character wants to be someone and have his name known in this world!

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: http://s1275.photobucket.com/albums/y449/Jerseyzstar19/?action=view&current=ScreenShot2012-09-27at74645PM_zpscbb4b3c6.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No, i think i said all i can.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    Hey there, yes you. May i take a look at your wares? Doesn't seem you has anything i could use. Here take this (Gives a good amount of money as a donation). The Dwarf is overjoyed because i donated some money. He then proceeds to tell me how he owes me his life because he has to support a family and how iv helped him buy giving him the money. I just let him know that its quite okay and im honored he sees it as that but i was just being a good person. then i take off saying Goodbye enjoy. walks off and goes back on my way to where i was going.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    Runs over and yells at the dwarf to get behind me at first i try to calm the orc down. I tell him that we can sort out this mess and it will be fine. It doesnt seem to be working but im not giving up yet. I ask him why hes so mad and feels as if he should resort to violence? He doesnt listen at all it seems as if it went in one ear and out the other. I prepare myself to fight arming myself with my sword. He then runs off because he sees how well crafted my sword is and knows he would loose.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?:

    My character would walk over and help the old man up as it reminds him of his "mother" (the old women) on his feet then pick up all his coins for him and then help him to his destination as carefully as i could. The old man and i talk for a while until we reach his destination. i tell him my life story and about all the people iv cared about and them he tells me about what his life used to consist of. It was quiet amazing to hear all the stories he had to tell. He spoke of better times and younger lands it was so exciting. we reached his house and said our fairwells then i went on my way.

  10. Out-Of-Character Details

    Well when I'm out of character i am a fun loving caring and very considerate person, im nice to anybody whos nice to me. I also love making friends just meeting new people in general.

    Minecraft Account Name: wwwarriors2002

    How old are you?: Im 16 years old, born April 18th, 1996

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time, United States

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes, considering i was born here.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Id like to say yes but not really. I only have done it one other time. This is why im signing up for your server because i loved RP when i did do it.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes i have, and yes i agree.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for a Role Playing server on random minecraft forums, and i came across this one.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/71367-registration-application/page__p__574901#entry574901 http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/71346-registration-application/page__p__574709#entry574709

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is when a person gets in touch with their imagination and creates some sort of action packed/fantasy strictly for their own entertainment purposes. Basically its when someone looses touch with reality for a determined amount of time.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: when your character knows something that he shouldn't know because he has not found it out in Rp, such as were a hidden treasure is or were a Hidden enemy is.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: were your character dose things which may be impossible to do, or dose a move leaving the other player no chance to fight back.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Ion

    Character Race: Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Ion was born an orphan, he never got a glimpse of his parents. Him being an orphan from the start had to develop skills to survive on his own. It is unknown to him whatever happened to his parents. Although Ion didn't have many friends as a young kid he did have an "older brother" not being related. His name was Onyx. He was the only person who ever cared for Ion. One day he was drafted and later Ion found out that he was killed. This devastated Ion he almost gave up till he remembered the kind words his older friend once said "Stand tall and be someone!" This gave Ion a new awakening and he pledged to help anyone in need of his services. From that day on he was as joyous as could be and he helped anyone that needed it. One day he seen an old women fall into the river, he rushed to save her. Almost not succeeding he glided and got her out just before she drowned. She thanked him and then he helped her home. They got to talking and she told him that he was much to young to be out on the street. She asked him his age. He replied he was only 13 and she said that he would be staying with her from now on. He agreed and that day they became family.

    They lived in peace for over a year, he still helped people in need of little jobs and errands. She gave him a nice warm bed and food. They loved each other. He seen her as if she were to be his mother. One day he went out as if it was any other day. The older women yelled out to him to be careful and come home before nightfall. He went off into the distance, the older women did her daily errands like clean up and cook. She ran out of sugar so she had to go to the market. On her way to the market out of nowhere she was shot with an arrow. As she lied there waiting to die, Ion returned and rushed to see she was dying. With tears in his eyes she told him "Stand tall and be someone". She died shortly after that. Shortly after that they found her murder and he was sentenced to death. Ion in a state which seamed like he gave up on everything remember what she said right before she passed. "stand tall and be someone"? How did she know this saying? he wondered. He had never mentioned Onyx to her. He thought about it for days and even months. Then he decided that he was done feeling sorry for himself and he was gonna "STAND TALL AND BE SOMEONE" as Onyx and the old women once said. He vowed to keep them in his memory forever, and to be someone important and make a name for himself!

    What are your characters ambitions?: My character wants to be someone and have his name known in this world!

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: http://s1246.photobu...zpsb0780ae1.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No, i think i said all i can.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? Hey there, yes you. May i take a look at your wares? Doesn't seem you has anything i could use. Here take this (Gives a good amount of money as a donation). The Dwarf is overjoyed because i donated some money. He then proceeds to tell me how he owes me his life because he has to support a family and how iv helped him buy giving him the money. I just let him know that its quite okay and im honored he sees it as that but i was just being a good person. then i take off saying Goodbye enjoy. walks off and goes back on my way to where i was going.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? Runs over and yells at the dwarf to get behind me at first i try to calm the orc down. I tell him that we can sort out this mess and it will be fine. It doesnt seem to be working but im not giving up yet. I ask him why hes so mad and feels as if he should resort to violence? He doesnt listen at all it seems as if it went in one ear and out the other. I prepare myself to fight arming myself with my sword. He then runs off because he sees how well crafted my sword is and knows he would loose.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?: My character would walk over and help the old man up as it reminds him of his "mother" (the old women) on his feet then pick up all his coins for him and then help him to his destination as carefully as i could. The old man and i talk for a while until we reach his destination. i tell him my life story and about all the people iv cared about and them he tells me about what his life used to consist of. It was quiet amazing to hear all the stories he had to tell. He spoke of better times and younger lands it was so exciting. we reached his house and said our fairwells then i went on my way.

  11. Out-Of-Character Details

    Well when I'm out of character i am a fun loving caring and very considerate person, im nice to anybody whos nice to me. I also love making friends just meeting new people in general.

    Minecraft Account Name: wwwarriors2002

    How old are you?: Im 16 years old, born April 18th, 1996

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time, United States

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes, considering i was born here.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Id like to say yes but not really. I only have done it one other time. This is why im signing up for your server because i loved RP when i did do it.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes i have, and yes i agree.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for a Role Playing server on random minecraft forums, and i came across this one.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: None.

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is when a person gets in touch with their imagination and creates some sort of action packed/fantasy strictly for their own entertainment purposes. Basically its when someone looses touch with reality for a determined amount of time.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: when your character knows something that he shouldn't know because he has not found it out in Rp, such as were a hidden treasure is or were a Hidden enemy is.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: were your character dose things which may be impossible to do, or dose a move leaving the other player no chance to fight back.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Ion

    Character Race: Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Ion was born an orphan, he never got a glimpse of his parents. Him being an orphan from the start had to develop skills to survive on his own. It is unknown to him whatever happened to his parents. Although Ion didn't have many friends as a young kid he did have an "older brother" not being related. His name was Onyx. He was the only person who ever cared for Ion. One day he was drafted and later Ion found out that he was killed. This devastated Ion he almost gave up till he remembered the kind words his older friend once said "Stand tall and be someone!" This gave Ion a new awakening and he pledged to help anyone in need of his services. From that day on he was as joyous as could be and he helped anyone that needed it. One day he seen an old women fall into the river, he rushed to save her. Almost not succeeding he glided and got her out just before she drowned. She thanked him and then he helped her home. They got to talking and she told him that he was much to young to be out on the street. She asked him his age. He replied he was only 13 and she said that he would be staying with her from now on. He agreed and that day they became family.

    They lived in peace for over a year, he still helped people in need of little jobs and errands. She gave him a nice warm bed and food. They loved each other. He seen her as if she were to be his mother. One day he went out as if it was any other day. The older women yelled out to him to be careful and come home before nightfall. He went off into the distance, the older women did her daily errands like clean up and cook. She ran out of sugar so she had to go to the market. On her way to the market out of nowhere she was shot with an arrow. As she lied there waiting to die, Ion returned and rushed to see she was dying. With tears in his eyes she told him "Stand tall and be someone". She died shortly after that. Shortly after that they found her murder and he was sentenced to death. Ion in a state which seamed like he gave up on everything remember what she said right before she passed. "stand tall and be someone"? How did she know this saying? he wondered. He had never mentioned Onyx to her. He thought about it for days and even months. Then he decided that he was done feeling sorry for himself and he was gonna "STAND TALL AND BE SOMEONE" as Onyx and the old women once said. He vowed to keep them in his memory forever, and to be someone important and make a name for himself!

    What are your characters ambitions?: My character wants to be someone and have his name known in this world!

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: http://s1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg611/jerseyzstar1996/?action=view&current=ScreenShot2012-09-21at63126PM_zpsb0780ae1.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No, i think i said all i can.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? Hey there, yes you. May i take a look at your wares? Doesn't seem you has anything i could use. Here take this (Gives a good amount of money as a donation). The Dwarf is overjoyed because i donated some money. He then proceeds to tell me how he owes me his life because he has to support a family and how iv helped him buy giving him the money. I just let him know that its quite okay and im honored he sees it as that but i was just being a good person. then i take off saying Goodbye enjoy. walks off and goes back on my way to where i was going.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? Runs over and yells at the dwarf to get behind me at first i try to calm the orc down. I tell him that we can sort out this mess and it will be fine. It doesnt seem to be working but im not giving up yet. I ask him why hes so mad and feels as if he should resort to violence? He doesnt listen at all it seems as if it went in one ear and out the other. I prepare myself to fight arming myself with my sword. He then runs off because he sees how well crafted my sword is and knows he would loose.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?: My character would walk over and help the old man up as it reminds him of his "mother" (the old women) on his feet then pick up all his coins for him and then help him to his destination as carefully as i could. The old man and i talk for a while until we reach his destination. i tell him my life story and about all the people iv cared about and them he tells me about what his life used to consist of. It was quiet amazing to hear all the stories he had to tell. He spoke of better times and younger lands it was so exciting. we reached his house and said our fairwells then i went on my way.

  12. Out-Of-Character Details

    Well when I'm out of character i am a fun loving caring and very considerate person, im nice to anybody whos nice to me. I also love making friends just meeting new people in general.

    Minecraft Account Name: wwwarriors2002

    How old are you?: Im 16 years old, born April 18th, 1996

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern Standard Time, United States

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes, considering i was born here.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Id like to say yes but not really. I only have done it one other time. This is why im signing up for your server because i loved RP when i did do it.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes i have, and yes i agree.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I was searching for a Role Playing server on random minecraft forums, and i came across this one.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: None.

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is when a person gets in touch with their imagination and creates some sort of action packed/fantasy strictly for their own entertainment purposes. Basically its when someone looses touch with reality for a determined amount of time.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Im pretty sure meta gaming is when there is some sort of strategical RP going on.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: Trying to take over plot of a story and throwing it out of whack.

    In-Character Details

    Well like iv said before i havent done this very much but if i was in character id like to not break out of it for no reason and begin to make myself feel as to if i was actually my character and were running around and doing as my character does.

    Character Name: Ion

    Character Race: Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary: As Ion was born into this world not knowing who was his parents were. He's been on his own for a very long time. Long enough to know how to fend for himself. He hasn't been very many places considering he is an orphan and is very cautious of his surroundings. He is not a leader nor a follower he simply wants to just exist.

    Ion is currently 16 years old. He is a very androgynous looking young boy. He has long dark brown hair with streaks of blonde in it. His alabaster skin is smooth to the touch. Crystal blue eyes. His favorite colors are white, black, clear, and turquoise. His overall appearance is very feminine. He one day dreams to locate his parents or at least find out what happened to them. He treats his friends with the upmost respect and care. Takes orders well and is very friendly and shy all at the same time.

    What are your characters ambitions?: My character just wishes to exist but one day he wants to find out what ever happened to his parents.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here: Couldn't figure out how to do this sorry

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: No, i think i said all i can.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? Hey there, yes you. May i take a look at your wares? Doesn't seem you has anything i could use. Here take this (Gives a good amount of money as a donation). Goodbye enjoy. walks off and goes back on my way to where i was going.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? Runs over and yes at the dwarf to get behind me at first i try to calm the orc down but if all else fails i must be ready to fight.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?: My character would walk over and help the old man up on his feet then pick up all his coins for him and then help him to his destination as carefully as i could. Then make sure he got home alright.

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