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Posts posted by Marthok_the_Wiggle

  1. Out-Of-CharacterInformation

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - marthok

    How old are you?: - 16

    What time-zone do you live in?:  Eastern

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -  Yes I
    have owned two role play servers and have played several roleplaying games such
    as morrowind, oblivion and dragon age.

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - I have owned two but I have never been on one that I have not owned.

    How did you hear about us?: - my friend told me this server

    was really fun and wanted me to play with him so I decided to join 

    What do you think theserver will be like? -  After reading the lore I feel like the server will be fun with
    lots of people and some good roleplaying experiences 

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - I have read and agree with all of the rules.


    what's your favourite rule/  the rule you agree with most: - my favorite rules are the rules exempting the use of power and metagaming from what I understand these rules prevent the use of superhuman powers and exterior knowledge by players as this would probably make roleplaying much less fun 




    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is the assumption of a character with different traits than yourself enabling you to assume the life, roles and personality of an entirely different being.


    What’s metagaming?: - The use of out of character knowledge by a players character. Exl: being told in ooc where a character's secret loot stash is located and then having your character find it without the use of any in game knowledge.


    What’s powergaming?: - The obstruction of roleplay via not allowing other players a chance to react to your role this is done by declaring that the actions of your character are immediately succesful without giving other players a chance to respond. Example : Timmy the powergamer is being pursued by a squadron of Sariant knights after having deserted the order, once the pursuers have caught up to him and pinned him on the ground the roleplay would progress something like this.


    Timmy: *breaks bonds and punches a Sariant in the face sending him sprawling.

    Sariant2: *attempts to tackle Timmy

    Timmy: *Kicks Sariant in the face sending him flying over the first prone Sariant.

    Sariant3: *draws sword and stabs at Timmy

    Timmy: *Nimbly dodges sword and runs off.

    In-Character Information


    What’s your character called?: - Oran Armahnk

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Oran is a Dwarf of the Mountain Dwarf subrace.

    What sex are they?: - Oran is male

    How old are they?: - 23

    Give us a brief description of their life - Oran was raised on one of the many farming hamlets that pepper the Country side of The Holy Oren Empire. Having been abandoned by his impoverished dwarven parents as an infant he was found by the steward of a local lordling while out fetching some carrots from the local market. He was raised too childhood in the servants quarters rarely speaking to anyone but the servants or leaving the servant quarters. Around his eigth birthday he was called into "The masters" chambers. Oran was told that he had come of age to begin working to pay his way, after a short exchange The Master called his steward and had Oran beaten savagely to keep him in his place as he was a disgusting dwafling that was not worthy of the air he breathed.


               The next day Oran was put to work at The Masters forge learning the ins and outs of the trade from some books from the Masters library. On his sixteenth birthday having had enough Oran gathered his sparse belongings to himself in the dark of night and set out to find the place of his birth and make a name for himself among the dwarves.


              Having traveled for many years doing small jobs as a blacksmith to pay for his food and shelter Oran finally arrived at the gates of the great dwarven kingdom Kal, Azgoth.


    What are they like (personality)?: - A boisterous energetic young dwarf with a love of ale. Oran is bossy and this often leads to trouble with those of greater authority. He has also developed a fiery burning hatred for humans due to his incarceration and treatment by them during his childhood

    What are their ambitions?: - Oran wishes to rise in power and might. He dreams of becoming a great blacksmith that crafts the finest arms and armor in all of Anthos. He also hopes to one day discover his origin clan and perhaps even find his parents. However for now all Oran wishes to do is settle himself among the ranks of the Dwarven Kin

    Do they have any special skills?: - Having been raised as a blacksmith albeit learning his skills through various books and manuals as well as through trial and error Oran Has developed some skill as a blacksmith and seeks to further himself under the tutelage of the great dwarven smiths. He is also skilled at wielding his trusty mallet in self defence.

    What are their weaknesses?: - Pretty dwarves, ale and an abiding hatred of humans.


    what do they look like?: - Oran Dyed his hair and beard white in order to evade the notice of his previous captors he also wears an eye patch to further this disguise. He wears a leather jerkin with a few iron plates and some bronze chasing. His beard is Braided in two long tendrils over a general beard.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - He is a relative of Thoromir Armahnk.

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dwarf-leader-485/

  2. Out-Of-Character


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - marthok


    How old are you?: - 16


    What time-zone do you
    live in?:  Eastern - 


    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -  yes I
    have owned two role play servers and have played several roleplaying games such
    as morrowind, oblivion and dragon age.


    Have you been on any
    other roleplaying servers?: - 
    I have owned two but I have never been on one that I have not


    How did you hear about us?: - my friend told me this server
    was really fun and wanted me to play with him so I decided to join 


    What do you think the
    server will be like? -  
    After reading the lore I feel like the server will be fun with
    lots of people and some good roleplaying experiences 




    Have you read and
    agreed to the rules?: - 
    I have read and agree with all of the rules.




    What’s your favourite
    rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - 
    my favorite rules are the rules exempting the
    use of power and metagaming from what I understand these rules prevent the use
    of superhuman powers and exterior knowledge by players as this would probably
    make roleplaying much less fun 



    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is the assumption of a
    character with different traits than yourself enabling you to assume the life,
    roles and personality of an entirely different being.


    What’s metagaming?: - The use of out of character knowledge by
    a players character. Exl: being told in ooc where a character's secret loot
    stash is located and then having your character find it without the use of any in
    game knowledge.


    What’s powergaming?: - The use of superhuman powers by
    your character / forcing roleplay ie: player grabbed two horses and threw them
    at some guards while flying. It is also the action of blocking other players
    roleplay ie breaking out of handcuffs or beating several guards that are
    holding you pinned to the ground.


    In-Character Information

    What’s your character called?: - Oran Armahnk


    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Oran is a Human of the
    Northerner subrace.


    What sex are they?: - Oran is male


    How old are they?: - 23


    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood,
    family: - Oran was born in the farming village of Ager but was forced to
    leave after a mysterious fog seeping down from Hanseti killed his kin and drove
    him off of the farm he moved to Arethor to seek is fortune


    What are they like (personality)?: - A boisterous energetic
    young man with a love of ale. Oran is bossy and this often leads to trouble
    with those of greater authority.


    What are their ambitions?: - Oran wishes to rise in power and
    might. He dreams of becoming a great hero that vanquishes evil and slays those
    who shun the light. However the realist in him knows that his dreams will never
    become reality and so he sticks to his humble roots trying to establish himself
    as a farmer even though he has no land witch to farm.


    Do they have any special skills?: - Having been raised in
    farming he is adept at tending crops, animals in his spare time he hung out at
    the local blacksmith and was often allowed to play with the blacksmith hammers.
    He spent countless hours crafting little things like nails and horse shoes as
    well as pretending to be a great mighty hero in the back fields.


    What are their weaknesses?: - Pretty girls and ale, He also
    has a love of a good fight which may or may not be considered a strength or a


    What do they look like?: - Oran wears goggles on his brow he
    tends to put them over his eyes when he is about to fight. Tallish standing at
    193 cm tall (6,2) he has dark hair and green eyes he has a farm tool strapped
    to his back and wears a leather jerkin with some woolen pants. Is muscular from
    working the fields with heavily callused hands.


    Anything else you want to say about them?: - He is a relative of
    Thoromir Armahnk.


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/blacksmith-1941649/

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