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Posts posted by JunoStriker

  1. "I-I still do..." she replies softly with a nod, fishing into her pouch and producing the ring. She isn't one to get rid of things like these. "...W-we never h-had... a r-real wedding, t-though... but w-we lived like... a m-married couple, a-anyway..." She sighs softly, closing her fingers around the ring, pursing her lips.

  2. "I-I'm glad... I-I could s-see you ag-gain~" Thankfully, she's used to the cold in general. She looks up as Ryn approaches, smiling and leaving Prishe to talk with Daniella.

    "R-Ryn~" Sherria hugs her back with a contented sigh. "I-I'm glad you c-could make it~" She pulls away to look her over carefully. "I-is everyone e-else well? I-I haven't s-seen them... in s-so long..."

  3. Sherria squeaks as the whole thing unfolds before her, just watching in disbelief. "...D-D-Dani???" She winces as Illah tries to kick Daniel, unsure of how to respond. In the end, she can't help but let out a short laugh and a sniffle. Somehow, this makes her feel... nostalgic. She tries to hug the apparition, unsure if she really can, but Nether is she going to try. "...I-I've missed y-you..." she whispers softly.

  4. "Mi wull bi fyne, Auntee...she'z-" Sharp cracking can be heard in the air, as if glass is starting to crack and fall apart. "hrm..." She glances up at the sky.


    Sherria follows her gaze, saying nothing for the time being. She can't be sure, but... She remains silent, just nodding quietly to Illah, content with just gently keeping the hug for now. Even if it was her, what would she say? What would she do? Carver tells her to worry about it after the wedding is over, and she nods to nobody in particular, forcing a small smile.


    "Dey iz horribul, aktuleh...agh..." grimaces, glancing up at gathering storm clouds, then back to Sherria. "Momo haz bin hauntin mi, mi tinkz...eidur dat ur mi iz gun crayzeh wid greef..." Sighs. "Agh mi nub ebun kayur abaowt Danyul." She chuckles. "hi'z prubableh az hozh az ahneewun on diz zkahin continent fur lat, prubableh bettah den dem awl sinze momo nub lungur teknikulleh abul tu bi wid lat..."


    A growling thunder echoes from the clouds. "yeezh..."


    "D-Dani..." She looks down sadly, pursing her lips. "...W-w-will you... b-b-be alr-right, l-little one...?" Despite the obvious size difference, she can't help but refer to Illah that way, seeing her as her daughter. "...W-will D-Dani be alr-right...?"

    Carver observes the cloudy skies. Not exactly a great omen, especially on a wedding day... No, don't fawking jinx it. She listens for now, not too happy that Sherria's mood had to be spoiled like that... but she had to face this sometime.

  6. "I-Illah~" She reaches up to hug the uruk tightly. "I-I've missed you s-so... I-I'm glad y-you're... a-alright..." She smiles weakly, pulling away a bit to talk properly without actually letting go. "...I-I know... y-you don't app-pprove of D-Daniel... a-and I'm s-sorry... I-I just h-hope... D-Dani can f-forgive me..." She holds the small smile, sniffling a bit from both the happiness of the occasion and the memory of her old flame. "...H-how are t-things...?" She would try to start a conversation with her, not having seen her for such a long time. So much to catch up on.

    Carver has an inkling that Dani might be around... Who is she kidding. If she could be around, she would. There's no stopping that crazy woman. She sighs internally, intent on staying inside for a good long while. No reason to be out, and Sherria wants to experience every moment of her pregnancy.


  7. Sherria wraps an arm around Prishe with a soft giggle, planting a kiss on her head. "S-so am I, l-little one~" she agrees, giving Prishe a gentle squeeze. "G-go ahead, I-I'm sure your f-friends... a-are around here s-somewhere~" She takes a look about at the attendees, meekly bowing her thanks at whoever makes eye-contact with her.

  8. Sherria takes the letter from her secluded spot in the mountains, tilting her head as she goes to read the message. She blinks a few times as she reads, staring at the paper for a long while.

    After some time, she finally starts writing a response, looking rather downcast.

    "Dear Ryn, or should I say Katie?

    It seems that you're leaving for somewhere. I know that I will miss you, little one. Please, promise me that you will be happy too. I'm sorry I couldn't be around more often, but I'm glad to see you have lots of friends and family with you. Be safe, Katie, Carver and I will always love you.

    Love, Sherria and Carver."

    Sherria lets out a soft sigh, re-reading her message once more. She wished she could be there... She sniffles a bit and folds the paper up, attaching it to the waiting bird and sending it off. Nether, she's getting too old for this sort of thing...

  9. There's a time and place for everything, I suppose. As much as there are PvP fighters that are item hungry and there are RP fighters that impose powergamey emotes to their advantage, there are also PvP fighters who merely want little to no hassle in combat RP, and RP fighters who seek pure roleplay enjoyment. Both have their ugly sides, and unfortunately, that's the side that we're focusing on a lot.

    Sometimes it's not about the actual method of fighting, it's the motive behind it.

  10. Sherria hesitates before meekly stepping up. She bows respectfully to Daniel, her eyes already stained with tears. She takes a deep breath, somehow managing to gather herself enough to talk.

    "...I-I'm... s-sorry for your l-loss, Daniel..." She pauses again to keep herself from outright crying. "...I-I'm Sherria... a-and I've kn-known your f-father... f-for quite s-some time..."

    "...H-he was... a v-very selfless m-man... O-one who w-would... r-risk his h-happiness and s-safety... f-for those h-he cares about... even i-if it m-meant doing h-horrible things... a-and being l-labelled as evil..."

    "...H-he loved... t-teasing me and C-Carver..." she says softly with a faint, teary-eyed smile. "...I-I'm happy that... C-Carver had s-someone... she could t-talk to... s-spend time with... S-she will m-miss him, I'm s-sure, even though she... w-won't admit it..."

    She pauses, pressing her scarf to her face to hold herself back, taking in a deep breath.

    "...I-I'm sorry... H-he's done s-so much for m-me and Carver... I-I only w-wish... I-I could've d-done more for h-him... Be p-proud of your f-father, Daniel... H-he was... a g-great man... even if o-others d-didn't know it..."


    She chokes a little, letting out a soft sob as she closes her eyes, unable to hold back her tears anymore. Carver doesn't step in, for some reason, leaving Sherria to cry for a bit.

  11. Sherria steps up to the grave, kneeling down in front of it. Rather, falling to her knees heavily. "...P-Prishe... M-my little one..." she whimpers, trailing a hand over the gravestone. "...I-I'm... s-so, so sorry... I-I couldn't... p-protect you..." She cringes, fighting back an emotional meltdown. The tears are out of her control. "...I-I only h-hope... you went... w-without any r-regrets...!" Her pitch rises as she gets choked up, placing a hand on her mouth and squeezing her eyes shut.
    Carver exhales, lowering the hand as she composes herself, using her scarf to wipe her face. "...Prishe." she whispers, though her voice is shaky. She tries to find more words to say, but nothing escapes her open lips. What kind of mother was she? Was there really nothing she could do? Will she, too, destroy Sherria this way one day?

    Carver rises to her feet slowly. The familiar pain of heartbreak still roars inside her. She knows that it won't go away. She knows that every heartbreak doesn't make the next any easier. But Sherria must move on, even though Carver might never be able to.

    She pulls out a large cookie from her pocket, laying it down on the grave. Prishe's favourite. Homemade, with blood, sweat, and a lot of tears. With that, she turns around, trying to look as stoic as possible to whoever is looking, walking off into the distance.

    She had cried for days until her body had no tears left. Yet, a hundred steps away from the grave, new tears sprung forth from her heart. She weeps softly, her scarf hiding her pitiful look and muffling her words, lost to the winds forever.

    "I love you."

  12. Carver looks down at the note on the ground. Littering. She bends down to pick it up and throw it away. Maybe if she cleaned away enough litter, Zaint Grugolas will-

    She grunts in surprise as the paper resists, almost falling over.
    "The f-" She blinks, looking it over. Who the Nether nails messages onto the ground?!

  13. Carver lays on the ground, face down, looking incredibly disheartened. "Fracking frick frack..." she grumbles, not even willing to swear. "...Need... to keep... doing good deeds..." she groans in exasperation, forcing herself to her feet again with the occasional twitch. Who knew that doing good things was so incredibly difficult? How much longer will her torture continue?


    That's what you get for putting your other half on the naughty list...

  14. Sherria (JunoStriker) ponders over this for some time before scribbling a reply.


    "I'd like a cookbook, or a book on medicine/healing, please. -Sherria"


    Carver frowns a little internally. What a waste of a perfectly good wish. Not that she expects this mysterious person to come through, anyway.

  15. Sherria had been watching for some time. Seems like something fun to do~ Carver, on the other hand, feels as though this is some sort of scam. Eh, no matter, it doesn't cost anything, so what the Nether. She shuffles into the line, patiently waiting for her turn.

    "....U-um..." she squeaks meekly once she's at the front, bowing her greeting to the woman. "....I-I... W-w-what does... m-my future h-hold for me...?" She shifts her gaze down, going a little red, knowing her question is kinda vague.


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