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Posts posted by Ryski

  1. Given name(RP name):

    Tybaro Carthos

    (Skype name if you have one): 


    True name(MC name): 




    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?): 

    Magic? Nay. Tha' stuff way beyon' me head.

    If so what form of magic ye use?:


    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?:

    Adventure? Aye, who doesn' like adventure? Knowledge? I'm lackin' some o' tha', so it would be appreciated. Companionship? Sure, ah' make friend's easy e'nuff.


    All applying will be apply for the applicant position.
    However should you pass that stage what profession might you take on?
    Note that if you want to learn magic you must speak to a Delver Arcanist

    It be tha' pathfinder fer' me.


    What combat skills have ye? 

    I can't swing a sword fer half a mina, buh' me bow 'n' arrow skills couldn' be better.

    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye

    would respond:


    1.) You come across a massive ruin of ancient design,

    strange sounds and lights emanate from within.

    Tybaro raises an eyebrow and stares at the curious structure for a while. Many things are going theough his head, such as:


    "Wha' kinda magicall stuff could be hidden inside there?"

    And: "Wha' the fewk is makin' all those annoying noises?"

    He shrugs, silently asks the creator to grant him good luck, and steps forward into the ruin. He notices many strange scripts and curious designs. Bow drawn and moving in his crouched stance, Tybaro cautiously walks deeper into the ruin. His face says that all the strange scirpts means something to him, but Tybaro has learnt to naturally mask his thoughts. In all honesty, Tybaro hasn't the single clue what's going on. The strange noises, the funny glows, and the eerie feeling makes Tybaro decide to leave and come back later with more knowledgable company.


    2.)While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures

    in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out

    what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".

    Tybaro is sitting down drinking his ale and eating a fresh loaf of bread when his acute ears prick up at the word "artifact". Tybaro's expression makes it clear that something has interested and surprised him, but only for a split second. He takes control over his automatic muscle reactions and changes his expression back to the normal, almsot bored looking Tybaro. I didn't take long for him to figure out the word came from directly behind him, where he noticed two dark hooded individuals sitting at a table when he entered. Tybaro now has his face turned down at his food, but his ears trying to get as much information as possible out of the murmered sounds of the two figures over the loud noise of the bar. Tybaro manages to catch something gaga about secret magical ruins, powerful artifacts, and possibly something about a wizard. This all being beyond the head of Tybaro.


    After he finishes his drink and his bread, Tybaro gets up, hands over the minas and thanks the bar owner. On his way out, Tybaro takes note of the two hooded figures and the scarce facial features he can make out under the dark hoods. Just like every other time Tybaro finds something unusual, he takes out his paper and charcoal and roughly sketches the two figures and all the features he can remember. He scribbles in what he remembers from the snippets of conversation he caught, then adds it to his collection of drwaings of curious people.


    Tybaro takes note that the word "magic" keeps getting used in such a serious sense, and he strives to learn more.


    3.)Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a

    masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a


    Tybaro sighs. Probably another poor wizard being mistaken for an evil person. Why the mages couldn't just use their supreme powers to fend off these threats was a quetion that mistified Tybaro. Nevertheless, Tybaro sucks up his courage and decides to do a good thing for once in his life. He taps the man with the sword on the back lightly.

    The man turns around, and looks at him with an angry face. "Wha'?" is all he says. Tybaro replies with a sort of I-don't-like-being-nice-but I-have-to expression "Why're ye' threatning this man?".

    "'Cos' e's a necromancer, tha's why! Jus' look at him. Ye' a necromancer too, huh? Or like a... A friend o' one! Huh?!"

    Tybaro instnatly knows from that sentence that this man was certainly of an intelligence lower than his.

    "Nay... Buh' e's clearly noh' a necromancer. Jus' a kindly old mage from the college, righ'?" The hooded man nods.


    The man, clearly aggravated, throws his sword down and charges at Tybaro. Tybaro knows he can't fight him, being much larger, so he decides to go for an easier route. The man tackles Tybaro to the ground, and as they wrestle on the floor, Tybaro reaches into the man's pockets and slyly takes small pouch of minas. Tybaro holds it for a while, then manages to break free and stand up. Quickly, Tybaro holds out the pouch by the end, and hovers it over the nearby well. The man notices what Tybaro had done, and barks at him "Gimme back me' fewkin' minas!". Tybaro replies "Only if ye' geh' lost. If noh' then it's down the well." The man stares at Tybaro for a little while, then decides to give in. He walks up, snatches the the pouch of minas, and walks off grunting to himself.


    The mage thanks Tybaro despite being rather surprised at what just happened. Tybaro only smiles and walks off, inspecting his well earned minas. About a mile off, an angry man screams at realising his pouch of minas is now a pouch of dirt.

  2. Calin climbs the long and windy steps to the Mages Guild once again, after two or so years. He huffs and puffs as he reaches the top, noticing the familiar large iron gate, and to his displeasure, no one to great him. He sighs, letting out a long trail of frosty air, and sits down preparing for his long wait. He pulls out a book and opens somewhere just over half-way, then immerses himself in the "Lore and History of Asulon".

  3. Calin lies on his bed in the now crowded tower of the Arcane Delvers, observing an interesting book he found in the local library. As he looks up from the book, he notices a post signed by the mindlord, Polgrath. He steps up, and begins to read the post.


    Calin smiles a small, serious smile, as he finished reading. He turns around, putting his book away into his leather bag, and unsheathes his long bastard-sword.


    He quickly finds a grindstone and a training dummy.

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