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Status Updates posted by Genevieveee

  1. Late night stream for late night LoTCers


  2. Gilly is now almost exclusively limited to weekends to work on commissions.

    I apologize that it'll take so long to finish, but message me anytime if you want to update yours.

  3. I was so close to master rank in Overwatch ;n;

    then the servers died

  4. My Inktober is being posted on my Instagram @gillyfishiesv (https://www.instagram.com/gillyfishiesv/) if anyone is curious

  5. Holiday Commission sale is up for this yea!: Getting fancy with 20% off total order.


  6. Another reminder that Commissions are on sale for the holidays, 20% off: http://fav.me/d8v5o0n

  7. Beep boop buy ur cheap(er) art here:  http://fav.me/d8v5o0n

  8. Who's hosting Secret Santa this year?

  9. I want Secret Santa.

  10. 100% ready to host Secret Santa this year tell me I can

  11. All Secret Santas have been given out. PLEASE remember that gifts are sent to ME by December 25th, and I will then Deliver them stating who they were from unless requested otherwise.

  12. Secret Santa gifts are due tomorrow! Send them to me so I can distribute.

  13. All Secret Santa gifts have been given out, and anyone who did not get a gift should have received a message.

  14. Can we have another LoTC Overwatch tournament?

  15. https://www.twitch.tv/gillyfishies

    Art stream for the first time in too long

  16. not dead yet but my PC is

  17. Secret Santas have been delivered! If there are any issues I didn't address please let me know!

  18. Gonna be streaming like uhh all day so 


  19. I bought a cintiq give me characters to draw pls

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