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Posts posted by Addled

  1. MC Name: Adelle

    Character's Name: Yaoyan

    Character's Age: 25


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Fei'Zhu (Hou'zi)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Religions of the Hou-Zi

    The Hou-Zi have two main faiths, Shenjiao and Hua'Jiao.

    The eldest of the two faiths is called Shenjiao and focuses around the worship of the immortal god king called Hou-Shen as well as his three sons. This religion follows a tiered worship system with Hou-Shen at the top, with the most worship from his followers and his sons (Hou Da, Hou-Xia and Hou-wang behind him. Similarly to Hou-shen, they are also believed to have shed their mortal forms and have ascended into immortal ones. Each of the sons represent the sub-races as well as elements and embodiments. Hou Da represents the Hei-Zhu, the element of stability, patience and strength as well as the embodiment of earth. Hou-Xiao represents the Fei'Zhu, water as well as the elements of dexterity, healing and gentleness. The third, eldest son Hou-Wang represents the Laobai-Zhu, air and the elements of freedom, adaptability and conviction. 

    Shenjiao believes in an immortal plane where ancestral spirits live in the kingdom of Heaven that Hou-Shen rules over. With this belief, Hou-zi that participate in worship of Shenjiao often ask these spirits for advice or blessings in order to overcome their problems. The afterlife is intensely important and as a result, ghosts are highly respected. 

    The second belief system, Hua'Jiao is a doctrine that gained popularity among the lower class of the Hou-zi. Unlike Shenjiao, this system doesn't' focus on a god king but instead a nobleman who outlined a path that Hou'zi should follow in order to achieve enlightenment as well as an understanding of the set of actualities that define the nature of existence. Seeing as it completely disregards the validity and strength of the God King belief system of Shenjiao, it was promptly banned through the empire. When the empire fell and Hou Shen vanished, the banning lost its strength and the followers of this faith were able to practice in public again.  

    Yaoyan is a follower of Hua'Jiao despite the historic expectation that he would be a follower Shenjiao. 

    Chosen Sub-race

    Fei'Zhu are the most graceful (and beautiful) out of the rest of the tribes. Their fur can be any color of the rainbow and historically, they were part of the noble class but were part of the minority. They were also devout to Hou-Shen, with most of the sub-race taking up the mantle and deciding to become priests to spread the belief in the God-King's absence. The weakest out of all of the sub-races, Fei-zhu make up for their lack of physical strength with their agility. They focus mostly on jobs and tasks that require thought, avoiding most tasks that revolve around physical exertion however if the job requires skill, like blacksmithing, then it is also a worthy pursuit for a Fei'Zhu.  

    History of the Hou-zi

    The origins of the Hou-zi follow the Daemon Metzli in her pursuit to find a species capable of being suitable servants that would act upon her will. This was before she decided to create the Kharajyr, making the Hou'zi her test in giving beasts sentience and allowing them to be the vessels of her will. She first gave the alpha out of the primate group sentience, allowing him to grow strong and into a form that mimicked the current races. This first sentient monkey was Hou-Shen, the god king.  Allowed to thrive and grow their civilization, Metztli gave Hou Shen the order to grow his empire and take over the rest of the civilizations. 

    The first war with the rest of the civilizations went well until a moment of greed and miscalculation led the Hou'zi to attack Malin after several peace treaties, ending with Hou-shen's apparent death and the retreat of Hou'zi armies. Afterward, most of the territory claimed by the Hou'zi during their conquest was claimed and they were restricted to their own city. An old god, called the Poison, kicked the Hou'zi while they were down, plaguing them with sickness and killing many of them off, forcing them to retreat into the jungles. 

    Angry that an old god had basically ruined her project, Metztli reclaimed Hou'shen's soul and brought him back to life, reforming him into a white furred, golden eyed, and red tailed Hou'zi. Reborn, and sent back to his people, he became the beacon of hope and reconstructed his capital. Feeling hopeful and ready to win against the elves, they started another attack but unfortunately did not calculate the evolutionary advantage that the elves would have had technologically while they were forced to live in the jungle and not develop their weapons. In addition, the elves were now seperated between dark, high and wood and the Hou'zi were forced to split their already small armies into three to fight them all, putting them at another disadvantage. When the sons of Hou'shen were killed in battle, Hou shen retreated in grief (as the rumors say) and the Hou'zi army was pulled back to their cities. The treaty made after the war states that the Hou'zi would be allowed to live but they can no longer build anywhere other than their original city and cannot leave the jungles of the Asul. 

    After that, the Jade Wars, a series of internal property battles between the nobles that ended up killing several Hou'zi and summoning the Poison old god once again to take them out, led to Hou' Shen getting frustrated and just quitting the Hou'zi entirely, walking into the jungle and never coming back. Even once the Hou'zi stopped their fighting, motivated by the disappearance of their God-king and the complete collapse of their civilization, Hou shen did not return and still hasn't. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Ja'Lorei / 113

    Character’s Race:


    What magic/s did you learn?:
    All of Muun-Trivazja

    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:

    I was taught the magic a few years ago. I was taught by Benboboy who was Ja'Natayshi at the time. I was one among three of the priests that he was teaching at the time. 

    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:

    Moon Gazer
    Using the power bestowed by Metztli to see visions of the past, present or future.

    Lunar Harbinger
    A power that allows you to manipulate an easy to control blue flame. 

    Twilight Priest
    The power to reverse or accelerate time in a select area. This can be used for injuries and for areas outside. 

    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype:


    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:

  3. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Ja'Lorei / 113

    Character’s Race:


    What magic will you be learning?:

    Muun'Trivazja - Moon Gazer, Lunar Harbringer and Twilight Priest

    Who will be teaching you?:
    I was taught a while ago by Benboboy. 

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:
    I am not. 

    I was a long time Muun'Trivazja user and I hadn't renewed my MA until just now due to the fact that I haven't been on LotC due to personal issues. I'm not sure how the process goes now that my old application has been archived but I figured that redoing my student application would be a good step. If it helps my credibility, I also had a teaching application. 

    For convenience, I've linked both of my old applications. 








  4. The life of any stray animal was rough in Gotham after the evacuation. Dom had the displeasure of several territorial, starving pets scrambling for survival in the back alleys of this dying city. If that wasn't hard enough, they also had to deal with the overzealous criminals that now ran rampant in the city. He'd seen a few too many collared, forgotten dogs beaten into the ground from afar. Cats got it off a bit easier, being more agile. The birds and rodents had already returned to their instincts for the most part and escaped most of the turmoil. 

    But he, was one of the few that could stay and survive. He was an elite among the dull minds of the beasts around him. Both man and animal alike. 

    He hadn't done anything yet. With his three minds, combined as one, he was smart enough to know that attacking the gangs right now wouldn't ideal and he'd rather them not know of his presence yet. The very act of stalling hurt his very being. He knew that if he were to survive, he'd have to watch first. Observe. Learn. From the conversations he'd overheard, there was a single man causing, a bat of some sort, causing distress. Dom was hopeful, proud even, of the vigilante's work but he knew that it'd take more than one man to stop and reverse this calamity. 

    As Dom thought about this issue, one of his three heads lifted, ears perked. Then, the other two followed. Together, they heard it clearly. Screams. Unable to stall any longer, Dom escaped his temporary hide-out in an alley and began running in the direction of the screams.

  5. Character Name:

    Project Cerberus

    3 years old 


    Powers (Max 3):
    Enhanced Intelligence and Sound Manipulation. 
    Gifted with both sentience as well as heightened intelligence, Cerberus is able to survive among the harsh, untamed streets of gotham. His ability to manipulate the sound he produces, allows him to create aural blasts in his howls and barks. 

    Despite his intelligence and powers, he is at the very basic of their core, a dog. He doesn't have enhanced stamina and he doesn't have much protection against pepper or other spices used to stop dogs from trailing people. His nose is incredibly sensitive. His ears are sensitive as well and while he is used to his own lower pitched yells, he has trouble handling higher pitched noises. 
    Sound Based Powers. Smell Based Powers. Stamina. 

    Born to be trained as a police dog in Gotham Police Department. 

    Personality Traits:
    Highly intelligent, Incredibly Loyal


    Moral Alignment (Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, etc):
    Lawful Good

    Profession (Vigilante, Gang, etc):

    Not affiliated with anyone else at this time. 

    No equipment. 

    Three headed dog

    Brief History (Optional):
    Dom used to be three dogs that were all chosen to be trained for a special project that was going to be used in Gotham's Police System. The idea was to experiment with these three dogs to turn them into an assistant to the already avaliable police force. The idea was to have an officer that had the incredibly useful senses and instincts of a dog in order to track down criminal locations, hideouts and chase down offenders who tried to escape on foot. Though the project was finished, it didn't receive the funding it needed as other heroes and villiains began to populate Gotham and make the police force obsolete. Dom escaped the department after he realized that he was going to be put down due to this lack of funding as they could no longer afford to keep him let alone train him to be a proper police dog. 

    Art (Optional): 



    drawn by me

  6. MC Name:

    IC Name:

    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]:

    Transformed Form:

    IC name: Dragor Starbreaker

    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Golems are sentient creations that are given life through runes and soulbinding. In order for a golem to be created, there must be one who is familiar and confident with the materials that will be used to make the body and possibly another who will work with the one crafting the golem by using their skill in magic. There are usually a pair of people who create a golem because the crafting of materials and the melding of magic is a very difficult process.

     A golem relies entirely on the will of its Impera and otherwise has a simple mind that, without guidance, would result it in being unfulfilled and unable to do anything. Golems can be divided into two types, blue and red. A blue golem is a golem that is content to serve and will try to complete tasks to the best of its ability and a red golem is one that is compelled to serve and will try to misinterpret the tasks as much as possible. These red golems are more often than not the ones that go berserk. 

  7. Vyallu looks to Lorei, expression blank then nods, clearing her throat. Several Kharajyr had come to pay their respects, each adding a stone to their former Tla's tomb until he was completely circled by rocks. Lorei moved out of the crowd, gently brushing past several mourning Kharajyr before she returns to Morthawl. She looks up to Sahra, briefly before calling her magic to her perhaps asking for her to do the same. 

    Her palms glow dimly at first, radiating white. Then after a murmur, it grows in strength and blue flame billows out of her palms. She caresses it with her fingers, waving them individually as she lets it slip through the crevasses and onto the corpse of their leader. At first it does nothing, sparks out, before a small flame sprouts out.  

    It grows, taking up more and more of Morthawl. 

    The faces of Kharajyr present light up with the blaze. 

    The event is cathartic. A final goodbye to their leader. 

  8. ce8l9wG.jpg

    A large, worn, leather-bound book lies on a counter in the kitchen of the Ordium. This book has survived the travel to several  Kharajyr settlements, its knowledge filling the appreciative stomachs of all who were graced with the delicious wealth within its tattered pages. Within it are several recipes: 

    Jorra Melon 

    A spiky fruit that can be sliced or cracked open. Inside, the fruit is very sweet and tangy, and can quite easily be broken with teeth or with a blade.


    Rock fruits 

    Saikaunaah calls them rock fruits because they are very hard, which makes it un-eatable. However, when you break it open, you will find a liquid inside of it. This liquid is very sweet and tasty! It can also be used in any sort of drink or food to make it more sweeter. These fruits are found on trees close to the shoreline and often fall off due to the branch not being able to support their weight"



    Saikaunaah gave them this name because Vena'vi seem to like them! She always sees them flutter around with their lights and rest upon them for no apparent reason! The berries themselves taste very bitter and are not tasty, but maybe somebody could make something with it! They're found in deeper parts of the jungle" [if mixed with something sweet, the biterness will quickly dissipate]


    Gunk Jacket -

    Whilst its arguably repulsive name puts most non-kharajyr consumers off of this particularly lovely Karakatuan dish, it is one most certainly loved by hungry Kharajyr all over Anthos. Nothing more simple than a fillet of fish stuffed with the gunk of mashed fruits, more common than not, Kiwi.  Whilst it may seem simple to stuff this leathery fish jacket full of fruit-mash, only the best of Kharajyr cooks can prepare this sweet mushy treat correctly.




    Boar's Blood-

    A drink made of several different types of juiced fruit, including rockfruit. These small fruits make up a majority of the drink, making it extremely sweet. An alteration with this drink includes glowfruits, making the drink slightly more tame but still unbearably sweet to all outsiders (and some kha).


    Main Dishes


    A dish that is composed of ground beef, chopped pieces of chicken and pieces of fruit. It is usually served with--
    Surprise! -

    This dish is quite literally a surprise. The chef is expected to carve open a large fruit and fill it with different types of meat, seasons and fish, though other ingredients are welcome. The chef then closes the mixture with the fruit's skin and gives the warm creation to the customer. It is an entertaining dish that can either be incredibly digusting, interesting, bland or delicious. Kha chefs often record different versions of Surprise! so they can repeat successful creations.

    Fish and Fruit Surprise! -

    A  successful version of the above dish with an edible skin, filled with salty fish and pieces of another soft, juicy fruit. It is the size of an apple and is commonly eaten as a snack. The outer layer of the Fn'F has enough apple along with the skin to create a satisfying crunch and interesting initial flavor.

    This odd dish is made with ground beef with mixed in mudsuckers and spittails. It is a visually appealing dish, usually decorated nicely with the meat neatly placed in the center of a plate and the fish additions cut into medium sized pieces however, it smells horrid and tastes questionable. It is either a hit or miss with this dish, the customer that orders it will either love it or hate it. The visual appeal is never forgotten as it often tricks curious customers into trying the dish, only to throw it away soon after.

    Sauces and Seasonings

    Rockfruit Sauce-

    A sauce that is used as an optional topping on many dishes. It has been altered so that it isn't as sweet as it would be if it was taken directly from the fruit and set out exposed to the air so that it can thicken a bit more. It has the thickness of syrup.
    Sweetened  -

    A term used to describe a dish that may have originated away from the island but has been altered to better fit a Kharajyr's taste. Instead of just meaning sweet, it usually means to be showered with sugar or sweetened dramatically in some other way. Alternatively, a customer could ask for their dish to be "Unsweet" to be sure that the chef wont automatically sugar it.
    Honeyed -

    A term used to describe the drenching of a sweet sauce on a dish. It usually completely covers the entire food item.


    An accidental seasoning that is made from mainly two ingredients, Blackfish ash and heavy amounts of sugar. The mixture of these two substances creates an odd and unique flavor that tastes well with meats and a variety of cooked fish. It has a tang of fish while having an undertone of sweetness that most kha enjoy. It is a sensitive seasoning, using too much or too little could change a dish completely.

    Sea Sand -

    A type of preparation that is used with fish. It can be used with any type of fish, save for the bonefish and others that have difficulty being chopped into slices. It is a fish that is chopped horizontally in many slices and served alongside a maindish. It can be served with the bones still inside and with or without the head. Rockfruit sauce is given with this dish.
    Raw fish/ Raw meat -

    Simply raw fish or raw pieces of meat that compliment the dish. They are not usually seasoned.

    Fish and Bits (Of apes) -

    (Can be substituted with any other flesh) A soup made of fish, and ape. It has milk, fish, ape, sugar, ape blood. To prepare, you must cut the ape into bits, along with the fish. Pour a bit of the blood, milk, and sugar, into a wooden bowl. Mix it up. Once you have a thick looking bowl of a strange color, put the ape bits in a bot, and place it over a fire, and pour a bit of water into it. Wait till bubbles start to show up, and overflow the pot. Then take the burning ape out, and put it into the bowl. Follow the same steps with the fish.

    Let it set for a bit, to cool off, and then enjoy. Do not keep overnight, or it will harden.

    The rest of the pages remain blank, ready for the next recipes to be discovered and written. 

  9. Ja'Lorei is silent, she walks slowly toward the still Tla, stone clutched in her hands. She had a few thoughts that she wanted to say, she felt that she should say a few words but when she approached the deceased leader all of her words caught in her throat and faded. She still hadn't processed this. Instead a soft breath left her as she placed another stone next to the others, starting to create a barrier around Morthawl. With the release of the stone, her posture tensed up a bit more. She stared at the departed Tla's face for a moment longer before turning and rejoining the rest of the Kharajyr. 

  10. Ja'Lorei leans against the wall of her den, staring at the burned skull of the beast that they fought when trying to restore the Ordium to its normal state. Beside the skull was a picture frame smeared with blood and on the other side, lapis paint in a swirling design was spread across the canvas. Just recently, she had seen the Tla speaking with his daughter and she had been so caught up in maintaining the structure of her lessons in Muun'Trizvaja that she hadn't gotten a chance to speak to him before he was already gone. 

    She stood, trying to gather herself as she walked out of her den. She had to be strong for the rest of the Kharajyr as well as for the newly appointed Tla Vyallu. There would be time for mourning later. Now, she had to make sure everyone was calm.

    (We'll miss you, Geo. Remember, you're always welcome with us. You did great, don't let anyone tell you different.)

  11. Ja'Lorei gathers all of the applications together in her hands, tapping them against the stone rail that outlines the balcony to her room in the Ordium. She sighs, a slow breath leaving her as she looks down upon the slowly shifting waters beneath their floating home. Her eyes, half-lidded and dull with the Mother's gift of blindness, she turns away from the balcony and ascends the tower reading through and accepting the applicants as she does so. 


    The Kharajyr had finally settled somewhat and with the race in somewhat good spirits and in good blessing with their goddess it would soon be time to begin learning how to serve her properly once more. 


    The time for lessons would soon begin. 

    She went to the notice board and posted a thin piece of paper there, informing her new disciples of their acceptance to the priesthood and the upcoming lesson.


    If you aren't already familiar or have forgotten about our talk in our skype group. We're going to attempt to have lessons on Saturdays as it is agreed that weekends would be the best time for everyone involved. If you are unable to attend lessons for whatever reason, please let us know in the skype chat so that we know what's going on. If you let me know I can post on the forums an assignment or outside rp learning that those who can't attend on that day can do so that we all can have a fair experience. I want this to be an enjoyable as possible and I'm open to alternative ideas, just let me know in the skype group or pm me on the forums. ^^

  12. Personally, I'm going to be trying to be a lot more active in the priesthood aspect of the kharajyr because I can take advantage of my more lenient schedule this semester.

    That being said, I'm going to try and make the priests a bit more relevant in kharajyr society. At the moment, they appear to be relevant oocly but not so much rply as it appears to be at the same level as any other status/job ranking of the kharajyr. I am going to attempt to make the priesthood lessons more of an active roleplaying experience instead of just a weekly meeting so that we all feel encouraged to play during the week. I was even thinking about letting non-priests have a part in these activities as well to improve our community.

    What does everyone think about that, I'm trying to throw a few ideas around before the first lesson (which is in a few days).

  13. This was a fantastic event done in Haelenor!
    What awaited this group of races in this new realm was an adventure of teamwork, mazes, puzzles, skill and combat! Here are a few pictures of the trip.

    A floating island temple...

    Mysterious Wisp: Time!
    The Ordium
    The still upright, sitting skeletons killed suddenly in their seats...
    Time and Pride
    Time and Unity
    The Corrupted Gate
    The Final Wisp - Corrupted Faith
    Death Approaches! The Final Floor!

    My personal favorite was the fake fall to the death through the lava. It was very well acted. It was a really big surprise when we all passed through and went to another level of the tower. 

    Here's the full playlist, they uploaded out of order unfortunately so the ending is first, then it sorts itself out halfway through the middle. 

  14. Ja'Lorei once again finds Mukar and responds to his questions personally. 


    "Tha islend is nu lawnger aur lawnd, et es nu lawnger aur concern. Metztli's plan haws sawmtheng b'yg en store fawr us awnd when we awr redee awll th'yngs, tha stune and tha gy'waka w'yll be taken cawre auf. Metztli wuld nawt leeve them beh'ynd aws they represent her. We mawst unlee br'yng weth aus tha immediately necessary as Metztli will take cawre auf tha rest." 

  15. blue-devil-full-moon.jpg

    Ja'Lorei walked out from her room in the temple. It was quiet, thankfully. There had been a lull in between the recent conflict between the orcs and the false alarm with the dwarves and she planned to take advantage of this peace to speak with the Mother. She walked slowly, pausing every once and a while to make sure she was truly alone in this moment and that she wouldn't be interrupted as she reached the waters of the temple. 


    She kneeled at the waters and closed her eyes, calling upon the gifts of her mother to see what she wanted them to do in their time of need. 


    A series of events were sent into her mind, she saw Kha gathering their belongings, sorting through objects needed and things that would be left behind. She saw the Kha leaving the island. She saw the last kha leave the island that once used to be home but suddenly felt ephemeral and foreign. 


    As the last sight faded into nothingness, Lorei was brought back to the cold silence of the temple. 


    She stood, shouting out at the top of her lungs, having her voice carry so that all kha could hear her from the entrance of the temple. 


    "Kharajyr! Metztli haws sent aus anauther task! She haws givawn aus her deciciawn, kha awnd now we mawst leave tha islawnd. Metztli nu lawnger waunts aus heawr." She paused and watched as more Kharajyr began to gather and peek from inside of their dens. "She sent me ae visiawn awnd we mawst fulluw her will!" 


    "All kha, begin tu gathawr yawr things. Tayke all thet es valuable, all thet kha might miss. We will be muveng suun!"


    With that, she turned around and went back inside of the temple leaving the masses to their own thoughts and giving herself time to begin packing. 


    It is time to start packing everyone!

    Gather all of your things that you want to take with you, assume that you wont be able to return to the island after this happens and pack accordingly because that's probably how this is going to turn out. You have 1 week to get everything packed (be that in your inventory or somewhere off of the island in a safe place) before you wont be able to gather things anymore. 




    The Priesthood of Moongazers



    A series of crinkled fliers lie upon the wooden board in front of the tavern. The jungle is silent except for the call of faraway birds and the rumble of the ocelots hidden in the underbrush. The letters on the paper is still wet with freshly placed ink. Each letter is written with care, should you take the time to look and read it’s contents it would read as:







    Spare parchments hang on the board underneath the original postings, they appear to be pre-signed out to an extent for Kharajyr to finish. ((Please fill these out and pop ‘em into the comments with a bit of roleplay!))


    Kharajyr’s Name:


    Kharajyr’s Age:


    Other or previous commitments:


    Previously a priest?:


    A short statement on your reasoning to join:






    Ja’Lorei clasps the signed parchments and carries them to her den, dipping her quill into the inkwell, working away at her responses. (Art by Christopher Moeller)


  17. 1.) It's been about 3 days, where will I have had to look to know if I was accepted? I looked in Skype and Messenger.


    1a.) What did I name my character?

    In the FAQ it says we add people as needed. At the moment, we have stopped adding new people. 

  18. 1.) How do they communicate with one another? With feral noises, speaking their own language, or even common?


    2.) Can they be taught knowledge as a humanoid would, such as teaching a toddler to read, write, etc?


    3.) How many are there?

    1.) They communicate using their own ancient language as well as broken common.

    2.)They can be taught knowledge but nothing too complex. 

    3.) At the moment, we have more or less seventeen. 

  19. d'aaaaaaaawwwwwwhhhhhhh.


    Well, where do these fellows hang out?

    We have our own home location somewhere secret in a forest (seeing as how we're deer, there's actually a really big hint of which forest we're in if you know where to look) but when we aren't there we occasionally travel in groups to settlements for tiny events or just for fun roleplay. 

  20. Question: I have been talking to Keeeeem about becoming a Cervitaur and went through the application process. How long does the whole process take?

    You should have gotten a new response in the previous forum post. If you're still interested and have already filled out the application then there shouldn't be that much of a wait time at all. We'll get to adding everyone previously interested soon, it should be within the next few days when we get to it.

    is this canon lore

    Yes. Please see the lore post in the original thread.

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