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Posts posted by Onyx

  1. IC



      Rhorik Knox



    Do you belong to another organization?

     I am not affiliated with any other organization.

    Will you leave that organization for the Iron Crown?




    MC name:


    Do you have Skype?:


    If so, what is your Skype name?:

     onyxwaffle (Alex Bryant)

    Do you have a VA, or are willing to make one? (Include link to VA if available):

     I do not, but I am willing to make one.

    Can you make this character a priority?:

    Most deffinately!


    P.S. Lachlan Mor Elendil: I am the fellow you came across on the road by spawn asking for food and shelter :P

  2. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: onyxwaffle
    How old are you?: 18
    Time-Zone: EST
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Of course
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I am a moderator for the RP Minecraft server A'theys Ascended; I find myself roleplaying on a daily basis :)
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Four freinds of mine play (or have played) on this server. They recommended it to me. (SirSmithers, Synconari, Dariuss, Zelda_Ftw)
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/84931-deniedhuman-onyxwaffle/

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes.
    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes I have! I find it hard to have my human character fit the mold provided however. Though My character might be more well suited as another race, I would really prefer him to be a human. I hope this doesn't cause too much conflict.


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: When one role-plays, he/she is expected to act in a manner that is not native to their own. He/she “plays” the “role” of another, and tries to perform actions similar to the person they are trying to “play” as.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming can simply be defined as, how the influences of a player’s real life effect the decisions the player makes in-game. let's say for instance during an RP situation, the players break out of character to provide information about a certain topic pertaining to the RP situation.
    Power-emoting: Power-emoting is when the actions of player cannot be overpowered by another player; these are sometimes categorized as player commands. Ie. /spawn,/kick,etc.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Rhorik Knox
    Current Age: 75 years old
    Sub-race (if any): Unknown (More information about why it is unknown is provided in the character description section).
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    *I know little of the new world; my backstory will use references to the old world, as well as the new. Also, little is known of knox’s ttrue origins and bloodline, and his actions and personality are a result of many influential persons in his life and the lack of parents to guide him. He does not fit the traditional mold of a human.

    Knox is one of the most well-known Architects and Engineers of his time. Knox was orphaned at birth whilst at sea; literally hours after his birth the notorious “Soggy Boot” trade-ship wandered into the worst recorded storm of its time. All passengers aboard the ship died except for Knox and the captain’s hound, Scurvy. Scurvy and Knox where found floating adrift a plank two days after the wreck by a dwarven fishing-ship. Once brought to the shores of a nearby sea town, Scurvy and Knox were abandoned by the fishermen at the local monastery.  Knox was adopted by head monk Roger Knox (Rhorik’s last name was adopted from Roger Knox), and raised by him and the fellow monks. The monks poured all of their morals, and goals into young Rhorik, as well as their love of knowledge and innovation.
    Knox finally left the monastery on his 17th birthday and found work at a coal mine a few villages away from the sea town. Knox found himself working with a dwarven mining company in the depths of an unknown cave system. Disturbed by how dirty and dangerous the coal mines where, Knox developed a few enhancements to the tools and equipment used in the mines to ensure the area was safe enough for workers. With production booming, Knox’s work had not gone unnoticed; The Head of the mining operation promoted Knox to a corporate position where he would not have to work in the mines. Knox spent the next 12 years working with the mining company, developing and innovating new means of mining coal. Knox had lived such a prosperous life up to this point that he was ready to retire by the age of thirty. Knox was off to the city to live amongst some of the greatest people of his time. Knox bid farewell to his Co-workers and friends and left for the city overnight.
    It took 4 days and 5 nights on horseback to reach the great city of Alras, but the trip was well worth it. Upon his arrival, Knox was greeted by an inn-keeper by the name of Eva Welstred. The two would eventually become friends and lovers. Paralyzed by her beauty and intelligence, Knox made his move and married Eva one month after they met in the city’s chapel. Eva and Knox spent the next 15 years in the city running the inn; Knox puts his passion for innovation to work and at the same time picks up carpentry and design. Knox expands the inn and turns the shabby shack into a summerhouse fit for a king. With business going well, Knox and Eva decide to give the Inn to an Eva’s brother to look after.
    They move away from the city and to a lake house about a day’s trip from Alras. Eva and Knox settle down and have a healthy young boy. But with god comes bad; Eva passes away during child-birth, and Knox is left with only this baby boy. He names his son after Eva’s late father, Tucker. During this time of sorrow, Knox neglects his son and blames him for the death of his wife. Tucker was not
    tended to for 3 days, and eventually starved to death.  Realizing that he had let his only son die Knox flees the lake house and retreats to the northern elvish lands to live in solitude in a cabin in the woods. It is here Knox spends the next 30 years rethinking his life and remembering all of the morals the monks taught him. He spends this time designing and redesigning tools for humanity to use to better its future. He spends countless years reading and learning the art of proper architecture and the use of different materials as an energy source. He studies plant life and the many races of the world. He explores the science of aviation and how technology can be applied to create a self-sufficient, floating living space. Knox worked day and night experimenting with different types of combustion engines, steam engines and wind/water turbines trying to find the most efficient means of supplying energy. Knox was just about to conclude the study until one fateful night.
    One afternoon, Knox was working on a new combustion engine model. Everything had to be perfect for the condition of the engine was very unstable and delicate. Knox was tending to this engine in his workshop in his cabin when he heard a knock at his door. at his doorstep stood a halfling, and in his hands he help an envelope. he reached his hand out to Knox and said: "Telegram for you Mr.Knox!" then scurried on his way. As Knox went to read the telegram, he was distracted by the title of it : The End. Just as he proceeded to read the first few lines, a large Boom, bang, and clash came from the workshop. Before he knew it his entire house was engulfed in flames. Knox was quick on his feet and grabbed an old sword, his walking stick and some food before the house collapsed in on itself. as dusk approached Knox found himself Stranded in the northern forests of Elysium; His land destroyed and all of his belongings (including the wealth he had built up over the years). (it is later discovered that the apocalyptic nature of Elysium was what the telegram was about). Knox wandered through the forests for days and found a road that lead to a coastal city. Upon arrival, Knox notices hundreds of people boarding ships and boats carrying armfuls of belongings. Knox approaches a ship where he asks a deckhand what is going on. "Have you not heard friend? Elysium has fallen, we are in search of a new home, join us or be left here to perish." said the deckhand. being not fond of the idea of perishing, Knox boards the ship. He is introduced to the captain later that day; the two share conversations about the end of Elysium, and Knox asks if his engineering knowledge can help in any way. The captain assigns Knox to look after repairs and enhancements on the ship during their voyage. They depart that night.
    After was seems like ages at sea, a coastline is seen of in the distance. "Hold onto your hats boys! Land Hoe!" exclaims a deckhand. Knox rushes to the edge of the ship where he sees beautiful new land. The captain joins him at his side. "Welcome to Anthos Mr. Knox, our second chance." The captain says with a grin on his face. Knox continues his journey through life in the newly discovered land of Anthos where his desires include discovering new means of energy production and mustering up enough money and land to reclaim his once well-known name. Knox is now 75 years old, but his ambitions are greater than what they've ever been his entire life!

    Ambitions for the Future: Knox strives to bring his knowledge of engineering and architecture to the world of Anthos; he also has plans to build a self-sufficient mechanical town.
    Personality: Humble, friendly, kind.
    Skills: Redstone circuitry, Architecture, Farming (List goes on and on, he has had 30 years of solitude to explore many fields of knowledge)
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): http://imgur.com/a/tQ7Zq
    Any other details you wish to share about your character: No thank you :P

    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?

    Answer: Knox turns to the dark figure and yells “Excuse me Fellow, would you be so kind as to give an old man a hand in getting up these stairs? My money bags are so heavy they’re weighing down my weak knees!” *chuckles* The dark figure notices Knox and begins to make his way towards the old man, too distracted by the jingling pockets to pay any attention to the city guards yelling. As the dark figure gets closer to Knox, Knox Whips out his walking stick and in a swift move knocks the dark figure to its feet. By now the guards have caught up to the scene and have incarcerated the dark figure. (Then they all hoist Knox up on their shoulders and celebrate at the local pub and all live happily ever after…Jk :P)The guards thank Knox for performing his civil duties in protecting the emperor.


    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?

    Answer: Like any clever old man, Knox uses logic and cunning wit to outsmart theBandits. “Hey boys, you have the wrong old man!” yells Knox. “I am the one with all of the valuables, and they’re all yours if you can catch me!” The Bandits attention is received. Knox begins to run around in circles in the small

    clearing and signals for the old man to make an escape. As the old man makes his way into the forest, Knox makes his way to the exterior portion of the fireplace of the cottage. He subdues to the bandits and hands over his armor, sword, and coins. Just as the bandits are counting up the loot, Knox notices a loose stone in the fireplace. He tugs at the stone and it pops out and loosens up a few more. Knox quietly tugs stones out of the wall until the fireplace gives way and topples outward and onto the bandits. The bandits are killed under the weight of the fireplace, but just to make sure, Knox proceeds to finish them off by a single stab to each of them in the heart. He clears off some of the stones and reclaims his gear as well as those of the bandits. Knox whispers a hymn and proceeds to give the bandits a proper burial in near the tree-line of the forest. Knox was always raised to never take a life unless it was at the risk of costing you yours. He was also raised to believe everybody deserves proper handling after they have passed.

    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).

    Answer: Answer: “Come one, Come all! Finest goods from the widest reaches of the world!” the small man exclaims from behind the counter. Knox’s attention is immediately obtained. Knox has had quite an unfortunate day at the market. The lumber stall and the stall which sells iron have both ran dry; Knox hopes that he may find some at the stall ran by the short man. Surely enough Lumber and iron are just a few things the short man has to offer. Knox is however only interested in the two commodities. “Say merchant, what is your claim on the lumber and iron resources?” Knox asked as he approached the stall. “I have large quantities of each, but they will not be cheap. 2 gold coins per log and 3 gold coins per chunk of iron” the small man said. Knox looks around the rest of the stall. The prices were a bit undesirably high. “I shall tell you what Merchant I shall buy all of your lumber and iron for 2 coins a piece, and you can walk away today a rich man” Knox said. “Ahh, buying in bulk; you sir have a deal!” The small man squeaked. The transaction was made and Knox had the resources loaded upon his carriage and shipped off to his home.

  3. *Note edited to enhance upon character's backstory to include more server lore*

    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the
    following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details
    are accurate.


    Minecraft Account
    Name: onyxwaffle

    How old are you?: 18

    Time-Zone: EST

    Have you read,
    understood and agreed to the rules?: I have read the rules, I understand them, and I agree to
    abide by them :P

    What previous
    experience have you had in role-playing?: I am a moderator for the RP server A’therys Ascended!

    How did you hear about
    the the Lord of the Craft?: I have three friends that play no this server: Dariuus, SirSmithers, And


    Link any applications
    that you have previously made for the server: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/75281-onyxwaffles-application/

    Have you posted this
    application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): I will post upon completion of the

    Have you read the
    Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your
    biography?: I
    have! I find it hard to have my human character fit the mold provided however.
    Though My character might be more well suited as another race, I would really
    prefer him to be a human. I hope this doesn’t cause too much conflict.



    In your own words
    define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:


    Role-playing: When one role-plays, he/she is expected to act in a manner that is not
    native to their own. He/she “plays” the “role” of another, and tries to perform
    actions similar to the person they are trying to “play” as.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming can simply be defined as, how the
    influences of a player’s real life effect the decisions the player makes
    in-game. let's say for instance during an RP situation, the players break out of character to provide information about a certain topic pertaining to the RP situation.

    Power-emoting: Power-emoting is when the actions of player
    cannot be overpowered by another player; these are sometimes categorized as
    player commands. Ie. /spawn,/kick,etc.



    Complete the
    following biography on your character:


    Full Name: Rhorik Knox

    Current Age: 75

    Sub-race (if any): N/A (Unknown- more info on that in character

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long:

    know little of the new world; my backstory will use references to the old
    world, as well as the new. Also, little is known of knox’s ttrue origins and
    bloodline, and his actions and personality are a result of many influential
    persons in his life and the lack of parents to guide him. He does not fit the
    traditional mold of a human.

    is one of the most well-known Architects and Engineers of his time. Knox was
    orphaned at birth whilst at sea; literally hours after his birth the notorious
    “Soggy Boot” trade-ship wandered into the worst recorded storm of its time. All
    passengers aboard the ship died except for Knox and the captain’s hound,
    Scurvy. Scurvy and Knox where found floating adrift a plank two days after the
    wreck by a dwarven fishing-ship. Once brought to the shores of a nearby sea
    town, Scurvy and Knox were abandoned by the fishermen at the local
    monastery.  Knox was adopted by head monk
    Roger Knox (Rhorik’s last name was adopted from Roger Knox), and raised by him
    and the fellow monks. The monks poured all of their morals, and goals into
    young Rhorik, as well as their love of knowledge and innovation. Knox finally
    left the monastery on his 17th birthday and found work at a coal mine a few
    villages away from the sea town.

    found himself working with a dwarven mining company in the depths of the
    Kal'Azgoth cave system. Disturbed by how dirty and dangerous the coal mines
    where, Knox developed a few enhancements to the tools and equipment used in the
    mines to ensure the area was safe enough for workers. With production booming,
    Knox’s work had not gone unnoticed; The Head of the mining operation promoted
    Knox to a corporate position where he would not have to work in the mines. Knox
    spent the next 12 years working with the mining company, developing and
    innovating new means of mining coal. Knox had lived such a prosperous life up
    to this point that he was ready to retire by the age of thirty. Knox was off to
    the city to live amongst some of the greatest people of his time. Knox bid
    farewell to his Co-workers and friends and left for the city overnight.

    took 4 days and 5 nights on horseback to reach the great city of Alras, but the
    trip was well worth it. Upon his arrival, Knox was greeted by an inn-keeper by
    the name of Eva Welstred. The two would eventually become friends and lovers.
    Paralyzed by her beauty and intelligence, Knox made his move and married Eva
    one month after they met in the city’s chapel. Eva and Knox spent the next 15
    years in the city running the inn; Knox puts his passion for innovation to work
    and at the same time picks up carpentry and design. Knox expands the inn and
    turns the shabby shack into a summerhouse fit for a king. With business going
    well, Knox and Eva decide to give the Inn to an Eva’s brother to look after.

    move away from the city and to a lake house about a day’s trip from Alras. Eva
    and Knox settle down and have a healthy young boy. But with god comes bad; Eva
    passes away during child-birth, and Knox is left with only this baby boy. He
    names his son after Eva’s late father, Tucker. During this time of sorrow, Knox
    neglects his son and blames him for the death of his wife. Tucker was not
    tended to for 3 days, and eventually starved to death.  Realizing that he had let his only son die
    Knox flees the lake house and retreats to the northern elvish lands to live in
    solitude in a cabin in the woods. It is here Knox spends the next 30 years
    rethinking his life and remembering all of the morals the monks taught him. He
    spends this time designing and redesigning tools for humanity to use to better
    its future. He spends countless years reading and learning the art of proper
    Architecture and the use of different materials as an energy source. He studies plant
    life and the many races of the world. He explores the science of aviation and
    how technology can be applied to create a self sufficient, floating living space. Knox worked day and night experimenting with different types of combustion engines, steam engines and wind/water turbines trying to find the most efficient means of supplying energy. Knox was just about to conclude the study until one fateful night.


    One afternoon, Knox was working on a new combustion engine model. Everything had to be perfect for the condition of the engine was very unstable and delicate. Knox was tending to this engine in his workshop in his cabin when he heard a knock at his door. at his doorstep stood a halfling, and in his hands he help an envelope. he reached his hand out to Knox and said: "Telegram for you Mr.Knox!" then scurried on his way. As Knox went to read the telegram, he was distracted by the title of it : The End. Just as he proceeded to read the first few lines, a large Boom, bang, and clash came from the workshop. Before he knew it his entire house was engulfed in flames. Knox was quick on his feet and grabbed an old sword, his walking stick and some food before the house collapsed in on itself. as dusk approached Knox found himself Stranded in the northern forests of Elysium; His land destroyed and all of his belongings (including the wealth he had built up over the years). (it is later discovered that the apocalyptic nature of Elysium was what the telegram was about). Knox wandered through the forests for days and found a road that lead to a coastal city. Upon arrival, Knox notices hundreds of people boarding ships and boats carrying armfuls of belongings. Knox approaches a ship where he asks a deckhand what is going on. "Have you not heard friend? Elysium has fallen, we are in search of a new home, join us or be left here to perish." said the deckhand. being not fond of the idea of perishing, Knox boards the ship. He is introduced to the captain later that day; the two share conversations about the end of Elysium, and Knox asks if his engineering knowledge can help in any way. The captain assigns Knox to look after repairs and enchancements on the ship during their voyage. They depart that night.


    After was seems like ages at sea, a coastline is seen of in the distance. "Hold onto your hats boys! Land Hoe!" exclaims a deckhand. Knox rushes to the edge of the ship where he sees beautiful new land. The captain joins him at his side. "Welcome to Anthos Mr. Knox, our second chance." The captain says with a grin on his face. Knox continues his journey through life in the newly discovered land of Anthos where his desires include discovering new means of energy production and mustering up enough money and land to reclaim his once well-known name. Knox is now 75 years old, but his ambitions are greater than what they've ever been his entire life!



    Ambitions for the Future: Knox strives to bring
    his knowledge of engineering and architecture to the world of Anthos; he also has plans to build a self-sufficient mechanical town.

    Personality: Humble,
    friendly, kind.

    Skills: Redstone circuitry, Architecture,
    Farming (List goes on and on, he has had 30 years of solitude to explore many
    fields of knowledge)

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Knox
    has developed a large bulky shape to his body and his hair has gone white. http://imgur.com/a/tQ7Zq

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: (See
    other application listed below this one) :P



    Each question in this section must be
    answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.



    1. Whilst in the mighty human
    capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?


    Answer: Knox
    turns to the dark figure and yells “Excuse me Fellow, would you be so kind as
    to give an old man a hand in getting up these stairs? My money bags are so
    heavy they’re weighing down my weak knees!” *chuckles* The dark figure notices Knox
    and begins to make his way towards the old man, too distracted by the jingling
    pockets to pay any attention to the city guards yelling. As the dark figure
    gets closer to Knox, Knox Whips out his walking stick and in a swift move
    knocks the dark figure to its feet. By now the guards have caught up to the
    scene and have incarcerated the dark figure. (Then they all hoist Knox up on
    their shoulders and celebrate at the local pub and all live happily ever after…Jk
    :P)The guards thank Knox for performing his civil duties in protecting the emperor.



    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you
    come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable
    old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?


    Like any clever old man, Knox uses logic and cunning wit to outsmart the
    Bandits. “Hey boys, you have the wrong old man!” yells Knox. “I am the one with
    all of the valuables, and they’re all yours if you can catch me!” The Bandits
    attention is received. Knox begins to run around in circles in the small
    clearing and signals for the old man to make an escape. As the old man makes
    his way into the forest, Knox makes his way to the exterior portion of the
    fireplace of the cottage. He subdues to the bandits and hands over his armor,
    sword, and coins. Just as the bandits are counting up the loot, Knox notices a
    loose stone in the fireplace. He tugs at the stone and it pops out and loosens
    up a few more. Knox quietly tugs stones out of the wall until the fireplace gives
    way and topples outward and onto the bandits. The bandits are killed under the
    weight of the fireplace, but just to make sure, Knox proceeds to finish them
    off by a single stab to each of them in the heart. He clears off some of the
    stones and reclaims his gear as well as those of the bandits. Knox whispers a
    hymn and proceeds to give the bandits a proper burial in near the tree-line of
    the forest. Though knox was always raised to never take a life unless it was at
    the risk of costing you yours. He was also raised to believe everybody deserves
    proper handling after they have passed.



    3. You are standing within the
    mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colorful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of
    general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).

    Answer: “Come
    one, Come all! Finest goods from the farest reaches of the world!” the small
    man exclaims from behind the counter. Knox’s attention is immediately obtained.
    Knox has had quite an unfortunate day at the market. The lumber stall and the
    stall which sells iron have both ran dry; Knox hopes that he may find some at
    the stall ran by the short man. Surely enough Lumber and iron are just a few
    things the short man has to offer. Knox is however only interested in the two
    commodities. “Say merchant, what is your claim on the lumber and iron
    resources?” Knox asked as he approached the stall. “I have large quantities of
    each, but they will not be cheap. 2 gold coins per log and 3 gold coins per
    chunk of iron” the small man said. Knox looks around the rest of the stall. The
    prices were a bit undesirably high. “I shall tell you what Merchant I shall buy
    all of your lumber and iron for 2 coins a piece, and you can walk away today a
    rich man” Knox said. “Ahh, buying in bulk; you sir have a deal!” The small man squeaked.
    The transaction was made and Knox had the resources loaded upon his carriage and
    shipped off to his home.


    I am including an old application to this one. It has been modified and it
    contains excess information not provided by the above application.



    Minecraft Account Name:



    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:


    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the
    English language?:

    I actually plan to minor in English in college ;D

    Have you had any previous experience in

    Yes, I am a moderator on the A’thery’s Ascended
    Minecraft server. Role-play is my middle name (not really :P)

    Have you read and understood and agree to the

    I have read and agree to the rules.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the

    My friend DJ told me about it; He is also applying
    for this server.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the
    Lord of the Craft:


    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum?
    If not, post it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/!



    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying


    When one role-plays, he/she is expected to act in a
    manner that is not native to their own. He/she “plays” the “role” of another,
    and tries to perform actions similar to the person they are trying to “play”

    In your own words, define what the act of
    meta-gaming is:

    Meta-gaming can simply be defined as, how the
    influences of a player’s real life effect the decisions the player makes
    in-game. Let’s say Joe blows Bob’s head off with tnt. Bob cannot do anything
    about that and he is now (in a role-play sense) dead and cannot come back to
    life. Bob could not prevent this from happening

    In your own words, define what the act of
    power-emoting is:

    Power-emoting is when the actions of player cannot be overpowered by another
    player; these are sometimes categorized as player commands. Ie.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:


    Rhorik Knox

    Character Race:


    Character biography - Make this at least 2
    paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance,
    personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    *I know little of the new world; my backstory will use
    references to the old world, as well as the new.

    Knox is one of the most well-known Architects and
    Engineers of his time. Knox was orphaned at birth whilst at sea; literally
    hours after his birth the notorious “Soggy Boot” trade-ship wandered into the
    worst recorded storm of its time. All passengers aboard the ship died except
    for Knox and the captain’s hound, Scurvy. Scurvy and Knox where found floating
    adrift a plank two days after the wreck by a dwarven fishing-ship. Once brought
    to the shores of a nearby sea town, Scurvy and Knox were abandoned by the
    fishermen at the local monastery.  Knox
    was adopted by head monk Roger Knox (Rhorik’s last name was adopted from Roger
    Knox), and raised by him and the fellow monks. The monks poured all of their
    morals, and goals into young Rhorik, as well as their love of knowledge and
    innovation. Knox finally left the monastery on his 17th birthday and
    found work at a coal mine a few villages away from the sea town.

    Knox found himself working with a dwarven mining
    company in the depths of the Kal'Azgoth cave system. Disturbed by how dirty and dangerous
    the coal mines where, Knox developed a few enhancements to the tools and
    equipment used in the mines to ensure the area was safe enough for workers.
    With production booming, Knox’s work had not gone unnoticed; The Head of the
    mining operation promoted Knox to a corporate position where he would not have
    to work in the mines. Knox spent the next 12 years working with the mining
    company, developing and innovating new means of mining coal. Knox had lived
    such a prosperous life up to this point that he was ready to retire by the age
    of thirty. Knox was off to the city to live amongst some of the greatest people
    of his time. Knox bid farewell to his Co-workers and friends and left for the
    city overnight.

    It took 4 days and 5 nights on horseback to reach
    the great city of Alras, but the trip was well worth it. Upon his arrival, Knox
    was greeted by an inn-keeper by the name of Eva Welstred. The two would
    eventually become friends and lovers. Paralyzed by her beauty and intelligence,
    Knox made his move and married Eva one month after they met in the city’s
    chapel. Eva and Knox spent the next 15 years in the city running the inn; Knox
    puts his passion for innovation to work and at the same time picks up carpentry
    and design. Knox expands the inn and turns the shabby shack into a summerhouse
    fit for a king. With business going well, Knox and Eva decide to give the Inn
    to an Eva’s brother to look after.

    They move away from the city and to a lake house
    about a day’s trip from Alras. Eva and Knox settle down and have a healthy
    young boy. But with god comes bad; Eva passes away during child-birth, and Knox
    is left with only this baby boy. He names his son after Eva’s late father,
    Tucker. During this time of sorrow, Knox neglects his son and blames him for
    the death of his wife. Tucker was not tended to for 3 days, and eventually
    starved to death.  Realizing that he had
    let his only son die Knox flees the lake house and retreats to the northern
    elvish lands to live in solitude in a cabin in the woods. It is here Knox
    spends the next 30 years rethinking his life and remembering all of the morals
    the monks taught him. He spends this time designing and redesigning tools for
    humanity to use to better its future. He spends countless years reading and
    learning the art of proper Architecture and the use of arcane power as an
    energy source. He studies plant life and the many races of the world. He
    explores the science of aviation and how magical properties can be infused with
    technology to create renewable energy sources and  theengines in which the energy will flow
    within. Knox has developed a large bulky shape to his body and his hair has
    gone white. Knox is now 75, well educated, and financially prepared to share
    his plans for humanity with the rest of the world.

    What are your characters

    Knox wishes to develop new technologies that surpass
    that of common knowledge and stives to make a completely self-sufficient
    mechanical town.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin


    Is there anything else you would like to say about
    your character:

    No thank you, I’ve got to rest my fingers :P


    Each question here must be answered with
    a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way
    it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first
    person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor,
    you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The
    shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new
    city. What is your response?


    “Eh, excuse me… Eh, sir if I could borr-… Could I
    just have a moment of your ti-… Oh dear, how will I make a living like this?”
    the dwarf whispered. I watched the dwarf from a bench in the town square
    struggle to make an honest day’s wages. His Clothes were torn and he was very
    thin, balding, with bags bellow his eyes, His beard hadn’t been tended to and
    his overcoat was a ragged torn human-sized over shirt. The soles of his worn
    leather boots were nonexistent. I got up and walked over to the dwarf’s shanty.
    “May I see your wares, Dwarf?” I asked. “Oh yes sir, I have uhm… this stone
    sword, eh, some seeds… I have some flint and tinder.” He said. I could sense
    the lack of hope in his voice, and I pitied him. “Does any of that spark an
    interest?” he said looking up at me. “Could I see that bag of seeds?” I said.
    He handed me the bag, I took it and sifted through them, they were all dead, or
    stale. I handed the bag back to him. “Perhaps I could trade you this Iron sword
    and 200 coins for those seeds?” I asked. The dwarf looked at me with wet eyes.
    “Really?... Eh I mean, yes I think we could work something out.” He said with a
    weak voice. I set down the iron sword and a bag of coins on the counter. I
    looked around and yelled behind me ‘On my way!’ I ran from the stall
    purposefully leaving the coins, sword, and seeds for the dwarf.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night,
    when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby,
    and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does
    your character do?

    “Hail orc, What seems to be the problem?” I asked.
    “You have no business here human, be gone 
    at once.” Said the orc. “I am just curious, orc, what is it you desire from
    this little dwarf, perhaps, we could work something out.” The orc looked at me
    and smiled. “Very well , old man, but I have one question, why would you risk
    your life for a complete stranger?” he asked. “I think you have me mistaken, orc,
    I remain neutral in this situation. I seek a solution that will benefit all of
    us.” I said. The orc looked at me with a slight grin and a gleam in his eyes.
    “What do you have in mind, old man? I don’t suppose you will buy this man’s
    life from me will you? That would benefit me and the dwarf, but not you.” He
    said proudly. “That is where you are wrong, orc, I intend on buying this man’s
    life, so you both are content; thus in turn, I am happy because nobody is
    harmed, and we can all move on with our lives.” I said. “You are a strange
    human, but I see no reason why not.” He looked to the dwarf, “Run along now
    dwarf, and don’t let me catch you out here again; next time there may not be a
    foolish human here to save your hide.” I gave the orc 50 coins and we all went
    on our way.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you
    stumble upon an old man. His walking stick looks weak and frail, and just as
    you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the
    ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open.
    As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless
    man. What does your character do?:

    “Are you alright sir?!” I exclaimed. “You took
    quite the spill, is anything broken?” “No” the old man said softly to me; he
    lay there still on the ground looking at me, then at his Coins skewed across
    the ground. “Well go on already, take advantage of an old broken man, you and I
    both know you will, but please just leave me enough for me to buy some bread
    later.” He said. I could hear the weakness in his voice, as if he were going to
    cry. “Wait here.” I said; and with that I went over to a tree and snapped a
    limb off. “Take this,” I handed him the branch and helped him onto his feet. “I
    know that I will soon be in your condition, I am older than I look, and when
    that day comes, I can only hope that somebody would do the same for me as I did
    for you.” I said. I went over to the coins and started picking them up and
    putting them in a small leather pouch. I then preceded to hand the man the
    leather pouch. “There you are sir; I threw a few extra coins in there so that
    you could buy a proper walking stick.” I said. “Farewell kind soul!” the man
    said with glazed eyes, “I will never forget this.” “Good day sir, and keep an
    eye on where you’re walking.” I said with a smile as I walked away.


  4. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:


    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?:

    I actually plan to minor in English in college ;D

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?:

    Yes, I played on A’thery’s Ascended Minecraft server.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?:

    I have read and agree to the rules.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:

    My friend DJ told me about it; He is also applying for this server.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft:


    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/! :


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is:

    When one role-plays, he/she is expected to act in a manner that is not native to their own. He/she “plays” the “role” of another, and tries to perform actions similar to the person they are trying to “play” as.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is:

    Meta-gaming can simply be defined as, how the influences of a player’s real life effect the decisions the player makes in-game.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is:

    Power-emoting is when the actions of player cannot be overpowered by another player; these are sometimes categorized as player commands. Ie. /spawn,/kick,etc.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:

    Rhorik Knox

    Character Race:


    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Knox is one of the most well-known Architects and Engineers of his time. Knox was orphaned at birth whilst at sea; literally hours after his birth the notorious “Soggy Boot” trade-ship wandered into the worst recorded storm of its time. All passengers aboard the ship died except for Knox and the captain’s hound, Scurvy. Scurvy and Knox where found floating adrift a plank two days after the wreck by a dwarven fishing-ship. Once brought to the shores of a nearby sea town, Scurvy and Knox were abandoned by the fishermen at the local monastery. Knox was adopted by head monk Roger Knox (Rhorik’s last name was adopted from Roger Knox), and raised by him and the fellow monks. The monks poured all of their morals, and goals into young Rhorik, as well as their love of knowledge and innovation. Knox finally left the monastery on his 17th birthday and found work at a coal mine a few villages away from the sea town.

    Knox found himself working with a dwarven mining company in the Flutewind Depths cave system. Disturbed by how dirty and dangerous the coal mines where, Knox developed a few enhancements to the tools and equipment used in the mines to ensure the area was safe enough for workers. With production booming, Knox’s work had not gone unnoticed; The Head of the mining operation promoted Knox to a corporate position where he would not have to work in the mines. Knox spent the next 12 years working with the mining company, developing and innovating new means of mining coal. Knox had lived such a prosperous life up to this point that he was ready to retire by the age of thirty. Knox was off to the city to live amongst some of the greatest people of his time. Knox bid farewell to his Co-workers and friends and left for the city overnight.

    It took 4 days and 5 nights on horseback to reach the great city of Alras, but the trip was well worth it. Upon his arrival, Knox was greeted by an inn-keeper by the name of Eva Welstred. The two would eventually become friends and lovers. Paralyzed by her beauty and intelligence, Knox made his move and married Eva one month after they met in the city’s chapel. Eva and Knox spent the next 15 years in the city running the inn; Knox puts his passion for innovation to work and at the same time picks up carpentry and design. Knox expands the inn and turns the shabby shack into a summerhouse fit for a king. With business going well, Knox and Eva decide to give the Inn to an Eva’s brother to look after.

    They move away from the city and to a lake house about a day’s trip from Alras. Eva and Knox settle down and have a healthy young boy. But with god comes bad; Eva passes away during child-birth, and Knox is left with only this baby boy. He names his son after Eva’s late father, Tucker. During this time of sorrow, Knox neglects his son and blames him for the death of his wife. Tucker was not tended to for 3 days, and eventually starved to death. Realizing that he had let his only son die Knox flees the lake house and retreats to the north to live in solitude in a cabin in the woods. It is here Knox spends the next 30 years rethinking his life and remembering all of the morals the monks taught him. He spends this time designing and redesigning tools for humanity to use to better its future. He spends countless years reading and learning the art of proper Architecture and the use of arcane power as an energy source.He studies plant life and the many races of the world. Knox is now 75, well educated, and financially prepared to share his plans for humanity with the rest of the world.

    What are your characters ambitions?:

    Knox wishes to develop new technologies that surpass those of any in Arsulon.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:


    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:

    No thank you.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    “Eh, excuse me… Eh, sir if I could borr-… Could I just have a moment of your ti-… Oh dear, how will I make a living like this?” the dwarf whispered. I watched the dwarf from a bench in the town square struggle to make an honest day’s wages. His Clothes were torn and he was very thin, balding, with bags bellow his eyes, His beard hadn’t been tended to and his overcoat was a ragged torn human-sized over shirt. The soles of his worn leather boots were nonexistent. I got up and walked over to the dwarf’s shanty. “May I see your wares, Dwarf?” I asked. “Oh yes sir, I have uhm… this stone sword, eh, some seeds… I have some flint and tinder.” He said. I could sense the lack of hope in his voice, and I pitied him. “Does any of that spark an interest?” he said looking up at me. “Could I see that bag of seeds?” I said. He handed me the bag, I took it and sifted through them, they were all dead, or stale. I handed the bag back to him. “Perhaps I could trade you this Iron sword and 200 coins for those seeds?” I asked. The dwarf looked at me with wet eyes. “Really?... Eh I mean, yes I think we could work something out.” He said with a weak voice. I set down the iron sword and a bag of coins on the counter. I looked around and yelled behind me ‘On my way!’ I ran from the stall.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    “Hail orc, What seems to be the problem?” I asked. “You have no business here human, be gone at once.” Said the orc. “I am just curious, orc, what is it you desire from this little dwarf, perhaps, we could work something out.” The orc looked at me and smiled. “Very well , old man, but I have one question, why would you risk your life for a complete stranger?” he asked. “I think you have me mistaken, orc, I remain neutral in this situation. I seek a solution that will benefit all of us.” I said. The orc looked at me with a slight grin and a gleam in his eyes. “What do you have in mind, old man? I don’t suppose you will buy this man’s life from me will you? That would benefit me and the dwarf, but not you.” He said proudly. “That is where you are wrong, orc, I intend on buying this man’s life, so you both are content; thus in turn, I am happy because nobody is harmed, and we can all move on with our lives.” I said. “You are a strange human, but I see no reason why not.” He looked to the dwarf, “Run along now dwarf, and don’t let me catch you out here again; next time there may not be a foolish human here to save your hide.” I gave the orc 50 coins and we all went on our way.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?:

    “Are you alright sir?!” I exclaimed. “You took quite the spill, is anything broken?” “No” the old man said softly to me; he lay there still on the ground looking at me, then at his Coins skewed across the ground. “Well go on already, take advantage of an old broken man, you and I both know you will, but please just leave me enough for me to buy some bread later.” He said. I could hear the weakness in his voice, as if he were going to cry. “Wait here.” I said; and with that I went over to a tree and snapped a limb off. “Take this,” I handed him the branch and helped him onto his feet. “I know that I will soon be in your condition, I am older than I look, and when that day comes, I can only hope that somebody would do the same for me as I did for you.” I said. I went over to the coins and started picking them up and putting them in a small leather pouch. I then preceded to hand the man the leather pouch. “There you are sir; I threw a few extra coins in there so that you could buy a proper walking stick.” I said. “Farewell kind soul!” the man said with glazed eyes, “I will never forget this.” “Good day sir, and keep an eye on where you’re walking.” I said with a smile as I walked away.

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