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Posts posted by GaiusMarius

  1. Have you ever considered returning to the Teutonic Order in any form? Do you still think about it?


    Did you ever draft documents relating to the Teutonic Order/Hanseti that were never released or extensively shared?


    If Gaius were able to view the Order today, what would he as an RP character think?


    What are your current opinions on the Order on an OOC respect?


    If you would, shed some words on a few if not all of the following topics with what ever you please:

    - Sam as Hochmeister

    - Kai as Hochmeister

    - Mirtok as Hochmeister

    - Dain as Hochmeister

    - The World War (Against Salvus/With Salvus)

    - Hanseti absorption into the Oren Empire

    - The Spire Project

    - The Order in 3.0


    Are you still trying to pursue a position in the medical field or have you already achieved such? If not, what are you up to now?


    Do you keep in touch with the Canadians?


    Do you still detest Poutine?


    Boondocks or Black Dynamite?


    Greatest piece of satire?


    Big Booty ******* or White Chicks and Gang Signs?


    What is your favorite war hymn of old, if any?


    What is your favorite quote or quotes?


    What is your favorite period in Human history?


    Would you add me on skype or other mediums of communication?

    1. Honestly, I haven't thought about it. The fact that you all have made that baby run as best as possible is damn admirable, despite the silly 'insults and remarks' that people make. Insofar as I've seen, I haven't heard anyone hit the mark we hit with the Teutonic Order.


    2. Not that I know of actually, I had a habit of making anonymous emails to store Google Documents in, but I believe all of them I've actually posted in our old Teamspeak we used to have.


    3. He would think it'll take a great sum of energy to 'reboot' it to it's full potential, but as he aged RPly, he knew all great things couldn't last and would accept anything he saw of the Teutonic Order.


    4. If anything, I would be happy if it was alive or dead, if it were alive and I know it is, doesn't matter to what 'level it is alive'; that is damn admirable that the people kept the Order going with fervor. Likewise, if it was dead, it would satisfy the 'realist' in me, I don't care for the banter from other players in snide form, it shows how realistic we got it going and that it followed the reality of any organization or civilization really.


    5. I really can only say that the Hanseti merge into the Holy Oren Empire would have actually been agreed upon by me. The reason I sought the split RPly was that I felt the Oren leadership was weak and it was about time we took our own matter in our own hands, albeit seeing as how Godfrey actually puffed his chest out and acted like a man with balls dropped; I would have been in agreement with working under him. My leader was not power-hungry, albeit he may have confused people and I purposely tried to to create a more 'multi-faceted character'.


    6. I am pursuing Professorship in History, in short, I was a dumbass to go for Nursing and I did so on the idea of 'Ooo money'.


    7. Lolnope.


    8. Yep, I still despise Poutine :3


    9. Goddang you Mirtok, that is ******* hard, but I vote Boondocks by a sliver.


    10. I think some of the best satires in the modern-day are rather weak, but I always like the Doonesbury comic strips and Carlin can be argued to be satirical at times.


    11. Big Booty ******* by a long stretch


    12. I don't really care for war hymns to be honest.


    13. "A gem cannot be polished without friction, a man without his trials" - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    "The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr" - Muhammad

    "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men" - Plato

    "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it" - Frederic Bastiat

    "A tyrant is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader" - Plato


    14. Early Islamic and the 'Golden Age' of their time, early American History, or Early Diadochi Period


    15. Add me 'ptolemaioi_hamza" on Skype

  2. Favorite faction in the EB mod for R:TW and why?

    Arverni [Won the entire Map with them] - Gaesatae, Leuce Epos, and Solduros are f*ckin' legion. To be more mature, their starting point enables you to, if you can pummel Aedui swiftly, allows you to wipe the Romans, Sweboz, and the Lusotani. Your worst enemies will be Makedon and Dacia, once you get their respective lands; enable you to gain soldiery to take out Asia Minor.


    Any nation in Asia Minor who gains Bosporus, you will get a sound recruitment centre that can smack almost any army down with experience.

  3. Haha perhaps you should join me once you get it back. I must admit Elektro and Cherno are good for loot runs, got a lee enfield, cz, m4a1 cco sd and a ghillie suit in 2 loot runs.

    My main issue and which is why I am not experienced in going North is my futile searches for vehicles. I seem to be very unlucky in finding vehicles. The only one I kept for a bit was a tractor, I remember trying to fix a UAZ [i think it was], I fixed it all up, but when I tried to drive it, it just blew up. Mind you, I heard not a single gun bullet hit it neither - _-



    What is a twerk?

    Shake dat booty :3

  4. Well. You said "ask me anything" and all the superficial questions were already gone. :3


    Thank you for answering btw.


    2 quick additional questions.


    Do you notice people behaving strange or sometimes hostile around you, because of your religion? I would imagine Kentucky to be a kinda harsh place to be a white Muslim.




    Do you think history class in school is too bias towards the western way of life, normally ignoring contributions made in Asia, Africa or other parts of the world, while glorifying persons like 'Alexander the Great' or events like the crusades?


    1. In the Appalachians, people actually do not even care that much. I have had conversations with Christians that are far different than media portrayals, in other words; we don't kill each other. I have rarely encountered a hostile person concerning my religion, except for a Mormon and a militant athiest, but these were both encounters in the city I live in in Kentucky. Kentucky is just given a bad name, but you come down here and enjoy the Red River Gorge and Louisville; your opinion will change gracefully!


    2. I actually do believe this, I have a pet peeve of the Orient being displayed with hidden disdain. It also comes about because the Eastern religions were never truly used in such an abusive behavior than Christianity was used by the Catholic Church to stifle progress [albeit even the Churches actually helped preservation of knowledge to an extent.]. Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Sufism weren't used by their rulers to 'pilfer the situation', albeit I as a Muslim have a damn ugly bone to pick with Saudi, I have my 'theory' on them, PM me if interested. When you step into [atleast from experience] and American college though, typically History Professors from whom I've studied under allow us a better scope of lesser-known parts of the world. My History 102 Professor [for 1500s to Modern Day] went deep into Japanese history, my History 101 Professor [Ancient to 1500s] went deep into India. I have heard many ideas as to why the education system in the West omits the grand contributions [Chinese with Technology, Islamic Arabs with medicine and philosophy, Axum in Africa was one of the first to develop better metal-working processes], but I don't pin it to just one thing so far in my self-study of this phenomenon.



    Are you going to save the elves? We need you!

    With the stuff I have to write for Creative Writing class and other miscellaneous endeavors and my time-table, I just can't cut enough to help the Elves at the moment, perhaps closer to the Summer I can.



    Adunia: Thoughts?



    Also, what's the best way to hold together a community/playerbase, when OOC bickering and feuding starts to heavily impact IC actions, from your personal experience?

    I can't even determine if it is simply floating on 'all talk no walk' or if there is a cohesive group of Adunians.


    One of the mysteries of the world, I cannot truly understand, except to just urge players to try to be more reasonable with each other.



    When will you make an Orc? :D


    and do you play DayZ?

    I have told Mogroka this quite a few times, but I am just not interested in roleplaying as an Orc mate :(


    I have DayZ on Steam, I played it for a bit like a few months ago, I can get back into it when my semester is over :lol: Why, do you play it? If so, do you play Chernarus maps? I always have three servers that I run to Electro in and camp for supplies. I remember one of the servers I played in was packed and Electro was getting ganked, I ended up killing three folks in a row with my M6A2 [i think that is the name, it is an assault rifle]. I went to go grab one of their sniper-like guns M14 AIM, sniped someone no scope because they scared the piss out of me and then I got ran over :lol:

  5. If I remember correct you are of Muslim believe.


    When did you first pick it up, what made you decide to be Muslim and when do you intend to do the Hajj (assuming you haven't done yet)?

    Of all questions on the internet, this surprised me the most, but I will answer candidly ;)


    I picked up Islam during the beginning of my High School years. To clarify, no one 'pushed it on me', I simply have a family that is of various beliefs, ideologies, philosophies, etc. I reckon reading about scientific content in the Quran made me think, this is not a 'religion' in the lambasted sense. I don't even identify with Sunni, Shi'a [i understand them though], so I have found it to be a good philosophy that I adhere to. I don't go much further as I recognise that people feel uneasy about discussing religion and I do not want to sound like a 'proselytizing' figure. Not my place, not my business to obstruct on others their foundation of thinking. Although I do ask a few who know me better if they are surprised that I try to keep myself composed intelligently and find out this interesting fact about me ;)


    Hajj would be lovely to go to, I plan to do so a couple years after I hopefully gain Professorship. Not only to Makkah and Medina, but I would love to go to Yemen to inspect the old Sabaean ruins, to go to the Levant, be enjoyable for me.


    PS: I remember when SuperSodaPops was made fun of for breaking off a video game relationship and I helped him out a bit, I wonder if he knew I was Muslim :3

  6. Is pimpin' easy?

    Not when I'm around





    Have you ever gone down with the ship? :wink:





    Shift, I've always been walking spanish ;)




    Do you have a meme for every situation? Is it possible to have a number of 10-20 peoplein the five ships which were likewise searching for a better future tag along with the families? To the 3.0 map? Tell me if you want me to pm you about this.

    I try to, but probably not :3


    It is possible to have 10-20 people in the five ships, the lore I wrote for that is purposely vague for assumptions to be made, so long as they are cleared by me ;)



    Where do you get your massive supply of GIFs?

    The Federal Reserve



    When it comes down to the differing war systems of Aegis and Asulon (Aegis war system of attacking the enemy city at any given time, and the Asulon system of War Claims with mandatory written RP), which do you think was better/more enjoyable?


    That said, do you believe raider groups like the Flays were/are create good RP, or detract from it?

    Most of the warfare in Aegis was done with extensive RP reasoning, it was just that the players in that time who conducted conflict roleplay were intelligent enough to not be told to do so. I think the Aegis system was appropriate, because we had a mutual understanding that those who didn't particularly like [thus ICly never put themselves out and puffed their chests out] conflict roleplay made it obvious In-Character rather than sound pseudo-intellectual OOCly and thus we kept away from them. Prime example? Elves. The Orcs were respected as brutes and thus even the Elves swallowed the desire to insult the Orc RPers OOCly by simply complying time and time with tributes. There were instances where, such as the Nical Empire, younger players had to get a spanking for trying to puff out their chests amongst the 'big guys' [Dwarves, Teutons, Orcs, Oren to some extent]. Asulon's warfare didn't bear semblance of the need to be intelligent, just that you had to write out on paper 'Im coming to kick your ass' to whom they wished and hid behind the idea 'They are just trying to avoid losing'. Aegis Warfare was much proper and intelligent.


    The Flays are an interesting group, I believe honestly that Coaster went damn well to provide an antagonist to collectively despise. That being said, with the influx of players on one side bitching about their aggressiveness and the attraction of trolls who felt the need to go 'Joker' on LotC; his great idea collapsed. It is the players that need to fix their attitudes for his idea to work. I would have loved to have, when I was Hochmeister, a bandit group to rally against. When I gained Hanseti and ruled it for the period before I killed off Gaius, I was so tempted to go OOC and just try to get someone to make a bandit group; never panned out.



    Do you like Doctor Who?

    Disgraceful to say, Linkin Park's old music videos have better graphics than the Daleks and Cybermen. Doctor Who < Mighty Boosh.

  7. What nations/races do you feel provides exceptional RP? Which nations/races do you think needs work, and how would you improve them?


    Did you enjoy the skill plugin made by Vaq? What's your stance on plugins in attempts to improve RP such as PvP, economy, and skill plugins?


    How do you feel about the PvP vs RP fighting debate which seems to take up many threads?


    In what ways would you tell the community to improve themselves in order to make 3.0 the best map LotC has witnessed so far?


    If you were in charge of LotC, what would be your order of business/game plan to fix things up?


    1. That is subjective to be blunt, it depends on the personality and factors that most attract an individual to gauge that. For example, I could easily find Oren for all it's girth to be an unattractive roleplay region simply because I attract more towards more individualized and zany characters that are typically ostracized, put to death, and declared ex-pats in that nation.


    2. Vaq's plugin was done with the right intention, but simply butted heads with players who either had so much time to possess more than one character or those who could either in a power-game sense or even in a sensible way possess enough skill that the plugin wasn't willing to match for said players. What it did was attempt to close a lid on the chaotic combat roleplay elements, which I believe stems from the increasing playerbase's ill knowledge about the 'traps of combat roleplay'. Not many really understood the rigors of combat roleplay, thus it turned into a sloppy 'King of the Hill' in Asulon, whereas in Aegis, we had people such as Mogroka, Luchian, Enor [although Mogroka and I had to spend extra time making sure he wasn't ******* up too much :lol:] and sparse others that could conduct combat roleplay in an intelligent manner. Even then, we had more intelligent and level-headed people that could even take the OOC heat and calm the scene. Mogroka, he is just flat ass tired, it took alot of patience surprisingly to keep Aegis in some 'limelight of awesomeness'; truth be told it was not. I think for the time being, we should allow the Dev Team to experiment with minute plugins that are specific for things, such as the proffered 'Horse dispenser' type plugin rather than all-encompassing ones. Test the water by dipping your toes in rather than diving headfirst :lol:


    3. The way I feel about it is, if the person requests in a one-vs.-one environment to roleplay fight, oblige. That being said, when you purposely have a violent group, PvP should be utilized to give the grand effect of 'these people are here to spill blood'. That being said, you should still have one person emoting and roleplaying the general maneuvers of said group. For the Teutonic Order, I was that person giving the orders and giving general emotes motioning what we were doing. Likewise, if the people weren't 'whiney', we would give even more emotes to our combat, but yes we did rely on PvP. What people seem to omit out of the 'If you want PvP, then this makes this a PvP server' is that firstly, PvP servers typically have no lore, no cohesion, and no artificial governing in the figurative sense; likewise no storyline. When using PvP in an RP server, you are still playing the role, but of a soldier that lets the reflexes do the talking. In fiction, you are easily allowed to have the reader 'in this case the person being attacked', to work his own narrative in of what you are doing. Read Chuck Polahniak, read Twelve Blue, many stories do that in which it is the responsibility of the reader to narrate the story to themselves. That being said, the violent group cannot '*****' when the victim describes the attack ICly in a way he doesn't like. When you commit to PvP, it is they who are put through the rigors of describing the narrative.


    4. Shut the **** Up, use your head, do not get into a wolfpack mentality against staff. Come locked and loaded with evidence and use some reasoning. Become cohesive, recognise the real-life situations of certain players, be kinder to those who don't have as much time on their hands to play LotC, do not strive to make some 'noteworthy' contribution. LotC is not the place to 'compliment' your failures in-real-life, so do not take this video game so seriously, just respect the rules and respect your fellow players. I know this sounds simple and I'll probably be called elitist, but don't bullshit yourselves, follow them.


    5. Oh man, if I was allowed to become Head Admin for atleast a month. I would cut off most of the staff, I would organise the staff around times that they are most able to be on LotC so as to not obstruct on their real-life priorities. I would revamp the Lore entirely. I got mad ideas, send me a PM if your genuinely wanting to ask this question ;)



    What is the best way to develop a group in role-play?

    Manage your time, know who you are recruiting to ensure your not collecting chaotic folks. Create Lore that allows your members to contribute to it and give them the laurels of recognition via Lore. Nothing like etching a man's name in stone for all to see, do not just rely on silly titles, give them worth in writing. Organise the group to complement the fact that not everyone in the group can be on LotC 24/7, that is very tricky, but satisfyingly awesome if you get it worked out. Ensure you all are on best behavior, do not recruit those who want to attack any and everything, even I ran into that situation with people like Burkester ;). Keep the Lore-writing up-to-date, gives people a sense that they are in a solid group that is going to be big business. If you can't afford as much time to LotC, do not make a centralized authority. If you can afford time, **** it and become sole King :lol:

     - Assentuate the best qualities of who is within your group, the builders should be organised to build an appropriate place for your group, whether merchantile or militaristic.


    Keep the Questions Rolling, I can expand further possibly!

  8. What keeps you on the LotC forums? What brings you to continue to play in LotC despite claiming to leave many times?

    Just being cordial with folks, I did the 'many claims' just to jest with folks. Many who have kept close contacts know that I bullshit the 'Leaving Posts' albeit they number few to your exaggeration ;)


    What keeps me on the LotC Forums? I log in, joke with folks, talk some, and head off. Didn't know that question would be asked ;)

  9. What do you think of coming back, restarting the Jahvid kotan with the other guys and bring them back as the Saracens and have a massive holy war with Oren?

    I have said this time and again, I simply do not have the time to dedicate to a leadership position. Especially on the scale of facing yet the most populated 'entity' in Lord of the Craft. If you are of the party that says I am 'wuss', then I say this, come meet me IRL and talk dat ****. ;) I am just too busy with IRL priorities and I am wise enough to not sink my time to something I simply cannot given the constraints.



    Are the Subudai still around, Or have they fallen apart without you?

    The Subudai are still 'playable' in the sense that when Sauros Alanbataar died, it wasn't like the entire Subudai committed senpuku. That being said, I am not informed if there is still a large group and I presume they've 'merged' with the different existing factions.



    Do you love me?

    Mercy supersedes Anger comrade Monkeycoffee



    will 3.0 be as amazing as Aegis?

    If the players can put their heads together and make a cohesive effort, I do believe so. Nostalgia blocks the intellect though, so don't even commit to 'making it as amazing as Aegis', if anything; make it better than Asulon :3



    For minecraft warfare/strategy, what are some tips? Besides numbers

    Pay in mind that most of the Teutonic Order's combat in Aegis made them face foes that outnumbered the order, which actually paved our legend even more solidly. I will give you some tips.


    1. /sneak is your friend, so long as you hold a position that can firmly 'camouflage' your position, effective especially in ambushes.

    2. DO NOT GIVE CHASE if you know that within fifteen seconds, you cannot catch the person. Most oft-used and typically effective way to lead people into ambushes.

    3. Do not get adrenaline rushed, this worsens your chance to escape sticky situations and can lead you into 'No-RP kill situations'. To remedy this, have the one who is the calmest in combat RP situations do the emotes for your army. This is legal as far as I have seen. Of course, if it is 2 versus how ever many, each of the two should emote.

    4. Really think out combat roleplay, try to institute testudos, try to institute battering rams, try to institute artillery.

    5. Higher ground baby, if your going for archery, the higher; the better.

    6. Try to outsmart your opponents, I can't tell you how many ways into Al'Khazaar I found when I was RPing as Hochmeister invading the capital. Surprise the opponent and if they use Teamspeak; it gets funner when you throw them into chaos on Teamspeak and they have difficulty adjusting to the new variable in the combat roleplay.



    Red, Ethan, Lyra, Brendan, May, Lucas, Dawn, Hilbert, Hilda, Nate or Rosa?

    I think Lucas or Ethan sounds best, Ethan by a minute point.

  10. Tell me truthfully what happened to the axe that was used in the nether event back in Aegis.

    I will tell you this and I hope it is succinct. I was not at the Nether Event, having killed off 'Gaius Marius' a bit before it began. From what I know, it was Goldrim who had the axe and the decision to dispose of it. I can theorize, knowing Goldrim to be a 'disgruntled' sort with the staff, the state of LotC, that he may have thrown it in the 'wrong pit' to ruin the intention of 'getting rid of the Undead'. However, this is speculation and I am not a primary source for your information concerning the Nether Event. I didn't particularly like the Nether Event to be frank.



    Gaius my dear friend, what can you tell me about cuttlefish.

    They are mollusks.



    Can you confirm the rumour that you actually leaving the server for good is a sign of the apocalypse?

    Another frank moment, I do not like when people make those sort of comparisons or try to assert that I am a 'deity' of some sort. Respect is Respect, but going that far is obsession mayhaps.



    What do you think of Rome: Total War?

    Rome: Total War has a lot of inconsistencies and I urge people who are genuinely interested in history, do not rely on video games to gain your information. That being said, Europa Barbarorum is one of the most researched and accurate mods for Rome: Total War and even that game tells you in it's ToS to read more history books.








    What.  Is the single most best thing in all of existence.  ((Any relationship we have is entirely dependant on your answer.))




    What dp ypu think of cereal?






    Are you still going to be role-playing, or are you going to be one of those players that just hang around on the forums? I liked your RP..

    Due to college, I might not be back in to roleplay until Summer mate. I might reconsider possibly.

  11. Do you like potatoes? 

    Damn right I do, my personal favorite dinner to cook myself is Swai [a type of fish] and fried [in coconut oil] potatoe slices. Second Breakfast :3



    What do you think about... Cookies?

    Macadamian Nuts be poppin' dawg. Chocolate Chips must be baked lightly, I hate hardened Choc-Chip cookies. Fortune Cookies are worst than looking into a crystal ball :3



    Historical question, can you tell me anything about the Sea People? It was mentioned on the History Channel.

    The Sea People are said to be ones who first conflicted with various ancient civilizations around the Levant and Aegyptus region if I am correct. The Egyptians managed to conserve their civilizations, but they seemed to have drove the Phoenicians into failure and I believe accrued quite alot of damage against the Hittites. I have also, just for curiosity, had delved into different conspiracy theories saying that the Sea People were possibly the literal meaning to the 'allegorical flood' of Noah's time, as well as I've heard them tied with Atlantis and/or other Annunaki-like legends :3



    When Gaius Marius was given the Kingdom of Oren by Enor way back in the day, did it annoy you that the Pheonix Rebellion still happened? Even so, do you think it was ever possible for Gaius to rule Oren without insurrection?

    I bit my tongue, I will be the most frank on this issue. Enor wasn't the only one that wanted me to 'rule' over Oren. I know of a few particular high-position staff that thought it might be best if I wrangled in Oren and tried to write better Lore on Oren's behalf. Did it annoy me? Not at all, I will admit to being absolutely stunned that perhaps they were being a bit illogical for the sake of 'them gaining a nation' as at the time, the Undead were practically beating the **** out of Oren. RPly, I knew that they wanted a better military and so I found it a bit illogical that they ditched my honest leadership proposition of trying to fight back the Undead for them. That being said, I did besiege their capital successfully five times, so I don't think I could rule without insurrection, so I opted to let them have their own Western-Half of the Human-lands to ease any stress on my part.



    Does this robe make my a** look big?





    Is the name "Gaius Marius" pulled from Ancient Roman history?

    Ever since I was in Middle School, I used Gaius Marius for any emails and other online 'forms'. In essence, yes.



    What is your favourite animal of all time?



    I kid, I think it has to be a Beaver or a Cougar [Giggity]

  12. I believe it must be one of the two of them. I would love for Vaquxine to explain his intellectual property rights however, I have rescinded some lore that I wrote for LotC so that I can perhaps get it published in the future if my writing attempts prove fruitful with my University.

  13. Kinda hard to avoid when people like to find the tiniest loophole in order to start/join battles they know they'll win. This isn't actually directed at the dwarves, so much as the general population who seem to simply hop into battles that they would gain nothing from RPly. I wish that there was more cost to mobilizing an entire army, that way it would not be as easy as "Oh, so and so is going to battle, we better join up".

    I suppose what I'm trying to say is that when running a nation being "pissed off" at another nation should not be reason enough to go to war. I'm sure the US has been pissed off at other countries a fair number of times, but we don't go declaring war willy-nilly. And we don't go hopping into the fights of other nations all the time either, it simply makes no sense.


    You picked a horrible example Mingpow :lol:

  14. The wandering was persistent, but lo, of all the features of the land to be erected Elfish grounds; never had Ruthil expected to venture nearest to a volcano. The tragedy was sung by the din of imagined stonemasons, the elven residences sat upon what would be expected of Dwarven men. His imagination went so far as to expect the stout engravers chiseling into the ducts and vents of the volcano, but reality blew the strands of Void-like imagination to reveal what stood under the strands; Malinor in disheveled fashion. Being led there by a similar elf, yet more appropriately, Ruthil had trailed the unknown acquaintance who had faster strides as being on horseback was. The township, fledgling by the looks of it, smote by volcanic ashes from the appearance of it; drew the most astonished gasps. Even to Ruthil whose gasp was drawn, he could not figure if it was the disappointing state in which his kind dwelled in or if the volcanic ashes were grasping his throat with it's warm crispness.


    With the more intentional flickering of his eyelids, trying to shield his eyes from the airy residue of volcanic ash, he eyes once more another posting nearby and intrigues himself with it.



    Choice 1:

    Choice 2 (if applicable):

    Choice 3 (if applicable):

    ((MC name)):

    (RP) Name:




    Do you have a family, if so how many members will be residing with you:

    ((Please state your time zone)):

    ((Please state your average playing time)): 

    ((Please state why we can trust you with this job)):

    ((Do you use skype?)):

    ((How long have you been on the server?)):

    ((Why, as a payer, do you wish to join the lower council?)):

    What nation do you reside in, if any:

    Do you hold any allegiances to other nations and or organizations/guilds? If so state them, and their nature:

    Do you have any work experience, if so where and what:

    Do you have a criminal record, if so state your offenses:

    Why do you feel you are suited for Job Choice 1:

    If applicable, why do you feel you are suitable for Job Choice 2:

    If applicable, why do you feel you are suitable for Job Choice 3:

    State any comment that you think may aid you in this application here:



    Upon observing it, he slips away from the post to apprehend needed supplies to answer the call for assistance.

  15. The stride-bearing branches would cackle, yet hold under elfen weight, Ruthil would bolt amongst the trees atop branches lancing left and right like pikemen in battle. His hair was free to flow, yet kept ever still behind his head with each dip and lift from the different elevations of the branches, his eyes would scan to and fro. The prickling of his neck caused him to slow his strides, his goldenrod hair entangling around his ears and tape across the nape of his neck, his arrow-feathers were sliding so far upward and loose that he felt to slow down and ensure no lost from quiver. With a bend of his knee and a groping of the branch below his feet, he loosens the weight atop his feet and lets them slide from out under the branch and silently drops down from his perch with a soft thud on foliaged ground. A gnarled post, purposely shaved to provide a flat face upon one side, holds taunt a many-lettered paper of unknown make; like a foreign dignitary presenting a scroll. Nearing the gnarled post with bated breathe, his eyes scan over the fine lettering; conjuring him to release held breathe in a drawn-out, yet silent sigh.



    This document shall serve to publicly outline the peaceful agreement between the Princedom of Malinor and the Holy Oren Empire.


    1)  All public documents shall be correct in information and beneficial to amiable relations between the Princedom of Malinor and the Holy Oren Empire.


    2) The Militaric forces of the Princedom of Malinor shall remain solely for defensive purposes. The militaric forces of the Holy Oren Empire shall make no aggressive actions towards the Holy Prince of Malinor, or the law abiding citizens within.


    3)  Any criminals seeking refuge in either the Princedom of Malinor or the Holy Oren Empire shall be deported to the location their crime was committed, within either the Holy Oren Empire or the Princedom of Malinor.


    4) Any citizen of either nation plotting to, or found to be performing terrorist, or seditious acts against either nation will be seen as a traitor, and dealt with accordingly.


    Any citizen still with questions, concerns or whom is merely seeking advice may feel free to contact any of the High Council relating such topics.



    - High Prince Kolyat Alfakyn



    Eyeing his surroundings and noticing a few elfish structures interspersed, being assumed as Malinorian grounds; he looks back to the post and says innocuously,


    "Unfortunate is this, to have the ancestors' children press each other with demands when there was once love. These actions should have already been assumed, but as I read it, I cannot help, but think something antagonistic has rendered itself Ibleesian between Man and Elf. I must investigate this further, for it would be shameful that the prolific men with their varience of culture as great as the great many children they have would treat us as lesser if such was the case."

  16. Draping over his midriff was a winding token pinned against a metallic necklace, his hands cupping it as he observes it once more. A trinket of bare rememberance it solely served, the intricacy held no special mention in his thoughts as he dwelled upon the fallacy of the elven generations. People have been suffice with the disgruntling mention of Malin, but nothing else, as if the Elves were a sliver of flesh still trying to hang upon a single thread of skin onto the larger body of existential meaning. With his foot perched upon a fallen log somewhere in the forest, he laid the pendant against bent knee and with forefinger and thumb, dug the pendant angrily into the tensed ligament of his bent knee as he felt a way through his mind and his frustration for his people. As if reflection was possible within the soul, he felt himself calming with identical voice as his corporeal self,


    "Ruthil so ruthless in your cloudy mind, trouble yourself not over the trevails of your people, for they flagellate themselves in their grappling situation; do not inflict same pitiful curses whilst in dwelling thought".


    Sliding his foot numbly off the fallen log, he takes up his bow, looking for kith and kin. Surely they will be easy to find, having to bear the scars that their ignorance inflicted upon them...



    [i would like to state that I am not joining in-game with the Elves until I have a better feel for my college classes and I know which days I can log in. Thus, I won't be able to be as active as maybe needed. I do intend to join the Elves and try to assist Volutional in heightening the culture and the activity of Elfish roleplayers. So far, I will be with the Elves in writing vis-a-vis the forums. Anyone can engage in forum roleplay with me if they wish.]

  17. [Wait, so Oren gets complaints for copying Game of Thrones and I got clowned for using the word Teutonic Order; way to steal copyrighted ideas such as Second Age :3. I kid, in all seriousness Volutional, all the more power to you if you truly go through with trying to revive the Elves into something much more deeper enshrined than the basics that have been copiously regurgitated. Good pick of the music by the way. Let me throw some IC into this post and perhaps throw an idea out there as a sign of goodwill :3]

    "Only High Elves had such an idea of preservation and we stand scattered like nomads upon even more scattered grains of sand", the wood elf looks outwardly as if too ashamed to see the inflection of his soulful mirror, the corporeal self stood unable to speak further upon his mirrored thoughts of despair. "In the guts of mountains have they preserved their past, the whispers of the procreating man passes down kinship tales, the Orkish tribes have their dead foes to hold memories with skulls filled of blood and memory; mayhaps it is for the best that we have a clean slate to start our own again", the desperate state of his camaraderie has never looked starker.

  18. Upon this new land lies, the boy grown older, his face obscured by the facial hair lengthening with the passage of time. He cringes as his senses return to him, allowing his eyelids to feel penetrated by the looming sun as he forcibly lifts his aching arms to block the sunlight, his arms fidgeting as sense returns to them as well and feel the heated sands beneath him. The man takes a faltering gulp of air as his lips, lined with flaky mucus pain him upon opening his mouth as a reaction to awakening, his body feels seeped of all water. The irises of his eyes dart to and fro the horizon as best as he can see it as the blood rushes to greet his sensation, his whole body feeling like a supped cadaver, his muscles weakly throbbing as he tries to lift himself upwards; his left arm still held over his head lazily to provide shade to his eyes.

    Eyes upon shore first and foremost, he lurches forwards into a pitiful crawl towards the lapping tide over the sandy shore. Keeping his eyes downward to avoid contact with the glaring sun overhead, he eventually reaches the shore and with voracity; claws at the tide with cupped hands to draw water up to parched lips. After a half hour of restoring his fluids, leaving his lips feeling fuller and cleansed and his gut half-heartedly satisfied, he decides to climb the sabulous mountain to inspect a few pockets indenting the very mountain...

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